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2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
package net.minecraftforge.cauldron.configuration;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraftforge.cauldron.command.CauldronCommand;
2015-05-31 11:21:26 +00:00
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
public class CauldronConfig extends ConfigBase
private final String HEADER = "This is the main configuration file for Cauldron.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Cauldron,\n"
+ "join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "IRC: #cauldron @ irc.esper.net ( http://webchat.esper.net/?channel=cauldron )\n"
+ "Forums: http://cauldron.minecraftforge.net/\n";
/* ======================================================================== */
// Logging options
public final BoolSetting dumpMaterials = new BoolSetting(this, "settings.dump-materials", false, "Dumps all materials with their corresponding id's");
public final BoolSetting disableWarnings = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.disabled-warnings", false, "Disable warning messages to server admins");
public final BoolSetting worldLeakDebug = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.world-leak-debug", false, "Log worlds that appear to be leaking (buggy)");
public final BoolSetting connectionLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.connection", false, "Log connections");
public final BoolSetting tickIntervalLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.tick-intervals", false, "Log when skip interval handlers are ticked");
public final BoolSetting chunkLoadLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.chunk-load", false, "Log when chunks are loaded (dev)");
public final BoolSetting chunkUnloadLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.chunk-unload", false, "Log when chunks are unloaded (dev)");
public final BoolSetting entitySpawnLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.entity-spawn", false, "Log when living entities are spawned (dev)");
public final BoolSetting entityDespawnLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.entity-despawn", false, "Log when living entities are despawned (dev)");
public final BoolSetting entityDeathLogging = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.entity-death", false, "Log when an entity is destroyed (dev)");
public final BoolSetting logWithStackTraces = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.detailed-logging", false, "Add stack traces to dev logging");
public final BoolSetting dumpChunksOnDeadlock = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.dump-chunks-on-deadlock", false, "Dump chunks in the event of a deadlock (helps to debug the deadlock)");
public final BoolSetting dumpHeapOnDeadlock = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.dump-heap-on-deadlock", false, "Dump the heap in the event of a deadlock (helps to debug the deadlock)");
public final BoolSetting dumpThreadsOnWarn = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.dump-threads-on-warn", false, "Dump the the server thread on deadlock warning (delps to debug the deadlock)");
public final BoolSetting logEntityCollisionChecks = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.entity-collision-checks", false, "Whether to log entity collision/count checks");
public final BoolSetting logEntitySpeedRemoval = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.entity-speed-removal", false, "Whether to log entity removals due to speed");
public final IntSetting largeCollisionLogSize = new IntSetting(this, "logging.collision-warn-size", 200, "Number of colliding entities in one spot before logging a warning. Set to 0 to disable");
public final IntSetting largeEntityCountLogSize = new IntSetting(this, "logging.entity-count-warn-size", 0, "Number of entities in one dimension logging a warning. Set to 0 to disable");
2015-05-17 13:14:24 +00:00
public final BoolSetting userLogin = new BoolSetting(this, "logging.user-login", false, "Set true to enable debuggin user's login process");
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
// General settings
public final BoolSetting loadChunkOnRequest = new BoolSetting(this, "settings.load-chunk-on-request", true, "Forces Chunk Loading on 'Provide' requests (speedup for mods that don't check if a chunk is loaded");
public final BoolSetting loadChunkOnForgeTick = new BoolSetting(this, "settings.load-chunk-on-forge-tick", false, "Forces Chunk Loading during Forge Server Tick events");
public final BoolSetting checkEntityBoundingBoxes = new BoolSetting(this, "settings.check-entity-bounding-boxes", true, "Removes a living entity that exceeds the max bounding box size.");
public final BoolSetting checkEntityMaxSpeeds = new BoolSetting(this, "settings.check-entity-max-speeds", false, "Removes any entity that exceeds max speed.");
public final IntSetting largeBoundingBoxLogSize = new IntSetting(this, "settings.entity-bounding-box-max-size", 1000, "Max size of an entity's bounding box before removing it (either being too large or bugged and 'moving' too fast)");
public final IntSetting entityMaxSpeed = new IntSetting(this, "settings.entity-max-speed", 100, "Square of the max speed of an entity before removing it");
public final BoolSetting removeErroringBlocks=new BoolSetting(this,"setting.remove-erroring-blocks",true,"Set this to true to remove any Blocks that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.");
2017-07-31 15:31:05 +00:00
public final BoolSetting tickTEOnlyChunkActive=new BoolSetting(this,"setting.tick-tileentity-only-chunk-active",false,"Set this to true,only if the chunk is active, tileentity can be tick.");
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
// Debug settings
public final BoolSetting enableThreadContentionMonitoring = new BoolSetting(this, "debug.thread-contention-monitoring", false, "Set true to enable Java's thread contention monitoring for thread dumps");
// Server options
public final BoolSetting infiniteWaterSource = new BoolSetting(this, "world-settings.default.infinite-water-source", true, "Vanilla water source behavior - is infinite");
public final BoolSetting flowingLavaDecay = new BoolSetting(this, "world-settings.default.flowing-lava-decay", false, "Lava behaves like vanilla water when source block is removed");
public final BoolSetting allowTntPunishment = new BoolSetting(this, "world-settings.default.allow-tnt-punishment", true, "TNT ability to push other entities (including other TNTs)");
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
public final BoolSetting fakePlayerLogin = new BoolSetting(this, "fake-players.do-login", false, "Raise login events for fake players");
public final IntSetting maxPlayersVisible = new IntSetting(this, "world-settings.max-players-visible", -1, "How many players will visible in the tab list");
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
// Plug-in options
public final BoolSetting remapPluginFile = new BoolSetting(this, "plugin-settings.default.remap-plugin-file", false, "Remap the plugin file (dev)");
// Block Monitor
public final BoolSetting modPacketPlace = new BoolSetting(this, "block-monitor.mod-packet-place", true, "monitor block place on mod packet");
public final BoolSetting modPacketInteract = new BoolSetting(this, "block-monitor.mod-packet-interact", false, "monitor block interact on mod packet");
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
/* ======================================================================== */
public CauldronConfig(String fileName, String commandName)
super(fileName, commandName);
public void init()
settings.put(dumpMaterials.path, dumpMaterials);
settings.put(disableWarnings.path, disableWarnings);
settings.put(worldLeakDebug.path, worldLeakDebug);
settings.put(connectionLogging.path, connectionLogging);
settings.put(tickIntervalLogging.path, tickIntervalLogging);
settings.put(chunkLoadLogging.path, chunkLoadLogging);
settings.put(chunkUnloadLogging.path, chunkUnloadLogging);
settings.put(entitySpawnLogging.path, entitySpawnLogging);
settings.put(entityDespawnLogging.path, entityDespawnLogging);
settings.put(entityDeathLogging.path, entityDeathLogging);
settings.put(logWithStackTraces.path, logWithStackTraces);
settings.put(dumpChunksOnDeadlock.path, dumpChunksOnDeadlock);
settings.put(dumpHeapOnDeadlock.path, dumpHeapOnDeadlock);
settings.put(dumpThreadsOnWarn.path, dumpThreadsOnWarn);
settings.put(logEntityCollisionChecks.path, logEntityCollisionChecks);
settings.put(logEntitySpeedRemoval.path, logEntitySpeedRemoval);
settings.put(largeCollisionLogSize.path, largeCollisionLogSize);
settings.put(largeEntityCountLogSize.path, largeEntityCountLogSize);
settings.put(loadChunkOnRequest.path, loadChunkOnRequest);
settings.put(loadChunkOnForgeTick.path, loadChunkOnForgeTick);
settings.put(checkEntityBoundingBoxes.path, checkEntityBoundingBoxes);
settings.put(checkEntityMaxSpeeds.path, checkEntityMaxSpeeds);
settings.put(largeBoundingBoxLogSize.path, largeBoundingBoxLogSize);
settings.put(enableThreadContentionMonitoring.path, enableThreadContentionMonitoring);
settings.put(infiniteWaterSource.path, infiniteWaterSource);
settings.put(flowingLavaDecay.path, flowingLavaDecay);
settings.put(fakePlayerLogin.path, fakePlayerLogin);
settings.put(remapPluginFile.path, remapPluginFile);
2015-05-17 13:14:24 +00:00
settings.put(userLogin.path, userLogin);
settings.put(allowTntPunishment.path, allowTntPunishment);
2015-05-31 11:51:38 +00:00
settings.put(maxPlayersVisible.path, maxPlayersVisible);
2017-07-31 15:31:05 +00:00
2015-03-22 17:38:04 +00:00
public void addCommands()
commands.put(this.commandName, new CauldronCommand());
public void load()
config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
String header = HEADER + "\n";
for (Setting toggle : settings.values())
if (!toggle.description.equals(""))
header += "Setting: " + toggle.path + " Default: " + toggle.def + " # " + toggle.description + "\n";
config.addDefault(toggle.path, toggle.def);
version = getInt("config-version", 1);
set("config-version", 1);
catch (Exception ex)
MinecraftServer.getServer().logSevere("Could not load " + this.configFile);