#!/usr/bin/env bash # for "true full screen" call the script with "fullscreen" as the first argument TRUE_FULL_SCREEN="$1" start_warp_and_run_tmux() { osascript <<-EOF tell application "warp" activate delay 1 tell application "System Events" to tell process "warp" keystroke "tmux attach" key code 36 end tell end tell EOF } resize_window_to_full_screen() { osascript <<-EOF tell application "warp" activate tell application "System Events" if (every window of process "warp") is {} then keystroke "n" using command down end if tell application "Finder" set desktopSize to bounds of window of desktop end tell set position of front window of process "warp" to {0, 0} set size of front window of process "warp" to {item 3 of desktopSize, item 4 of desktopSize} end tell end tell EOF } resize_to_true_full_screen() { osascript <<-EOF tell application "warp" activate delay 1 tell application "System Events" to tell process "warp" keystroke "f" using {control down, command down} end tell end tell EOF } main() { start_warp_and_run_tmux if [ "$TRUE_FULL_SCREEN" == "fullscreen" ]; then resize_to_true_full_screen else resize_window_to_full_screen fi } main