692 lines
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692 lines
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package service
import (
//DoPtest do post
func (s *Service) DoPtest(c context.Context, ptestParam model.DoPtestParam) (resp model.DoPtestResp, err error) {
var (
testNameNick string
testNameNicks []string
if ptestParam.TestNameNick == "" {
tim := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
for _, testName := range ptestParam.TestNames {
testNameNick = testName + tim
testNameNicks = append(testNameNicks, testNameNick)
return s.DoPtestByJmeter(c, ptestParam, testNameNicks)
//StopPtest stop test
func (s *Service) StopPtest(c context.Context, ptestJob model.PtestJob) (err error) {
var (
jobNames []string
ptestJobs []*model.PtestJob
ptestJob.Active = 1
if ptestJobs, err = s.dao.QueryPtestJob(&ptestJob); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.QueryPtestJob err :(%v)", err)
for _, ptestJob := range ptestJobs {
jobNames = append(jobNames, ptestJob.JobName)
for _, jobName := range jobNames {
s.DeleteJob(context.TODO(), jobName)
//ReducePtest reduce ptest
func (s *Service) ReducePtest(c context.Context, reducePtest model.ReducePtest) (message string, err error) {
if reducePtest.JobName == "" {
message = "请输入 jobName"
if _, err = s.DeleteJob(c, reducePtest.JobName); err != nil {
message = "调用删除 job 接口失败"
log.Error("s.DeleteJob err :(%v)", err)
if err = s.dao.DeletePtestJob(reducePtest.ID); err != nil {
message = "sql 执行失败"
log.Error("s.dao.DeletePtestJob err :(%v)", err)
message = "success"
//QueryAllJobFree Query AllJob Free
func (s *Service) QueryAllJobFree(c context.Context, ptesJob *model.PtestJob) ([]*model.PtestJob, error) {
return s.dao.QueryPtestJob(ptesJob)
//QueryOrStopAllPtestByJobName query or stop all test by job name
func (s *Service) QueryOrStopAllPtestByJobName(c context.Context, reportSuID int, IsDelete bool, testStatus int) (ptestjobsd []*model.PtestJob, err error) {
// 删除所有正在允许此接口的容器
ptestJobd := model.PtestJob{ReportSuID: reportSuID, Active: 1}
if ptestjobsd, err = s.dao.QueryPtestJob(&ptestJobd); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.QueryPtestJob err (%v)", err)
if IsDelete {
for _, ptestJob := range ptestjobsd {
if _, err = s.DeleteJob(context.TODO(), ptestJob.JobName); err != nil {
log.Error("s.DeleteJob err :(%v)", err)
if err = s.dao.DeletePtestJob(ptestJob.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.DeletePtestJob err (%v)", err)
if err = s.dao.UpdateReportStatusByID(reportSuID, testStatus); err != nil {
log.Error("s.UpdateReportStatusByID err :(%v)", err)
//DoAddPtest doadd test stress
func (s *Service) DoAddPtest(c context.Context, ptestAdd model.PtestAdd) (status string, err error) {
status = "fail"
var (
resp model.DoPtestResp
grpc *model.GRPC
scripts []*model.Script
resportSumm []*model.ReportSummary
ptestParam := model.DoPtestParam{}
// 此处 ScriptType 取自 reportSummary , 0-http 1-grpc 2-scene
if ptestAdd.ScriptType == model.PROTOCOL_GRPC {
if grpc, err = s.QueryGrpcById(ptestAdd.ScriptID); err != nil {
log.Error("Query GRPC err: (%v)", err)
return status, err
ptestParam = model.DoPtestParam{
UserName: grpc.UpdateBy, // 用户名
LoadTime: grpc.LoadTime, //运行时间
TestNames: StringToSlice(grpc.TaskName), //接口名转数组
FileName: grpc.JmxPath, // jmx文件
ResJtl: ptestAdd.ResJtl, // jtl时间戳
JmeterLog: ptestAdd.JmeterLog, // jmeterlog时间戳
Department: grpc.Department,
Project: grpc.Project,
IsDebug: false,
APP: grpc.APP,
ScriptID: grpc.ID,
Cookie: "", // 用不到
URL: grpc.ServiceName, // 用于微信通知
LabelIDs: nil,
Domain: grpc.HostName, // 微信通知Domain
FileSplit: false, // 文件切割
SplitNum: 0, // 切割数量
JarPath: grpc.JarPath,
Type: model.PROTOCOL_GRPC, //grpc
AddPtest: true, // 加压
if ptestAdd.ScriptType == model.PROTOCOL_SCENE {
ptestScene := model.DoPtestSceneParam{
SceneID: ptestAdd.SceneId,
UserName: ptestAdd.UserName,
if resp, err = s.DoScenePtest(c, ptestScene, true, ""); err != nil {
log.Error("s.DoScenePtest err :(%v)", err)
return status, err
if ptestAdd.ScriptType == model.PROTOCOL_HTTP {
script := model.Script{ID: ptestAdd.ScriptID}
if scripts, err = s.QueryScripts(&script, 1, 5); err != nil {
log.Error("QueryScripts err :(%v)", err)
return status, err
if len(scripts) > 0 {
// http 模板
ptestParam = model.DoPtestParam{
UserName: script.UpdateBy,
TestNames: QueryTestNamesByJmfile(scripts[0].SavePath),
FileName: scripts[0].SavePath,
LoadTime: 1800,
Upload: scripts[0].Upload,
ProjectName: scripts[0].ProjectName,
ResJtl: ptestAdd.ResJtl,
JmeterLog: ptestAdd.JmeterLog,
Department: scripts[0].Department,
Project: scripts[0].Project,
APP: scripts[0].App,
ScriptID: scripts[0].ID,
AddPtest: true,
Domain: scripts[0].Domain,
FileSplit: scripts[0].FileSplit,
SplitNum: scripts[0].SplitNum,
DockerSum: ptestAdd.DockerSum,
Type: model.PROTOCOL_HTTP,
APIHeader: scripts[0].APIHeader,
if ptestAdd.ScriptType != model.PROTOCOL_SCENE {
if resp, err = s.DoPtestByJmeter(c, ptestParam, nil); err != nil {
log.Error("DoPtestByJmeter err: (%v)", err)
log.Info("add ---jobName:(%s)", resp.JobName)
status = "success"
// 更新reportSummary数据表
reportSu := model.ReportSummary{ID: ptestAdd.ReportSuID}
if resportSumm, err = s.dao.QueryReportSurys(&reportSu); err != nil {
ptestJob := model.PtestJob{JobName: resp.JobName, ScriptID: ptestAdd.ScriptID, ReportSuID: ptestAdd.ReportSuID, Active: 1, ExecuteID: ptestAdd.ExecuteID, HostIP: resp.HostIP}
log.Info("add ---jobName:(%s)", resp.JobName)
if _, err = s.dao.AddPtestJob(&ptestJob); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AddPtestJob err (%v)", err)
DockerSum := resportSumm[0].DockerSum + 1
if err = s.dao.UpdateReportDockByID(resportSumm[0].ID, DockerSum); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.UpdateReportDockByID err (%v)", err)
//AddPtest add ptest
func (s *Service) AddPtest(c context.Context, ptestAdd model.PtestAdd) (err error) {
go s.DoAddPtestWithSleep(c, ptestAdd)
//DoAddPtestWithSleep Do AddPtestWith Sleep
func (s *Service) DoAddPtestWithSleep(c context.Context, ptestAdd model.PtestAdd) (err error) {
var ptestJobs []*model.PtestJob
if ptestAdd.DockerNum == 0 {
ptestAdd.DockerNum = 1
if ptestAdd.SleepTime == 0 {
ptestAdd.SleepTime = 1
for i := 1; i <= ptestAdd.DockerNum; i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(ptestAdd.SleepTime) * time.Second)
// 判断主容器状态,主容器被删除,则不再添加新的容器
ptestJob := model.PtestJob{JobName: ptestAdd.JobName}
if ptestJobs, err = s.dao.QueryPtestJob(&ptestJob); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.QueryPtestJob err :(%v)", err)
if len(ptestJobs) > 0 {
if ptestJobs[0].Active != -1 {
go s.DoAddPtest(context.TODO(), ptestAdd)
//DoPtestByFile do test by file
func (s *Service) DoPtestByFile(c context.Context, script model.Script, resJtl, jmeterLog string) (resp model.DoPtestResp, err error) {
var scripts []*model.Script
if scripts, err = s.QueryScripts(&script, 1, 5); err != nil {
log.Error("QueryScripts err :(%v)", err)
scriptID := scripts[0].ID
testNames := QueryTestNamesByJmfile(scripts[0].SavePath)
ptestParam := model.DoPtestParam{
UserName: script.UpdateBy,
TestNames: testNames,
FileName: scripts[0].SavePath,
LoadTime: 1800,
Upload: scripts[0].Upload,
ProjectName: scripts[0].ProjectName,
ResJtl: resJtl,
JmeterLog: jmeterLog,
Department: scripts[0].Department,
Project: scripts[0].Project,
APP: scripts[0].App,
ScriptID: scripts[0].ID,
Fusing: scripts[0].Fusing,
UseBusinessStop: scripts[0].UseBusinessStop,
BusinessStopPercent: scripts[0].BusinessStopPercent,
if resp, err = s.DoPtest(context.TODO(), ptestParam); err != nil {
log.Error("DoPtest error :(%v)", err)
resp.ScriptID = scriptID
//DoPtestArr QueryScriptsInID
func (s *Service) DoPtestArr(c context.Context, PtestBatch model.PtestBatch, cookie string) (status string, err error) {
var scripts []*model.Script
if scripts, err = s.dao.QueryScriptsInID(PtestBatch.IDArr); err != nil {
status = "fail"
log.Error("QueryScriptsInID err --- :(%v) ", err)
return status, err
for _, script := range scripts {
JmeterLog := script.JmeterLog + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
ResJtl := script.ResJtl + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
ptestParam := model.DoPtestParam{
UserName: PtestBatch.UserName,
FileName: script.SavePath,
ProjectName: script.ProjectName,
Upload: script.Upload,
ResJtl: ResJtl,
JmeterLog: JmeterLog,
Department: script.Department,
Project: script.Project,
APP: script.App,
ScriptID: script.ID,
URL: script.URL,
Cookie: cookie,
Domain: script.Domain,
FileSplit: script.FileSplit,
SplitNum: script.SplitNum,
Fusing: script.Fusing,
APIHeader: script.APIHeader,
if script.Upload {
ptestParam.LoadTime = 1800
ptestParam.TestNames = QueryTestNamesByJmfile(script.SavePath)
} else {
ptestParam.LoadTime = script.LoadTime
ptestParam.TestNames = StringToSlice(script.TestName)
go s.DoPtest(context.TODO(), ptestParam)
status = "success"
//DoPtestByScriptId do ptest by scriptid
func (s *Service) DoPtestByScriptId(c context.Context, script *model.Script, cookie, executor string) (resp model.DoPtestResp, err error) {
var scripts []*model.Script
if scripts, err = s.QueryScripts(script, 1, 5); err != nil {
log.Error("QueryScripts err :(%v)", err)
ptestParam := model.DoPtestParam{
TestNames: StringToSlice(scripts[0].TestName),
ProjectName: scripts[0].ProjectName,
FileName: scripts[0].SavePath,
LoadTime: scripts[0].LoadTime,
ResJtl: scripts[0].ResJtl,
JmeterLog: scripts[0].JmeterLog,
UserName: executor,
Department: scripts[0].Department,
Project: scripts[0].Project,
APP: scripts[0].App,
ScriptID: scripts[0].ID,
URL: scripts[0].URL,
Cookie: cookie,
Domain: scripts[0].Domain,
FileSplit: scripts[0].FileSplit,
SplitNum: scripts[0].SplitNum,
Fusing: scripts[0].Fusing,
APIHeader: scripts[0].APIHeader,
Upload: scripts[0].Upload,
UseBusinessStop: scripts[0].UseBusinessStop,
BusinessStopPercent: scripts[0].BusinessStopPercent,
if ptestParam.Upload {
ptestParam.TestNames = QueryTestNamesByJmfile(scripts[0].SavePath)
return s.DoPtest(c, ptestParam)
//DoPtestByJmeter do ptest by jmeter
func (s *Service) DoPtestByJmeter(c context.Context, ptestParam model.DoPtestParam, testNameNicks []string) (resp model.DoPtestResp, err error) {
var (
du string
Debug int
CPUCore int
reportSuID int
scriptSnapIDs []int
beginTime string
token string
Index = 0
btm time.Time
dus time.Duration
tempRes *model.PaasJobQueryStatus
hostIP string
command string
lay := "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
executeID := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano(), 10)
if !ptestParam.AddPtest {
// 不加压,增加新的 log
ptestParam.ResJtl = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ptestParam.ResJtl, executeID)
ptestParam.JmeterLog = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ptestParam.JmeterLog, executeID)
jobNamed := executeID + "run"
jobName := string([]rune(jobNamed)[10:])
// add filesplit messages to env variables
if !ptestParam.AddPtest {
Index = 1
} else {
Index = ptestParam.DockerSum + 1
ptestParam.EnvInfo = "FileSplit:" + strconv.FormatBool(ptestParam.FileSplit) + ",SplitNum:" + strconv.Itoa(ptestParam.SplitNum) +
",Index:" + strconv.Itoa(Index)
// 为压测容器绑定host
if ptestParam.Upload {
} else {
if ptestParam.Type == model.PROTOCOL_HTTP {
HostInfo(ptestParam.Domain, ptestParam.APIHeader)
} else if ptestParam.Type == model.PROTOCOL_SCENE {
if _, _, err = CreateResJtlAndJmeterLog(ptestParam); err != nil {
log.Info("create resjtl or jmeterlog err :(%v)", err)
//获取 Debug,CPUCore,command
Debug, CPUCore, command = s.CreateCommand(ptestParam)
jobInfo := model.Job{FileName: ptestParam.FileName, CPU: CPUCore, Memory: 8096, Parallelism: 1, Name: jobName, ResJtl: ptestParam.ResJtl,
JmeterLog: ptestParam.JmeterLog, EnvInfo: ptestParam.EnvInfo, JarPath: ptestParam.JarPath, Command: command}
beginTime = time.Now().Format(lay)
if btm, err = time.Parse(lay, beginTime); err != nil {
resd := int(btm.Unix()) % 5
du = "-" + strconv.Itoa(resd) + "s"
if dus, err = time.ParseDuration(du); err != nil {
beginTime = btm.Add(dus).Format(lay)
res := make(chan interface{}, 10000)
resHostIp := make(chan interface{}, 10000)
tm := time.Now()
for i := 0; i <= ptestParam.LoadTime+10; i += 5 {
tm = tm.Add(time.Second * 5)
timeout := time.After(time.Until(tm))
log.Info("job set timeout util --- :(%s) ", time.Until(tm))
if ptestParam.ExecuDockerSum == 0 {
ptestParam.ExecuDockerSum = 1
if _, err = s.AddJob(context.TODO(), jobInfo); err != nil {
log.Error("add ptest job err:(%v)", err)
if token, err = s.RmToken(c); err != nil {
log.Error("get token err:(%v)", err)
if tempRes, err = s.Job(c, jobName); err != nil {
hostIP = ""
if len(tempRes.Data.Pods) > 0 {
hostIP = tempRes.Data.Pods[0].HostIP
// 如果不是增加容器,生成一份快照
if !ptestParam.AddPtest {
if scriptSnapIDs, err = s.AddSnap(c, ptestParam, executeID, jobName, jobNamed); err != nil || len(scriptSnapIDs) == 0 {
s.DeleteJob(context.TODO(), jobName)
// 从页面上直接输入参数生成的单场景脚本,testNames 和 testNameNicks 长度都是 1,reportSummary 测试计划为空
if reportSuID, err = s.AddReSummaryByPtest(ptestParam, jobName, jobNamed, testNameNicks, scriptSnapIDs[0], Debug); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AddReportSummary err :(%v)", err)
s.DeleteJob(context.TODO(), jobName)
//容器写入 ptest_job 表
ptestJob := model.PtestJob{ScriptID: ptestParam.ScriptID, ReportSuID: reportSuID, JobName: jobName, Active: 1, ExecuteID: jobNamed, HostIP: hostIP}
if _, err = s.dao.AddPtestJob(&ptestJob); err != nil {
log.Error("s.dao.AddPtestJob err :(%v)", err)
s.DeleteJob(context.TODO(), jobName)
fusingList := make([]int, len(ptestParam.Scripts))
useBusiStopList := make([]bool, len(ptestParam.Scripts))
busiStopPercentList := make([]int, len(ptestParam.Scripts))
for index, script := range ptestParam.Scripts {
fusingList[index] = script.Fusing
useBusiStopList[index] = script.UseBusinessStop
busiStopPercentList[index] = script.BusinessStopPercent
AddReGraphTimer := model.AddReGraphTimer{
ScriptID: ptestParam.ScriptID,
JobName: jobName,
BeginTime: beginTime,
Token: token,
TestNames: ptestParam.TestNames,
TestNameNicks: testNameNicks,
ReportSuID: reportSuID,
Fusing: ptestParam.Fusing,
FusingList: fusingList,
TestType: ptestParam.Type,
UseBusinessStop: ptestParam.UseBusinessStop,
BusinessStopPercent: ptestParam.BusinessStopPercent,
UseBusiStopList: useBusiStopList,
BusiStopPercentList: busiStopPercentList,
if ptestParam.Type == model.PROTOCOL_SCENE && ptestParam.TestNameNick != "" {
AddReGraphTimer.TestNameNicks = ptestParam.TestNameNicks
AddReGraphTimer.TestNames = ptestParam.TestNames
log.Info("-------开始执行数据同步job,loadTime :(%v)", ptestParam.LoadTime)
go s.addReGraphTimer(context.TODO(), AddReGraphTimer, res, timeout)
go s.addPtestJobHostIp(context.TODO(), AddReGraphTimer, resHostIp, timeout)
if len(ptestParam.LabelIDs) > 0 && !ptestParam.IsDebug {
for _, lableID := range ptestParam.LabelIDs {
lrl := model.LabelRelation{LabelID: int64(lableID), Type: model.ScriptType, TargetID: int64(ptestParam.ScriptID)}
lrll := model.LabelRelation{LabelID: int64(lableID), Type: model.ReportType, TargetID: int64(reportSuID)}
//如果不是debug ,且配置发生通知为true,则发送微信通知
if !ptestParam.IsDebug && conf.Conf.Wechat.SendMessage {
serviceName := ptestParam.Department + "." + ptestParam.Project + "." + ptestParam.APP
var userService map[string][]string
if userService, err = s.QueryDependServiceAdmins(c, serviceName, s.getSessionInCookie(ptestParam.Cookie)); err != nil {
log.Error("query depend service admin error(%v)", err)
// 发送群通知
content := AddWechatContent(ptestParam, reportSuID, jobName, userService)
go s.AddWechatSend(context.TODO(), ptestParam.Cookie, content)
// 发送依赖服务通知
for user := range userService {
toUser := StringToSlice(user)
content = AddWechatDependServiceContent(ptestParam, userService, reportSuID, user)
go s.dao.PushWechatMsgToPerson(context.TODO(), ptestParam.Cookie, toUser, content)
resp = model.DoPtestResp{BeginTime: beginTime, ReportSuID: reportSuID, JobName: jobName, ScriptSnapIDs: scriptSnapIDs,
JmeterLog: ptestParam.JmeterLog, JtlLog: ptestParam.ResJtl, JmxFile: ptestParam.FileName, LoadTime: ptestParam.LoadTime, HostIP: hostIP}
//QueryTestNameNick query test nick name
func QueryTestNameNick(TestName string, testNameNicks []string) (testNameNick string) {
for _, testNameNickd := range testNameNicks {
if strings.Contains(testNameNickd, TestName) {
testNameNick = testNameNickd
return testNameNick
//IsUniqObject check whether object is unique
func IsUniqObject(aa []string) (t bool) {
for _, a := range aa {
if a == aa[0] {
t = true
if a != aa[0] {
t = false
return t
//StringToSlice convert string to string slice
func StringToSlice(str string) (strs []string) {
strs = append(strs, str)
//RemoveRepByMap 去除切片钟的重复元素
func RemoveRepByMap(slc []string) (result []string) {
tempMap := map[string]byte{} // 存放不重复主键
for _, e := range slc {
l := len(tempMap)
tempMap[e] = 0
if len(tempMap) != l { // 加入map后,map长度变化,则元素不重复
result = append(result, e)
return result
//SliceToString join slice elements to string
func SliceToString(strs []string, inter string) (result string) {
for _, str := range strs {
result = result + inter + str
return string([]rune(result)[1:])
//QueryTestNamesByJmfile query test names by jmeter file
func QueryTestNamesByJmfile(fileName string) (testNames []string) {
var (
buff []byte
err error
if buff, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileName); err != nil {
log.Error("open script file failed! error %v", err)
reg := regexp.MustCompile("SampleGui\"(.*)\" enabled=\"true")
reg2 := regexp.MustCompile("testname=\"(.*)\" enabled=\"true")
results := reg.FindAllString(string(buff), -1)
for _, res := range results {
resd := reg2.FindString(res)
resdd := strings.Replace(resd, "\" enabled=\"true", "", -1)
resddd := strings.Replace(resdd, "testname=\"", "", -1)
testNames = append(testNames, resddd)
//ExistsInSlice check whether the string in the slice
func ExistsInSlice(str string, strs []string) bool {
for _, st := range strs {
if st == str {
return true
return false
//PingDomain ping domain
func PingDomain(ptestParam model.DoPtestParam) (pingString string) {
var pingStrings []string
if ptestParam.Type == model.PROTOCOL_HTTP {
pingString = " ping -c 1 " + ptestParam.Domain + " |tee -a " + ptestParam.JmeterLog
} else if ptestParam.Type == model.PROTOCOL_SCENE {
for _, script := range ptestParam.Scripts {
pingStrings = append(pingStrings, " ping -c 1 "+script.Domain+" |tee -a "+ptestParam.JmeterLog)
pingString = SliceToString(pingStrings, "&")
//CreateResJtlAndJmeterLog Create ResJt lAnd JmeterLog
func CreateResJtlAndJmeterLog(ptestParam model.DoPtestParam) (ResJtlFile, JmeterLogFile *os.File, err error) {
if ptestParam.ResJtl != "" {
if ResJtlFile, err = os.Create(ptestParam.ResJtl); err != nil {
log.Error("create ResJtl error :(%v)", err)
ResJtlFile.WriteString("此处显示 err 日志")
defer ResJtlFile.Close()
if ptestParam.JmeterLog != "" {
if JmeterLogFile, err = os.Create(ptestParam.JmeterLog); err != nil {
log.Error("create JmeterLog error :(%v)", err)
JmeterLogFile.WriteString("此处显示启动日志,执行debug 则显示debug 日志")
defer JmeterLogFile.Close()
//CreateCommand Create Command
func (s *Service) CreateCommand(ptestParam model.DoPtestParam) (debug, CPUCore int, command string) {
// ping 所有接口的 domain
pingString := PingDomain(ptestParam)
cpJar := ""
if ptestParam.JarPath != "" {
cpJar = fmt.Sprintf("cp %s %s & ", ptestParam.JarPath, s.c.Jmeter.JmeterExtLibPathContainer)
// 调试逻辑
if ptestParam.IsDebug {
CPUCore = s.c.Paas.CPUCoreDebug
debug = 1
command = cpJar + " mkdir /data/jmeter-log & jmeter -n -t " + ptestParam.FileName + " -j " + ptestParam.JmeterLog + " -l " + ptestParam.ResJtl + " -F ;" + pingString
} else {
CPUCore = s.c.Paas.CPUCore
debug = -1
command = cpJar + " mkdir /data/jmeter-log & jmeter -n -t " + ptestParam.FileName + " -j " + ptestParam.JmeterLog + " -l " + ptestParam.ResJtl + " -F"