2015-02-18 16:52:14 +01:00

153 lines
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# tmux-resurrect-auto
- continuous saving of tmux environment
- automatic tmux start when computer/server is on
- automatic restore when tmux is started
These features enable uninterrupted tmux usage. No matter the computer or server
restarts, if the machine is on, tmux will be there how you left it off the last
time it was used.
#### Continuous saving
Tmux environment will be saved at the interval of 15 minutes. All the saving
happens in the background without the impact to your workflow.
This action starts automatically when the plugin is installed.
#### Automatic tmux start
Tmux is automatically started after the computer/server is turned on.
See the [instructions](scripts/handle_tmux_automatic_start/ how to
enable this for your system.
#### Automatic restore
Last saved environment is automatically restored when tmux is started.
Put `set -g @resurrect-auto-restore 'on'` in `tmux.conf` to enable this.
Note: automatic restore happens **exclusively** on tmux server start. No other
action (e.g. sourcing `tmux.conf`) triggers this.
#### Dependencies
`tmux 1.9` or higher, `bash`,
[tmux-resurrect]( plugin.
### Installation with [Tmux Plugin Manager]( (recommended)
Please make sure you have the latest version of
[tmux-resurrect]( installed (as
of Feb 2015).
Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in `.tmux.conf`:
set -g @tpm_plugins ' \
tmux-plugins/tpm \
tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect \
tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect-auto \
Hit `prefix + I` to fetch the plugin and source it. The plugin will
automatically start "working" in the background, no action required.
### Manual Installation
Please make sure you have the latest version of
[tmux-resurrect]( installed (as
of Feb 2015).
Clone the repo:
$ git clone ~/clone/path
Add this line to the bottom of `.tmux.conf`:
run-shell ~/clone/path/resurrect_auto.tmux
Reload TMUX environment:
# type this in terminal
$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
The plugin will automatically start "working" in the background, no action
### FAQ
> Will a previous save be overwritten immediately after I start tmux?
No, first automatic save starts 15 minutes after tmux is started. If automatic
restore is not enabled, that gives you enough time to manually restore from a
previous save.
> I want to make a restore to a previous point in time, but it seems that save
is now overwritten?
None of the previous saves are deleted (unless you explicitly do that). All save
files are kept in `~/.tmux/resurrect/` directory.<br/>
Here are the steps to restore to a previous point in time:
- make sure you start this with a "fresh" tmux instance
- `$ cd ~/.tmux/resurrect/`
- locate the save file you'd like to use for restore (file names have a timestamp)
- symlink the `last` file to the desired save file: `$ ln -sf <file_name> last`
- do a restore with `tmux-resurrect` binding: `prefix + Ctrl-r`
You should now be restored to the time when `<file_name>` save happened.
> Will this plugin fill my hard disk?
Most likely no. A regular save file is in the range of 5Kb. That said, it
would be good to clean out old save files from `~/.tmux/resurrect/` dir from
time to time.
> How do I change the save interval to i.e. 1 hour?
The interval is always measured in minutes. So setting the interval to `60`
(minutes) will do the trick. Put this in `.tmux.conf`:
set -g @resurrect-auto-save-interval '60'
and then source `tmux.conf` by executing this command in the shell
`tmux source ~/.tmux.conf`.
> How do I stop automatic saving?
Just set the save interval to `0`. Put this in `.tmux.conf`
set -g @resurrect-auto-save-interval '0'
and then source `tmux.conf` by executing this command in the shell
`tmux source ~/.tmux.conf`.
> I had automatic restore turned on, how do I disable it now?
Just remove `set -g @resurrect-auto-restore 'on'` from `tmux.conf`.
To be absolutely sure automatic restore doesn't happen, create a
`tmux_no_auto_restore` file in your home directory (command:
`touch ~/tmux_no_auto_restore`). Automatic restore won't happen if this file
### Other goodies
- [tmux-copycat]( - a plugin for
regex searches in tmux and fast match selection
- [tmux-yank]( - enables copying
highlighted text to system clipboard
- [tmux-open]( - a plugin for quickly
opening highlighted file or a url
### Reporting bugs and contributing
Both contributing and bug reports are welcome. Please check out
[contributing guidelines](
### License