# Tmux Plugin Manager Installs and loads TMUX plugins. ### Installation Requirements: `tmux` version 1.9 (or higher), `git`, `bash`. Clone TPM: $ git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm Put this at the bottom of your `.tmux.conf` (backslashes at the end of the lines are required): # List of plugins # Supports `github_username/repo` or full git URLs set -g @tpm_plugins " \ tmux-plugins/tpm \ tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible \ " # Other examples: # github_username/plugin_name \ # git@github.com/user/plugin \ # git@bitbucket.com/user/plugin \ # initializes TMUX plugin manager run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm Reload TMUX environment so TPM is sourced: # type this in terminal $ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf That's it! ### Installing plugins 1. add a new plugin to the `@tpm_plugins` list 2. hit `prefix + I` (I as in *I*nstall) to fetch the plugin You're good to go! The plugin was cloned to `~/.tmux/plugins/` dir and sourced. ### Uninstalling plugins 1. remove the plugin from `@tpm_plugins` list 2. All the plugins are installed to `~/.tmux/plugins/`. Find plugin directory there and just remove it. ### Key bindings `prefix + I` - installs new plugins from github or any other git repo - refreshes TMUX environment `prefix + U` - updates plugin(s) ### List of plugins For more plugins, check [here](https://github.com/tmux-plugins). ### Creating plugins [How to create a plugin](HOW_TO_PLUGIN.md). It's easy. ### Tests Requirements: [vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) To run a test suite: $ ./run-tests ### License [MIT](LICENSE.md)