// Code generated by protoc-gen-liverpc v0.1, DO NOT EDIT. // source: v1/GrayRule.proto package v1 import context "context" import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" import "go-common/library/net/rpc/liverpc" var _ proto.Message // generate to suppress unused imports // ================== // GrayRule Interface // ================== type GrayRuleRPCClient interface { // * 获取灰度策略配置 // GetByMark(ctx context.Context, req *GrayRuleGetByMarkReq, opts ...liverpc.CallOption) (resp *GrayRuleGetByMarkResp, err error) } // ======================== // GrayRule Live Rpc Client // ======================== type grayRuleRPCClient struct { client *liverpc.Client } // NewGrayRuleRPCClient creates a client that implements the GrayRuleRPCClient interface. func NewGrayRuleRPCClient(client *liverpc.Client) GrayRuleRPCClient { return &grayRuleRPCClient{ client: client, } } func (c *grayRuleRPCClient) GetByMark(ctx context.Context, in *GrayRuleGetByMarkReq, opts ...liverpc.CallOption) (*GrayRuleGetByMarkResp, error) { out := new(GrayRuleGetByMarkResp) err := doRPCRequest(ctx, c.client, 1, "GrayRule.getByMark", in, out, opts) if err != nil { return nil, err } return out, nil }