package service import ( "context" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "time" "go-common/app/admin/main/creative/model/academy" "go-common/app/interface/openplatform/article/model" "go-common/app/service/main/archive/api" "go-common/library/log" "" ) //Archive get one archive by rpc func (s *Service) Archive(c context.Context, aid int64) (res *api.Arc, err error) { if res, err = s.dao.Archive(c, aid); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.Archive aid(%d)|err(%+v)", aid, err) } return } //Archives get archives by rpc func (s *Service) Archives(c context.Context, aids []int64) (res map[int64]*api.Arc, err error) { if res, err = s.dao.Archives(c, aids); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.Archives aids(%d)|err(%+v)", aids, err) } return } //Articles get articles by rpc func (s *Service) Articles(c context.Context, aids []int64) (res map[int64]*model.Meta, err error) { if res, err = s.dao.ArticleMetas(c, aids); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.ArticleMetas aids(%+v)|err(%+v)", aids, err) } return } //ArchivesWithES for es search func (s *Service) ArchivesWithES(c context.Context, aca *academy.EsParam) (res *academy.SearchResult, err error) { if res, err = s.dao.ArchivesWithES(c, aca); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.ArchivesWithES aca(%+v)|err(%+v)", aca, err) } return } // Stats get archives stat. func (s *Service) Stats(c context.Context, aids []int64, ip string) (res map[int64]*api.Stat, err error) { if res, err = s.dao.Stats(c, aids, ip); err != nil { log.Error("s.dao.Archives aids(%d)|ip(%s)|err(%+v)", aids, ip, err) } return } //SearchKeywords for list search keywords. func (s *Service) SearchKeywords() (res []interface{}, err error) { var sks []*academy.SearchKeywords if err = s.DB.Where("state=0").Order("rank ASC").Find(&sks).Error; err != nil { log.Error("SearchKeywords error(%v)", err) return } if len(sks) == 0 { return } res = s.trees(sks, "ID", "ParentID", "Children") return } //trees for generate tree data set // data - orm result set // idFieldStr - primary key in table map to struct // pidFieldStr - top parent id in table map to struct // chFieldStr - struct child nodes func (s *Service) trees(data interface{}, idFieldStr, pidFieldStr, chFieldStr string) (res []interface{}) { if reflect.TypeOf(data).Kind() != reflect.Slice { return } sli := reflect.ValueOf(data) top := make(map[int64]interface{}) res = make([]interface{}, 0, sli.Len()) for i := 0; i < sli.Len(); i++ { v := sli.Index(i).Interface() if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() != reflect.Ptr { continue } if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsNil() { continue } getValue := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem() getType := reflect.TypeOf(v).Elem() pid := getValue.FieldByName(pidFieldStr).Interface().(int64) if _, ok := getType.FieldByName(pidFieldStr); ok && pid == 0 { id := getValue.FieldByName(idFieldStr).Interface().(int64) top[id] = v res = append(res, v) } } for i := 0; i < sli.Len(); i++ { v := sli.Index(i).Interface() if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() != reflect.Ptr { continue } if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsNil() { continue } pid := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName(pidFieldStr).Interface().(int64) if pid == 0 { continue } if p, ok := top[pid]; ok { ch := reflect.ValueOf(p).Elem().FieldByName(chFieldStr) ch.Set(reflect.Append(ch, reflect.ValueOf(v))) } } return } //SubSearchKeywords for add search keywords. func (s *Service) SubSearchKeywords(vs []*academy.SearchKeywords) (err error) { if len(vs) == 0 { return } origins := []*academy.SearchKeywords{} if err = s.DB.Model(&academy.SearchKeywords{}).Find(&origins).Error; err != nil { log.Error("SubSearchKeywords Find error(%v)", err) return } originMap := make(map[int64]*academy.SearchKeywords) for _, v := range origins { originMap[v.ID] = v } newParents := make([]*academy.SearchKeywords, 0) oldParents := make([]*academy.SearchKeywords, 0) children := make([]*academy.SearchKeywords, 0) newChildren := make([]*academy.SearchKeywords, 0) oldChildren := make([]*academy.SearchKeywords, 0) now := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") for _, v := range vs { if v == nil { continue } v.Name = strings.TrimSpace(v.Name) //删除字符串前后空格 if vv, ok := originMap[v.ID]; ok && vv != nil { //父节点为老的 v.CTime = vv.CTime v.MTime = now oldParents = append(oldParents, v) if len(v.Children) > 0 { for _, vvv := range v.Children { vvv.ParentID = vv.ID //追加父节点ID vvv.CTime = now vvv.MTime = now children = append(children, vvv) //新老子节点同时存在 } } } else { v.CTime = now v.MTime = now newParents = append(newParents, v) } } oldParents = append(oldParents, newParents...) tx := s.DB if len(oldParents) > 0 { if err = s.insertKeyWords(tx, oldParents); err != nil { return } } newParentsNames := make([]string, 0) for _, v := range newParents { newParentsNames = append(newParentsNames, v.Name) } var pidMap map[string]*academy.SearchKeywords if len(newParentsNames) > 0 { if pidMap, err = s.upRanks(tx, newParentsNames); err != nil { return } } newChildrenNames := make([]string, 0) for _, v := range newParents { //父节点为新的 if v == nil { continue } if vv, ok := pidMap[v.Name]; ok && vv != nil { if len(v.Children) > 0 { for _, vvv := range v.Children { vvv.ParentID = vv.ID //追加父节点ID vvv.CTime = now vvv.MTime = now newChildren = append(newChildren, vvv) newChildrenNames = append(newChildrenNames, vvv.Name) } } } } for _, v := range children { if v == nil { continue } if vv, ok := originMap[v.ID]; ok && vv != nil { v.CTime = vv.CTime v.MTime = now oldChildren = append(oldChildren, v) } else { v.CTime = now v.MTime = now newChildren = append(newChildren, v) newChildrenNames = append(newChildrenNames, v.Name) } } oldChildren = append(oldChildren, newChildren...) if len(oldChildren) > 0 { if err = s.insertKeyWords(tx, oldChildren); err != nil { return } } if len(newChildrenNames) > 0 { if _, err = s.upRanks(tx, newChildrenNames); err != nil { return } } return } func (s *Service) insertKeyWords(tx *gorm.DB, vs []*academy.SearchKeywords) (err error) { if len(vs) == 0 { return } valSearks := make([]string, 0, len(vs)) valSearksArgs := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, v := range vs { valSearks = append(valSearks, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") valSearksArgs = append(valSearksArgs, v.ID, v.Rank, v.ParentID, v.State, v.Name, v.Comment, v.CTime, v.MTime) } sqlStr := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO academy_search_keywords (id, rank, parent_id, state, name, comment, ctime, mtime) VALUES %s "+ "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=VALUES(id), rank=VALUES(rank), parent_id=VALUES(parent_id), state=VALUES(state), name=VALUES(name), comment=VALUES(comment), ctime=VALUES(ctime), mtime=VALUES(mtime)", strings.Join(valSearks, ",")) if err = tx.Exec(sqlStr, valSearksArgs...).Error; err != nil { log.Error("insertKeyWords error(%v)", err) } return } func (s *Service) upRanks(tx *gorm.DB, names []string) (pidMap map[string]*academy.SearchKeywords, err error) { if len(names) == 0 { return } setRanks := []*academy.SearchKeywords{} if err = s.DB.Model(&academy.SearchKeywords{}).Where("name IN(?)", names).Find(&setRanks).Error; err != nil { log.Error("upRanks Find error(%v)", err) return } upRankSQL := "UPDATE academy_search_keywords SET rank = CASE id " ids := make([]int64, 0) pidMap = make(map[string]*academy.SearchKeywords) for _, v := range setRanks { upRankSQL += fmt.Sprintf("WHEN %d THEN %d ", v.ID, v.ID) ids = append(ids, v.ID) pidMap[v.Name] = v } if len(ids) == 0 { return } upRankSQL += "END WHERE id IN (?)" if err = tx.Exec(upRankSQL, ids).Error; err != nil { log.Error("upRanks update rank ids(%+v) error(%v)", ids, err) } return }