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package dao
import (
//QueryScripts query script
func (d *Dao) QueryScripts(script *model.Script, pn int, ps int) (scripts []*model.Script, err error) {
script.Active = 1
err = d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Where(script).Order("id asc").Offset((pn - 1) * ps).Limit(ps).Find(&scripts).Error
//QueryScriptsByPage query scripts by page
func (d *Dao) QueryScriptsByPage(script *model.Script, pn, ps int32, treeNodes []string) (qsr *model.QueryScriptResponse, err error) {
script.TestType = 1
qsr = &model.QueryScriptResponse{}
gDB := d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Where("app in (?)", treeNodes)
if script.Department != "" && script.Project != "" && script.App != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("department = ? and project = ? and app = ?", script.Department, script.Project, script.App)
if script.Department != "" && script.Project != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("department = ? and project = ?", script.Department, script.Project)
if script.Department != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("department = ?", script.Department)
if script.TestName != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("test_name LIKE ? and test_type = ?", "%"+script.TestName+"%", 1)
if script.UpdateBy != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("update_by LIKE ? and test_type = ?", "%"+script.UpdateBy+"%", 1)
if script.TestName == "" && script.UpdateBy == "" {
gDB = gDB.Where(script)
err = gDB.Where("active = 1").Count(&qsr.TotalSize).Order("ctime desc").Offset((pn - 1) * ps).Limit(ps).
qsr.PageSize = ps /**/
qsr.PageNum = pn
//QueryScriptsByPageWhiteName query by whiteName
func (d *Dao) QueryScriptsByPageWhiteName(script *model.Script, pn, ps int32) (qsr *model.QueryScriptResponse, err error) {
qsr = &model.QueryScriptResponse{}
script.TestType = 1
gDB := d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName())
if script.TestName != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("test_name LIKE ? and test_type = ?", "%"+script.TestName+"%", 1)
if script.UpdateBy != "" {
gDB = gDB.Where("update_by LIKE ? and test_type = ?", "%"+script.UpdateBy+"%", 1)
if script.TestName == "" && script.UpdateBy == "" {
gDB = gDB.Where(script)
err = gDB.Where("active = 1").Count(&qsr.TotalSize).Order("ctime desc").Offset((pn - 1) * ps).Limit(ps).
qsr.PageSize = ps /**/
qsr.PageNum = pn
//QueryScriptByID get script by id
func (d *Dao) QueryScriptByID(id int) (script *model.Script, err error) {
script = &model.Script{}
err = d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Where("id = ? and active = 1", id).First(script).Error
//QueryScriptsInID get script by id
func (d *Dao) QueryScriptsInID(id []int) (scripts []*model.Script, err error) {
err = d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Where("id in (?) and active = 1", id).Find(&scripts).Error
//CountQueryScripts count query scripts
func (d *Dao) CountQueryScripts(script *model.Script) (total int) {
//AddScript add script
func (d *Dao) AddScript(script *model.Script) (id int, groupId int, runOrder int, err error) {
if script.OutputParams == "[]" || script.OutputParams == "" {
script.OutputParams = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.APIHeader == "[]" || script.APIHeader == "" {
script.APIHeader = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.ArgumentString == "[]" || script.AssertionString == "" {
script.ArgumentString = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
script.Active = 1
err = d.DB.Create(script).Error
id = script.ID
groupId = script.GroupID
runOrder = script.RunOrder
//QueryParams query params
func (d *Dao) QueryParams(script *model.Script, scene *model.Scene) (paramList *model.ParamList, err error) {
paramList = new(model.ParamList)
if scene.SceneType == 1 || scene.SceneType == 0 {
err = d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Select("id, group_id, run_order, output_params").Where("scene_id = ? and active = 1", script.SceneID).Order("group_id, run_order").Find(¶mList.ParamList).Error
} else if scene.SceneType == 2 {
err = d.DB.Table(model.Script{}.TableName()).Select("id, group_id, run_order, output_params").Where("scene_id = ? and group_id = ? and active = 1", script.SceneID, script.GroupID).Order("group_id, run_order").Find(¶mList.ParamList).Error
//AddScriptSnap add script snap
func (d *Dao) AddScriptSnap(scriptSnap *model.ScriptSnap) (id int, err error) {
scriptSnap.Ctime = time.Now()
scriptSnap.Mtime = time.Now()
err = d.DB.Create(scriptSnap).Error
id = scriptSnap.ID
//UpdateScript update script
func (d *Dao) UpdateScript(script *model.Script) (err error) {
script.Mtime = time.Now()
if err = d.DB.Exec("update script set is_async = ?, login = ?, keep_alive = ?, use_sign = ?, assertion = ?, conn_time_out = ?, resp_time_out = ?, "+
"use_data_file = ?, file_name = ?, params_name = ?, delimiter = ?, fusing = ?, use_business_stop = ?, business_stop_percent = ? where id = ?",
script.IsAsync, script.Login, script.KeepAlive, script.UseSign, script.Assertion, script.ConnTimeOut, script.RespTimeOut,
script.UseDataFile, script.FileName, script.ParamsName, script.Delimiter, script.Fusing, script.UseBusinessStop, script.BusinessStopPercent, script.ID).Error; err != nil {
if script.OutputParams == "[]" {
script.OutputParams = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.APIHeader == "[]" {
script.APIHeader = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.ArgumentString == "[]" {
script.ArgumentString = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
//script.Active = 1
//return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Save(script).Error
return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Updates(script).Error
//UpdateScriptPart update scriptPart
func (d *Dao) UpdateScriptPart(script *model.Script) (err error) {
script.Mtime = time.Now()
if script.OutputParams == "[]" {
script.OutputParams = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.APIHeader == "[]" {
script.APIHeader = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
if script.ArgumentString == "[]" {
script.ArgumentString = "[{\"\":\"\"}]"
//script.Active = 1
//return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Save(script).Error
return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Updates(script).Error
//AddScriptTimer add script timer
func (d *Dao) AddScriptTimer(script *model.Script) error {
return d.DB.Exec("update script set const_timer = ?, random_timer = ? where id = ?", script.ConstTimer, script.RandomTimer, script.ID).Error
//DelScript delete script
func (d *Dao) DelScript(id int) error {
return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Where("id = ?", id).Update("active", 0).Error
//QueryScriptSnap query script snap
func (d *Dao) QueryScriptSnap(snap *model.ScriptSnap) (scriptSnap []*model.ScriptSnap, err error) {
err = d.DB.Table(model.ScriptSnap{}.TableName()).Where(snap).Find(&scriptSnap).Error
//ScriptHost query api domain name in script
func (d *Dao) ScriptHost(script *model.Script) (host string, err error) {
err = d.DB.Create(script).Error
host = script.Domain
////UpdateRunOrder Update Run Order
//func (d *Dao) UpdateRunOrder(runOrder int) error {
// return d.DB.Model(&model.Script{}).Where("ID=?", script.ID).Updates(script).Error