package service import ( "context" "encoding/hex" "strconv" "strings" "go-common/app/job/main/passport-user-compare/model" "go-common/library/log" ) // full compare data and fix data func (s *Service) fullCompareAndFix() { go s.compareAndFixedUserBase(context.Background()) go s.compareAndFixedSafeQuestion(context.Background()) go s.compareAndFixedSns(context.Background()) } // full div compare and fixed use base info . func (s *Service) compareAndFixedUserBase(c context.Context) { diff := s.c.FullTask.AccountEnd / fullDivSegment var i int64 for i = 0; i < fullDivSegment; i++ { go s.compareAndFixedUserBaseDiv(context.Background(), i, diff*i, diff*(i+1)) } } // full div compare safe question . func (s *Service) compareAndFixedSafeQuestion(c context.Context) { for i := 0; i < 30; i++ { go s.compareAndFixedSafeQuestionDiv(context.Background(), i) } } // full div compare and fixed sns. func (s *Service) compareAndFixedSns(c context.Context) { diff := s.c.FullTask.AccountSnsEnd / fullDivSegment var i int64 for i = 0; i < fullDivSegment; i++ { go s.compareAndFixSnsDiv(context.Background(), i, diff*i, diff*(i+1)) } } func (s *Service) compareAndFixedUserBaseDiv(c context.Context, index, start, end int64) { var ( originAccounts []*model.OriginAccount err error ) for { log.Info("start full compare basic_account,index %d,start is %d ,end is %d ,step is %d ", index, start, end, s.c.FullTask.Step) if originAccounts, err = s.d.BatchQueryAccount(c, start, s.c.FullTask.Step); err != nil { log.Error("query batch account error,error is (%+v)", err) continue } for _, originAccount := range originAccounts { mid := originAccount.Mid // 密码、状态对比 var userBase *model.UserBase if userBase, err = s.d.QueryUserBase(c, mid); err != nil { log.Error("full query user base error,mid is %d,err is(+v)", mid, err) continue } if userBase == nil { log.Info("full userBase not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserBase, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["notExistUserBase"] = accountStat["notExistUserBase"] + 1 continue } if originAccount.Pwd != hex.EncodeToString(userBase.Pwd) || originAccount.Salt != userBase.Salt { log.Info("full pwd compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, originAccount.Pwd, hex.EncodeToString(userBase.Pwd)) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: pwdErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["pwd"] = accountStat["pwd"] + 1 } if originAccount.Isleak != userBase.Status { log.Info("full status compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, originAccount.Isleak, userBase.Status) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: statusErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["status"] = accountStat["status"] + 1 } // 对比手机号 var userTel *model.UserTel if userTel, err = s.d.QueryUserTel(c, mid); err != nil { log.Error("full query user tel error,mid is %d,err is(+v)", mid, err) continue } originTel := originAccount.Tel if originTel != "" && userTel == nil { log.Info("dynamic tel not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserTel, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["notExistUserTel"] = accountStat["notExistUserTel"] + 1 continue } if userTel != nil { var tel string if tel, err = s.doDecrypt(userTel.Tel); err != nil { log.Error("full doDecrypt tel error,mid is %d,tel is (%+v), err is(+v)", mid, userTel.Tel, err) continue } ot := strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(originTel), "") if ot != tel { log.Info("full tel compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, ot, tel) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: telErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix dynamicAccountStat["tel"] = dynamicAccountStat["tel"] + 1 } } // 对比邮箱 var userEmail *model.UserEmail if userEmail, err = s.d.QueryUserMail(c, mid); err != nil { log.Error("full query user mail error,error is (%+v)", err) continue } originMail := originAccount.Email if originMail != "" && userEmail == nil { log.Info("full mail not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserMail, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["notExistUserMail"] = accountStat["notExistUserMail"] + 1 continue } if userEmail != nil { var mail string if mail, err = s.doDecrypt(userEmail.Email); err != nil { log.Error("full doDecrypt email error,mid is %d,email is (%+v), err is(+v)", mid, userEmail.Email, err) continue } om := strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(originMail), "") if om != mail { log.Info("full mail compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, originMail, mail) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: mailErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountStat["mail"] = accountStat["mail"] + 1 } } } if start > end || len(originAccounts) == 0 { break } start = originAccounts[len(originAccounts)-1].Mid } log.Info("End full compare basic_account,index %d ", index) accountStat["user_base_index"] = index if err = s.d.SendWechat(accountStat); err != nil { log.Error("s.d.SendWechat account stat,error is (%+v)", err) return } } func (s *Service) compareAndFixedSafeQuestionDiv(c context.Context, tableIndex int) { var ( start int64 err error ) for { log.Info("start full compare aso_account_info,table is %d,start is %d,step is %d", tableIndex, start, s.c.FullTask.Step) var originAccountInfos []*model.OriginAccountInfo if originAccountInfos, err = s.d.BatchQueryAccountInfo(c, start, s.c.FullTask.Step, tableIndex); err != nil { log.Error("full query batch account info error,error is (%+v)", err) continue } for _, originAccountInfo := range originAccountInfos { mid := originAccountInfo.Mid if len(originAccountInfo.SafeAnswer) != 0 { var userSafeQuestion *model.UserSafeQuestion if userSafeQuestion, err = s.d.QueryUserSafeQuestion(c, mid); err != nil { log.Error("full query user safe question err, mid is %d,err is(+v)", mid, err) continue } if userSafeQuestion == nil { log.Info("full userSafeQuestion not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserSafeQuestion, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountInfoStat["notExistUserSafeQuestion"] = accountInfoStat["notExistUserSafeQuestion"] + 1 continue } originSafeAnswerBytes := s.doHash(originAccountInfo.SafeAnswer) if hex.EncodeToString(originSafeAnswerBytes) != hex.EncodeToString(userSafeQuestion.SafeAnswer) { log.Info("full safe question compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, originAccountInfo.SafeAnswer, hex.EncodeToString(userSafeQuestion.SafeAnswer)) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: safeErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountInfoStat["safe"] = accountInfoStat["safe"] + 1 } } } if start > s.c.FullTask.AccountInfoEnd || len(originAccountInfos) == 0 { break } start = originAccountInfos[len(originAccountInfos)-1].ID } log.Info("end full compare and fix account info table is %d", tableIndex) accountInfoStat["user_safe_question_index"] = int64(tableIndex) if err := s.d.SendWechat(accountInfoStat); err != nil { log.Error("s.d.SendWeChat account info stat ,error is (%+v)", err) return } } func (s *Service) compareAndFixSnsDiv(c context.Context, index, start, end int64) { var err error for { log.Info("start full compare aso_account_sns,index is %d,start is %d,step is %d", index, start, s.c.FullTask.Step) var originAccountSnses []*model.OriginAccountSns if originAccountSnses, err = s.d.BatchQueryAccountSns(c, start, s.c.FullTask.Step); err != nil { log.Error("full query batch account sns error,error is (%+v)", err) continue } for _, sns := range originAccountSnses { mid := sns.Mid if sns.QQOpenid != "" { var userThirdBind *model.UserThirdBind if userThirdBind, err = s.d.QueryUserThirdBind(c, mid, platformQQ); err != nil { log.Error("full query user bind error ,mid is %d, error is %(+v)", mid, err) continue } if userThirdBind == nil { log.Info("full sns not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserThirdBind, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountSnsStat["notExistUserThirdBind"] = accountSnsStat["notExistUserThirdBind"] + 1 continue } if userThirdBind.PlatForm == 2 && userThirdBind.OpenID != sns.QQOpenid { log.Info("full sns qq compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, string(sns.QQOpenid), userThirdBind.OpenID) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: qqErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountSnsStat["sns"] = accountSnsStat["sns"] + 1 } } if sns.SinaUID != 0 { var userThirdBind *model.UserThirdBind if userThirdBind, err = s.d.QueryUserThirdBind(c, mid, platformSina); err != nil { log.Error("full query user bind error ,mid is %d, error is %(+v)", mid, err) continue } if userThirdBind == nil { log.Info("full sns not exist,mid is %d", mid) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: notExistUserThirdBind, Action: insertAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountSnsStat["notExistUserThirdBind"] = accountSnsStat["notExistUserThirdBind"] + 1 continue } var openID int64 if openID, err = strconv.ParseInt(userThirdBind.OpenID, 10, 64); err != nil { log.Error("parse error.") return } if userThirdBind.PlatForm == 1 && openID != sns.SinaUID { log.Info("full sns sina compare not match,mid is %d, origin is (%+v),new is (%+v)", mid, sns.SinaUID, userThirdBind.OpenID) errorFix := &model.ErrorFix{Mid: mid, ErrorType: sinaErrorType, Action: updateAction} s.fullFixChan <- errorFix accountSnsStat["sns"] = accountSnsStat["sns"] + 1 } } } if start > end || len(originAccountSnses) == 0 { break } start = originAccountSnses[len(originAccountSnses)-1].Mid } log.Info("end full compare and fix account sns index %d", index) accountSnsStat["user_sns_index"] = index if err = s.d.SendWechat(accountSnsStat); err != nil { log.Error("s.d.SendWeChat sns stat,error is (%+v)", err) return } }