# Automatic Tmux start Tmux is automatically started after the computer/server is turned on. ### OS X To enable this feature: - put `set -g @continuum-boot 'on'` in `.tmux.conf` - reload tmux config with this shell command: `$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf` Next time the computer is started: - `Terminal.app` window will open and resize to maximum size - `tmux` command will be executed in the terminal window - if "auto restore" feature is enabled, tmux will start restoring previous env Config options: - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'fullscreen'` - terminal window will go fullscreen - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'iterm'` - start [iTerm](https://www.iterm2.com) instead of `Terminal.app` - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'iterm,fullscreen'` - start `iTerm` in fullscreen - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'kitty'` - start [kitty](https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty) instead of `Terminal.app` - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'kitty,fullscreen'` - start `kitty` in fullscreen - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'alacritty'` - start [alacritty](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty) instead of `Terminal.app` - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'alacritty,fullscreen'` - start `alacritty` in fullscreen - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'warp'` - start [warp](https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp) instead of `Terminal.app` - `set -g @continuum-boot-options 'warp,fullscreen'` - start `warp` in fullscreen Note: The first time you reboot your machine and activate this feature you may be prompted about a script requiring access to a system program (i.e. - System Events). If this happens tmux will not start automatically and you will need to go to `System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Accessability` and add the script to the list of apps that are allowed to control your computer. ### Linux Help with this would be greatly appreciated. Please get in touch. #### Systemd ##### this will only start the tmux server, it will *not* start any terminal emulator To enable automatic start with systemd: - Put `set -g @continuum-boot 'on'` in `.tmux.conf` - reload tmux config with this shell command: `$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf` - see [systemd](/docs/systemd_details.md) for more details about how this is implemented