648 lines
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648 lines
19 KiB
package search
import (
v1 "go-common/app/service/main/archive/api"
xtime "go-common/library/time"
// default .
const (
GotoBangumi = "bangumi"
GotoAv = "av"
GotoWeb = "web"
GotoMovie = "movie"
GotoBangumiWeb = "bangumi_web"
GotoSp = "sp"
GotoLive = "live"
GotoGame = "game"
GotoAuthor = "author"
GotoClip = "clip"
GotoAlbum = "album"
GotoArticle = "article"
GotoAudio = "audio"
GotoSpecial = "special"
GotoBanner = "banner"
GotoSpecialS = "special_s"
GotoConverge = "converge"
GotoPGC = "pgc"
GotoChannel = "channel"
GotoEP = "ep"
GotoTwitter = "twitter"
CoverIng = "即将上映"
CoverPay = "付费观看"
CoverFree = "免费观看"
CoverVipFree = "付费观看"
CoverVipOnly = "专享"
CoverVipFirst = "抢先"
// UserSearch user search request .
type UserSearch struct {
SearchType string `form:"search_type" validate:"required"`
Order string `form:"order"`
Category int `form:"category"`
Platform string `form:"platform"`
Build string `form:"build"`
MobiAPP string `form:"mobi_app"`
Device string `form:"device"`
Keyword string `form:"keyword" validate:"required"`
Page int `form:"page" validate:"required,min=1"`
Pagesize int `form:"pagesize"`
UserType int `form:"user_type"`
Highlight int `form:"highlight"`
OrderSort int `form:"order_sort"`
FromSource string `form:"from_source"`
Buvid string `form:"buvid"`
Duration int `form:"duration"` // 视频时长
// 传递参数,给到dao用
SeasonNum int `form:"season_num"`
MovieNum int `form:"movie_num"`
RID int `form:"rid"`
MID int64 `form:"mid"`
// User struct res .
type User struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Mid int64 `json:"mid,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"uname,omitempty"`
Usign string `json:"usign,omitempty"`
Fans int `json:"fans,omitempty"`
Videos int `json:"videos,omitempty"`
Pic string `json:"upic,omitempty"`
VerifyInfo string `json:"verify_info"`
Level int `json:"level,omitempty"`
Gender int `json:"gender"`
IsUpuser int `json:"is_upuser,omitempty"`
IsLive int `json:"is_live,omitempty"`
RoomID int64 `json:"room_id,omitempty"`
Res []*struct {
Aid int64 `json:"aid,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Pubdate int64 `json:"pubdate,omitempty"`
ArcURL string `json:"arcurl,omitempty"`
Pic string `json:"pic,omitempty"`
Play interface{} `json:"play,omitempty"`
Danmaku int `json:"dm,omitempty"`
Coin int `json:"coin"`
Fav int `json:"fav"`
Desc string `json:"desc"`
Duration string `json:"duration,omitempty"`
} `json:"res,omitempty"`
OfficialVerify *OfficialVerify `json:"official_verify,omitempty"`
// OfficialVerify struct .
type OfficialVerify struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"`
// Search all .
type Search struct {
Code int `json:"code,omitempty"`
Trackid string `json:"seid,omitempty"`
Page int `json:"page,omitempty"`
PageSize int `json:"pagesize,omitempty"`
Total int `json:"total,omitempty"`
NumResults int `json:"numResults,omitempty"`
NumPages int `json:"numPages,omitempty"`
SuggestKeyword string `json:"suggest_keyword,omitempty"`
Attribute int32 `json:"exp_bits,omitempty"`
PageInfo struct {
Bangumi *Page `json:"bangumi,omitempty"`
UpUser *Page `json:"upuser,omitempty"`
BiliUser *Page `json:"bili_user,omitempty"`
User *Page `json:"user,omitempty"`
Movie *Page `json:"movie,omitempty"`
Film *Page `json:"pgc,omitempty"`
MediaBangumi *Page `json:"media_bangumi,omitempty"`
MediaFt *Page `json:"media_ft,omitempty"`
} `json:"pageinfo,omitempty"`
Result struct {
Bangumi []*Bangumi `json:"bangumi,omitempty"`
UpUser []*User `json:"upuser,omitempty"`
BiliUser []*User `json:"bili_user,omitempty"`
User []*User `json:"user,omitempty"`
Movie []*Movie `json:"movie,omitempty"`
Video []*Video `json:"video,omitempty"`
MediaBangumi []*Media `json:"media_bangumi,omitempty"`
MediaFt []*Media `json:"media_ft,omitempty"`
} `json:"result,omitempty"`
// Media struct .
type Media struct {
MediaID int64 `json:"media_id,omitempty"`
SeasonID int64 `json:"season_id,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
OrgTitle string `json:"org_title,omitempty"`
Styles string `json:"styles,omitempty"`
Cover string `json:"cover,omitempty"`
PlayState int `json:"play_state,omitempty"`
MediaScore *struct {
Score float64 `json:"score,omitempty"`
UserCount int `json:"user_count,omitempty"`
} `json:"media_score,omitempty"`
MediaType int `json:"media_type,omitempty"`
CV string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
Staff string `json:"staff,omitempty"`
Areas string `json:"areas,omitempty"`
GotoURL string `json:"goto_url,omitempty"`
Pubtime xtime.Time `json:"pubtime,omitempty"`
HitColumns []string `json:"hit_columns,omitempty"`
// Movie struct .
type Movie struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
SpID string `json:"spid"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Aid int64 `json:"aid"`
Desc string `json:"description"`
Actors string `json:"actors"`
Staff string `json:"staff"`
Cover string `json:"cover"`
Pic string `json:"pic"`
ScreenDate string `json:"screenDate"`
Area string `json:"area"`
Status int `json:"status"`
Length int `json:"length"`
Pages int `json:"numPages"`
// Video struct .
type Video struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Pic string `json:"pic"`
Desc string `json:"description"`
Play interface{} `json:"play"`
Danmaku int `json:"video_review"`
Duration string `json:"duration"`
Pages int `json:"numPages"`
ViewType string `json:"view_type"`
RecTags []string `json:"rec_tags"`
// ResultAll struct .
type ResultAll struct {
Trackid string `json:"trackid,omitempty"`
Page int `json:"page,omitempty"`
NavInfo []*NavInfo `json:"nav,omitempty"`
Items ResultItems `json:"items,omitempty"`
Item []*Item `json:"item,omitempty"` // 混排的数据(未用到)
Attribute int32 `json:"attribute"` // 实验中开关
// ResultItems struct .
type ResultItems struct {
Season2 []*Item `json:"season2,omitempty"`
Season []*Item `json:"season,omitempty"` // 老数据字段(未用到)
Upper []*Item `json:"upper,omitempty"`
Movie2 []*Item `json:"movie2,omitempty"`
Movie []*Item `json:"movie,omitempty"` // 老数据字段(未用到)
Archive []*Item `json:"archive,omitempty"`
// NavInfo struct .
type NavInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Pages int `json:"pages"`
Type int `json:"type"`
Show int `json:"show_more,omitempty"`
// Item struct .
type Item struct {
TrackID string `json:"trackid,omitempty"`
LinkType string `json:"linktype,omitempty"`
Position int `json:"position,omitempty"`
SuggestKeyword string `json:"suggest_keyword,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Cover string `json:"cover,omitempty"`
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
Param string `json:"param,omitempty"`
Goto string `json:"goto,omitempty"`
// av
Play int `json:"play,omitempty"`
Danmaku int `json:"danmaku,omitempty"`
Author string `json:"author,omitempty"`
ViewType string `json:"view_type,omitempty"`
PTime xtime.Time `json:"ptime,omitempty"`
RecTags []string `json:"rec_tags,omitempty"`
// media bangumi and mdeia ft
Prompt string `json:"prompt,omitempty"`
Episodes []*Item `json:"episodes,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
// bangumi season
Finish int8 `json:"finish,omitempty"`
Started int8 `json:"started,omitempty"`
Index string `json:"index,omitempty"`
NewestCat string `json:"newest_cat,omitempty"`
NewestSeason string `json:"newest_season,omitempty"`
CatDesc string `json:"cat_desc,omitempty"`
TotalCount int `json:"total_count,omitempty"`
MediaType int `json:"media_type,omitempty"`
PlayState int `json:"play_state,omitempty"`
Style string `json:"style,omitempty"`
CV string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
Rating float64 `json:"rating,omitempty"`
Vote int `json:"vote,omitempty"`
RatingCount int `json:"rating_count,omitempty"`
BadgeType int `json:"badge_type,omitempty"`
// upper
Sign string `json:"sign,omitempty"`
Fans int `json:"fans,omitempty"`
Level int `json:"level,omitempty"`
Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"`
OfficialVerify *OfficialVerify `json:"official_verify,omitempty"`
AvItems []*Item `json:"av_items,omitempty"`
Item []*Item `json:"item,omitempty"`
CTime int64 `json:"ctime,omitempty"`
IsUp bool `json:"is_up,omitempty"`
LiveURI string `json:"live_uri,omitempty"`
// movie
ScreenDate string `json:"screen_date,omitempty"`
Area string `json:"area,omitempty"`
CoverMark string `json:"cover_mark,omitempty"`
// user
Face string `json:"face,omitempty"`
// arc and sp
Arcs int `json:"archives,omitempty"`
// arc and movie
Duration string `json:"duration,omitempty"`
DurationInt int64 `json:"duration_int,omitempty"`
Actors string `json:"actors,omitempty"`
Staff string `json:"staff,omitempty"`
Length int `json:"length,omitempty"`
Status int `json:"status,omitempty"`
// Bangumi struct .
type Bangumi struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
SeasonID int `json:"season_id,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Cover string `json:"cover,omitempty"`
Evaluate string `json:"evaluate,omitempty"`
NewestEpID int `json:"newest_ep_id,omitempty"`
NewestEpIndex string `json:"newest_ep_index,omitempty"`
IsFinish int `json:"is_finish,omitempty"`
IsStarted int `json:"is_started,omitempty"`
NewestCat string `json:"newest_cat,omitempty"`
NewestSeason string `json:"newest_season,omitempty"`
TotalCount int `json:"total_count,omitempty"`
Pages int `json:"numPages,omitempty"`
CatList *struct {
TV int `json:"tv"`
Movie int `json:"movie"`
Ova int `json:"ova"`
} `json:"catlist,omitempty"`
// TypeSearch struct .
type TypeSearch struct {
TrackID string `json:"trackid"`
Pages int `json:"pages"`
Total int `json:"total"`
Items []*Item `json:"items,omitempty"`
// Card for bangumi .
type Card struct {
SeasonID int64 `json:"season_id"`
IsFollow int `json:"is_follow"`
IsSelection int `json:"is_selection"`
Badge string `json:"badge"`
BadgeType int `json:"badge_type"`
Episodes []*Episode `json:"episodes"`
// Episode for bangumi card .
type Episode struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Badge string `json:"badge"`
BadgeType int `json:"badge_type"`
Status int `json:"status"`
Cover string `json:"cover"`
Index string `json:"index"`
IndexTitle string `json:"index_title"`
// StatusMark cover status mark .
func StatusMark(status int) string {
if status == 0 {
return CoverIng
} else if status == 1 {
return CoverPay
} else if status == 2 {
return CoverFree
} else if status == 3 {
return CoverVipFree
} else if status == 4 {
return CoverVipOnly
} else if status == 5 {
return CoverVipFirst
return ""
// FillURI deal app schema .
func FillURI(gt, param string, f func(uri string) string) (uri string) {
switch gt {
case GotoAv, "":
uri = "bilibili://video/" + param
case GotoLive:
uri = "bilibili://live/" + param
case GotoBangumi:
uri = "bilibili://bangumi/season/" + param
case GotoBangumiWeb:
uri = "http://bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/" + param
case GotoGame:
uri = "bilibili://game_center/detail?id=" + param + "&sourceType=adPut"
case GotoSp:
uri = "bilibili://splist/" + param
case GotoAuthor:
uri = "bilibili://author/" + param
case GotoClip:
uri = "bilibili://clip/" + param
case GotoAlbum:
uri = "bilibili://album/" + param
case GotoArticle:
uri = "bilibili://article/" + param
case GotoWeb:
uri = param
case GotoPGC:
uri = "https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss" + param
case GotoChannel:
uri = "bilibili://pegasus/channel/" + param + "/"
case GotoEP:
uri = "https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep" + param
case GotoTwitter:
uri = "bilibili://pictureshow/detail/" + param
if f != nil {
uri = f(uri)
// search const
var getHightLight = regexp.MustCompile(`<em.*?em>`)
var (
// AvHandler .
AvHandler = func(a *v1.Arc) func(uri string) string {
return func(uri string) string {
if a == nil {
return uri
if a.Dimension.Height != 0 || a.Dimension.Width != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?player_width=%d&player_height=%d&player_rotate=%d", uri, a.Dimension.Width, a.Dimension.Height, a.Dimension.Rotate)
return uri
// FromSeason .
func (i *Item) FromSeason(b *Bangumi, bangumi string) {
i.Title = b.Title
i.Cover = b.Cover
i.Goto = GotoBangumi
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(b.SeasonID))
i.URI = FillURI(bangumi, i.Param, nil)
i.Finish = int8(b.IsFinish)
i.Started = int8(b.IsStarted)
i.Index = b.NewestEpIndex
i.NewestCat = b.NewestCat
i.NewestSeason = b.NewestSeason
i.TotalCount = b.TotalCount
var buf bytes.Buffer
if b.CatList.TV != 0 {
buf.WriteString(`) `)
if b.CatList.Movie != 0 {
buf.WriteString(`) `)
if b.CatList.Ova != 0 {
i.CatDesc = buf.String()
// FromUpUser form func .
func (i *Item) FromUpUser(u *User, as map[int64]*v1.Arc) {
i.Title = u.Name
i.Cover = u.Pic
i.Goto = GotoAuthor
i.OfficialVerify = u.OfficialVerify
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(u.Mid))
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, nil)
i.Sign = u.Usign
i.Fans = u.Fans
i.Level = u.Level
i.Arcs = u.Videos
i.AvItems = make([]*Item, 0, len(u.Res))
for _, v := range u.Res {
vi := &Item{}
vi.Title = v.Title
vi.Cover = v.Pic
vi.Goto = GotoAv
vi.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(v.Aid))
a, ok := as[v.Aid]
if ok {
vi.Play = int(a.Stat.View)
vi.Danmaku = int(a.Stat.Danmaku)
} else {
switch play := v.Play.(type) {
case float64:
vi.Play = int(play)
case string:
vi.Play, _ = strconv.Atoi(play)
vi.Danmaku = v.Danmaku
vi.CTime = v.Pubdate
vi.Duration = v.Duration
i.AvItems = append(i.AvItems, vi)
// FromUser form func .
func (i *Item) FromUser(u *User, as map[int64]*v1.Arc) {
i.Title = u.Name
i.Cover = u.Pic
i.Goto = GotoAuthor
i.OfficialVerify = u.OfficialVerify
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(u.Mid))
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, nil)
i.Sign = u.Usign
i.Fans = u.Fans
i.Level = u.Level
i.Arcs = u.Videos
i.AvItems = make([]*Item, 0, len(u.Res))
if u.IsUpuser == 1 {
for _, v := range u.Res {
vi := &Item{}
vi.Title = v.Title
vi.Cover = v.Pic
vi.Goto = GotoAv
vi.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(v.Aid))
a, ok := as[v.Aid]
if ok {
vi.Play = int(a.Stat.View)
vi.Danmaku = int(a.Stat.Danmaku)
} else {
switch play := v.Play.(type) {
case float64:
vi.Play = int(play)
case string:
vi.Play, _ = strconv.Atoi(play)
vi.Danmaku = v.Danmaku
vi.CTime = v.Pubdate
vi.Duration = v.Duration
i.AvItems = append(i.AvItems, vi)
i.IsUp = true
// FromMovie form func .
func (i *Item) FromMovie(m *Movie, as map[int64]*v1.Arc) {
i.Title = m.Title
i.Desc = m.Desc
if m.Type == "movie" {
i.Cover = m.Cover
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(m.Aid))
i.Goto = GotoAv
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, AvHandler(as[m.Aid]))
i.CoverMark = StatusMark(m.Status)
} else if m.Type == "special" {
i.Param = m.SpID
i.Goto = GotoSp
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, nil)
i.Cover = m.Pic
i.Staff = m.Staff
i.Actors = m.Actors
i.Area = m.Area
i.Length = m.Length
i.Status = m.Status
i.ScreenDate = m.ScreenDate
// FromVideo form func .
func (i *Item) FromVideo(v *Video, a *v1.Arc) {
i.Title = v.Title
i.Cover = v.Pic
i.Author = v.Author
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(v.ID))
i.Goto = GotoAv
if a != nil {
i.Face = a.Author.Face
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, AvHandler(a))
i.Play = int(a.Stat.View)
i.Danmaku = int(a.Stat.Danmaku)
} else {
i.URI = FillURI(i.Goto, i.Param, nil)
switch play := v.Play.(type) {
case float64:
i.Play = int(play)
case string:
i.Play, _ = strconv.Atoi(play)
i.Danmaku = v.Danmaku
i.Desc = v.Desc
i.Duration = v.Duration
i.ViewType = v.ViewType
i.RecTags = v.RecTags
// FromMedia form func .
func (i *Item) FromMedia(m *Media, prompt string, gt string, bangumis map[string]*Card) {
i.Title = m.Title
if i.Title == "" {
i.Title = m.OrgTitle
i.Cover = m.Cover
i.Goto = gt
i.Param = strconv.Itoa(int(m.SeasonID))
i.URI = m.GotoURL
i.MediaType = m.MediaType
i.PlayState = m.PlayState
i.Style = m.Styles
i.CV = m.CV
i.Staff = m.Staff
if m.MediaScore != nil {
i.Rating = m.MediaScore.Score
i.Vote = m.MediaScore.UserCount
i.PTime = m.Pubtime
areas := strings.Split(m.Areas, "、")
if len(areas) != 0 {
i.Area = areas[0]
i.Prompt = prompt
var hit string
for _, v := range m.HitColumns {
if v == "cv" {
hit = v
} else if v == "staff" {
hit = v
if hit == "cv" {
for _, v := range getHightLight.FindAllStringSubmatch(m.CV, -1) {
if gt == GotoBangumi {
i.Label = fmt.Sprintf("声优: %v...", v[0])
} else if gt == GotoMovie {
i.Label = fmt.Sprintf("演员: %v...", v[0])
} else if hit == "staff" {
for _, v := range getHightLight.FindAllStringSubmatch(m.Staff, -1) {
i.Label = fmt.Sprintf("制作人员: %v...", v[0])
// get from PGC API .
ssID := strconv.Itoa(int(m.SeasonID))
if bgm, ok := bangumis[ssID]; ok {
for _, v := range bgm.Episodes {
tmp := &Item{
Param: strconv.Itoa(int(v.ID)),
Index: v.Index,
BadgeType: v.BadgeType,
tmp.URI = FillURI(GotoEP, tmp.Param, nil)
i.Episodes = append(i.Episodes, tmp)