101 lines
2.5 KiB
101 lines
2.5 KiB
package tomllint
import (
var lineNumberRe *regexp.Regexp
const filetype = "toml"
type lintFn func(metadata toml.MetaData) []lint.LineErr
var lintFns []lintFn
type tomllint struct{}
// Lint toml file return lint.Error
func (tomllint) Lint(r io.Reader) lint.Error {
var v interface{}
var lintErr lint.Error
metadata, err := toml.DecodeReader(r, &v)
if err != nil {
line := -1
if match := lineNumberRe.FindStringSubmatch(err.Error()); len(match) == 2 {
line, _ = strconv.Atoi(match[1])
lintErr = append(lintErr, lint.LineErr{Line: line, Message: err.Error()})
return lintErr
for _, fn := range lintFns {
if lineErrs := fn(metadata); lineErrs != nil {
lintErr = append(lintErr, lineErrs...)
if len(lintErr) == 0 {
return nil
return lintErr
// not allowed defined kv that type is not Hash at top level
//func noTopKV(metadata toml.MetaData) []lint.LineErr {
// var lineErrs []lint.LineErr
// for _, keys := range metadata.Keys() {
// if len(keys) != 1 {
// continue
// }
// typeName := metadata.Type(keys...)
// if typeName != "Hash" {
// lineErrs = append(lineErrs, lint.LineErr{
// Line: -1,
// Message: fmt.Sprintf("top level value must be Object, key: %s type is %s", keys[0], typeName),
// })
// }
// }
// return lineErrs
// noApp not allowed app section exists
func noApp(metadata toml.MetaData) []lint.LineErr {
if metadata.IsDefined("app") {
return []lint.LineErr{{Line: -1, Message: "请删除无用 App 配置 see: http://git.bilibili.co/platform/go-common/issues/310 (゜-゜)つロ"}}
return nil
// noIdentify not allowed identify config
func noIdentify(metadata toml.MetaData) []lint.LineErr {
if metadata.IsDefined("identify") {
return []lint.LineErr{{Line: -1, Message: "请删除无用 Identify 配置 see: http://git.bilibili.co/platform/go-common/issues/310 (゜-゜)つロ"}}
return nil
// noCommon not allowed common config
func noCommon(metadata toml.MetaData) []lint.LineErr {
count := 0
commonKey := []string{"version", "user", "pid", "dir", "perf"}
for _, key := range commonKey {
if metadata.IsDefined(key) {
if count > 0 {
return []lint.LineErr{{Line: -1, Message: "请删除无用 Common 配置 see: http://git.bilibili.co/platform/go-common/issues/310 (゜-゜)つロ"}}
return nil
func init() {
lint.RegisterLinter(filetype, tomllint{})
lintFns = []lintFn{noApp, noIdentify, noCommon}
lineNumberRe = regexp.MustCompile("^Near line (\\d+)")