# default processes that are restored default_proc_list_option="@session-saver-default-processes" default_proc_list="vi vim emacs man less more tail top htop irssi irb pry" # User defined processes that are restored # 'false' - nothing is restored # ':all:' - all processes are restored # # user defined list of programs that are restored: # 'my_program foo another_program' restore_processes_option="@session-saver-processes" restore_processes="" # Defines part of the user variable. Example usage: # set -g @session-saver-strategy-vim "session" restore_process_strategy_option="@session-saver-strategy-" restore_pane_processes_enabled() { local restore_processes="$(get_tmux_option "$restore_processes_option" "$restore_processes")" if [ "$restore_processes" == "false" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } restore_pane_process() { local pane_full_command="$1" local session_name="$2" local window_number="$3" local pane_index="$4" local dir="$5" if _process_should_be_restored "$pane_full_command"; then tmux switch-client -t "${session_name}:${window_number}" tmux select-pane -t "$pane_index" if _strategy_exists "$pane_full_command"; then local strategy_file="$(_get_strategy_file "$pane_full_command")" local strategy_command="$($strategy_file "$pane_full_command" "$dir")" tmux send-keys "$strategy_command" "C-m" # tmux send-keys "Strategy! $pane_full_command $strategy_file" # tmux send-keys "Strategy! $strategy_command" else # just invoke the command tmux send-keys "$pane_full_command" "C-m" fi fi } # private functions below _process_should_be_restored() { local pane_full_command="$1" if _restore_all_processes; then return 0 elif _process_on_the_restore_list "$pane_full_command"; then return 0 else return 1 fi } _restore_all_processes() { local restore_processes="$(get_tmux_option "$restore_processes_option" "$restore_processes")" if [ $restore_processes == ":all:" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } _process_on_the_restore_list() { local pane_full_command="$1" local restore_list="$(_restore_list)" local proc for proc in $restore_list; do # regex matching the command makes sure process is a "word" if [[ "$pane_full_command" =~ (^${proc} ) ]] || [[ "$pane_full_command" =~ (^${proc}$) ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } _restore_list() { local user_processes="$(get_tmux_option "$restore_processes_option" "$restore_processes")" local default_processes="$(get_tmux_option "$default_proc_list_option" "$default_proc_list")" if [ -z $user_processes ]; then # user didn't define any processes echo "$default_processes" else echo "$default_processes $user_processes" fi } _strategy_exists() { local pane_full_command="$1" local strategy="$(_get_command_strategy "$pane_full_command")" if [ -n "$strategy" ]; then # strategy set? local strategy_file="$(_get_strategy_file "$pane_full_command")" [ -e "$strategy_file" ] # strategy file exists? else return 1 fi } _get_command_strategy() { local pane_full_command="$1" local command="$(_just_command "$pane_full_command")" get_tmux_option "${restore_process_strategy_option}${command}" "" } _just_command() { echo "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1 } _get_strategy_file() { local pane_full_command="$1" local strategy="$(_get_command_strategy "$pane_full_command")" local command="$(_just_command "$pane_full_command")" echo "$CURRENT_DIR/../strategies/${command}_${strategy}.sh" }