241 lines
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241 lines
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package dao
import (
xsql "database/sql"
const (
_reviewCfg = 3
_countSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM task_json_config"
_listConfsSQL = "SELECT id,conf_json,conf_type,btime,etime,state,uid,uname,description,mtime FROM task_json_config WHERE conf_type=3"
_reConfsSQL = "SELECT id,conf_json,conf_type,btime,etime,state,uid,uname,description,mtime FROM task_json_config WHERE conf_type=3"
_inConfSQL = "INSERT INTO task_json_config(conf_json,conf_type,btime,etime,state,uid,uname,description) VALUE (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
_upConfSQL = "UPDATE task_json_config SET conf_json=?,conf_type=?,btime=?,etime=?,state=?,uid=?,uname=?,description=? WHERE id=?"
_delConfSQL = "DELETE FROM task_json_config WHERE id=?"
_reviewSQL = "SELECT review_form FROM task_review WHERE task_id=?"
_inReviewSQL = "INSERT INTO task_review(task_id,review_form,uid,uname) VALUE (?,?,?,?)"
// ListConfs 配置列表
func (d *Dao) ListConfs(c context.Context, uids []int64, bt, et, sort string, pn, ps int64) (rcs []*model.ReviewConf, count int64, err error) {
var (
rows *sql.Rows
countstring, sqlstring, params string
wherecases []string
if len(uids) > 0 {
wherecases = append(wherecases, fmt.Sprintf("uid IN (%s)", xstr.JoinInts(uids)))
if len(bt) > 0 && len(et) > 0 {
wherecases = append(wherecases, fmt.Sprintf("mtime>='%s' AND mtime<='%s'", bt, et))
if len(wherecases) > 0 {
params = " AND " + strings.Join(wherecases, " AND ")
countstring = _countSQL + " WHERE conf_type=3" + params
sqlstring = _listConfsSQL + params + fmt.Sprintf(" ORDER BY mtime %s LIMIT %d,%d", sort, (pn-1)*ps, pn*ps)
if err = d.arcDB.QueryRow(c, countstring).Scan(&count); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.QueryRow(%s) error(%v)", countstring, err)
if count == 0 {
if rows, err = d.arcDB.Query(c, sqlstring); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Query(%s) error(%v)", sqlstring, err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var (
jsonCfg []byte
cfgType int8
trc := &model.ReviewConf{}
if err = rows.Scan(&trc.ID, &jsonCfg, &cfgType, &trc.Bt, &trc.Et, &trc.State, &trc.UID, &trc.Uname, &trc.Desc, &trc.Mt); err != nil {
log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err)
if err = json.Unmarshal(jsonCfg, trc); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err)
rcs = append(rcs, trc)
// ReviewConfs 复审配置
func (d *Dao) ReviewConfs(c context.Context) (rcs []*model.ReviewConf, err error) {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = d.arcDB.Query(c, _reConfsSQL); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Query(%s, %d) error(%v)", _reConfsSQL, err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var (
jsonCfg []byte
cfgType int8
trc := &model.ReviewConf{}
if err = rows.Scan(&trc.ID, &jsonCfg, &cfgType, &trc.Bt, &trc.Et, &trc.State, &trc.UID, &trc.Uname, &trc.Desc, &trc.Mt); err != nil {
log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err)
if err = json.Unmarshal(jsonCfg, trc); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err)
rcs = append(rcs, trc)
// InReviewConf 插入配置
func (d *Dao) InReviewConf(c context.Context, rc *model.ReviewConf) (lastid int64, err error) {
var (
res xsql.Result
jsonCfg []byte
v := new(struct {
Types []int64 `json:"types" params:"types"` // 分区
UpFroms []int64 `json:"upfroms" params:"upfroms"` // 投稿来源
UpGroups []int64 `json:"upgroups" params:"upgroups"` // 用户组
Uids []int64 `json:"uids" params:"uids"` // 指定uid
FansLow int64 `json:"fanslow" params:"fanslow"` // 粉丝数最低值
FansHigh int64 `json:"fanshigh" params:"fanshigh"` // 粉丝数最高
v.Types = rc.Types
v.UpFroms = rc.UpFroms
v.UpGroups = rc.UpGroups
v.Uids = rc.Uids
v.FansLow = rc.FansLow
v.FansHigh = rc.FansHigh
if rc.Bt.TimeValue().IsZero() {
rc.Bt = model.NewFormatTime(time.Now())
if jsonCfg, err = json.Marshal(v); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", rc, err)
if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _inConfSQL, jsonCfg, _reviewCfg, rc.Bt, rc.Et, 0, rc.UID, rc.Uname, rc.Desc); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%+v) error(%s, %v)", _inConfSQL, rc, err)
return res.LastInsertId()
// UpReviewConf 更新指定配置
func (d *Dao) UpReviewConf(c context.Context, rc *model.ReviewConf) (lastid int64, err error) {
var (
res xsql.Result
jsonCfg []byte
v := new(struct {
Types []int64 `json:"types" params:"types"` // 分区
UpFroms []int64 `json:"upfroms" params:"upfroms"` // 投稿来源
UpGroups []int64 `json:"upgroups" params:"upgroups"` // 用户组
Uids []int64 `json:"uids" params:"uids"` // 指定uid
FansLow int64 `json:"fanslow" params:"fanslow"` // 粉丝数最低值
FansHigh int64 `json:"fanshigh" params:"fanshigh"` // 粉丝数最高
v.Types = rc.Types
v.UpFroms = rc.UpFroms
v.UpGroups = rc.UpGroups
v.Uids = rc.Uids
v.FansLow = rc.FansLow
v.FansHigh = rc.FansHigh
if rc.Bt.TimeValue().IsZero() {
rc.Bt = model.NewFormatTime(time.Now())
if jsonCfg, err = json.Marshal(v); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", rc, err)
if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _upConfSQL, jsonCfg, _reviewCfg, rc.Bt, rc.Et, rc.State, rc.UID, rc.Uname, rc.Desc, rc.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%s %+v) error(%v)", _upConfSQL, rc, err)
return res.RowsAffected()
// DelReviewConf 删除指定配置
func (d *Dao) DelReviewConf(c context.Context, id int) (lastid int64, err error) {
var res xsql.Result
if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _delConfSQL, id); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%s %d) error(%v)", _delConfSQL, id, err)
return res.RowsAffected()
// ReviewForm 复审表单
func (d *Dao) ReviewForm(c context.Context, tid int64) (tsf *model.SubmitForm, err error) {
var form []byte
if err = d.arcDB.QueryRow(c, _reviewSQL, tid).Scan(&form); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Info("ReviewForm QueryRow empty(%d)", tid)
err = nil
log.Error("d.arcDB.QueryRow(%s, %d) error(%v)", _reviewSQL, tid, err)
tsf = &model.SubmitForm{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(form, tsf); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err)
tsf = nil
// InReviewForm insert submit form
func (d *Dao) InReviewForm(c context.Context, sf *model.SubmitForm, uid int64, uname string) (lastid int64, err error) {
var (
res xsql.Result
bsf []byte
if bsf, err = json.Marshal(sf); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Marshal error(%v)", err)
if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _inReviewSQL, sf.TaskID, bsf, uid, uname); err != nil {
log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%s,%d,%v,%d,%s) error(%v)", _inReviewSQL, sf.TaskID, bsf, uid, uname, err)
return res.LastInsertId()