package archive import ( "context" sql2 "database/sql" "go-common/app/job/main/videoup-report/model/archive" "go-common/library/database/sql" "go-common/library/log" ) const ( _recheckByAid = "SELECT id,type,aid,uid,state,ctime,mtime FROM archive_recheck WHERE aid =? and type = ?" _inRecheck = "INSERT INTO archive_recheck (type,aid) VALUES (?,?)" _upRecheckState = "UPDATE archive_recheck SET state=? WHERE aid =? and type = ?" _upMidRecheckState = "UPDATE archive_recheck as r LEFT JOIN archive AS a ON = r.aid SET r.state=? WHERE a.mid =? and r.type = ? AND r.state = ?" ) // AddRecheckAids add recheck aids func (d *Dao) AddRecheckAids(c context.Context, tp int, aids []int64, ignRechecked bool) (err error) { for _, aid := range aids { recheck, _ := d.RecheckByAid(c, tp, aid) if recheck != nil { if ignRechecked && recheck.State != archive.RecheckStateIgnore { continue } if recheck.State == archive.RecheckStateWait { log.Info("d.AddRecheckAids(%d) already in recheck", aid) continue } if err = d.UpdateRecheckState(c, tp, aid, archive.RecheckStateWait); err != nil { log.Error("d.UpdateRecheckState error(%v)", err) continue } } else if _, err = d.db.Exec(c, _inRecheck, tp, aid); err != nil { log.Error("d.AddRecheckAids.Exec error(%v)", err) continue } a, err := d.ArchiveByAid(c, aid) if err != nil { log.Error("d.ArchiveByAid error(%v)", err) err = nil continue } tpStr := archive.RecheckType(tp) if tpStr != "" { d.AddArchiveOper(c, aid, a.Attribute, a.TypeID, a.State, a.Round, 0, "", "待"+tpStr) } } return } // UpdateMidRecheckState 设置某个UP主的未回查稿件回查状态 func (d *Dao) UpdateMidRecheckState(c context.Context, tp int, mid int64, state int8) (err error) { if _, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upMidRecheckState, state, mid, tp, archive.RecheckStateWait); err != nil { log.Error("d.updateRecheckState.Exec error(%v)", err) return } return } // TxAddRecheckAID add recheck aid to db func (d *Dao) TxAddRecheckAID(tx *sql.Tx, tp int, aid int64) (id int64, err error) { var ( res sql2.Result ) if res, err = tx.Exec(_inRecheck, tp, aid); err != nil { log.Error("TxAddRecheckAID error(%v) type(%d) aid(%d)", err, tp, aid) return } id, err = res.LastInsertId() return } // UpdateRecheckState update recheck state func (d *Dao) UpdateRecheckState(c context.Context, tp int, aid int64, state int8) (err error) { if _, err = d.db.Exec(c, _upRecheckState, state, aid, tp); err != nil { log.Error("d.updateRecheckState.Exec error(%v)", err) return } return } //TxUpRecheckState update recheck state func (d *Dao) TxUpRecheckState(tx *sql.Tx, tp int, aid int64, state int8) (row int64, err error) { var res sql2.Result if res, err = tx.Exec(_upRecheckState, state, aid, tp); err != nil { log.Error("d.TxUpRecheckState.Exec error(%v)", err) return } row, err = res.RowsAffected() return } // RecheckByAid find archive recheck func (d *Dao) RecheckByAid(c context.Context, tp int, aid int64) (recheck *archive.Recheck, err error) { row := d.db.QueryRow(c, _recheckByAid, aid, tp) recheck = &archive.Recheck{} if err = row.Scan(&recheck.ID, &recheck.Type, &recheck.Aid, &recheck.UID, &recheck.State, &recheck.CTime, &recheck.MTime); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil } else { log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err) } recheck = nil return } return }