292 lines
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292 lines
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package service
import (
xsql "go-common/library/database/sql"
// TaskTooksByHalfHour get task books by ctime
func (s *Service) TaskTooksByHalfHour(c context.Context, stime, etime time.Time) (tooks []*archive.TaskTook, err error) {
if tooks, err = s.arc.TaskTooksByHalfHour(c, stime, etime); err != nil {
log.Error("s.arc.TaskTooksByHalfHour(%v,%v)", stime, etime)
//lockVideo Lock specified category videos
func (s *Service) lockVideo() {
//TODO It's a temporary function to lock videos. When no longer needed, remove it.
var (
c = context.TODO()
adminID int64 = 399 //Temporary task admin id for lock video.
uname = "videoupjob" //Temporary task admin name for lock video.
reason = "版权原因,该视频不予审核通过"
reasonID int64 = 197
rCateID int64 = 76
tagID int64 = 7 //版权tag
note = "自动锁定分区视频【欧美电影】,【日本电影】,【其他国家】,【港台剧】,【海外剧】"
ctime = time.Now()
mtime = ctime
err error
tx *xsql.Tx
//Note: check if another instance is locking video
locking, err := s.arc.IsLockingVideo(c)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.IsLockingVideo() err(%v)", err)
if locking {
log.Info("s.lockVideo() another instance is locking video")
//Set locking video redis
if err = s.arc.LockingVideo(c, 1); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.LockingVideo() err(%v)", err)
defer func() {
//Unlock locking video redis
if err = s.arc.LockingVideo(c, 0); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.LockingVideo() err(%v)", err)
if _, err = s.arc.TaskUserCheckIn(c, adminID); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.TaskUserCheckIn(%d) error(%v)", adminID, err)
tasks, err := s.arc.UserUndoneSpecTask(c, adminID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() error(%v)", err)
if len(tasks) == 0 {
log.Info("s.lockVideo() no task.")
var vps = []*archive.VideoParam{}
for _, t := range tasks {
if t.State == archive.TypeFinished {
v, err := s.arc.VideoByCID(c, t.Cid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.VideoByCID(%d) error(%v)", t.Cid, err)
arc, err := s.arc.Archive(c, t.Aid)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.Archive(%d) error(%v)", v.Aid, err)
//If archive's mid in white list, release task and continue
if s.PGCWhite(arc.Mid) {
log.Info("s.lockVideo() mid in white list, release task(%d)", t.ID)
//Begin update task state and add task history
if tx, err = s.arc.BeginTran(c); err != nil {
log.Error("s.arc.BeginTran error(%v)", err)
if _, err = s.arc.TxReleaseByID(tx, t.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.TxReleaseByID(%d) error(%v)", t.ID, err)
if _, err = s.arc.TxAddTaskHis(tx, 0, archive.ActionRelease /*action*/, t.ID /*task_id*/, t.Cid /*cid*/, 0, 0, 0, "lockVideo release" /*reason*/); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.TxAddTaskHis error(%v)", err)
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
log.Error("tx.Commit error(%v)", err)
//Get archive's top type id
rTp, err := s.TypeTopParent(arc.TypeID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.TypeTopParent(%d) error(%v)", arc.TypeID, err)
//Add video lock reason log
if _, err = s.mng.AddReasonLog(c, v.Cid, manager.ReasonLogTypeVideo, rCateID, reasonID, adminID, arc.TypeID, ctime, mtime); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.AddReasonLog(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%v,%v) error(%v)", v.Cid, manager.ReasonLogTypeVideo, rCateID, reasonID, adminID, arc.TypeID, ctime, mtime, err)
//Begin update task state and add task history
if tx, err = s.arc.BeginTran(c); err != nil {
log.Error("s.arc.BeginTran error(%v)", err)
if _, err = s.arc.TxUpTaskByID(tx, t.ID, map[string]interface{}{"state": archive.TypeFinished, "utime": 0}); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.TxUpTaskByID(%d) error(%v)", t.ID, err)
if _, err = s.arc.TxAddTaskHis(tx, archive.PoolForFirst, archive.TypeFinished, t.ID, t.Cid, adminID, 0, archive.VideoStatusLock, reason); err != nil {
log.Error("s.lockVideo() s.arc.SubmitTask(%d) error(%v)", t.ID, err)
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
log.Error("tx.Commit error(%v)", err)
//Set video param
vp := &archive.VideoParam{}
vp.ID = v.ID
vp.Aid = v.Aid
vp.Cid = v.Cid
vp.Filename = v.Filename
vp.RegionID = rTp.ID
vp.Status = archive.VideoStatusLock
vp.UID = adminID
vp.Oname = uname
vp.Note = note + " [任务ID]task:" + strconv.Itoa(int(t.ID))
vp.Reason = reason
vp.TagID = tagID
vp.Encoding = 0
vps = append(vps, vp)
log.Info("s.lockVideo() add video. cid(%d)", v.Cid)
if len(vps) == 0 {
log.Info("s.lockVideo() no belongs to 399 task.")
//Add videos to batch list
s.BatchVideo(c, vps, archive.ActionVideoSubmit)
/* 批量查询,批量转换
* list []*struct{}
* multrans 转化器,根据ID查出其他值
* ID id字段名称,id字段类型必须是int64
* Names 查出来的各个字段名称
func (s *Service) mulIDtoName(c context.Context, list interface{}, multrans func(context.Context, []int64) (map[int64][]interface{}, error), ID string, Names ...string) (err error) {
var (
lV, itemI, itemIE, idFiled, nameFiled, valueField reflect.Value
id int64
ids []int64
hashIDName = make(map[int64][]interface{})
if lV = reflect.ValueOf(list); !lV.IsValid() || lV.IsNil() || lV.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid list")
count := lV.Len()
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if itemI = lV.Index(i); !itemI.IsValid() || itemI.IsNil() || itemI.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid itemI")
if itemIE = itemI.Elem(); !itemIE.IsValid() || itemIE.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid itemIE")
if idFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(ID); !idFiled.IsValid() || idFiled.Kind() != reflect.Int64 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid idFiled")
for _, name := range Names {
if nameFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(name); !nameFiled.IsValid() || !nameFiled.CanSet() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid nameFiled")
if id = idFiled.Int(); id != 0 {
if _, ok := hashIDName[id]; !ok {
hashIDName[id] = []interface{}{}
ids = append(ids, id)
if hashIDName, err = multrans(c, ids); err != nil {
log.Error("multrans error(%v)", ids)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
itemIE = lV.Index(i).Elem()
id = itemIE.FieldByName(ID).Int()
if names, ok := hashIDName[id]; ok && len(names) == len(Names) {
for i, name := range names {
nameFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(Names[i])
valueField = reflect.ValueOf(name)
if nameFiled.Kind() != valueField.Kind() {
log.Error("multrans return %v while need ", ids)
// 每个ID单独查询 strict严格模式下一次错误,直接返回
func (s *Service) singleIDtoName(c context.Context, list interface{}, singletrans func(context.Context, int64) ([]interface{}, error), strict bool, ID string, Names ...string) (err error) {
var (
lV, itemI, itemIE, idFiled, nameFiled, valueField reflect.Value
id int64
values []interface{}
if lV = reflect.ValueOf(list); !lV.IsValid() || lV.IsNil() || lV.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid list")
count := lV.Len()
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if itemI = lV.Index(i); !itemI.IsValid() || itemI.IsNil() || itemI.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid itemI")
if itemIE = itemI.Elem(); !itemIE.IsValid() || itemIE.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid itemIE")
if idFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(ID); !idFiled.IsValid() || idFiled.Kind() != reflect.Int64 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid idFiled")
for _, Name := range Names {
if nameFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(Name); !nameFiled.IsValid() || !nameFiled.CanSet() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid nameFiled")
if id = idFiled.Int(); id != 0 {
if values, err = singletrans(c, id); err != nil || len(values) != len(Names) {
log.Error("s.sigleIDtoName error(%v) len(values)=%d len(Names)=%d", err, len(values), len(Names))
if strict {
err = nil
for i, value := range values {
nameFiled = itemIE.FieldByName(Names[i])
valueField = reflect.ValueOf(value)
if nameFiled.Kind() != valueField.Kind() {
log.Error("singletrans return %s while need %s", valueField.Kind().String(), nameFiled.Kind().String())
// GetUID 获取uid,有时候cookie没有uid
func (s *Service) GetUID(c context.Context, name string) (uid int64, err error) {
return s.mng.GetUIDByName(c, name)