diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/kcauldron/InstallBundle.groovy b/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/kcauldron/InstallBundle.groovy index 8af41a0..e6b17fe 100644 --- a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/kcauldron/InstallBundle.groovy +++ b/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/kcauldron/InstallBundle.groovy @@ -32,34 +32,7 @@ class InstallBundle extends DefaultTask { def install() { installLocation.deleteDir() installLocation.mkdirs() - new File(installLocation, "README.txt").withWriter { - def String jarPath = 'libraries' << File.separator << (project.group as String).replace('.', File.separator) << File.separator << project.name << File.separator << project.version << File.separator << project.name << '-' << project.version << '.jar' - - it << '''KCauldron installation guide - -# Understanding this bundle -You're reading this guide because you're using deprecated installation method -If you want use easier & safer method please read about KBootstrap at https://prok.pw/KBootstrap - -# Installation and usage -1. Unpack this zip into server directory -2. Use following line to start the server: - java -jar ''' - it << jarPath - it << ''' - ... or - java -jar KCauldron.jar -3. That's end, enjoy - -# Why I should use KBootstrap? -1. Easiest server installation -2. Built-in libraries management -3. Update & run server in one line -4. Ability to not read this boring guide -5. What else? -If you are not yet convinced and want to use bundles instead KBootstrap... Meh, this is your choice. -''' - } + def cp = bootstrapClasspath for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { def result = project.javaexec { it ->