563 lines
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563 lines
16 KiB
package service
import (
bm "go-common/library/net/http/blademaster"
// PlatformChallCount will return count of challenges which are backlog of an admin
func (s *Service) PlatformChallCount(c context.Context, assigneeAdminID int64, permissionMap map[int8]int64) (challCount *search.ChallCount, err error) {
var challSearchCommonResp *search.ChallSearchCommonResp
if challCount, err = s.dao.ChallCountCache(c, assigneeAdminID); err != nil {
log.Warn("s.dao.ChallCountCache(%d) error(%v)", assigneeAdminID, err)
err = nil
if challCount != nil {
// not fit cache, need to search es
challCount = new(search.ChallCount)
challCount.BusinessCount = make(map[int8]int64)
for business, round := range permissionMap {
cond := new(search.ChallSearchCommonCond)
cond.Fields = []string{"id"}
cond.Business = business
cond.AssigneeAdminIDs = []int64{assigneeAdminID}
cond.PN = 1
cond.PS = 1000
cond.Order = "id"
cond.Sort = "desc"
if round == model.FeedbackRound {
cond.BusinessStates = []int64{0, 1}
} else {
cond.States = []int64{0}
if challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchChallenge(%v) error(%v)", cond, err)
challCount.BusinessCount[business] = int64(challSearchCommonResp.Page.Total)
challCount.TotalCount += int64(challSearchCommonResp.Page.Total)
if err = s.dao.UpChallCountCache(c, challCount, assigneeAdminID); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpChallCountCache(%d) error(%v)", assigneeAdminID, err)
err = nil
// PlatformChallListPending will return challenges which are backlog of an admin
func (s *Service) PlatformChallListPending(c context.Context, assigneeAdminID int64, permissionMap map[int8]int64, pclp *param.ChallListParam) (challPage *search.ChallListPageCommon, err error) {
var (
challSearchCommonResp *search.ChallSearchCommonResp
cids []int64
uids []int64
challs map[int64]*model.Chall
challLastLog map[int64]string
challLastEvent map[int64]*model.Event
attPaths map[int64][]string
uNames map[int64]string
attr *model.BusinessAttr
rcids []int64
exist bool
ok bool
pMeta map[int8]map[int64][]int64
t *model.TagMeta
l string
gidToBus map[int64]*model.Business
rand := pclp.R
log.Info("assignee_adminid(%d) call pending rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, rand)
pMetas := model.PlatformMetas()
// todo: if assign type = 0 judge if admin is online
if exist, err = s.dao.IsOnline(c, assigneeAdminID); err != nil {
log.Info("s.dao.IsOnline(%d) error(%v)", assigneeAdminID, err)
for i, business := range pclp.Businesses {
pMeta, ok = pMetas[business]
if !ok {
log.Error("not read platform meta of business(%d)", business)
if attr, ok = s.busAttrCache[business]; !ok {
log.Error("can not find business(%d) attr", business)
assignNum := pclp.AssignNum[i]
// assignNum not allow over assignMax
if assignNum > attr.AssignMax {
assignNum = attr.AssignMax
round, ok := permissionMap[business]
if !ok {
log.Warn("uid(%d) not has permission of business(%d) rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, business, rand)
// need get mission from redis list (not assigneed)
if attr.AssignType == 0 {
// assignType == 0 need judge checkin
if !exist {
log.Info("uid(%d) not checkin platform rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, rand)
// get mission from es first
cond := &search.ChallSearchCommonCond{
Fields: []string{"id"},
AssigneeAdminIDs: []int64{assigneeAdminID},
PS: int(assignNum),
PN: pclp.PN,
if round >= model.AuditRoundMin && round <= model.AuditRoundMax {
cond.Business = business
cond.States, ok = pMeta[0][0]
if !ok {
if round == model.FeedbackRound { //feedback flow
cond.Business = business
cond.BusinessStates, ok = pMeta[0][1]
if !ok {
if challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchChallenge(%+v) error(%v)", cond, err)
for _, r := range challSearchCommonResp.Result {
cids = append(cids, r.ID)
log.Warn("uid(%d) has mission in db, cids:(%v) rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, cids, rand)
assignNum = assignNum - int8(len(challSearchCommonResp.Result))
if assignNum <= 0 {
log.Warn("uid(%d) cids:(%v) business(%d) round(%d) not need consume, continue rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, cids, business, round, rand)
log.Warn("uid(%d) wanna consume redis business(%d) round(%d) num(%d) already has cids(%v) rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, business, round, assignNum, cids, rand)
// mission from redis
rcids, err = s.dao.RedisRPOPCids(c, business, round, assignNum)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.RedisRPOPCids(%d,%d,%d) error(%v)", business, round, assignNum, err)
err = errors.WithStack(err)
return nil, err
tx := s.dao.ORM.Begin()
if tx.Error != nil {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Error("s.PlatformChallListPending() panic(%v)", r)
// set dispatch_time if consume mission from redis
if err = s.dao.TxUpChallAssignee(tx, rcids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.TxUpChallAssignee(%v,%d)", rcids, assigneeAdminID)
return nil, err
log.Warn("uid(%d) consume cids(%v) business(%d) round(%d) rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, rcids, business, round, rand)
cids = append(cids, rcids...)
// set challenge business_state to pending
if err = s.dao.TxUpChallsBusStateByIDs(tx, rcids, 1, assigneeAdminID); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.TxUpChallsBusStateByIDs(%v,%d,%d)", cids, 1, assigneeAdminID)
return nil, err
if err = tx.Commit().Error; err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to tx.Commit(): %v", err)
} else if attr.AssignType == 1 { // get mission only from es search (already assigneed)
cond := &search.ChallSearchCommonCond{
Fields: []string{"id"},
AssigneeAdminIDs: []int64{assigneeAdminID},
PS: int(assignNum),
PN: 1,
if round >= model.AuditRoundMin && round <= model.AuditRoundMax {
cond.Business = business
cond.States = pMetas[business][0][0]
} else {
continue //feedback flow not support assign type 0
if challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchChallenge(%+v) error(%v)", cond, err)
for _, r := range challSearchCommonResp.Result {
cids = append(cids, r.ID)
log.Info("after a pending uid(%d) rand(%d)", assigneeAdminID, rand)
challPage = &search.ChallListPageCommon{}
if len(cids) == 0 {
challPage.Items = make([]*model.Chall, 0)
challPage.Page = &model.Page{
Num: pclp.PN,
Size: pclp.PS,
Total: 0,
if challs, err = s.dao.Challs(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.Challs(%v) error(%v)", cids, err)
if challLastLog, err = s.LastLog(c, cids, []int{model.WLogModuleChallenge, model.WLogModuleReply}); err != nil {
log.Error("s.batchLastLog(%v,%v) error(%v)", cids, model.WLogModuleChallenge, err)
err = nil
if attPaths, err = s.dao.AttPathsByCids(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AttPathsByCids() error(%v)", err)
cond := &search.ChallSearchCommonCond{
Fields: []string{"id", "gid"},
IDs: cids,
PS: 1000,
PN: 1,
if challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchChallenge(%+v) error(%v)", cond, err)
var gids []int64
for _, r := range challSearchCommonResp.Result {
gids = append(gids, r.Gid)
if gidToBus, err = s.dao.BusObjectByGids(c, gids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.BusObjectByGids(%v) error(%v)", gids, err)
if challLastEvent, err = s.batchLastEvent(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.batchLastEvent(%v) error(%v)", cids, err)
for _, c := range challs {
uids = append(uids, int64(c.AdminID))
uids = append(uids, int64(c.AssigneeAdminID))
if uNames, err = s.dao.BatchUNameByUID(c, uids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchUNameByUid(%v) error(%v)", uids, err)
err = nil
challList := make([]*model.Chall, 0, len(challSearchCommonResp.Result))
for _, cid := range cids {
c, ok := challs[cid]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Invalid challenge id %d", cid)
// fill tag
if t, err = s.tag(c.Business, c.Tid); err != nil {
log.Error("s.tag(%d,%d) error(%v)", c.Business, c.Tid, err)
err = nil
} else {
c.Tag = t.Name
c.Round = t.RID
// fill last log
if l, ok = challLastLog[cid]; ok {
c.LastLog = l
// fill last event
c.LastEvent = challLastEvent[cid]
// fill attachments
c.Attachments = make([]string, 0)
if ps, ok := attPaths[cid]; ok {
c.Attachments = ps
//fill business object
if b, ok := gidToBus[c.Gid]; ok {
c.BusinessObject = b
} else {
log.Warn("failed to find bus object gid(%d) cid(%d)", c.Gid, c.Cid)
c.AssigneeAdminName = uNames[c.AssigneeAdminID]
c.AdminName = uNames[c.AdminID]
challList = append(challList, c)
challPage.Items = challList
challPage.Page = &model.Page{
Num: challSearchCommonResp.Page.Num,
Size: challSearchCommonResp.Page.Size,
Total: len(cids),
// PlatformChallListHandlingDone list handling challenges of admin
func (s *Service) PlatformChallListHandlingDone(c *bm.Context, pchlp *param.ChallHandlingDoneListParam, permissionMap map[int8]int64, assigneeAdminID int64, feature int8) (challPage interface{}, err error) {
pMetas := model.PlatformMetas()
business := pchlp.Businesses
round := permissionMap[business]
if _, ok := pMetas[business]; !ok { // business not in platform
err = errors.Wrap(ecode.MethodNotAllowed, "business not in platform")
if _, ok := pMetas[business][feature]; !ok { // business not has platform state
err = errors.Wrap(ecode.MethodNotAllowed, "business not has platform state")
cond := &search.ChallSearchCommonCond{
Fields: []string{"id", "gid"},
Business: business,
AssigneeAdminIDs: []int64{assigneeAdminID},
PS: pchlp.PS,
PN: pchlp.PN,
Sort: pchlp.Sort,
Order: pchlp.Order,
if round >= model.AuditRoundMin && round <= model.AuditRoundMax { //audit flow
cond.Business = business
cond.States = pMetas[business][feature][0]
if round == model.FeedbackRound { //feedback flow
cond.Business = business
cond.BusinessStates = pMetas[business][feature][1]
return s.ChallsWrap(c, cond)
// PlatformChallListCreated list created challenges of admin
func (s *Service) PlatformChallListCreated(c context.Context, cond *search.ChallSearchCommonCond) (challPage *search.ChallListPageCommon, err error) {
return s.ChallsWrap(c, cond)
// PlatformRelease admin offline
func (s *Service) PlatformRelease(c context.Context, permissionMap map[int8]int64, assigneeAdminID int64) (err error) {
var (
challSearchCommonResp *search.ChallSearchCommonResp
cids []int64
attr *model.BusinessAttr
ok bool
cids = make([]int64, 0)
for business, round := range permissionMap {
cond := &search.ChallSearchCommonCond{
Fields: []string{"id"},
AssigneeAdminIDs: []int64{assigneeAdminID},
PN: 1,
PS: 1000,
if attr, ok = s.busAttrCache[business]; !ok {
log.Error("can not find business(%d) attr", business)
if attr.AssignType == 1 {
} else { //任务消费 退出需要释放待处理状态的工单
if round == model.FeedbackRound { //客服
cond.BusinessStates = []int64{0, 1}
} else {
cond.States = []int64{0}
cond.Business = business
if challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchChallenge(%v) error(%v)", cond, err)
for _, r := range challSearchCommonResp.Result {
cids = append(cids, r.ID)
if err = s.dao.BatchResetAssigneeAdminID(cids); err != nil {
err = s.dao.DelOnline(c, assigneeAdminID)
// add report
log.Info("uid(%d) offline success err(%v)", assigneeAdminID, err)
// PlatformCheckIn admin online
func (s *Service) PlatformCheckIn(c context.Context, assigneeAdminID int64) (err error) {
err = s.dao.AddOnline(c, assigneeAdminID)
// add report
log.Info("uid(%d) online success err(%v)", assigneeAdminID, err)
// PlatformOnlineList .
func (s *Service) PlatformOnlineList(c context.Context) (err error) {
var onlineAdminIDs []int64
if onlineAdminIDs, err = s.dao.ListOnline(c); err != nil {
// search login/out time, last 24h operate
s.dao.LogInOutTime(c, onlineAdminIDs)
// ChallsWrap warp challenges list result
func (s *Service) ChallsWrap(c context.Context, cond *search.ChallSearchCommonCond) (challPageCommon *search.ChallListPageCommon, err error) {
var (
challSearchCommonResp *search.ChallSearchCommonResp
challLastLog map[int64]string
challLastEvent map[int64]*model.Event
attPaths map[int64][]string
gidToBus map[int64]*model.Business
uNames map[int64]string
challs map[int64]*model.Chall
cids []int64
uids []int64
gids []int64
t *model.TagMeta
l string
challSearchCommonResp, err = s.dao.SearchChallenge(c, cond)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithStack(err)
return nil, err
cids = make([]int64, 0)
uids = make([]int64, 0, len(challSearchCommonResp.Result)*2)
gids = make([]int64, 0)
for _, r := range challSearchCommonResp.Result {
cids = append(cids, r.ID)
gids = append(gids, r.Gid)
challPageCommon = new(search.ChallListPageCommon)
if len(cids) == 0 {
challPageCommon.Items = make([]*model.Chall, 0)
challPageCommon.Page = &model.Page{
Num: cond.PN,
Size: cond.PS,
Total: 0,
if challs, err = s.dao.Challs(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.Challs(%v) error(%v)", cids, err)
if challLastLog, err = s.LastLog(c, cids, []int{model.WLogModuleChallenge, model.WLogModuleReply}); err != nil {
log.Error("s.batchLastLog(%v,%v) error(%v)", cids, model.WLogModuleChallenge, err)
err = nil
if attPaths, err = s.dao.AttPathsByCids(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AttPathsByCids() error(%v)", err)
if gidToBus, err = s.dao.BusObjectByGids(c, gids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.BusObjectByGids(%v) error(%v)", gids, err)
if challLastEvent, err = s.batchLastEvent(c, cids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.batchLastEvent(%v) error(%v)", cids, err)
for _, c := range challs {
uids = append(uids, int64(c.AdminID))
uids = append(uids, int64(c.AssigneeAdminID))
if uNames, err = s.dao.BatchUNameByUID(c, uids); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.SearchUNameByUid(%v) error(%v)", uids, err)
err = nil
challList := make([]*model.Chall, 0, len(cids))
for _, cid := range cids {
c, ok := challs[cid]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Invalid challenge id %d", cid)
// fill tag
if t, err = s.tag(c.Business, c.Tid); err != nil {
log.Error("s.tag(%d,%d) error(%v)", c.Business, c.Tid, err)
err = nil
} else {
c.Tag = t.Name
c.Round = t.RID
// fill last log
if l, ok = challLastLog[cid]; ok {
c.LastLog = l
// fill last event
c.LastEvent = challLastEvent[cid]
// fill attachments
c.Attachments = make([]string, 0)
if ps, ok := attPaths[cid]; ok {
c.Attachments = ps
//fill business object
if b, ok := gidToBus[c.Gid]; ok {
c.BusinessObject = b
} else {
log.Warn("failed to find bus object gid(%d) cid(%d)", c.Gid, c.Cid)
c.AssigneeAdminName = uNames[c.AssigneeAdminID]
c.AdminName = uNames[c.AdminID]
challList = append(challList, c)
challPageCommon.Items = challList
challPageCommon.Page = &model.Page{
Num: challSearchCommonResp.Page.Num,
Size: challSearchCommonResp.Page.Size,
Total: challSearchCommonResp.Page.Total,