196 lines
6.7 KiB
196 lines
6.7 KiB
package http
import (
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
// reportPlayer write the archive data.
func reportPlayer(c *bm.Context) {
params := c.Request.Form
header := c.Request.Header
buvid := header.Get("Buvid")
displayid := header.Get("Display-ID")
ts := params.Get("ts")
aid := params.Get("aid")
cid := params.Get("cid")
playedTime := params.Get("played_time")
mid := params.Get("mid")
moAp := params.Get("mobi_app")
typeID := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
sid := params.Get("sid")
epid := params.Get("epid")
infocRealTime.Info(ts, buvid, displayid, mid, aid, cid, playedTime, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10), "1", moAp, "", typeID, subType, sid, epid, "")
c.JSON(nil, nil)
// reportHeartbeat write the archive data.
func reportHeartbeat(c *bm.Context) {
params := c.Request.Form
header := c.Request.Header
buvid := header.Get("Buvid")
displayid := header.Get("Display-ID")
sts := params.Get("start_ts")
aid := params.Get("aid")
if aid == "" {
aid = params.Get("avid")
cid := params.Get("cid")
playedTime := params.Get("played_time")
mid := params.Get("mid")
moAp := params.Get("mobi_app")
typeID := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
sid := params.Get("sid")
epid := params.Get("epid")
playType := params.Get("play_type")
if playType == "" {
playType = params.Get("playtype")
infocRealTime.Info(sts, buvid, displayid, mid, aid, cid, playedTime, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10), "2", moAp, "", typeID, subType, sid, epid, playType)
c.JSON(nil, nil)
func heartbeatMobile(c *bm.Context) {
params := c.Request.Form
header := c.Request.Header
sts := params.Get("start_ts")
build := params.Get("build")
buvid := header.Get("Buvid")
mobileApp := params.Get("mobi_app")
device := params.Get("device")
platform := params.Get("platform")
session := params.Get("session")
mid := params.Get("mid")
aid := params.Get("aid")
cid := params.Get("cid")
sid := params.Get("sid")
epid := params.Get("epid")
tp := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
quality := params.Get("quality")
totalTime := params.Get("total_time")
pausedTime := params.Get("paused_time")
playedTime := params.Get("played_time")
videoDuration := params.Get("video_duration")
playType := params.Get("play_type")
networkType := params.Get("network_type")
playProgressTimeLast := params.Get("last_play_progress_time")
playProgressTimeMax := params.Get("max_play_progress_time")
playMode := params.Get("play_mode")
from := params.Get("from")
epidStatus := params.Get("epid_status")
playStatus := params.Get("play_status")
userStatus := params.Get("user_status")
actualPlayedTime := params.Get("actual_played_time")
autoPlay := params.Get("auto_play")
detailPlayTime := params.Get("detail_play_time")
listPlayTime := params.Get("list_play_time")
userAgent := c.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
ts, err := strconv.ParseInt(sts, 10, 64)
if err != nil || ts <= 0 {
ts = time.Now().Unix()
sts = strconv.FormatInt(ts, 10)
// NOTE /x/report//heartbeat/mobile auto_play = 2 ===> /x/report/click/android2 & ios
// (自动播放的上报>> 2:天马feed流inline) 播放时长转成播放点击
autoPlayInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(autoPlay, 10, 64)
fromInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(from, 10, 64)
videoDurInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(videoDuration, 10, 64)
playedTimeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(playedTime, 10, 64)
var needCompens bool
if (autoPlayInt == 2 || autoPlayInt == 1) && fromMap[fromInt] {
userAgent = userAgent + " (inline_play_to_view)" // change from auto_play to inline_play_heartbeat, then to inline_play_to_view
needCompens = true
if (autoPlayInt == 2 || autoPlayInt == 1) && fromInlineMap[fromInt] && playedTimeInt >= inlineDuration && (videoDurInt >= playedTimeInt) {
userAgent += " (played_time_enough)" // new logic, if inline play more than 10s, count it also
needCompens = true
if needCompens {
var cookieSid, plat string
if ck, err := c.Request.Cookie("sid"); err == nil {
cookieSid = ck.Value
ip := metadata.String(c, metadata.RemoteIP)
switch platform {
case "android":
plat = _platAndroid
case "ios":
plat = _platIos
clickSvr.Play(c, plat, aid, cid, params.Get("part"), mid, params.Get("lv"),
"0", sts, buvid, ip, userAgent, buvid,
cookieSid, c.Request.Header.Get("Referer"), tp,
subType, sid, epid, playMode, platform, device, mobileApp, autoPlay, session)
plat, aid, cid, params.Get("part"), mid, params.Get("lv"),
"0", sts, buvid, ip, userAgent, buvid,
cookieSid, c.Request.Header.Get("Referer"), tp,
subType, sid, epid, playMode, platform, device, mobileApp, autoPlay, session)
buildInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(build, 10, 64)
clickSvr.SuccReport(c, &model.SuccReport{ // record the success by different build
MobiApp: mobileApp,
Build: buildInt,
infocStatistics.Info(sts, build, buvid, mobileApp, platform, session, mid, aid, cid, sid,
epid, tp, subType, quality, totalTime, pausedTime, playedTime, videoDuration,
playType, networkType, playProgressTimeLast, playProgressTimeMax, playMode, device, from, epidStatus, playStatus, userStatus, actualPlayedTime, autoPlay, detailPlayTime, listPlayTime)
data := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
data["ts"] = ts
c.JSON(data, nil)
// webHeartbeat write the archive data.
func webHeartbeat(c *bm.Context) {
var (
buvid, mid, term string
params = c.Request.Form
if ck, err := c.Request.Cookie("buvid3"); err == nil {
buvid = ck.Value
sts := params.Get("start_ts")
aid := params.Get("aid")
cid := params.Get("cid")
pause := params.Get("pause")
playType := params.Get("play_type")
if playType == "" {
playType = params.Get("playtype")
playedTime := params.Get("played_time")
if midI, ok := c.Get("mid"); ok {
mid = strconv.FormatInt(midI.(int64), 10)
tp := params.Get("type")
subType := params.Get("sub_type")
sid := params.Get("sid")
if sid == "" {
sid = params.Get("seasonID")
epid := params.Get("epid")
dt := params.Get("dt")
if dt == "7" {
// count m.bilibili.com visits times.
term = "h5"
} else {
dt = "2"
term = "web"
realtime := params.Get("realtime")
ts := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
infocRealTime.Info(sts, buvid, "", mid, aid, cid, playedTime, ts, dt, term, pause, tp, subType, sid, epid, playType)
clickSvr.Report(c, playedTime, cid, tp, subType, realtime, aid, mid, sid, epid, dt, ts)
c.JSON(nil, nil)