243 lines
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243 lines
6.1 KiB
package service
import (
func (s *Service) gzip(input []byte) ([]byte, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
zw := gzip.NewWriter(buf)
if _, err := zw.Write(input); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := zw.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func (s *Service) dmsByid(c context.Context, tp int32, oid int64, missed []int64) (dms []*model.DM, err error) {
idxMap, special, err := s.dao.IndexsByid(c, tp, oid, missed)
if err != nil || len(idxMap) == 0 {
ctsMap, err := s.dao.Contents(c, oid, missed)
if err != nil {
ctsSpeMap := make(map[int64]*model.ContentSpecial)
if len(special) > 0 {
if ctsSpeMap, err = s.dao.ContentsSpecial(c, special); err != nil {
for _, content := range ctsMap {
if idx, ok := idxMap[content.ID]; ok {
dm := &model.DM{
ID: idx.ID,
Type: idx.Type,
Oid: idx.Oid,
Mid: idx.Mid,
Progress: idx.Progress,
Pool: idx.Pool,
Attr: idx.Attr,
State: idx.State,
Ctime: idx.Ctime,
Mtime: idx.Mtime,
Content: content,
if idx.Pool == model.PoolSpecial {
if _, ok = ctsSpeMap[dm.ID]; ok {
dm.ContentSpe = ctsSpeMap[dm.ID]
dms = append(dms, dm)
func (s *Service) dmSeg(c context.Context, tp int32, oid, limit int64, childpool int32, p *model.Page) (res *model.DMSeg, err error) {
var (
ids []int64
cache = true
dmids = make([]int64, 0, limit)
elems = make([]*model.Elem, 0, limit)
ps = (p.Num - 1) * p.Size
pe = p.Num * p.Size
res = new(model.DMSeg)
if ids, err = s.dmidsSeg(c, tp, oid, p.Total, p.Num, ps, pe, limit); err != nil {
dmids = append(dmids, ids...)
if childpool > 0 {
if ids, err = s.dmidSubtitle(c, tp, oid, ps, pe, limit); err != nil {
dmids = append(dmids, ids...)
if len(dmids) <= 0 {
elemsCache, missed, err := s.dao.IdxContentCacheV2(c, tp, oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
missed = dmids
cache = false
} else {
elems = append(elems, elemsCache...)
if len(missed) == 0 {
res.Elems = elems
dms, err := s.dmsByid(c, tp, oid, missed)
if err != nil {
for _, dm := range dms {
if e := dm.ToElem(); e != nil {
elems = append(elems, e)
res.Elems = elems
if cache && len(dms) > 0 {
s.cache.Do(c, func(ctx context.Context) {
s.dao.AddIdxContentCaches(ctx, tp, oid, dms...)
func (s *Service) dmidsSeg(c context.Context, tp int32, oid, total, num, ps, pe, limit int64) (dmids []int64, err error) {
if dmids, err = s.dao.DMIDCache(c, tp, oid, total, num, limit); err != nil || len(dmids) == 0 {
if dmids, err = s.dao.IndexsSegID(c, tp, oid, ps, pe, limit, model.PoolNormal); err != nil {
if len(dmids) > 0 {
s.cache.Do(c, func(ctx context.Context) {
s.dao.AddDMIDCache(ctx, tp, oid, total, num, dmids...)
func (s *Service) dmidSubtitle(c context.Context, tp int32, oid, ps, pe, limit int64) (dmids []int64, err error) {
if dmids, err = s.dao.DMIDSubtitleCache(c, tp, oid, ps, pe, limit); err != nil || len(dmids) == 0 {
var dms []*model.DM
if dms, dmids, err = s.dao.IndexsSeg(c, tp, oid, ps, pe, limit, model.PoolSubtitle); err != nil {
if len(dms) > 0 {
s.cache.Do(c, func(ctx context.Context) {
s.dao.AddDMIDSubtitleCache(ctx, tp, oid, dms...)
// add flush dm segment action to flush channel.
func (s *Service) asyncAddFlushDMSeg(c context.Context, fc *model.FlushDMSeg) (err error) {
select {
case s.flushSegChan[fc.Oid%int64(s.routineSize)] <- fc:
log.Warn("segment flush merge channel is full,fc:%+v page:%+v", fc, fc.Page)
func (s *Service) pageinfo(c context.Context, pid int64, dm *model.DM) (p *model.Page, err error) {
duration, err := s.videoDuration(c, pid, dm.Oid)
if err != nil {
if duration != 0 {
p = &model.Page{
Num: int64(math.Ceil(float64(dm.Progress) / float64(model.DefaultPageSize))),
Size: model.DefaultPageSize,
Total: int64(math.Ceil(float64(duration) / float64(model.DefaultPageSize))),
if p.Num == 0 { // fix progress == 0
p.Num = 1
} else { // duration not exist
p = model.DefaultPage
// NOTE PoolSpecial store in the first segment
if dm.Pool == model.PoolSpecial {
p.Num = 1
func (s *Service) dmSegXML(c context.Context, sub *model.Subject, seg *model.Segment) (res []byte, err error) {
var (
cache = true
buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
dms []*model.DM
dmids, normalIds, subtitleIds []int64
buf.WriteString(seg.ToXMLHeader(sub.Oid, sub.State, 0))
defer func() {
if err == nil {
res, err = s.gzip(buf.Bytes())
if normalIds, err = s.dmidsSeg(c, sub.Type, sub.Oid, seg.Cnt, seg.Num, seg.Start, seg.End, 2*sub.Maxlimit); err != nil {
dmids = append(dmids, normalIds...)
if sub.Childpool > 0 {
if subtitleIds, err = s.dmidSubtitle(c, sub.Type, sub.Oid, seg.Start, seg.End, 2*sub.Maxlimit); err != nil {
dmids = append(dmids, subtitleIds...)
if len(dmids) <= 0 {
content, missed, err := s.dao.IdxContentCache(c, sub.Type, sub.Oid, dmids)
if err != nil {
missed = dmids
cache = false
} else {
if len(missed) > 0 {
if dms, err = s.dmsByid(c, sub.Type, sub.Oid, missed); err != nil {
for _, dm := range dms {
if cache && len(dms) > 0 {
s.cache.Do(c, func(ctx context.Context) {
s.dao.AddIdxContentCaches(ctx, sub.Type, sub.Oid, dms...)
// segmentInfo get segment info of oid.
func (s *Service) segmentInfo(c context.Context, aid, oid, ps int64, duration int64) (seg *model.Segment, err error) {
if duration != 0 && ps >= duration {
log.Warn("oid:%d ps:%d larger than duration:%d", oid, ps, duration)
err = ecode.NotModified
seg = model.SegmentInfo(ps, duration)