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2019-04-22 10:49:16 +00:00
package service
import (
acccrypto "go-common/app/interface/main/account/service/realname/crypto"
account "go-common/app/service/main/account/api"
coinrpc "go-common/app/service/main/coin/api/gorpc"
rpcfigure "go-common/app/service/main/figure/rpc/client"
memberrpc "go-common/app/service/main/member/api/gorpc"
rpcrelation "go-common/app/service/main/relation/rpc/client"
rpcspy "go-common/app/service/main/spy/rpc/client"
xtime "go-common/library/time"
// Service struct
type Service struct {
c *conf.Config
dao *dao.Dao
block *block.Service
auditHandlers map[string]auditHandler
coinRPC *coinrpc.Service
memberRPC *memberrpc.Service
spyRPC *rpcspy.Service
figureRPC *rpcfigure.Service
accountClient account.AccountClient
cron *cron.Cron
relationRPC *rpcrelation.Service
realnameCrypto *crypto.Realname
mainCryptor *acccrypto.Main
// New init
func New(c *conf.Config) (s *Service) {
s = &Service{
c: c,
dao: dao.New(c),
coinRPC: coinrpc.New(c.RPCClient.Coin),
memberRPC: memberrpc.New(c.RPCClient.Member),
figureRPC: rpcfigure.New(c.RPCClient.Figure),
spyRPC: rpcspy.New(c.RPCClient.Spy),
relationRPC: rpcrelation.New(c.RPCClient.Relation),
auditHandlers: make(map[string]auditHandler),
cron: cron.New(),
realnameCrypto: crypto.NewRealname(string(c.Realname.RsaPub), string(c.Realname.RsaPriv)),
mainCryptor: acccrypto.NewMain(string(c.Realname.RsaPub), string(c.Realname.RsaPriv)),
var err error
if s.accountClient, err = account.NewClient(c.RPCClient.Account); err != nil {
s.block = block.New(c, s.dao.BlockImpl(), s.spyRPC, s.figureRPC, s.accountClient, databus.New(c.AccountNotify))
return s
// Ping Service
func (s *Service) Ping(c context.Context) (err error) {
return s.dao.Ping(c)
// Close Service
func (s *Service) Close() {
func (s *Service) initCron() {
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */5 * * * *", func() { s.notifyAudit(context.Background()) }) // 用于发送审核数据给目标用户
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */5 * * * *", func() { s.promAuditTotal(context.Background()) }) // 用于上报审核数据给promethues
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */1 * * * *", func() { s.cacheRecentRealnameImage(context.Background()) }) // 用于缓存实名认证的图片数据
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */2 * * * *", func() { s.faceCheckproc(context.Background(), -10*time.Minute, "two minute") }) // 用于AI头像审核首次每隔2分钟审核10分钟内的头像
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */60 * * * *", func() { s.faceCheckproc(context.Background(), -6*time.Hour, "per hour") }) // 用于AI头像审核重新审核每小时重新审核一下6小时内的头像
s.cron.AddFunc("0 */5 * * * *", func() { s.faceAutoPassproc(context.Background()) }) // 头像自动审核每隔5分钟检查一次超过48小时未处理的头像并自动通过
// notifyAudit
func (s *Service) notifyAudit(ctx context.Context) {
now := time.Now()
log.Info("start notify audit at: %+v", now)
locked, err := s.dao.TryLockReviewNotify(ctx, now)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to lock review notify at: %+v: %+v", now, err)
if !locked {
log.Warn("Already locked by other instance at: %+v", now)
stime := now.Add(-time.Hour * 24 * 7) // 只计算 7 天内的数据
// 绝对锁上了
faceNotify := func() error {
total, firstAt, err := s.faceAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch face audit notify content: %+v", err)
return err
log.Info("faceAuditNotifyContent success: total(%v),firstAt(%v)", total, firstAt)
title := fmt.Sprintf("头像审核提醒;消息时间:%s", now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
firstAtStr := "null"
if firstAt != nil {
firstAtStr = firstAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
content := fmt.Sprintf(
"头像审核提醒;消息时间:%s\n头像审核积压%d 条;最早进审时间:%s",
now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
return s.dao.MerakNotify(ctx, title, content)
if err := faceNotify(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to notify face review stat: %+v", err)
monitorNotify := func() error {
total, firstAt, err := s.monitorAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch monitor audit notify content: %+v", err)
return err
log.Info("monitorAuditNotifyContent success: total(%v),firstAt(%v)", total, firstAt)
title := fmt.Sprintf("用户信息监控提醒;消息时间:%s", now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
firstAtStr := "null"
if firstAt != nil {
firstAtStr = firstAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
content := fmt.Sprintf(
"用户信息监控提醒;消息时间:%s\n用户信息监控积压%d 条;最早进审时间:%s",
now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
return s.dao.MerakNotify(ctx, title, content)
if err := monitorNotify(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to notify monitor review stat: %+v", err)
// 实名认证待审核通知
realnameNotify := func() error {
total, firstAt, err := s.realnameAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch realname audit notify content: %+v", err)
return err
log.Info("realnameAuditNotifyContent success: total(%v),firstAt(%v)", total, firstAt)
title := fmt.Sprintf("实名认证审核提醒;消息时间:%s", now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
firstAtStr := "null"
if firstAt != nil {
firstAtStr = firstAt.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
content := fmt.Sprintf(
"实名认证审核提醒;消息时间:%s\n实名认证审核积压%d 条;最早进审时间:%s",
now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
return s.dao.MerakNotify(ctx, title, content)
if err := realnameNotify(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to notify realname list stat: %+v", err)
log.Info("end notify audit at: %+v", now)
// promAuditTotal
func (s *Service) promAuditTotal(ctx context.Context) {
stime := time.Now().Add(-time.Hour * 24 * 7) // 只计算 7 天内的数据
log.Info("promAuditTotal start %+v", time.Now())
faceAudit := func() {
faceTotal, _, err := s.faceAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch face audit notify content: %+v", err)
prom.BusinessInfoCount.State("faceAudit-needAudit", int64(faceTotal))
monitorAudit := func() {
monitorTotal, _, err := s.monitorAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch monitor audit notify content: %+v", err)
prom.BusinessInfoCount.State("monitorAudit-needAudit", int64(monitorTotal))
realnameAudit := func() {
realnameTotal, _, err := s.realnameAuditNotifyContent(ctx, stime)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to fetch realname audit notify content: %+v", err)
prom.BusinessInfoCount.State("realnameAudit-needAudit", int64(realnameTotal))
log.Info("promAuditTotal end %+v", time.Now())
func (s *Service) faceAuditNotifyContent(ctx context.Context, stime time.Time) (int, *time.Time, error) {
arg := &model.ArgReviewList{
State: []int8{0},
IsMonitor: false,
Property: []int8{model.ReviewPropertyFace},
IsDesc: false,
Pn: 1,
Ps: 1,
STime: xtime.Time(stime.Unix()),
ForceDB: false,
reviews, total, err := s.Reviews(ctx, arg)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if len(reviews) <= 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
firstAt := reviews[0].CTime.Time()
return total, &firstAt, nil
func (s *Service) monitorAuditNotifyContent(ctx context.Context, stime time.Time) (int, *time.Time, error) {
arg := &model.ArgReviewList{
State: []int8{0},
IsMonitor: true,
IsDesc: false,
Pn: 1,
Ps: 1,
STime: xtime.Time(stime.Unix()),
ForceDB: false,
reviews, total, err := s.Reviews(ctx, arg)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if len(reviews) <= 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
firstAt := reviews[0].CTime.Time()
return total, &firstAt, nil
func (s *Service) realnameAuditNotifyContent(ctx context.Context, stime time.Time) (int, *time.Time, error) {
arg := &model.ArgRealnameList{
Channel: "main", //main : 主站 alipay : 支付宝
TSFrom: stime.Unix(),
State: model.RealnameApplyStatePending,
IsDesc: false,
PN: 1,
PS: 1,
mainList, total, err := s.realnameMainList(ctx, arg)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if len(mainList) <= 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
firstAt := time.Unix(mainList[0].CreateTS, 0)
return total, &firstAt, nil
func (s *Service) faceAutoPassproc(ctx context.Context) {
now := time.Now()
log.Info("faceAutoPassproc start %+v", now)
etime := now.AddDate(0, 0, -2)
if err := s.faceAutoPass(ctx, etime); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to face auto pass, error: %+v", err)
func (s *Service) faceAutoPass(ctx context.Context, etime time.Time) error {
property := []int{model.ReviewPropertyFace}
state := []int{model.ReviewStateWait, model.ReviewStateQueuing}
result, err := s.dao.SearchUserPropertyReview(ctx, 0, property,
state, false, false, "", "", etime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), 1, 100)
if err != nil {
return err
ids := result.IDs()
if len(ids) == 0 {
log.Info("face auto pass empty result list, end time: %v", etime)
return nil
if err = s.dao.FaceAutoPass(ctx, ids, xtime.Time(etime.Unix())); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Service) faceCheckproc(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration, tag string) {
now := time.Now()
stime := now.Add(duration).Unix()
etime := now.Unix()
log.Info("faceCheckproc:%v start %+v", tag, now)
if err := s.faceAuditAI(ctx, stime, etime); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to check face, error: %+v", err)
func (s *Service) faceAuditAI(ctx context.Context, stime, etime int64) error {
rws, err := s.dao.QueuingFaceReviewsByTime(ctx, xtime.Time(stime), xtime.Time(etime))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to get recent user_property_review image: %+v", err)
return err
for _, rw := range rws {
fcr, err := s.faceCheckRes(ctx, path.Base(rw.New))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to get face check res, rw: %+v, error: %+v", rw, err)
state := int8(model.ReviewStateWait)
if fcr.Valid() {
state = model.ReviewStatePass
remark := fmt.Sprintf("AI: %s", fcr.String())
if err = s.dao.AuditQueuingFace(ctx, rw.ID, remark, state); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to audit queuing face, rw: %+v, error: %+v", rw, err)
log.Info("face check success, rw: %+v", rw)
log.Info("faceCheckproc end")
return nil
func (s *Service) faceCheckRes(ctx context.Context, fileName string) (*model.FaceCheckRes, error) {
res, err := s.dao.SearchFaceCheckRes(ctx, fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res.Result) == 0 {
return nil, ecode.NothingFound
userLog := res.Result[0]
fcr, err := parseFaceCheckRes(userLog.Extra)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to parse faceCheckRes, userLog: %+v error: %+v", userLog, err)
return nil, err
return fcr, nil
func parseFaceCheckRes(in string) (*model.FaceCheckRes, error) {
res := &model.FaceCheckRes{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// BlockImpl is
func (s *Service) BlockImpl() *block.Service {
return s.block
func (s *Service) cacheRecentRealnameImage(ctx context.Context) {
images, err := s.dao.RecentRealnameApplyImg(ctx, time.Minute*2)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to get recent realname apply image: %+v", err)
for _, image := range images {
data, _ := s.dao.GetRealnameImageCache(ctx, image.IMGData)
if len(data) > 0 {
log.Info("This image has already been cached: %s", image.IMGData)
data, err := s.FetchRealnameImage(ctx, asIMGToken(image.IMGData))
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to fetch realname image to cache: %s: %+v", image.IMGData, err)
if err := s.dao.SetRealnameImageCache(ctx, image.IMGData, data); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to set realname image cache: %s: %+v", image.IMGData, err)
log.Info("Succeeded to cache realname image: %s", image.IMGData)