package dao import ( "context" xsql "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "go-common/library/xstr" "strings" "time" "go-common/app/admin/main/videoup-task/model" "go-common/library/cache/redis" "go-common/library/database/sql" "go-common/library/log" ) const ( _getMaxWeightSQL = "SELECT MAX(weight) FROM task_dispatch WHERE state in (0,1)" _upCwAfterAddSQL = "INSERT INTO `task_dispatch_extend` (`task_id`,`description`) VALUES(?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE description=?" _inWeightConfSQL = "INSERT INTO task_weight_config(mid,rule,weight,uid,uname,radio,description) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" // 增 _delWeightConfSQL = "UPDATE task_weight_config SET state=1 WHERE id=?" // 软删 _listWeightConfSQL = "SELECT id,uname,state,rule,weight,mtime,description FROM task_weight_config" // 查 _WeightConfSQL = "SELECT id,description FROM task_weight_config WHERE state=0" // 查 _lwconfigHelpSQL = "SELECT,t.cid,a.title,v.filename FROM task_dispatch t INNER JOIN archive a ON INNER JOIN archive_video v ON t.cid=v.cid WHERE IN (%s)" // archive_config _confSQL = "SELECT value FROM archive_config WHERE state=0 AND name=?" _upconfSQL = "UPDATE archive_config SET value=?,remark=? WHERE name=?" _inconfSQL = "INSERT archive_config(value,remark,name,state) VALUE (?,?,?,0)" _twexpire = 24 * 60 * 60 // 1 day ) // GetMaxWeight 获取当前最大权重数值 func (d *Dao) GetMaxWeight(c context.Context) (max int64, err error) { if err = d.arcDB.QueryRow(c, _getMaxWeightSQL).Scan(&max); err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.QueryRow error(%v)", err) err = nil } return } // UpCwAfterAdd update config weight after add config func (d *Dao) UpCwAfterAdd(c context.Context, id int64, desc string) (rows int64, err error) { row, err := d.arcDB.Exec(c, _upCwAfterAddSQL, id, desc, desc) if err != nil { log.Error("arcDB.Exec(%s,%d,%s,%s) error(%v)", _upCwAfterAddSQL, id, desc, desc, err) return } return row.RowsAffected() } // InWeightConf 写入权重配置表 func (d *Dao) InWeightConf(c context.Context, mcases map[int64]*model.WCItem) (err error) { tx, err := d.arcDB.Begin(c) if err != nil { log.Error("db.Begin() error(%v)", err) return } for _, item := range mcases { var descb []byte if descb, err = json.Marshal(item); err != nil { log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", item, err) tx.Rollback() return } if _, err = tx.Exec(_inWeightConfSQL, item.CID, item.Rule, item.Weight, item.UID, item.Uname, item.Radio, string(descb)); err != nil { log.Error("db.Exec(%s) error(%v)", _inWeightConfSQL, err) tx.Rollback() return } } if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil { log.Error("tx.Commit() error(%v)", err) return } return } // DelWeightConf 删除权重配置 func (d *Dao) DelWeightConf(c context.Context, id int64) (rows int64, err error) { res, err := d.arcDB.Exec(c, _delWeightConfSQL, id) if err != nil { log.Error("tx.Exec(%s %d) error(%v)", _delWeightConfSQL, id, err) return } return res.RowsAffected() } // ListWeightConf 查看权重配置表列表 func (d *Dao) ListWeightConf(c context.Context, cf *model.Confs) (citems []*model.WCItem, err error) { var ( count int64 rows *sql.Rows where string wherecase []string descb []byte bt = cf.Bt.TimeValue() et = cf.Et.TimeValue() ) if cid := cf.Cid; cid != -1 { wherecase = append(wherecase, fmt.Sprintf("mid=%d", cid)) } if operator := cf.Operator; len(operator) > 0 { wherecase = append(wherecase, fmt.Sprintf("uname='%s'", operator)) } if rule := cf.Rule; rule != -1 { wherecase = append(wherecase, fmt.Sprintf("rule=%d", rule)) } wherecase = append(wherecase, fmt.Sprintf("radio=%d AND state=%d", cf.Radio, cf.State)) where = "WHERE " + strings.Join(wherecase, " AND ") sqlstring := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s LIMIT %d,%d", _listWeightConfSQL, where, (cf.Pn-1)*cf.Ps, cf.Pn*cf.Ps) rows, err = d.arcDB.Query(c, sqlstring) if err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.Query(%s) error(%v)", sqlstring, err) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { wci := &model.WCItem{} if err = rows.Scan(&wci.ID, &wci.Uname, &wci.State, &wci.Rule, &wci.Weight, &wci.Mtime, &descb); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan(%s) error(%v)", sqlstring, err) return } if len(descb) > 0 { if err = json.Unmarshal(descb, wci); err != nil { log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", string(descb), err) err = nil continue } eti := wci.Et.TimeValue() // filter time if !et.IsZero() && !bt.IsZero() && (bt.After(wci.Mtime.TimeValue()) || et.Before(wci.Mtime.TimeValue())) { log.Info("config expired (%+v) parse et(%v)", wci, et) continue } // filter state if cf.State == 0 && !eti.IsZero() && eti.Before(time.Now()) { log.Info("config expired (%+v) parse et(%v)", wci, eti) continue } } if count > 50 { break } count++ citems = append(citems, wci) } return } // WeightConf 所有有效的配置(用于检测是否和已有的配置冲突) func (d *Dao) WeightConf(c context.Context) (items []*model.WCItem, err error) { var ( id int64 descb []byte rows *sql.Rows wci *model.WCItem ) if rows, err = d.arcDB.Query(c, _WeightConfSQL); err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.Query(%s) error(%v)", _WeightConfSQL, err) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { wci = new(model.WCItem) if err = rows.Scan(&id, &descb); err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) return } if err = json.Unmarshal(descb, wci); err != nil { log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", string(descb), err) err = nil continue } wci.ID = id items = append(items, wci) } return } // LWConfigHelp 补充任务对应稿件的title和filename func (d *Dao) LWConfigHelp(c context.Context, ids []int64) (res map[int64][]interface{}, err error) { var ( taskid, vid int64 filename, title string rows *sql.Rows ) rows, err = d.arcDB.Query(c, fmt.Sprintf(_lwconfigHelpSQL, xstr.JoinInts(ids))) if err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.Query(%v) error(%v)", ids, err) return } defer rows.Close() res = make(map[int64][]interface{}) for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(&taskid, &vid, &title, &filename) if err != nil { log.Error("rows.Scan error(%v)", err) continue } res[taskid] = []interface{}{filename, title, vid} } return } func key(id int64) string { return fmt.Sprintf("tw_%d", id) } //SetWeightRedis 设置权重配置 func (d *Dao) SetWeightRedis(c context.Context, mcases map[int64]*model.TaskPriority) (err error) { conn := d.redis.Get(c) defer conn.Close() for tid, mcase := range mcases { var bs []byte key := key(tid) if bs, err = json.Marshal(mcase); err != nil { log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", mcase, err) continue } if err = conn.Send("SET", key, bs); err != nil { log.Error("SET error(%v)", err) continue } if err = conn.Send("EXPIRE", key, _twexpire); err != nil { log.Error("EXPIRE error(%v)", err) continue } } if err = conn.Flush(); err != nil { log.Error("conn.Flush error(%v)", err) return } for i := 0; i < 2*len(mcases); i++ { if _, err = conn.Receive(); err != nil { log.Error("conn.Receive() error(%v)", err) return } } return } //GetWeightRedis 获取实时任务的权重配置 func (d *Dao) GetWeightRedis(c context.Context, ids []int64) (mcases map[int64]*model.TaskPriority, err error) { conn := d.redis.Get(c) defer conn.Close() mcases = make(map[int64]*model.TaskPriority) for _, id := range ids { var bs []byte key := key(int64(id)) if bs, err = redis.Bytes(conn.Do("GET", key)); err != nil { if err == redis.ErrNil { err = nil } else { log.Error("conn.Do(GET, %v) error(%v)", key, err) } continue } p := &model.TaskPriority{} if err = json.Unmarshal(bs, p); err != nil { log.Error("json.Unmarshal(%s) error(%v)", string(bs), err) err = nil continue } mcases[int64(id)] = p } return } // WeightVC 获取权重分值 func (d *Dao) WeightVC(c context.Context) (wvc *model.WeightVC, err error) { var value []byte row := d.arcDB.QueryRow(c, _confSQL, model.ConfForWeightVC) if err = row.Scan(&value); err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { err = nil } else { log.Error("row.Scan error(%v)", err) } return } wvc = new(model.WeightVC) if err = json.Unmarshal(value, wvc); err != nil { log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err) wvc = nil } return } // SetWeightVC 设置权重分值 func (d *Dao) SetWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *model.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error) { var ( valueb []byte res xsql.Result ) if valueb, err = json.Marshal(wvc); err != nil { log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", wvc, err) return } if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _upconfSQL, string(valueb), desc, model.ConfForWeightVC); err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%s, %s, %s, %s) error(%v)", _upconfSQL, string(valueb), desc, model.ConfForWeightVC, err) return } return res.RowsAffected() } // InWeightVC 插入 func (d *Dao) InWeightVC(c context.Context, wvc *model.WeightVC, desc string) (rows int64, err error) { var ( valueb []byte res xsql.Result ) if valueb, err = json.Marshal(wvc); err != nil { log.Error("json.Marshal(%+v) error(%v)", wvc, err) return } if res, err = d.arcDB.Exec(c, _inconfSQL, string(valueb), desc, model.ConfForWeightVC); err != nil { log.Error("d.arcDB.Exec(%s, %s, %s, %s) error(%v)", _inconfSQL, string(valueb), desc, model.ConfForWeightVC, err) return } return res.LastInsertId() }