188 lines
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package model
import (
// TVEpContent reprensents the content table
type TVEpContent struct {
ID int64 `form:"id" params:"id" validate:"required"`
CID int `form:"cid" params:"cid" gorm:"column:cid" validate:"required"`
SeasonID int64 `form:"season_id" params:"season_id" validate:"required"`
Title string `form:"title" params:"title"`
LongTitle string `form:"long_title" params:"long_title"`
Cover string `form:"cover" params:"cover"`
Length int32 `form:"length" params:"length"`
Order int `form:"order" params:"order" validate:"required"`
PayStatus int `form:"pay_status" validate:"required" gorm:"-"`
Desc string `form:"desc" gorm:"-"`
IsDeleted int8
Ctime time.Time
Mtime time.Time
// TVEpSeason represents the season table
type TVEpSeason struct {
ID int64 `form:"id" json:"id" params:"id" validate:"required" gorm:"column:id"`
OriginName string `form:"origin_name" json:"origin_name" params:"origin_name" validate:"required"`
Title string `form:"title" json:"title" params:"title"`
Alias string `form:"alias" json:"alias" params:"alias"`
Category int `form:"category" json:"category" params:"category" validate:"required" gorm:"column:category"`
Desc string `form:"desc" json:"desc" params:"desc"`
Style string `form:"style" json:"style" params:"style"`
Area string `form:"area" json:"area" params:"area"`
PlayTime time.Time `form:"play_time" json:"play_time" params:"play_time" validate:"required"`
Info int `form:"info" json:"info" params:"info" validate:"required"`
State string `form:"state" json:"state" validate:"required" params:"state"`
TotalNum string `form:"total_num" json:"total_num" params:"total_num" validate:"required"`
Upinfo string `form:"upinfo" json:"upinfo" params:"upinfo"`
Staff string `form:"staff" json:"staff" params:"staff"`
Role string `form:"role" json:"role" params:"role"`
Copyright string `form:"copyright" json:"copyright" params:"copyright"`
Cover string `form:"cover" json:"cover" params:"cover" gorm:"column:cover"`
Check int `json:"check"`
IsDeleted int `json:"is_deleted"`
AuditTime int `json:"audit_time"`
Valid int `json:"valid"`
Reason string `json:"reason"`
Version string `json:"version" form:"version"` // v1.13 new fields, movie, OVA or normal
Producer string `json:"producer" form:"producer"` // v1.13 new fields, BBC, CCTV etc
AliasSearch string `json:"alias_search" form:"alias_search"`
Brief string `json:"brief" form:"brief"`
Status string `json:"status" form:"status"`
// SeaRepoCore def.
type SeaRepoCore struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" params:"id"`
OriginName string `json:"origin_name" params:"origin_name"`
Title string `json:"title" params:"title"`
Alias string `json:"alias" params:"alias"`
Category int8 `json:"category" params:"category"`
Desc string `json:"desc" params:"desc"`
Style string `json:"style" params:"style"`
Area string `json:"area" params:"area"`
Info int8 `json:"info" params:"info"`
State int8 `json:"state" params:"state"`
TotalNum int32 `json:"total_num" params:"total_num"`
Upinfo string `json:"upinfo" params:"upinfo"`
Staff string `json:"staff" params:"staff"`
Role string `json:"role" params:"role"`
Copyright string `json:"copyright" params:"copyright"`
Cover string `json:"cover" params:"cover" gorm:"column:cover"`
Check int8 `json:"check"`
IsDeleted int8 `json:"is_deleted"`
AuditTime int `json:"audit_time"`
Ctime time.Time `json:"ctime"`
Valid int8 `json:"valid"`
InjectTime time.Time `json:"inject_time"`
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// SeaRepoDB def.
type SeaRepoDB struct {
PlayTime time.Time `gorm:"column:play_time"`
Mtime time.Time `json:"mtime"`
// SeaRepoList def.
type SeaRepoList struct {
Mtime string `json:"mtime"`
Pubdate string `json:"pubdate"`
// ToList transforms a SeaRepoDB to list, time transformation
func (v *SeaRepoDB) ToList() (list *SeaRepoList) {
list = &SeaRepoList{
SeaRepoCore: v.SeaRepoCore,
list.Mtime = v.Mtime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat)
list.Pubdate = v.PlayTime.Time().Format(mysql.TimeFormat)
// TableName gives the table name of content
func (*TVEpContent) TableName() string {
return "tv_ep_content"
// TableName gives the table name of season
func (*TVEpSeason) TableName() string {
return "tv_ep_season"
// TableName gives the table name of season
func (v *SeaRepoDB) TableName() string {
return "tv_ep_season"
// SeasonRepoPager def.
type SeasonRepoPager struct {
TotalCount int64 `json:"total_count"`
Pn int `json:"pn"`
Ps int `json:"ps"`
Items []*SeaRepoList `json:"items"`
// Updated picks value from request and compare with the struct to analyse the difference
func (sn TVEpSeason) Updated(req url.Values) (fields map[string]interface{}) {
var (
vl = reflect.ValueOf(sn)
tp = reflect.TypeOf(sn)
fields = make(map[string]interface{})
for i := 0; i < vl.NumField(); i++ {
var (
t = tp.Field(i)
v = vl.Field(i)
name = t.Tag.Get("json")
if reqV := req.Get(name); reqV != "" {
if kind := t.Type.Kind(); kind == reflect.Int || kind == reflect.Int64 {
if v.Int() != atoi(reqV) {
fields[name] = atoi(reqV)
} else {
if v.String() != reqV {
fields[name] = reqV
// ToContent transforms an ep to content object
func (epc *TVEpContent) ToContent(isInit bool) (res *Content) {
res = &Content{
Title: epc.LongTitle,
Subtitle: epc.Title,
Desc: epc.Desc,
Cover: epc.Cover,
SeasonID: int(epc.SeasonID),
CID: epc.CID,
EPID: int(epc.ID),
PayStatus: epc.PayStatus,
if isInit {
res.State = 1
func atoi(value string) (intval int64) {
intval, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
intval = 0
return intval