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package service
import (
// CreateComConf create config.
func (s *Service) CreateComConf(conf *model.CommonConf, name, env, zone string, skiplint bool) (err error) {
if !skiplint {
if err = lintConfig(conf.Name, conf.Comment); err != nil {
var team *model.Team
if team, err = s.TeamByName(name, env, zone); err != nil {
conf.TeamID = team.ID
return s.dao.DB.Create(conf).Error
// ComConfig get common config by id.
func (s *Service) ComConfig(id int64) (conf *model.CommonConf, err error) {
conf = new(model.CommonConf)
if err = s.dao.DB.First(&conf, "id = ?", id).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("ComConfig() error(%v)", err)
// ComConfigsByTeam common config by team.
func (s *Service) ComConfigsByTeam(name, env, zone string, ps, pn int64) (pager *model.CommonConfPager, err error) {
var (
team *model.Team
confs []*model.CommonConf
temp []*model.CommonTemp
counts model.CommonCounts
array []int64
if team, err = s.TeamByName(name, env, zone); err != nil {
if err = s.dao.DB.Raw("select max(id) as id,count(distinct name) as counts from common_config where team_id =? group by name order by id desc", team.ID).Scan(&temp).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("NamesByTeam(%v) error(%v)", team.ID, err)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
if err = s.dao.DB.Raw("select count(distinct name) as counts from common_config where team_id = ?", team.ID).Scan(&counts).Error; err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
for _, v := range temp {
array = append(array, v.ID)
if err = s.dao.DB.Raw("select id,team_id,name,state,mark,operator,ctime,mtime from common_config where id in (?) limit ?,?", array, (pn-1)*ps, ps).Scan(&confs).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("NamesByTeam(%v) temp(%v) error(%v)", team.ID, temp, err)
return &model.CommonConfPager{Total: counts.Counts, Pn: pn, Ps: ps, Items: confs}, nil
//ComConfigsByName get Config by Config name.
func (s *Service) ComConfigsByName(teamName, env, zone, name string) (confs []*model.CommonConf, err error) {
var team *model.Team
if team, err = s.TeamByName(teamName, env, zone); err != nil {
if err = s.dao.DB.Select("id,team_id,name,state,mark,operator,ctime,mtime").Where("name = ? and team_id = ?",
name, team.ID).Order("id desc").Limit(10).Find(&confs).Error; err != nil {
// UpdateComConfValue update config value.
func (s *Service) UpdateComConfValue(conf *model.CommonConf, skiplint bool) (err error) {
if !skiplint {
if err = lintConfig(conf.Name, conf.Comment); err != nil {
var confDB *model.CommonConf
if confDB, err = s.ComConfig(conf.ID); err != nil {
if confDB.State == model.ConfigIng { //judge config is configIng.
if conf.Mtime != confDB.Mtime {
err = ecode.TargetBlocked
conf.Mtime = 0
err = s.dao.DB.Model(&model.CommonConf{ID: confDB.ID}).Updates(conf).Error
if _, err = s.comConfigIng(confDB.Name, confDB.TeamID); err == nil { //judge have configing.
err = ecode.TargetBlocked
if err == sql.ErrNoRows || err == ecode.NothingFound {
conf.ID = 0
conf.TeamID = confDB.TeamID
conf.Name = confDB.Name
conf.Mtime = 0
return s.dao.DB.Create(conf).Error
func (s *Service) comConfigIng(name string, teamID int64) (conf *model.CommonConf, err error) {
conf = new(model.CommonConf)
if err = s.dao.DB.Select("id").Where("name = ? and team_id = ? and state=?", name, teamID, model.ConfigIng).First(&conf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("configIng(%v) error(%v)", name, err)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = ecode.NothingFound
// NamesByTeam get configs by team name.
func (s *Service) NamesByTeam(teamName, env, zone string) (names []*model.CommonName, err error) {
var (
team *model.Team
confs []*model.CommonConf
if team, err = s.TeamByName(teamName, env, zone); err != nil {
if err == ecode.NothingFound {
err = s.CreateTeam(teamName, env, zone)
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("team_id = ? and state = 2", team.ID).Order("id desc").Find(&confs).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("NamesByTeam(%v) error(%v)", team.ID, err)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
err = nil
tmp := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, conf := range confs {
if _, ok := tmp[conf.Name]; !ok {
names = append(names, &model.CommonName{Name: conf.Name, ID: conf.ID})
tmp[conf.Name] = struct{}{}
//AppByTeam get tagMap
func (s *Service) AppByTeam(commonConfigID int64) (tagMap map[int64]*model.TagMap, err error) {
var commonConfig *model.CommonConf
if commonConfig, err = s.ComConfig(commonConfigID); err != nil {
team := &model.Team{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id = ?", commonConfig.TeamID).First(team).Error; err != nil {
commonConf := []*model.CommonConf{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Select("id").Where("name = ? and team_id = ? and state = 2", commonConfig.Name, commonConfig.TeamID).Find(&commonConf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("AppByTeam() common_config error(%v)", err)
var commonConfTmp []int64
for _, val := range commonConf {
commonConfTmp = append(commonConfTmp, val.ID)
app := []*model.App{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("name like ? and env = ? and zone = ?", team.Name+".%", team.Env, team.Zone).Find(&app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("AppByTeam() app error(%v)", err)
var appTmp []int64
appMap := make(map[int64]*model.App)
for _, val := range app {
appMap[val.ID] = val
appTmp = append(appTmp, val.ID)
conf := []*model.Config{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("`from` in (?) and app_id in (?) and state = 2 and is_delete = 0", commonConfTmp, appTmp).Find(&conf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("AppByTeam() config error(%v)", err)
confMap := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, val := range conf {
confMap[val.ID] = struct{}{}
build := []*model.Build{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("app_id in (?)", appTmp).Find(&build).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("AppByTeam() build error(%v)", err)
var buildTmp []int64
buildMap := make(map[int64]string)
for _, val := range build {
buildMap[val.ID] = val.Name
buildTmp = append(buildTmp, val.TagID)
tagMap = make(map[int64]*model.TagMap)
tag := []*model.Tag{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id in (?)", buildTmp).Find(&tag).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("AppByTeam() tag error(%v)", err)
for _, val := range tag {
tmp := strings.Split(val.ConfigIDs, ",")
for _, vv := range tmp {
vv, _ := strconv.ParseInt(vv, 10, 64)
if _, ok := confMap[vv]; !ok {
tagMap[val.ID] = &model.TagMap{Tag: val}
if _, ok := appMap[val.AppID]; ok {
tagMap[val.ID].AppName = appMap[val.AppID].Name
tagMap[val.ID].TreeID = appMap[val.AppID].TreeID
if _, ok := buildMap[val.BuildID]; ok {
tagMap[val.ID].BuildName = buildMap[val.BuildID]
// CommonPush ...
func (s *Service) CommonPush(ctx context.Context, tagID, commonConfigID int64, user string) (err error) {
var tag *model.Tag
tag, err = s.Tag(tagID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() tagid(%v) error(%v)", tagID, err)
configIDS := strings.Split(tag.ConfigIDs, ",")
app := &model.App{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id = ?", tag.AppID).First(app).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() app error(%v)", err)
build := &model.Build{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id = ?", tag.BuildID).First(build).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() build error(%v)", err)
var commonConfig *model.CommonConf
if commonConfig, err = s.ComConfig(commonConfigID); err != nil {
team := &model.Team{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id = ?", commonConfig.TeamID).First(team).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() team error(%v)", err)
commonConf := []*model.CommonConf{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Select("id").Where("name = ? and team_id = ? and state = 2", commonConfig.Name, commonConfig.TeamID).Find(&commonConf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() common_config error(%v)", err)
var commonConfTmp []int64
for _, val := range commonConf {
commonConfTmp = append(commonConfTmp, val.ID)
conf := []*model.Config{}
if err = s.dao.DB.Where("id in (?) and `from` in (?)", configIDS, commonConfTmp).Find(&conf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() config error(%v)", err)
if len(conf) != 1 {
log.Error("CommonPush() count config(%v) error(数据有误更新数据非1条)", conf)
var newConfigIDS string
for _, val := range conf {
newConf := &model.Config{}
newConf.AppID = val.AppID
newConf.Comment = commonConfig.Comment
newConf.Mark = commonConfig.Mark
newConf.Name = val.Name
newConf.State = 2
newConf.From = commonConfigID
newConf.Operator = user
if _, err = s.configIng(newConf.Name, app.ID); err == nil { // judge config is configIng
err = ecode.TargetBlocked
if err = s.dao.DB.Create(newConf).Error; err != nil {
log.Error("CommonPush() create newConf error(%v)", err)
newConfigIDS = strconv.FormatInt(newConf.ID, 10)
for _, vv := range configIDS {
if strconv.FormatInt(val.ID, 10) != vv {
if len(newConfigIDS) > 0 {
newConfigIDS += ","
newConfigIDS += vv
newTag := &model.Tag{}
newTag.Operator = user
newTag.Mark = tag.Mark
newTag.ConfigIDs = newConfigIDS
newTag.Force = 1
err = s.UpdateTag(ctx, app.TreeID, app.Env, app.Zone, build.Name, newTag)