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Description of constants:
"AUTO_COORECT_TIME": 1, //a sign the auto correction time according to network time Tera - must be activated
"DELTA_CURRENT_TIME": 12345, //time deviation relative to Tera network (set automatically if auto-correction is enabled)
"COMMON_KEY": "TRUST-CLUSTER", //the total key for the trusted nodes (the nodes not to ban each other)
"NODES_NAME": "Node001", //the name of the trusted node that appears on the NETWORK page
"SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX": "222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222",//private key of the node, which is used to set the node address
"USE_NET_FOR_SERVER_ADDRES": 1, //indicates whether to add information from the mac address to the node address. Useful when copying nodes - no need to manually change private nodes
"ip": "", //the IP address of the node, if not specified, is determined automatically
"port": 30000, //port
"UseDirectIP": true //indication of direct connection, if not specified, then the gray ip mode is enabled without the possibility of mining
"STAT_MODE": 1, //enable statistics-see Counters, Monitor pages
"MAX_STAT_PERIOD": 3600, //statistics period
//HTTP access to the wallet and control Noda
"HTTP_PORT_NUMBER": 8000, //http access port
"HTTP_PORT_PASSWORD": "SecretWord", //password
"HTTP_IP_CONNECT": ",", //enable IP address filter for remote management (wallet) over http
"WALLET_NAME": "=Node1=", //the name of the wallet displayed on the tab in the browser
//Information display
"COUNT_VIEW_ROWS": 20, //number of rows per page - displayed in all tables with pagination
"ALL_VIEW_ROWS": 1, //view all rows of blockchain tables, even if they are blacklisted (for example, accounts created by hackers or DAPs misleading)
"ALL_LOG_TO_CLIENT": 1, //displaying the node log in the wallet
"USE_MINING": true, //enable mining
"MINING_START_TIME": "6:30", //mining start time during the day in the format hh:mm: ss time in UTC (mining must be enabled by the constant USE_MINING), if the value is not set then mining is performed all the time
"MINING_PERIOD_TIME": "16:30", //the period of mining since the beginning of the format hh: mm:ss
"POW_MAX_PERCENT": "70", //max CPU usage as a percentage of each mining process
"COUNT_MINING_CPU": 0, //number of processes to run during mining
"SIZE_MINING_MEMORY": 20000000, //the total number of memory allocated for mining on all processes (in bytes)
"POW_RUN_COUNT": 5000, //the number of hashes (hash1, hash2) calculated at each mining iteration in each process (each iteration is started once in 1 MS - but within this second the POW_MAX_PERCENT parameter is taken)
"USE_AUTO_UPDATE": 1, //using online auto-updates
"RESTART_PERIOD_SEC": 0, //auto restart nodes after a specified period in seconds
"MAX_GRAY_CONNECTIONS_TO_SERVER": 10,//the number of servers to which the node connects in gray ip mode
"TRANSACTION_PROOF_COUNT": 2000000, //number of transactions stored in the database to be able to roll back the chain
"WATCHDOG_BADACCOUNT": 1, //watching for errors of the type "BAD ACCOUNT"
"COREY_WATCH_DOG": 1 //watching for the chain of sync with the public network when mining