#!/usr/bin/env bash CURRENT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" source "$CURRENT_DIR/variables.sh" source "$CURRENT_DIR/helpers.sh" source "$CURRENT_DIR/process_restore_helpers.sh" source "$CURRENT_DIR/spinner_helpers.sh" # delimiter d=$'\t' # Global variable. # Used during the restore: if a pane already exists from before, it is # saved in the array in this variable. Later, process running in existing pane # is also not restored. That makes the restoration process more idempotent. EXISTING_PANES_VAR="" RESTORING_FROM_SCRATCH="false" RESTORE_PANE_CONTENTS="false" is_line_type() { local line_type="$1" local line="$2" echo "$line" | \grep -q "^$line_type" } check_saved_session_exists() { local resurrect_file="$(last_resurrect_file)" if [ ! -f $resurrect_file ]; then display_message "Tmux resurrect file not found!" return 1 fi } pane_exists() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local pane_index="$3" tmux list-panes -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -F "#{pane_index}" 2>/dev/null | \grep -q "^$pane_index$" } register_existing_pane() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local pane_index="$3" local pane_custom_id="${session_name}:${window_number}:${pane_index}" local delimiter=$'\t' EXISTING_PANES_VAR="${EXISTING_PANES_VAR}${delimiter}${pane_custom_id}" } is_pane_registered_as_existing() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local pane_index="$3" local pane_custom_id="${session_name}:${window_number}:${pane_index}" [[ "$EXISTING_PANES_VAR" =~ "$pane_custom_id" ]] } restore_from_scratch_true() { RESTORING_FROM_SCRATCH="true" } is_restoring_from_scratch() { [ "$RESTORING_FROM_SCRATCH" == "true" ] } restore_pane_contents_true() { RESTORE_PANE_CONTENTS="true" } is_restoring_pane_contents() { [ "$RESTORE_PANE_CONTENTS" == "true" ] } window_exists() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" tmux list-windows -t "$session_name" -F "#{window_index}" 2>/dev/null | \grep -q "^$window_number$" } session_exists() { local session_name="$1" tmux has-session -t "$session_name" 2>/dev/null } first_window_num() { tmux show -gv base-index } tmux_socket() { echo $TMUX | cut -d',' -f1 } # Tmux option stored in a global variable so that we don't have to "ask" # tmux server each time. cache_tmux_default_command() { local default_shell="$(get_tmux_option "default-shell" "")" export TMUX_DEFAULT_COMMAND="$(get_tmux_option "default-command" "$default_shell")" } tmux_default_command() { echo "$TMUX_DEFAULT_COMMAND" } pane_creation_command() { echo "cat '$(pane_contents_file "${1}:${2}.${3}")'; exec $(tmux_default_command)" } new_window() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local window_name="$3" local dir="$4" local pane_index="$5" local pane_id="${session_name}:${window_number}.${pane_index}" if is_restoring_pane_contents && pane_contents_file_exists "$pane_id"; then local pane_creation_command="$(pane_creation_command "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index")" tmux new-window -d -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -n "$window_name" -c "$dir" "$pane_creation_command" else tmux new-window -d -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -n "$window_name" -c "$dir" fi } new_session() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local window_name="$3" local dir="$4" local pane_index="$5" local pane_id="${session_name}:${window_number}.${pane_index}" if is_restoring_pane_contents && pane_contents_file_exists "$pane_id"; then local pane_creation_command="$(pane_creation_command "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index")" TMUX="" tmux -S "$(tmux_socket)" new-session -d -s "$session_name" -n "$window_name" -c "$dir" "$pane_creation_command" else TMUX="" tmux -S "$(tmux_socket)" new-session -d -s "$session_name" -n "$window_name" -c "$dir" fi # change first window number if necessary local created_window_num="$(first_window_num)" if [ $created_window_num -ne $window_number ]; then tmux move-window -s "${session_name}:${created_window_num}" -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" fi } new_pane() { local session_name="$1" local window_number="$2" local window_name="$3" local dir="$4" local pane_index="$5" local pane_id="${session_name}:${window_number}.${pane_index}" if is_restoring_pane_contents && pane_contents_file_exists "$pane_id"; then local pane_creation_command="$(pane_creation_command "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index")" tmux split-window -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -c "$dir" "$pane_creation_command" else tmux split-window -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -c "$dir" fi # minimize window so more panes can fit tmux resize-pane -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -U "999" } restore_pane() { local pane="$1" while IFS=$d read line_type session_name window_number window_name window_active window_flags pane_index dir pane_active pane_command pane_full_command; do dir="$(remove_first_char "$dir")" window_name="$(remove_first_char "$window_name")" pane_full_command="$(remove_first_char "$pane_full_command")" if pane_exists "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index"; then if is_restoring_from_scratch; then # overwrite the pane # happens only for the first pane if it's the only registered pane for the whole tmux server local pane_id="$(tmux display-message -p -F "#{pane_id}" -t "$session_name:$window_number")" new_pane "$session_name" "$window_number" "$window_name" "$dir" "$pane_index" tmux kill-pane -t "$pane_id" else # Pane exists, no need to create it! # Pane existence is registered. Later, its process also won't be restored. register_existing_pane "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index" fi elif window_exists "$session_name" "$window_number"; then new_pane "$session_name" "$window_number" "$window_name" "$dir" "$pane_index" elif session_exists "$session_name"; then new_window "$session_name" "$window_number" "$window_name" "$dir" "$pane_index" else new_session "$session_name" "$window_number" "$window_name" "$dir" "$pane_index" fi done < <(echo "$pane") } restore_state() { local state="$1" echo "$state" | while IFS=$d read line_type client_session client_last_session; do tmux switch-client -t "$client_last_session" tmux switch-client -t "$client_session" done } restore_grouped_session() { local grouped_session="$1" echo "$grouped_session" | while IFS=$d read line_type grouped_session original_session alternate_window active_window; do TMUX="" tmux -S "$(tmux_socket)" new-session -d -s "$grouped_session" -t "$original_session" done } restore_active_and_alternate_windows_for_grouped_sessions() { local grouped_session="$1" echo "$grouped_session" | while IFS=$d read line_type grouped_session original_session alternate_window_index active_window_index; do alternate_window_index="$(remove_first_char "$alternate_window_index")" active_window_index="$(remove_first_char "$active_window_index")" if [ -n "$alternate_window_index" ]; then tmux switch-client -t "${grouped_session}:${alternate_window_index}" fi if [ -n "$active_window_index" ]; then tmux switch-client -t "${grouped_session}:${active_window_index}" fi done } never_ever_overwrite() { local overwrite_option_value="$(get_tmux_option "$overwrite_option" "")" [ -n "$overwrite_option_value" ] } detect_if_restoring_from_scratch() { if never_ever_overwrite; then return fi local total_number_of_panes="$(tmux list-panes -a | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')" if [ "$total_number_of_panes" -eq 1 ]; then restore_from_scratch_true fi } detect_if_restoring_pane_contents() { if capture_pane_contents_option_on; then cache_tmux_default_command restore_pane_contents_true fi } # functions called from main (ordered) restore_all_panes() { detect_if_restoring_from_scratch # sets a global variable detect_if_restoring_pane_contents # sets a global variable if is_restoring_pane_contents; then pane_content_files_restore_from_archive fi while read line; do if is_line_type "pane" "$line"; then restore_pane "$line" fi done < $(last_resurrect_file) } restore_pane_layout_for_each_window() { \grep '^window' $(last_resurrect_file) | while IFS=$d read line_type session_name window_number window_active window_flags window_layout; do tmux select-layout -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" "$window_layout" done } restore_shell_history() { awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } /^pane/ { print $2, $3, $7, $10; }' $(last_resurrect_file) | while IFS=$d read session_name window_number pane_index pane_command; do if ! is_pane_registered_as_existing "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index"; then if [ "$pane_command" == "bash" ]; then local pane_id="$session_name:$window_number.$pane_index" local read_command="history -r '$(resurrect_history_file "$pane_id")'" tmux send-keys -t "$pane_id" "$read_command" C-m fi fi done } restore_all_pane_processes() { if restore_pane_processes_enabled; then local pane_full_command awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } /^pane/ && $11 !~ "^:$" { print $2, $3, $7, $8, $11; }' $(last_resurrect_file) | while IFS=$d read session_name window_number pane_index dir pane_full_command; do dir="$(remove_first_char "$dir")" pane_full_command="$(remove_first_char "$pane_full_command")" restore_pane_process "$pane_full_command" "$session_name" "$window_number" "$pane_index" "$dir" done fi } restore_active_pane_for_each_window() { awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } /^pane/ && $9 == 1 { print $2, $3, $7; }' $(last_resurrect_file) | while IFS=$d read session_name window_number active_pane; do tmux switch-client -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" tmux select-pane -t "$active_pane" done } restore_zoomed_windows() { awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } /^pane/ && $6 ~ /Z/ && $9 == 1 { print $2, $3; }' $(last_resurrect_file) | while IFS=$d read session_name window_number; do tmux resize-pane -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" -Z done } restore_grouped_sessions() { while read line; do if is_line_type "grouped_session" "$line"; then restore_grouped_session "$line" restore_active_and_alternate_windows_for_grouped_sessions "$line" fi done < $(last_resurrect_file) } restore_active_and_alternate_windows() { awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t" } /^window/ && $5 ~ /[*-]/ { print $2, $4, $3; }' $(last_resurrect_file) | sort -u | while IFS=$d read session_name active_window window_number; do tmux switch-client -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" done } restore_active_and_alternate_sessions() { while read line; do if is_line_type "state" "$line"; then restore_state "$line" fi done < $(last_resurrect_file) } main() { if supported_tmux_version_ok && check_saved_session_exists; then start_spinner "Restoring..." "Tmux restore complete!" restore_all_panes restore_pane_layout_for_each_window >/dev/null 2>&1 if save_bash_history_option_on; then restore_shell_history fi restore_all_pane_processes # below functions restore exact cursor positions restore_active_pane_for_each_window restore_zoomed_windows restore_grouped_sessions # also restores active and alt windows for grouped sessions restore_active_and_alternate_windows restore_active_and_alternate_sessions stop_spinner display_message "Tmux restore complete!" fi } main