From 13607ba1573dac5e07f2724493b7671dd0279458 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MiaoWoo "+e+"
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/HTML/JS/marked.js b/src/HTML/JS/marked.js
index 9d82b6e..d73b226 100644
--- a/src/HTML/JS/marked.js
+++ b/src/HTML/JS/marked.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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' + (n ? e : c(e, !0)) + "
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" }, = function() { return this.options.xhtml ? "An error occurred:
" + c(e.message + "", !0) + ""; throw e } } g.exec = g, d.options = d.setOptions = function(e) { return f(d.defaults, e), d }, d.getDefaults = function() { return { baseUrl: null, breaks: !1, gfm: !0, headerIds: !0, headerPrefix: "", highlight: null, langPrefix: "language-", mangle: !0, pedantic: !1, renderer: new r, sanitize: !0, sanitizer: null, silent: !1, smartLists: !1, smartypants: !1, tables: !0, xhtml: !1 } }, d.defaults = d.getDefaults(), d.Parser = p, d.parser = p.parse, d.Renderer = r, d.TextRenderer = s, d.Lexer = a, d.lexer = a.lex, d.InlineLexer = h, d.inlineLexer = h.output, d.parse = d, "undefined" != typeof module && "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = d : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return d }) : e.marked = d }(this || ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : global)); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/HTML/JS/sign-lib-min.js b/src/HTML/JS/sign-lib-min.js index a2b75b9..e7eb921 100644 --- a/src/HTML/JS/sign-lib-min.js +++ b/src/HTML/JS/sign-lib-min.js @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }(), $jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function() { $jscomp.initSymbol(); var t = $; - t || (t = $ = $"iterator")), "function" != typeof Array.prototype[t] && $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, + t = t || ($ = $"iterator")), "function" != typeof Array.prototype[t] && $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, t, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function() { return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype($jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl(this)); @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, $jscomp.initSymbolAsyncIterator = function() { $jscomp.initSymbol(); var t = $; - t || (t = $ = $"asyncIterator")), $jscomp.initSymbolAsyncIterator = function() { + t = t || ($ = $"asyncIterator")), $jscomp.initSymbolAsyncIterator = function() { }; }, $jscomp.iteratorPrototype = function(t) { return $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(), (t = { next: t })[$] = function() { @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, r.fromByteArray = function(t) { for (var e = t.length, r = e % 3, i = [], n = 0, s = e - r; n < s; n += 16383) i.push(o(t, n, s < n + 16383 ? s : n + 16383)); - return 1 === r ? (t = t[e - 1], i.push(h[t >> 2] + h[t << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 === r && (t = (t[e - 2] << 8) + t[e - 1], i.push(h[t >> 10] + h[t >> 4 & 63] + h[t << 2 & 63] + "=")), + return 1 == r ? (t = t[e - 1], i.push(h[t >> 2] + h[t << 4 & 63] + "==")) : 2 == r && (t = (t[e - 2] << 8) + t[e - 1], i.push(h[t >> 10] + h[t >> 4 & 63] + h[t << 2 & 63] + "=")), i.join(""); }; var h = [], u = [], l = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array; @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); }; - function g(t, e, r, i, n, s) { + function g(t, e, r, i) { if (r + i > t.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); if (r < 0) @@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { return ""; if ((r >>>= 0) <= (e >>>= 0)) return ""; - for (t || (t = "utf8"); ;) + for (t = t || "utf8"; ;) switch (t) { case "hex": for (t = e, e = r, r = this.length, (!t || t < 0) && (t = 0), (!e || e < 0 || r < e) && (e = r), i = "", r = t; r < e; ++r) @@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { var n = this.length - e; if ((void 0 === r || n < r) && (r = n), 0 < t.length && (r < 0 || e < 0) || e > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds"); - for (i || (i = "utf8"), n = !1; ;) + for (i = i || "utf8", n = !1; ;) switch (i) { case "hex": t: @@ -768,8 +768,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, h.prototype.copy = function(t, e, r, i) { if (!h.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer"); - if (r || (r = 0), i || 0 === i || (i = this.length), e >= t.length && (e = t.length), e || (e = 0), 0 < i && i < r && (i = r), - i === r || 0 === t.length || 0 === this.length) + if (r = r || 0, i || 0 === i || (i = this.length), e >= t.length && (e = t.length), e = e || 0, 0 < i && i < r && (i = r), i === r || 0 === t.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; if (e < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds"); @@ -805,7 +804,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { throw new RangeError("Out of range index"); if (r <= e) return this; - if (e >>>= 0, r = void 0 === r ? this.length : r >>> 0, t || (t = 0), "number" == typeof t) + if (e >>>= 0, r = void 0 === r ? this.length : r >>> 0, "number" == typeof (t = t || 0)) for (i = e; i < r; ++i) this[i] = t; else { @@ -926,7 +925,8 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { return r; }; var l = Object.create || function(t) { - var e = function() { + + function e() { }; return e.prototype = t, new e; }, f = Object.keys || function(t) { @@ -1126,7 +1126,8 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { t.super_ = e, t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }); } : function(t, e) { t.super_ = e; - var r = function() { + + function r() { }; r.prototype = e.prototype, t.prototype = new r, t.prototype.constructor = t; }; @@ -1333,22 +1334,22 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { r(null, t); }; }, { "./_stream_transform": 16, "core-util-is": 4, inherits: 7 }], 15: [function(L, k, t) { - (function(m, t) { + (function(p, t) { function e(t, e) { t = t || {}; - var r = e instanceof (p = p || L("./_stream_duplex")); + var r = e instanceof (b = b || L("./_stream_duplex")); this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.readableObjectMode); var i = t.highWaterMark, n = t.readableHighWaterMark, s = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; this.highWaterMark = i || 0 === i ? i : r && (n || 0 === n) ? n : s, this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark), this.buffer = new B, this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.reading = this.endEmitted = this.ended = !1, this.sync = !0, this.destroyed = this.resumeScheduled = this.readableListening = this.emittedReadable = this.needReadable = !1, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.encoding = this.decoder = null, - t.encoding && (A || (A = L("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this.decoder = new A(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding); + t.encoding && (A = A || L("string_decoder/").StringDecoder, this.decoder = new A(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding); }; function r(t) { - if (p = p || L("./_stream_duplex"), !(this instanceof r)) + if (b = b || L("./_stream_duplex"), !(this instanceof r)) return new r(t); this._readableState = new e(t, this), this.readable = !0, t && ("function" == typeof && (this._read =, "function" == typeof t.destroy && (this._destroy = t.destroy)),; @@ -1368,14 +1369,14 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { a ? t.emit("error", a) : s.objectMode || e && 0 < e.length ? ("string" == typeof e || s.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === v.prototype || (e = v.from(e)), i ? s.endEmitted ? t.emit("error", Error("stream.unshift() after end event")) : h(t, s, e, !0) : s.ended ? t.emit("error", Error("stream.push() after EOF")) : (s.reading = !1, s.decoder && !r ? (e = s.decoder.write(e), s.objectMode || 0 !== e.length ? h(t, - s, e, !1) : s.readingMore || (s.readingMore = !0, b.nextTick(l, t, s))) : h(t, s, e, !1))) : i || (s.reading = !1); + s, e, !1) : s.readingMore || (s.readingMore = !0, g.nextTick(l, t, s))) : h(t, s, e, !1))) : i || (s.reading = !1); } return !s.ended && (s.needReadable || s.length < s.highWaterMark || 0 === s.length); }; function h(t, e, r, i) { e.flowing && 0 === e.length && !e.sync ? (t.emit("data", r), : (e.length += e.objectMode ? 1 : r.length, i ? e.buffer.unshift(r) : e.buffer.push(r), - e.needReadable && u(t)), e.readingMore || (e.readingMore = !0, b.nextTick(l, t, e)); + e.needReadable && u(t)), e.readingMore || (e.readingMore = !0, g.nextTick(l, t, e)); }; function s(t, e) { @@ -1394,11 +1395,11 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { function u(t) { var e = t._readableState; - e.needReadable = !1, e.emittedReadable || (I("emitReadable", e.flowing), e.emittedReadable = !0, e.sync ? b.nextTick(i, t) : i(t)); + e.needReadable = !1, e.emittedReadable || (I("emitReadable", e.flowing), e.emittedReadable = !0, e.sync ? g.nextTick(i, t) : i(t)); }; function i(t) { - I("emit readable"), t.emit("readable"), _(t); + I("emit readable"), t.emit("readable"), m(t); }; function l(t, e) { @@ -1413,10 +1414,10 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }; function a(t, e) { - e.reading || (I("resume read 0"),, e.resumeScheduled = !1, e.awaitDrain = 0, t.emit("resume"), _(t), e.flowing && !e.reading &&; + e.reading || (I("resume read 0"),, e.resumeScheduled = !1, e.awaitDrain = 0, t.emit("resume"), m(t), e.flowing && !e.reading &&; }; - function _(t) { + function m(t) { var e = t._readableState; for (I("flow", e.flowing); e.flowing && null !==;); }; @@ -1471,22 +1472,22 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { var e = t._readableState; if (0 < e.length) throw Error('"endReadable()" called on non-empty stream'); - e.endEmitted || (e.ended = !0, b.nextTick(d, e, t)); + e.endEmitted || (e.ended = !0, g.nextTick(d, e, t)); }; function d(t, e) { t.endEmitted || 0 !== t.length || (t.endEmitted = !0, e.readable = !1, e.emit("end")); }; - function g(t, e) { + function _(t, e) { for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) if (t[r] === e) return r; return - 1; }; - var b = L("process-nextick-args"); + var g = L("process-nextick-args"); k.exports = r; - var p, y = L("isarray"); + var b, y = L("isarray"); r.ReadableState = e, L("events"); var w = L("./internal/streams/stream"), v = L("safe-buffer").Buffer, M = t.Uint8Array || function() { }, E = L("core-util-is"); @@ -1517,7 +1518,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, r.prototype.isPaused = function() { return !1 === this._readableState.flowing; }, r.prototype.setEncoding = function(t) { - return A || (A = L("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this._readableState.decoder = new A(t), this._readableState.encoding = t, + return A = A || L("string_decoder/").StringDecoder, this._readableState.decoder = new A(t), this._readableState.encoding = t, this; }, = function(t) { I("read", t), t = parseInt(t, 10); @@ -1541,8 +1542,8 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }; function s(t) { - I("ondata"), (p = !1) !== i.write(t) || p || ((1 === f.pipesCount && f.pipes === i || 1 < f.pipesCount && - 1 !== g(f.pipes, - i)) && !d && (I("false write response, pause", l._readableState.awaitDrain), l._readableState.awaitDrain++ , p = !0), l.pause()); + I("ondata"), (r = !1) !== i.write(t) || r || ((1 === f.pipesCount && f.pipes === i || 1 < f.pipesCount && - 1 !== _(f.pipes, + i)) && !d && (I("false write response, pause", l._readableState.awaitDrain), l._readableState.awaitDrain++ , r = !0), l.pause()); }; function o(t) { @@ -1572,19 +1573,21 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { f.pipes.push(i); } f.pipesCount += 1, I("pipe count=%d opts=%j", f.pipesCount, t); - var e = t && !1 === t.end || i === m.stdout || i === m.stderr ? u : n; - f.endEmitted ? b.nextTick(e) : l.once("end", e), i.on("unpipe", function t(e, r) { + var e = t && !1 === t.end || i === p.stdout || i === p.stderr ? u : n; + f.endEmitted ? g.nextTick(e) : l.once("end", e), i.on("unpipe", function t(e, r) { I("onunpipe"), e === l && r && !1 === r.hasUnpiped && (r.hasUnpiped = !0, I("cleanup"), i.removeListener("close", a), i.removeListener("finish", h), i.removeListener("drain", c), i.removeListener("error", o), i.removeListener("unpipe", t), l.removeListener("end", n), l.removeListener("end", u), l.removeListener("data", s), d = !0, !f.awaitDrain || i._writableState && !i._writableState.needDrain || c()); }); - var r, c = (r = l, function() { - var t = r._readableState; - I("pipeOnDrain", t.awaitDrain), t.awaitDrain && t.awaitDrain-- , 0 === t.awaitDrain && r.listeners("data").length && (t.flowing = !0, - _(r)); - }); + var c = function(e) { + return function() { + var t = e._readableState; + I("pipeOnDrain", t.awaitDrain), t.awaitDrain && t.awaitDrain-- , 0 === t.awaitDrain && e.listeners("data").length && (t.flowing = !0, + m(e)); + }; + }(l); i.on("drain", c); - var d = !1, p = !1; + var d = !1, r = !1; return l.on("data", s), function(t, e, r) { if ("function" == typeof t.prependListener) return t.prependListener(e, r); @@ -1596,10 +1599,10 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { if (0 === e.pipesCount) return this; if (1 === e.pipesCount) - return t && t !== e.pipes || (t || (t = e.pipes), e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = !1, t && t.emit("unpipe", this, + return t && t !== e.pipes || (t = t || e.pipes, e.pipes = null, e.pipesCount = 0, e.flowing = !1, t && t.emit("unpipe", this, r)), this; if (t) - return - 1 === (i = g(e.pipes, t)) || (e.pipes.splice(i, 1), --e.pipesCount, 1 === e.pipesCount && (e.pipes = e.pipes[0]), + return - 1 === (i = _(e.pipes, t)) || (e.pipes.splice(i, 1), --e.pipesCount, 1 === e.pipesCount && (e.pipes = e.pipes[0]), t.emit("unpipe", this, r)), this; t = e.pipes; var i = e.pipesCount; @@ -1613,13 +1616,13 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { else if ("readable" === t) { var i = this._readableState; - i.endEmitted || i.readableListening || (i.readableListening = i.needReadable = !0, i.emittedReadable = !1, i.reading ? i.length && u(this) : b.nextTick(o, + i.endEmitted || i.readableListening || (i.readableListening = i.needReadable = !0, i.emittedReadable = !1, i.reading ? i.length && u(this) : g.nextTick(o, this)); } return r; }, r.prototype.resume = function() { var t = this._readableState; - return t.flowing || (I("resume"), t.flowing = !0, t.resumeScheduled || (t.resumeScheduled = !0, b.nextTick(a, this, t))), this; + return t.flowing || (I("resume"), t.flowing = !0, t.resumeScheduled || (t.resumeScheduled = !0, g.nextTick(a, this, t))), this; }, r.prototype.pause = function() { return I("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && (I("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this; @@ -1830,7 +1833,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, n.prototype.write = function(t, e, r) { var i, n = this._writableState, s = !1; if ((i = !n.objectMode) && (i = t, i = b.isBuffer(i) || i instanceof y), i && !b.isBuffer(t) && (t = b.from(t)), "function" == typeof e && (r = e, - e = null), i ? e = "buffer" : e || (e = n.defaultEncoding), "function" != typeof r && (r = l), n.ended) + e = null), e = i ? "buffer" : e || n.defaultEncoding, "function" != typeof r && (r = l), n.ended) n = r, r = Error("write after end"), this.emit("error", r), d.nextTick(n, r); else { var o; @@ -1882,41 +1885,39 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { inherits: 7, "process-nextick-args": 10, "safe-buffer": 25, timers: 28, "util-deprecate": 29 }], 18: [function(t, e, r) { var i = t("safe-buffer").Buffer, n = t("util"); - e.exports = function() { - function t() { - if (!(this instanceof t)) - throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - this.tail = this.head = null, this.length = 0; - }; - return t.prototype.push = function(t) { - t = { data: t, next: null }, 0 < this.length ? = t : this.head = t, this.tail = t, ++this.length; - }, t.prototype.unshift = function(t) { - t = { data: t, next: this.head }, 0 === this.length && (this.tail = t), this.head = t, ++this.length; - }, t.prototype.shift = function() { - if (0 !== this.length) { - var t =; - return this.head = 1 === this.length ? this.tail = null :, --this.length, t; - } - }, t.prototype.clear = function() { - this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; - }, t.prototype.join = function(t) { - if (0 === this.length) - return ""; - for (var e = this.head, r = "" +; e =;) - r += t +; - return r; - }, t.prototype.concat = function(t) { - if (0 === this.length) - return i.alloc(0); - if (1 === this.length) - return; - t = i.allocUnsafe(t >>> 0); - for (var e = this.head, r = 0; e;) -, r), r +=, e =; - return t; - }, t; - }(), n && n.inspect && n.inspect.custom && (e.exports.prototype[n.inspect.custom] = function() { + function s() { + if (!(this instanceof s)) + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + this.tail = this.head = null, this.length = 0; + }; + e.exports = (s.prototype.push = function(t) { + t = { data: t, next: null }, 0 < this.length ? = t : this.head = t, this.tail = t, ++this.length; + }, s.prototype.unshift = function(t) { + t = { data: t, next: this.head }, 0 === this.length && (this.tail = t), this.head = t, ++this.length; + }, s.prototype.shift = function() { + if (0 !== this.length) { + var t =; + return this.head = 1 === this.length ? this.tail = null :, --this.length, t; + } + }, s.prototype.clear = function() { + this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; + }, s.prototype.join = function(t) { + if (0 === this.length) + return ""; + for (var e = this.head, r = "" +; e =;) + r += t +; + return r; + }, s.prototype.concat = function(t) { + if (0 === this.length) + return i.alloc(0); + if (1 === this.length) + return; + t = i.allocUnsafe(t >>> 0); + for (var e = this.head, r = 0; e;) +, r), r +=, e =; + return t; + }, s), n && n.inspect && n.inspect.custom && (e.exports.prototype[n.inspect.custom] = function() { var t = n.inspect({ length: this.length }); return + " " + t; }); @@ -2119,7 +2120,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { function h(t, e) { var r = (t.length - e) % 3; - return 0 === r ? t.toString("base64", e) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r, this.lastTotal = 3, 1 === r ? this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 2], + return 0 == r ? t.toString("base64", e) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r, this.lastTotal = 3, 1 == r ? this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = t[t.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = t[t.length - 1]), t.toString("base64", e, t.length - r)); }; @@ -2683,7 +2684,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { return r.words = [0], r.length = 1, r; for (var i = 0, n = 0; i < t.length; ++i) n = t.words[i] * e + n, r.words[i] = 67108863 & n, n = n / 67108864 | 0; - return r.length = 0 < n ? (r.words[i] = n, t.length + 1) : t.length, r; + return 0 < n ? (r.words[i] = n, r.length = t.length + 1) : r.length = t.length, r; }, l.prototype.umul = function(t) { var e = new l; return e.words = Array(this.length + t.length), 10 === this.length && 10 === t.length ? l.umulTo10x10(this, t, e) : 1 === this.length ? l.umulnTo(t, @@ -2841,95 +2842,95 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { N = 8191 & U; var D = U >>> 13, q = 0 | n[8]; U = 8191 & q; - var K = q >>> 13, V = 8191 & (n = 0 | n[9]), Y = n >>> 13; + var K = q >>> 13, V = 8191 & (n = 0 | n[9]), z = n >>> 13; r.length = 19; - var z = Math.imul(o, I); + var Y = Math.imul(o, I); n = Math.imul(o, A); - var $ = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, I))) << 13); - t = (q = Math.imul(a, A)) + (n >>> 13) + ($ >>> 26), $ &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(s, I), n = Math.imul(s, A), n += Math.imul(u, - I), q = Math.imul(u, A), z += Math.imul(o, S), n += Math.imul(o, x); - var W = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, S))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, x)) + (n >>> 13) + (W >>> 26), W &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(h, I), n = Math.imul(h, A), n += Math.imul(f, - I), q = Math.imul(f, A), z += Math.imul(s, S), n += Math.imul(s, x), n += Math.imul(u, S), q += Math.imul(u, x), z += Math.imul(o, + var $ = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, I))) << 13); + t = (q = Math.imul(a, A)) + (n >>> 13) + ($ >>> 26), $ &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(s, I), n = Math.imul(s, A), n += Math.imul(u, + I), q = Math.imul(u, A), Y += Math.imul(o, S), n += Math.imul(o, x); + var W = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, S))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, x)) + (n >>> 13) + (W >>> 26), W &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(h, I), n = Math.imul(h, A), n += Math.imul(f, + I), q = Math.imul(f, A), Y += Math.imul(s, S), n += Math.imul(s, x), n += Math.imul(u, S), q += Math.imul(u, x), Y += Math.imul(o, B), n += Math.imul(o, k); - var Z = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, B))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, k)) + (n >>> 13) + (Z >>> 26), Z &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(l, I), n = Math.imul(l, A), n += Math.imul(d, - I), q = Math.imul(d, A), z += Math.imul(h, S), n += Math.imul(h, x), n += Math.imul(f, S), q += Math.imul(f, x), z += Math.imul(s, - B), n += Math.imul(s, k), n += Math.imul(u, B), q += Math.imul(u, k), z += Math.imul(o, L), n += Math.imul(o, C); - var G = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, L))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, C)) + (n >>> 13) + (G >>> 26), G &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(c, I), n = Math.imul(c, A), n += Math.imul(m, - I), q = Math.imul(m, A), z += Math.imul(l, S), n += Math.imul(l, x), n += Math.imul(d, S), q += Math.imul(d, x), z += Math.imul(h, - B), n += Math.imul(h, k), n += Math.imul(f, B), q += Math.imul(f, k), z += Math.imul(s, L), n += Math.imul(s, C), n += Math.imul(u, - L), q += Math.imul(u, C), z += Math.imul(o, T), n += Math.imul(o, j); - var H = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, T))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, j)) + (n >>> 13) + (H >>> 26), H &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(p, I), n = Math.imul(p, A), n += Math.imul(g, - I), q = Math.imul(g, A), z += Math.imul(c, S), n += Math.imul(c, x), n += Math.imul(m, S), q += Math.imul(m, x), z += Math.imul(l, - B), n += Math.imul(l, k), n += Math.imul(d, B), q += Math.imul(d, k), z += Math.imul(h, L), n += Math.imul(h, C), n += Math.imul(f, - L), q += Math.imul(f, C), z += Math.imul(s, T), n += Math.imul(s, j), n += Math.imul(u, T), q += Math.imul(u, j), z += Math.imul(o, + var Z = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, B))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, k)) + (n >>> 13) + (Z >>> 26), Z &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(l, I), n = Math.imul(l, A), n += Math.imul(d, + I), q = Math.imul(d, A), Y += Math.imul(h, S), n += Math.imul(h, x), n += Math.imul(f, S), q += Math.imul(f, x), Y += Math.imul(s, + B), n += Math.imul(s, k), n += Math.imul(u, B), q += Math.imul(u, k), Y += Math.imul(o, L), n += Math.imul(o, C); + var G = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, L))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, C)) + (n >>> 13) + (G >>> 26), G &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(c, I), n = Math.imul(c, A), n += Math.imul(m, + I), q = Math.imul(m, A), Y += Math.imul(l, S), n += Math.imul(l, x), n += Math.imul(d, S), q += Math.imul(d, x), Y += Math.imul(h, + B), n += Math.imul(h, k), n += Math.imul(f, B), q += Math.imul(f, k), Y += Math.imul(s, L), n += Math.imul(s, C), n += Math.imul(u, + L), q += Math.imul(u, C), Y += Math.imul(o, T), n += Math.imul(o, j); + var H = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, T))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, j)) + (n >>> 13) + (H >>> 26), H &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(p, I), n = Math.imul(p, A), n += Math.imul(g, + I), q = Math.imul(g, A), Y += Math.imul(c, S), n += Math.imul(c, x), n += Math.imul(m, S), q += Math.imul(m, x), Y += Math.imul(l, + B), n += Math.imul(l, k), n += Math.imul(d, B), q += Math.imul(d, k), Y += Math.imul(h, L), n += Math.imul(h, C), n += Math.imul(f, + L), q += Math.imul(f, C), Y += Math.imul(s, T), n += Math.imul(s, j), n += Math.imul(u, T), q += Math.imul(u, j), Y += Math.imul(o, F), n += Math.imul(o, R); - var J = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, F))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, R)) + (n >>> 13) + (J >>> 26), J &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(_, I), n = Math.imul(_, A), n += Math.imul(y, - I), q = Math.imul(y, A), z += Math.imul(p, S), n += Math.imul(p, x), n += Math.imul(g, S), q += Math.imul(g, x), z += Math.imul(c, - B), n += Math.imul(c, k), n += Math.imul(m, B), q += Math.imul(m, k), z += Math.imul(l, L), n += Math.imul(l, C), n += Math.imul(d, - L), q += Math.imul(d, C), z += Math.imul(h, T), n += Math.imul(h, j), n += Math.imul(f, T), q += Math.imul(f, j), z += Math.imul(s, - F), n += Math.imul(s, R), n += Math.imul(u, F), q += Math.imul(u, R), z += Math.imul(o, O), n += Math.imul(o, P); - var X = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, O))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, P)) + (n >>> 13) + (X >>> 26), X &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(b, I), n = Math.imul(b, A), n += Math.imul(v, - I), q = Math.imul(v, A), z += Math.imul(_, S), n += Math.imul(_, x), n += Math.imul(y, S), q += Math.imul(y, x), z += Math.imul(p, - B), n += Math.imul(p, k), n += Math.imul(g, B), q += Math.imul(g, k), z += Math.imul(c, L), n += Math.imul(c, C), n += Math.imul(m, - L), q += Math.imul(m, C), z += Math.imul(l, T), n += Math.imul(l, j), n += Math.imul(d, T), q += Math.imul(d, j), z += Math.imul(h, - F), n += Math.imul(h, R), n += Math.imul(f, F), q += Math.imul(f, R), z += Math.imul(s, O), n += Math.imul(s, P), n += Math.imul(u, - O), q += Math.imul(u, P), z += Math.imul(o, N), n += Math.imul(o, D); - var Q = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, N))) << 13); - t = (q += Math.imul(a, D)) + (n >>> 13) + (Q >>> 26), Q &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(w, I), n = Math.imul(w, A), n += Math.imul(M, - I), q = Math.imul(M, A), z += Math.imul(b, S), n += Math.imul(b, x), n += Math.imul(v, S), q += Math.imul(v, x), z += Math.imul(_, - B), n += Math.imul(_, k), n += Math.imul(y, B), q += Math.imul(y, k), z += Math.imul(p, L), n += Math.imul(p, C), n += Math.imul(g, - L), q += Math.imul(g, C), z += Math.imul(c, T), n += Math.imul(c, j), n += Math.imul(m, T), q += Math.imul(m, j), z += Math.imul(l, - F), n += Math.imul(l, R), n += Math.imul(d, F), q += Math.imul(d, R), z += Math.imul(h, O), n += Math.imul(h, P), n += Math.imul(f, - O), q += Math.imul(f, P), z += Math.imul(s, N), n += Math.imul(s, D), n += Math.imul(u, N), q += Math.imul(u, D), z += Math.imul(o, + var J = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, F))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, R)) + (n >>> 13) + (J >>> 26), J &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(_, I), n = Math.imul(_, A), n += Math.imul(y, + I), q = Math.imul(y, A), Y += Math.imul(p, S), n += Math.imul(p, x), n += Math.imul(g, S), q += Math.imul(g, x), Y += Math.imul(c, + B), n += Math.imul(c, k), n += Math.imul(m, B), q += Math.imul(m, k), Y += Math.imul(l, L), n += Math.imul(l, C), n += Math.imul(d, + L), q += Math.imul(d, C), Y += Math.imul(h, T), n += Math.imul(h, j), n += Math.imul(f, T), q += Math.imul(f, j), Y += Math.imul(s, + F), n += Math.imul(s, R), n += Math.imul(u, F), q += Math.imul(u, R), Y += Math.imul(o, O), n += Math.imul(o, P); + var X = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, O))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, P)) + (n >>> 13) + (X >>> 26), X &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(b, I), n = Math.imul(b, A), n += Math.imul(v, + I), q = Math.imul(v, A), Y += Math.imul(_, S), n += Math.imul(_, x), n += Math.imul(y, S), q += Math.imul(y, x), Y += Math.imul(p, + B), n += Math.imul(p, k), n += Math.imul(g, B), q += Math.imul(g, k), Y += Math.imul(c, L), n += Math.imul(c, C), n += Math.imul(m, + L), q += Math.imul(m, C), Y += Math.imul(l, T), n += Math.imul(l, j), n += Math.imul(d, T), q += Math.imul(d, j), Y += Math.imul(h, + F), n += Math.imul(h, R), n += Math.imul(f, F), q += Math.imul(f, R), Y += Math.imul(s, O), n += Math.imul(s, P), n += Math.imul(u, + O), q += Math.imul(u, P), Y += Math.imul(o, N), n += Math.imul(o, D); + var Q = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, N))) << 13); + t = (q += Math.imul(a, D)) + (n >>> 13) + (Q >>> 26), Q &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(w, I), n = Math.imul(w, A), n += Math.imul(M, + I), q = Math.imul(M, A), Y += Math.imul(b, S), n += Math.imul(b, x), n += Math.imul(v, S), q += Math.imul(v, x), Y += Math.imul(_, + B), n += Math.imul(_, k), n += Math.imul(y, B), q += Math.imul(y, k), Y += Math.imul(p, L), n += Math.imul(p, C), n += Math.imul(g, + L), q += Math.imul(g, C), Y += Math.imul(c, T), n += Math.imul(c, j), n += Math.imul(m, T), q += Math.imul(m, j), Y += Math.imul(l, + F), n += Math.imul(l, R), n += Math.imul(d, F), q += Math.imul(d, R), Y += Math.imul(h, O), n += Math.imul(h, P), n += Math.imul(f, + O), q += Math.imul(f, P), Y += Math.imul(s, N), n += Math.imul(s, D), n += Math.imul(u, N), q += Math.imul(u, D), Y += Math.imul(o, U), n += Math.imul(o, K); - var tt = t + z + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, U))) << 13); - return t = (q += Math.imul(a, K)) + (n >>> 13) + (tt >>> 26), tt &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, I), n = Math.imul(i, A), n += Math.imul(E, - I), q = Math.imul(E, A), z += Math.imul(w, S), n += Math.imul(w, x), n += Math.imul(M, S), q += Math.imul(M, x), z += Math.imul(b, - B), n += Math.imul(b, k), n += Math.imul(v, B), q += Math.imul(v, k), z += Math.imul(_, L), n += Math.imul(_, C), n += Math.imul(y, - L), q += Math.imul(y, C), z += Math.imul(p, T), n += Math.imul(p, j), n += Math.imul(g, T), q += Math.imul(g, j), z += Math.imul(c, - F), n += Math.imul(c, R), n += Math.imul(m, F), q += Math.imul(m, R), z += Math.imul(l, O), n += Math.imul(l, P), n += Math.imul(d, - O), q += Math.imul(d, P), z += Math.imul(h, N), n += Math.imul(h, D), n += Math.imul(f, N), q += Math.imul(f, D), z += Math.imul(s, - U), n += Math.imul(s, K), n += Math.imul(u, U), q += Math.imul(u, K), z += Math.imul(o, V), n += Math.imul(o, Y), n += Math.imul(a, - V), t = (q += Math.imul(a, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((o = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), o &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, S), - n = Math.imul(i, x), n += Math.imul(E, S), q = Math.imul(E, x), z += Math.imul(w, B), n += Math.imul(w, k), n += Math.imul(M, - B), q += Math.imul(M, k), z += Math.imul(b, L), n += Math.imul(b, C), n += Math.imul(v, L), q += Math.imul(v, C), z += Math.imul(_, - T), n += Math.imul(_, j), n += Math.imul(y, T), q += Math.imul(y, j), z += Math.imul(p, F), n += Math.imul(p, R), n += Math.imul(g, - F), q += Math.imul(g, R), z += Math.imul(c, O), n += Math.imul(c, P), n += Math.imul(m, O), q += Math.imul(m, P), z += Math.imul(l, - N), n += Math.imul(l, D), n += Math.imul(d, N), q += Math.imul(d, D), z += Math.imul(h, U), n += Math.imul(h, K), n += Math.imul(f, - U), q += Math.imul(f, K), z += Math.imul(s, V), n += Math.imul(s, Y), n += Math.imul(u, V), t = (q += Math.imul(u, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((s = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), - s &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, B), n = Math.imul(i, k), n += Math.imul(E, B), q = Math.imul(E, k), z += Math.imul(w, L), n += Math.imul(w, - C), n += Math.imul(M, L), q += Math.imul(M, C), z += Math.imul(b, T), n += Math.imul(b, j), n += Math.imul(v, T), q += Math.imul(v, - j), z += Math.imul(_, F), n += Math.imul(_, R), n += Math.imul(y, F), q += Math.imul(y, R), z += Math.imul(p, O), n += Math.imul(p, - P), n += Math.imul(g, O), q += Math.imul(g, P), z += Math.imul(c, N), n += Math.imul(c, D), n += Math.imul(m, N), q += Math.imul(m, - D), z += Math.imul(l, U), n += Math.imul(l, K), n += Math.imul(d, U), q += Math.imul(d, K), z += Math.imul(h, V), n += Math.imul(h, - Y), n += Math.imul(f, V), t = (q += Math.imul(f, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((h = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), h &= 67108863, - z = Math.imul(i, L), n = Math.imul(i, C), n += Math.imul(E, L), q = Math.imul(E, C), z += Math.imul(w, T), n += Math.imul(w, - j), n += Math.imul(M, T), q += Math.imul(M, j), z += Math.imul(b, F), n += Math.imul(b, R), n += Math.imul(v, F), q += Math.imul(v, - R), z += Math.imul(_, O), n += Math.imul(_, P), n += Math.imul(y, O), q += Math.imul(y, P), z += Math.imul(p, N), n += Math.imul(p, - D), n += Math.imul(g, N), q += Math.imul(g, D), z += Math.imul(c, U), n += Math.imul(c, K), n += Math.imul(m, U), q += Math.imul(m, - K), z += Math.imul(l, V), n += Math.imul(l, Y), n += Math.imul(d, V), t = (q += Math.imul(d, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((l = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), - l &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, T), n = Math.imul(i, j), n += Math.imul(E, T), q = Math.imul(E, j), z += Math.imul(w, F), n += Math.imul(w, - R), n += Math.imul(M, F), q += Math.imul(M, R), z += Math.imul(b, O), n += Math.imul(b, P), n += Math.imul(v, O), q += Math.imul(v, - P), z += Math.imul(_, N), n += Math.imul(_, D), n += Math.imul(y, N), q += Math.imul(y, D), z += Math.imul(p, U), n += Math.imul(p, - K), n += Math.imul(g, U), q += Math.imul(g, K), z += Math.imul(c, V), n += Math.imul(c, Y), n += Math.imul(m, V), t = (q += Math.imul(m, - Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((c = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), c &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, F), n = Math.imul(i, R), n += Math.imul(E, - F), q = Math.imul(E, R), z += Math.imul(w, O), n += Math.imul(w, P), n += Math.imul(M, O), q += Math.imul(M, P), z += Math.imul(b, - N), n += Math.imul(b, D), n += Math.imul(v, N), q += Math.imul(v, D), z += Math.imul(_, U), n += Math.imul(_, K), n += Math.imul(y, - U), q += Math.imul(y, K), z += Math.imul(p, V), n += Math.imul(p, Y), n += Math.imul(g, V), t = (q += Math.imul(g, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((p = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), - p &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, O), n = Math.imul(i, P), n += Math.imul(E, O), q = Math.imul(E, P), z += Math.imul(w, N), n += Math.imul(w, - D), n += Math.imul(M, N), q += Math.imul(M, D), z += Math.imul(b, U), n += Math.imul(b, K), n += Math.imul(v, U), q += Math.imul(v, - K), z += Math.imul(_, V), n += Math.imul(_, Y), n += Math.imul(y, V), t = (q += Math.imul(y, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((_ = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), - _ &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, N), n = Math.imul(i, D), n += Math.imul(E, N), q = Math.imul(E, D), z += Math.imul(w, U), n += Math.imul(w, - K), n += Math.imul(M, U), q += Math.imul(M, K), z += Math.imul(b, V), n += Math.imul(b, Y), n += Math.imul(v, V), t = (q += Math.imul(v, - Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((b = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), b &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, U), n = Math.imul(i, K), n += Math.imul(E, - U), q = Math.imul(E, K), z += Math.imul(w, V), n += Math.imul(w, Y), n += Math.imul(M, V), t = (q += Math.imul(M, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((w = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), - w &= 67108863, z = Math.imul(i, V), n = Math.imul(i, Y), n += Math.imul(E, V), t = (q = Math.imul(E, Y)) + (n >>> 13) + ((a = t + z + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + var tt = t + Y + ((8191 & (n += Math.imul(a, U))) << 13); + return t = (q += Math.imul(a, K)) + (n >>> 13) + (tt >>> 26), tt &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, I), n = Math.imul(i, A), n += Math.imul(E, + I), q = Math.imul(E, A), Y += Math.imul(w, S), n += Math.imul(w, x), n += Math.imul(M, S), q += Math.imul(M, x), Y += Math.imul(b, + B), n += Math.imul(b, k), n += Math.imul(v, B), q += Math.imul(v, k), Y += Math.imul(_, L), n += Math.imul(_, C), n += Math.imul(y, + L), q += Math.imul(y, C), Y += Math.imul(p, T), n += Math.imul(p, j), n += Math.imul(g, T), q += Math.imul(g, j), Y += Math.imul(c, + F), n += Math.imul(c, R), n += Math.imul(m, F), q += Math.imul(m, R), Y += Math.imul(l, O), n += Math.imul(l, P), n += Math.imul(d, + O), q += Math.imul(d, P), Y += Math.imul(h, N), n += Math.imul(h, D), n += Math.imul(f, N), q += Math.imul(f, D), Y += Math.imul(s, + U), n += Math.imul(s, K), n += Math.imul(u, U), q += Math.imul(u, K), Y += Math.imul(o, V), n += Math.imul(o, z), n += Math.imul(a, + V), t = (q += Math.imul(a, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((o = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), o &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, S), + n = Math.imul(i, x), n += Math.imul(E, S), q = Math.imul(E, x), Y += Math.imul(w, B), n += Math.imul(w, k), n += Math.imul(M, + B), q += Math.imul(M, k), Y += Math.imul(b, L), n += Math.imul(b, C), n += Math.imul(v, L), q += Math.imul(v, C), Y += Math.imul(_, + T), n += Math.imul(_, j), n += Math.imul(y, T), q += Math.imul(y, j), Y += Math.imul(p, F), n += Math.imul(p, R), n += Math.imul(g, + F), q += Math.imul(g, R), Y += Math.imul(c, O), n += Math.imul(c, P), n += Math.imul(m, O), q += Math.imul(m, P), Y += Math.imul(l, + N), n += Math.imul(l, D), n += Math.imul(d, N), q += Math.imul(d, D), Y += Math.imul(h, U), n += Math.imul(h, K), n += Math.imul(f, + U), q += Math.imul(f, K), Y += Math.imul(s, V), n += Math.imul(s, z), n += Math.imul(u, V), t = (q += Math.imul(u, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((s = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + s &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, B), n = Math.imul(i, k), n += Math.imul(E, B), q = Math.imul(E, k), Y += Math.imul(w, L), n += Math.imul(w, + C), n += Math.imul(M, L), q += Math.imul(M, C), Y += Math.imul(b, T), n += Math.imul(b, j), n += Math.imul(v, T), q += Math.imul(v, + j), Y += Math.imul(_, F), n += Math.imul(_, R), n += Math.imul(y, F), q += Math.imul(y, R), Y += Math.imul(p, O), n += Math.imul(p, + P), n += Math.imul(g, O), q += Math.imul(g, P), Y += Math.imul(c, N), n += Math.imul(c, D), n += Math.imul(m, N), q += Math.imul(m, + D), Y += Math.imul(l, U), n += Math.imul(l, K), n += Math.imul(d, U), q += Math.imul(d, K), Y += Math.imul(h, V), n += Math.imul(h, + z), n += Math.imul(f, V), t = (q += Math.imul(f, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((h = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), h &= 67108863, + Y = Math.imul(i, L), n = Math.imul(i, C), n += Math.imul(E, L), q = Math.imul(E, C), Y += Math.imul(w, T), n += Math.imul(w, + j), n += Math.imul(M, T), q += Math.imul(M, j), Y += Math.imul(b, F), n += Math.imul(b, R), n += Math.imul(v, F), q += Math.imul(v, + R), Y += Math.imul(_, O), n += Math.imul(_, P), n += Math.imul(y, O), q += Math.imul(y, P), Y += Math.imul(p, N), n += Math.imul(p, + D), n += Math.imul(g, N), q += Math.imul(g, D), Y += Math.imul(c, U), n += Math.imul(c, K), n += Math.imul(m, U), q += Math.imul(m, + K), Y += Math.imul(l, V), n += Math.imul(l, z), n += Math.imul(d, V), t = (q += Math.imul(d, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((l = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + l &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, T), n = Math.imul(i, j), n += Math.imul(E, T), q = Math.imul(E, j), Y += Math.imul(w, F), n += Math.imul(w, + R), n += Math.imul(M, F), q += Math.imul(M, R), Y += Math.imul(b, O), n += Math.imul(b, P), n += Math.imul(v, O), q += Math.imul(v, + P), Y += Math.imul(_, N), n += Math.imul(_, D), n += Math.imul(y, N), q += Math.imul(y, D), Y += Math.imul(p, U), n += Math.imul(p, + K), n += Math.imul(g, U), q += Math.imul(g, K), Y += Math.imul(c, V), n += Math.imul(c, z), n += Math.imul(m, V), t = (q += Math.imul(m, + z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((c = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), c &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, F), n = Math.imul(i, R), n += Math.imul(E, + F), q = Math.imul(E, R), Y += Math.imul(w, O), n += Math.imul(w, P), n += Math.imul(M, O), q += Math.imul(M, P), Y += Math.imul(b, + N), n += Math.imul(b, D), n += Math.imul(v, N), q += Math.imul(v, D), Y += Math.imul(_, U), n += Math.imul(_, K), n += Math.imul(y, + U), q += Math.imul(y, K), Y += Math.imul(p, V), n += Math.imul(p, z), n += Math.imul(g, V), t = (q += Math.imul(g, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((p = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + p &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, O), n = Math.imul(i, P), n += Math.imul(E, O), q = Math.imul(E, P), Y += Math.imul(w, N), n += Math.imul(w, + D), n += Math.imul(M, N), q += Math.imul(M, D), Y += Math.imul(b, U), n += Math.imul(b, K), n += Math.imul(v, U), q += Math.imul(v, + K), Y += Math.imul(_, V), n += Math.imul(_, z), n += Math.imul(y, V), t = (q += Math.imul(y, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((_ = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + _ &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, N), n = Math.imul(i, D), n += Math.imul(E, N), q = Math.imul(E, D), Y += Math.imul(w, U), n += Math.imul(w, + K), n += Math.imul(M, U), q += Math.imul(M, K), Y += Math.imul(b, V), n += Math.imul(b, z), n += Math.imul(v, V), t = (q += Math.imul(v, + z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((b = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), b &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, U), n = Math.imul(i, K), n += Math.imul(E, + U), q = Math.imul(E, K), Y += Math.imul(w, V), n += Math.imul(w, z), n += Math.imul(M, V), t = (q += Math.imul(M, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((w = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), + w &= 67108863, Y = Math.imul(i, V), n = Math.imul(i, z), n += Math.imul(E, V), t = (q = Math.imul(E, z)) + (n >>> 13) + ((a = t + Y + ((8191 & n) << 13)) >>> 26), e[0] = $, e[1] = W, e[2] = Z, e[3] = G, e[4] = H, e[5] = J, e[6] = X, e[7] = Q, e[8] = tt, e[9] = o, e[10] = s, e[11] = h, e[12] = l, e[13] = c, e[14] = p, e[15] = _, e[16] = b, e[17] = w, e[18] = 67108863 & a, 0 !== t && (e[19] = t, r.length++), r; @@ -2937,7 +2938,8 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, {}], 45: [function(t, e, r) { function a(t, e, r) { - this.z = null === t && null === e && null === r ? (this.y = this.x =, : (this.x = t, this.y = e, r), this.zOne = this.z ===; + null === t && null === e && null === r ? (this.y = this.x =, this.z = : (this.x = t, this.y = e, this.z = r), + this.zOne = this.z ===; }; t = t("./bn"), = t.fromNumber(0), = t.fromNumber(1), a.prototype.neg = function() { return this.inf ? this : new a(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z); @@ -2991,7 +2993,7 @@ $jscomp.scope = {}, $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function(t) { }, { "./bn": 43 }], 46: [function(t, e, r) { function s(t, e) { - this.inf = null === t && null === e ? (this.x = this.y = null, !0) : (this.x = t, this.y = e, !1); + null === t && null === e ? (this.x = this.y = null, this.inf = !0) : (this.x = t, this.y = e, this.inf = !1); }; var i = t("safe-buffer").Buffer, n = t("./bn"), o = t("./ecjpoint"); s.fromPublicKey = function(t) { diff --git a/src/HTML/wallet.html b/src/HTML/wallet.html index 2d55ea0..4b7981b 100644 --- a/src/HTML/wallet.html +++ b/src/HTML/wallet.html @@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ - - -
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