668 lines
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668 lines
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package service
import (
// send to log service
func (s *Service) sendAuditLog(c context.Context, action string, opt *model.SubmitOptions, flowres interface{}, logtype int) (err error) {
// send
logData := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: opt.Uname,
UID: opt.UID,
Business: model.LogBusinessAudit,
Type: logtype,
Oid: opt.RID,
Action: action,
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{opt.BusinessID, opt.NewFlowID, opt.TaskID, strconv.Itoa(opt.Result.State)},
Content: map[string]interface{}{
"opt": opt,
"flow": flowres,
if err = report.Manager(logData); err != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager(%+v) error(%v)", logData, err)
// send to log service
func (s *Service) sendTaskConsumerLog(c context.Context, action string, opt *common.BaseOptions) (err error) {
logData := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: opt.Uname,
UID: opt.UID,
Business: model.LogBusinessTask,
Type: model.LogTypeTaskConsumer,
Oid: 0,
Action: action,
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{opt.BusinessID, opt.FlowID, opt.Role},
if err = report.Manager(logData); err != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager(%+v) error(%v)", logData, err)
// send to log service
func (s *Service) sendRscLog(c context.Context, acction string, opt *model.AddOption, res *net.TriggerResult, update interface{}, err error) {
var rid, flowid int64
if res != nil {
flowid = res.NewFlowID
rid = res.RID
// send
logData := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: "business",
UID: 399,
Business: model.LogBusinessResource,
Type: model.LogTypeFromAdd,
Oid: rid,
Action: acction,
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{opt.BusinessID, flowid, opt.OID},
Content: map[string]interface{}{
"opt": opt,
"res": res,
"update": update,
"err": err,
if err1 := report.Manager(logData); err1 != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager(%+v) error(%v)", logData, err1)
func (s *Service) sendRscCancleLog(c context.Context, BusinessID int64, oids []string, uid int64, username string, err error) {
logData := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: username,
UID: uid,
Business: model.LogBusinessResource,
Type: model.LogTypeFromCancle,
Oid: 0,
Action: "cancle",
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{BusinessID},
Content: map[string]interface{}{
"oids": oids,
"err": err,
if err1 := report.Manager(logData); err1 != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager(%+v) error(%v)", logData, err1)
func (s *Service) sendRscSubmitLog(c context.Context, action string, opt *model.SubmitOptions, res interface{}) {
logData := &report.ManagerInfo{
Uname: opt.Uname,
UID: opt.UID,
Business: model.LogBusinessResource,
Type: model.LogTypeFormAuditor,
Oid: opt.RID,
Action: action,
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{opt.BusinessID, opt.FlowID, opt.OID},
Content: map[string]interface{}{
"opt": opt,
"res": res,
if err := report.Manager(logData); err != nil {
log.Error("report.Manager(%+v) error(%v)", logData, err)
* 记录流程流转日志
* oid=rid,action=new_flow_id, index=[net_id, old_flow_id, transition_id, from], content=submit+result
* from=单个提交/批量提交/跳流程/启动/取消
func (s *Service) sendNetTriggerLog(c context.Context, pm *net.TriggerResult) (err error) {
var (
submitValue, resValue []byte
tran string
content = map[string]interface{}{}
if len(pm.TransitionID) > 0 {
tran = xstr.JoinInts(pm.TransitionID)
if pm.SubmitToken != nil {
if submitValue, err = json.Marshal(pm.SubmitToken); err != nil {
log.Error("sendNetTriggerLog json.Marshal error(%v) submit(%v)", err, pm.SubmitToken)
content["submit"] = string(submitValue)
if pm.ResultToken != nil {
if resValue, err = json.Marshal(pm.ResultToken); err != nil {
log.Error("sendNetTriggerLog json.Marshal error(%v) result(%v)", err, pm.ResultToken)
content["result"] = string(resValue)
data := &report.ManagerInfo{
Business: model.LogBusinessNet,
Type: model.LogTypeNetTrigger,
Oid: pm.RID,
Action: strconv.FormatInt(pm.NewFlowID, 10),
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{pm.NetID, tran, pm.From, pm.OldFlowID},
Content: content,
log.Info("sendNetTriggerLog start send log(%+v)", data)
* oid: 各元素id, type=level, action=禁用/创建/更新/启用, ctime=time.now, index=[net_id, ch_name, flow_id, tran_id], content=diff
* level in (net/token/token_bind_flow/token_bind_transition/flow/transition/direction)
* diff如下:
* token: obj=name+compare+value(type)
* token_bind: obj=flow_chname/tran_chname:从token_obj变成token_obj, ch_name从xx变成xx
* flow: ch_name从xx变成xx, name从xx变成xx
* tran: ch_name从xx变成xx, name从xx变成xx,trigger从xx变成xx,limit从xx变成xx
* dir:direction从xx变成xx,order从xx变成xx,guard从xx变成xx,output从xx变成yy
func (s *Service) sendNetConfLog(c context.Context, tp int, oper *model.NetConfOper) (err error) {
data := &report.ManagerInfo{
UID: oper.UID,
Uname: "",
Business: model.LogBusinessNetConf,
Type: tp,
Oid: oper.OID,
Action: oper.Action,
Ctime: time.Now(),
Index: []interface{}{oper.NetID, oper.FlowID, oper.TranID, oper.ChName},
Content: map[string]interface{}{
"diff": strings.Join(oper.Diff, "\r\n"),
log.Info("sendNetConfLog data(%+v)", data)
//SearchAuditLogCSV 操作日志结果csv
func (s *Service) SearchAuditLogCSV(c context.Context, pm *model.SearchAuditLogParam) (csv [][]string, err error) {
var (
res []*model.SearchAuditLog
if res, _, err = s.SearchAuditLog(c, pm); err != nil {
csv = make([][]string, len(res)+1)
csv[0] = []string{"rid", "oid", "task id", "状态", "操作时间", "操作人", "其他信息"}
for i, item := range res {
csv[i+1] = []string{
strconv.FormatInt(item.RID, 10),
strconv.FormatInt(item.TaskID, 10),
fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", item.Uname, item.Department),
//SearchAuditLog 查询审核日志
func (s *Service) SearchAuditLog(c context.Context, pm *model.SearchAuditLogParam) (res []*model.SearchAuditLog, p common.Pager, err error) {
var (
logs *model.SearchLogResult
ridoid, udepartment map[int64]string
oidrid map[string]int64
p = common.Pager{
Ps: pm.Ps,
Pn: pm.Pn,
if len(pm.OID) > 0 {
if oidrid, err = s.gorm.ResIDByOID(c, pm.BusinessID, pm.OID); err != nil {
log.Error("SearchAuditLog s.gorm.ResIDByOID error(%+v) pm(%+v)", err, pm)
if len(oidrid) == 0 {
ridoid = map[int64]string{}
for oid, rid := range oidrid {
pm.RID = append(pm.RID, rid)
ridoid[rid] = oid
if logs, err = s.searchAuditLog(c, pm); err != nil {
err = ecode.AegisSearchErr
p.Total = logs.Page.Total
if len(logs.Result) == 0 {
uids := []int64{}
rids := []int64{}
unameuids := []int64{}
uidunameexist := map[int64]string{}
res = make([]*model.SearchAuditLog, len(logs.Result))
for i, item := range logs.Result {
if item.UID > 0 {
uids = append(uids, item.UID)
oid, exist := ridoid[item.OID]
if !exist {
rids = append(rids, item.OID)
if item.Uname != "" {
uidunameexist[item.UID] = item.Uname
} else {
item.Uname = uidunameexist[item.UID]
if item.Uname == "" && item.UID > 0 {
unameuids = append(unameuids, item.UID)
change := &model.Change{}
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Extra), &change); err != nil {
log.Error("searchAuditLog json.Unmarshal error(%v) extra(%s) pm(%+v)", err, item.Extra, pm)
flowaction, submitopt := change.GetSubmitOper()
res[i] = &model.SearchAuditLog{
RID: item.OID,
OID: oid,
TaskID: item.Int2,
State: item.Str0,
Stime: item.Ctime,
UID: item.UID,
Uname: item.Uname,
Department: "",
Extra: fmt.Sprintf("操作详情:[%s]%s %s", item.Action, flowaction, submitopt),
if len(rids) > 0 {
if ridoid, err = s.gorm.ResOIDByID(c, rids); err != nil {
unames, _ := s.http.GetUnames(c, unameuids)
udepartment, _ = s.http.GetUdepartment(c, uids)
for _, item := range res {
if item.OID == "" {
item.OID = ridoid[item.RID]
if item.Uname == "" && item.UID > 0 {
item.Uname = unames[item.UID]
item.Department = udepartment[item.UID]
func (s *Service) trackAuditLog(c context.Context, pm *model.SearchAuditLogParam) (res []*model.TrackAudit, err error) {
var (
logs *model.SearchLogResult
flowch map[int64]string
res = []*model.TrackAudit{}
if logs, err = s.searchAuditLog(c, pm); err != nil {
log.Error("trackAuditLog s.searchAuditLog error(%v) pm(%+v)", err, pm)
res = make([]*model.TrackAudit, len(logs.Result))
flows := []int64{}
for i, item := range logs.Result {
change := &model.Change{}
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Extra), change); err != nil {
log.Error("trackAuditLog json.Unmarshal error(%v) pm(%+v)", err, pm)
res[i] = &model.TrackAudit{
Ctime: item.Ctime,
FlowID: []int64{},
State: "",
Uname: item.Uname,
if int(item.Type) == model.LogTypeAuditCancel {
res[i].State = "删除"
if change.Flow == nil {
if int(item.Type) == model.LogTypeAuditCancel {
var one []int64
one, err = xstr.SplitInts(change.Flow.OldFlowID.String())
if err != nil {
log.Error("trackAuditLog xstr.SplitInts(%s) error(%v)", change.Flow.OldFlowID.String(), err)
err = nil
if len(one) == 0 {
res[i].FlowID = one
flows = append(flows, one...)
flows = append(flows, change.Flow.NewFlowID)
res[i].FlowID = []int64{change.Flow.NewFlowID}
if change.Flow.ResultToken != nil {
res[i].State = change.Flow.ResultToken.ChName
//get flows names
if len(flows) == 0 {
if flowch, err = s.gorm.ColumnMapString(c, net.TableFlow, "ch_name", flows, ""); err != nil {
log.Error("trackAuditLog s.gorm.ColumnMapString error(%v) pm(%+v)", err, pm)
for _, item := range res {
fnames := make([]string, len(item.FlowID))
for i, fid := range item.FlowID {
fnames[i] = flowch[fid]
item.FlowName = strings.Join(fnames, ",")
//TrackResource 资源信息追踪, 获取资源add/update日志,并分页,以此为基准,获取对应时间端内的资源audit日志;若add/update日志只有不超过1页,则获取全部audit日志;超过1页,最后一页会返回剩余的全部audit日志
func (s *Service) TrackResource(c context.Context, pm *model.TrackParam) (res *model.TrackInfo, p common.Pager, err error) {
var (
obj *resource.Resource
rsc []*model.TrackRsc
audit []*model.TrackAudit
rela [][]int
LogMinTime = "2018-11-01 10:00:00"
if obj, err = s.gorm.ResourceByOID(c, pm.OID, pm.BusinessID); err != nil || obj == nil {
log.Error("TrackResource s.gorm.ResourceByOID error(%v)/not found, pm(%+v)", err, pm)
if rsc, p, err = s.searchResourceLog(c, obj.ID, pm.Pn, pm.Ps); err != nil {
err = ecode.AegisSearchErr
topn := int(math.Ceil(float64(p.Total) / float64(p.Ps)))
if (topn > 0 && topn < p.Pn) || (topn <= 0 && p.Pn > 1) {
ap := &model.SearchAuditLogParam{
BusinessID: pm.BusinessID,
RID: []int64{obj.ID},
CtimeFrom: LogMinTime,
CtimeTo: "",
Ps: 1000, //一次性拿出来所有的日志
//对于audit日志,当add日志各种情况下会返回如下:no data(p.Total <= 0)---全量, 1页(p.Total <= p.Ps)---全量, 2或多页(p1=最新->p1.lasttime, p2=p1.lasttime-p2.lasttime,...pn=pn-1.lasttime-mintime)
if p.Total > p.Ps { //有多页
llen := len(rsc)
if llen > 0 && topn > p.Pn {
ap.CtimeFrom = rsc[llen-1].Ctime
if p.Pn > 1 {
ap.CtimeTo = pm.LastPageTime
if audit, err = s.trackAuditLog(c, ap); err != nil {
err = ecode.AegisSearchErr
llen := len(rsc) + 2
rscctime := make([]string, llen)
rscctime[0] = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") //max
for i, item := range rsc {
rscctime[i+1] = item.Ctime
rscctime[llen-1] = time.Time{}.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") //min
index := 0
for i := 1; i < llen; i++ {
rel := []int{}
for ; index < len(audit); index++ {
t := audit[index].Ctime
if t >= rscctime[i] && t < rscctime[i-1] {
rel = append(rel, index)
if i == llen-1 && len(rel) == 0 {
rela = append(rela, rel)
res = &model.TrackInfo{
Add: rsc,
Audit: audit,
Relation: rela,
func (s *Service) searchAuditLog(c context.Context, pm *model.SearchAuditLogParam) (resp *model.SearchLogResult, err error) {
args := &model.ParamsQueryLog{
Business: model.LogBusinessAudit,
Oid: pm.RID,
CtimeFrom: pm.CtimeFrom,
CtimeTo: pm.CtimeTo,
Int2: pm.TaskID,
Uname: pm.Username,
if pm.State != "" {
args.Str0 = []string{pm.State}
if pm.BusinessID > 0 {
args.Int0 = []int64{pm.BusinessID}
escm := model.EsCommon{
Ps: pm.Ps,
Pn: pm.Pn,
Order: "ctime",
Sort: "desc",
return s.http.QueryLogSearch(c, args, escm)
func (s *Service) auditLogByRID(c context.Context, rid int64) (ls []string, err error) {
resp, err := s.searchAuditLog(c, &model.SearchAuditLogParam{
RID: []int64{rid},
Ps: 1000,
Pn: 1})
if err != nil || resp == nil {
for _, result := range resp.Result {
change := &model.Change{}
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Extra), &change); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err)
flowaction, submitopt := change.GetSubmitOper()
// 时间 + 操作人 + 操作/state + 操作内容
l := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s[%s] %s %s", result.Ctime, result.Uname, result.Action, flowaction, submitopt)
ls = append(ls, l)
func (s *Service) searchWeightLog(c context.Context, taskid int64, pn, ps int) (ls []*model.WeightLog, count int, err error) {
args := &model.ParamsQueryLog{
Business: model.LogBusinessTask,
Type: model.LogTYpeTaskWeight,
Oid: []int64{taskid},
Action: []string{"weight"},
escm := model.EsCommon{
Pn: pn,
Ps: ps,
Order: "ctime",
Sort: "desc",
resp, err := s.http.QueryLogSearch(c, args, escm)
if err != nil || resp == nil {
count = resp.Page.Total
for _, result := range resp.Result {
logitem := make(map[string]*model.WeightLog)
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Extra), &logitem); err != nil {
log.Error("json.Unmarshal error(%v)", err)
ls = append(ls, logitem["weightlog"])
func (s *Service) searchConsumerLog(c context.Context, bizid, flowid int64, action []string, uids []int64, ps int) (at map[int64]string, err error) {
args := &model.ParamsQueryLog{
Business: model.LogBusinessTask,
Type: model.LogTypeTaskConsumer,
Action: action,
UID: uids,
CtimeFrom: time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour * 7).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
if bizid > 0 {
args.Int0 = []int64{bizid}
if flowid > 0 {
args.Int1 = []int64{flowid}
escm := model.EsCommon{
Order: "ctime",
Sort: "desc",
Pn: 1,
Ps: ps,
Group: "uid",
resp, err := s.http.QueryLogSearch(c, args, escm)
if err != nil || resp == nil {
at = make(map[int64]string)
for _, item := range resp.Result {
if ct, ok := at[item.UID]; ok {
if item.Ctime > ct {
at[item.UID] = item.Ctime
} else {
at[item.UID] = item.Ctime
func (s *Service) searchResourceLog(c context.Context, rid int64, pn, ps int) (result []*model.TrackRsc, p common.Pager, err error) {
args := &model.ParamsQueryLog{
Business: model.LogBusinessResource,
Type: model.LogTypeFromAdd,
Oid: []int64{rid},
p = common.Pager{
Pn: pn,
Ps: ps,
escm := model.EsCommon{
Order: "ctime",
Sort: "desc",
Pn: pn,
Ps: ps,
resp, err := s.http.QueryLogSearch(c, args, escm)
if err != nil || resp == nil {
p.Total = resp.Page.Total
result = make([]*model.TrackRsc, len(resp.Result))
for i, item := range resp.Result {
extra := struct {
Opt map[string]interface{} `json:"opt"`
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Extra), &extra); err != nil {
log.Error("ResourceLog json.Unmarshal error(%v) extra(%s)", err, item.Extra)
result[i] = &model.TrackRsc{
Ctime: item.Ctime,
Content: extra.Opt["content"].(string),
Detail: extra.Opt,
//content变化,由于result是根据创建时间降序排列的,以result的最后一个为基础, 向result[0]判断
content := ""
for i := len(result) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
item := result[i]
if item.Content != content {
content = item.Content
item.Content = ""