#!/usr/bin/env bash CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source "$CURRENT_DIR/variables.sh" source "$CURRENT_DIR/helpers.sh" source "$CURRENT_DIR/spinner_helpers.sh" # delimiters d=$'\t' delimiter=$'\t' # if "quiet" script produces no output SCRIPT_OUTPUT="$1" grouped_sessions_format() { local format format+="#{session_grouped}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{session_group}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{session_id}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{session_name}" echo "$format" } pane_format() { local format format+="pane" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{session_name}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{window_index}" format+="${delimiter}" format+=":#{window_name}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{window_active}" format+="${delimiter}" format+=":#{window_flags}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{pane_index}" format+="${delimiter}" format+=":#{pane_current_path}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{pane_active}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{pane_current_command}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{pane_pid}" echo "$format" } window_format() { local format format+="window" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{session_name}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{window_index}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{window_active}" format+="${delimiter}" format+=":#{window_flags}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{window_layout}" echo "$format" } state_format() { local format format+="state" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{client_session}" format+="${delimiter}" format+="#{client_last_session}" echo "$format" } dump_panes_raw() { tmux list-panes -a -F "$(pane_format)" } dump_windows_raw(){ tmux list-windows -a -F "$(window_format)" } _save_command_strategy_file() { local save_command_strategy="$(get_tmux_option "$save_command_strategy_option" "$default_save_command_strategy")" local strategy_file="$CURRENT_DIR/../save_command_strategies/${save_command_strategy}.sh" local default_strategy_file="$CURRENT_DIR/../save_command_strategies/${default_save_command_strategy}.sh" if [ -e "$strategy_file" ]; then # strategy file exists? echo "$strategy_file" else echo "$default_strategy_file" fi } pane_full_command() { local pane_pid="$1" local strategy_file="$(_save_command_strategy_file)" # execute strategy script to get pane full command $strategy_file "$pane_pid" } save_shell_history() { local pane_id="$1" local pane_command="$2" local full_command="$3" if [ "$pane_command" = "bash" ] && [ "$full_command" = ":" ]; then # leading space prevents the command from being saved to history # (assuming default HISTCONTROL settings) local write_command=" history -w '$(resurrect_history_file "$pane_id")'" # C-e C-u is a Bash shortcut sequence to clear whole line. It is necessary to # delete any pending input so it does not interfere with our history command. tmux send-keys -t "$pane_id" C-e C-u "$write_command" C-m fi } get_active_window_index() { local session_name="$1" tmux list-windows -t "$session_name" -F "#{window_flags} #{window_index}" | awk '$1 ~ /\*/ { print $2; }' } get_alternate_window_index() { local session_name="$1" tmux list-windows -t "$session_name" -F "#{window_flags} #{window_index}" | awk '$1 ~ /-/ { print $2; }' } dump_grouped_sessions() { local current_session_group="" local original_session tmux list-sessions -F "$(grouped_sessions_format)" | grep "^1" | cut -c 3- | sort | while IFS=$d read session_group session_id session_name; do if [ "$session_group" != "$current_session_group" ]; then # this session is the original/first session in the group original_session="$session_name" current_session_group="$session_group" else # this session "points" to the original session active_window_index="$(get_active_window_index "$session_name")" alternate_window_index="$(get_alternate_window_index "$session_name")" echo "grouped_session${d}${session_name}${d}${original_session}${d}:${alternate_window_index}${d}:${active_window_index}" fi done } fetch_and_dump_grouped_sessions(){ local grouped_sessions_dump="$(dump_grouped_sessions)" get_grouped_sessions "$grouped_sessions_dump" if [ -n "$grouped_sessions_dump" ]; then echo "$grouped_sessions_dump" fi } # translates pane pid to process command running inside a pane dump_panes() { local full_command dump_panes_raw | while IFS=$d read line_type session_name window_number window_name window_active window_flags pane_index dir pane_active pane_command pane_pid; do # not saving panes from grouped sessions if is_session_grouped "$session_name"; then continue fi # check if current pane is part of a maximized window and if the pane is active if [[ "${window_flags}" == *Z* ]] && [[ ${pane_active} == 1 ]]; then # unmaximize the pane tmux resize-pane -Z -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" fi full_command="$(pane_full_command $pane_pid)" echo "${line_type}${d}${session_name}${d}${window_number}${d}${window_name}${d}${window_active}${d}${window_flags}${d}${pane_index}${d}${dir}${d}${pane_active}${d}${pane_command}${d}:${full_command}" done } dump_windows() { dump_windows_raw | while IFS=$d read line_type session_name window_index window_active window_flags window_layout; do # not saving windows from grouped sessions if is_session_grouped "$session_name"; then continue fi echo "${line_type}${d}${session_name}${d}${window_index}${d}${window_active}${d}${window_flags}${d}${window_layout}" done } dump_state() { tmux display-message -p "$(state_format)" } dump_bash_history() { dump_panes | while IFS=$d read line_type session_name window_number window_name window_active window_flags pane_index dir pane_active pane_command full_command; do save_shell_history "$session_name:$window_number.$pane_index" "$pane_command" "$full_command" done } save_all() { local resurrect_file_path="$(resurrect_file_path)" mkdir -p "$(resurrect_dir)" fetch_and_dump_grouped_sessions > "$resurrect_file_path" dump_panes >> "$resurrect_file_path" dump_windows >> "$resurrect_file_path" dump_state >> "$resurrect_file_path" ln -fs "$(basename "$resurrect_file_path")" "$(last_resurrect_file)" if save_bash_history_option_on; then dump_bash_history fi restore_zoomed_windows } show_output() { [ "$SCRIPT_OUTPUT" != "quiet" ] } main() { if supported_tmux_version_ok; then if show_output; then start_spinner "Saving..." "Tmux environment saved!" fi save_all if show_output; then stop_spinner display_message "Tmux environment saved!" fi fi } main