/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "tmux.h" /* * Grid data. This is the basic data structure that represents what is shown on * screen. * * A grid is a grid of cells (struct grid_cell). Lines are not allocated until * cells in that line are written to. The grid is split into history and * viewable data with the history starting at row (line) 0 and extending to * (hsize - 1); from hsize to hsize + (sy - 1) is the viewable data. All * functions in this file work on absolute coordinates, grid-view.c has * functions which work on the screen data. */ /* Default grid cell data. */ const struct grid_cell grid_default_cell = { 0, 0, 8, 8, { { ' ' }, 0, 1, 1 } }; static const struct grid_cell_entry grid_default_entry = { 0, { .data = { 0, 8, 8, ' ' } } }; static void grid_empty_line(struct grid *, u_int, u_int); /* Store cell in entry. */ static void grid_store_cell(struct grid_cell_entry *gce, const struct grid_cell *gc, u_char c) { gce->flags = gc->flags; gce->data.fg = gc->fg & 0xff; if (gc->fg & COLOUR_FLAG_256) gce->flags |= GRID_FLAG_FG256; gce->data.bg = gc->bg & 0xff; if (gc->bg & COLOUR_FLAG_256) gce->flags |= GRID_FLAG_BG256; gce->data.attr = gc->attr; gce->data.data = c; } /* Check if a cell should be extended. */ static int grid_need_extended_cell(const struct grid_cell_entry *gce, const struct grid_cell *gc) { if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) return (1); if (gc->attr > 0xff) return (1); if (gc->data.size != 1 || gc->data.width != 1) return (1); if ((gc->fg & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB) || (gc->bg & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB)) return (1); return (0); } /* Free up unused extended cells. */ static void grid_compact_line(struct grid_line *gl) { int new_extdsize = 0; struct grid_cell *new_extddata; struct grid_cell_entry *gce; struct grid_cell *gc; u_int px, idx; if (gl->extdsize == 0) return; for (px = 0; px < gl->cellsize; px++) { gce = &gl->celldata[px]; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) new_extdsize++; } if (new_extdsize == 0) { free(gl->extddata); gl->extddata = NULL; gl->extdsize = 0; return; } new_extddata = xreallocarray(NULL, new_extdsize, sizeof *gl->extddata); idx = 0; for (px = 0; px < gl->cellsize; px++) { gce = &gl->celldata[px]; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) { gc = &gl->extddata[gce->offset]; memcpy(&new_extddata[idx], gc, sizeof *gc); gce->offset = idx++; } } free(gl->extddata); gl->extddata = new_extddata; gl->extdsize = new_extdsize; } /* Set cell as extended. */ static struct grid_cell * grid_extended_cell(struct grid_line *gl, struct grid_cell_entry *gce, const struct grid_cell *gc) { struct grid_cell *gcp; gl->flags |= GRID_LINE_EXTENDED; if (~gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) { gl->extddata = xreallocarray(gl->extddata, gl->extdsize + 1, sizeof *gl->extddata); gce->offset = gl->extdsize++; gce->flags = gc->flags | GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED; } if (gce->offset >= gl->extdsize) fatalx("offset too big"); gcp = &gl->extddata[gce->offset]; memcpy(gcp, gc, sizeof *gcp); return (gcp); } /* Copy default into a cell. */ static void grid_clear_cell(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, u_int bg) { struct grid_line *gl = &gd->linedata[py]; struct grid_cell_entry *gce = &gl->celldata[px]; struct grid_cell *gc; memcpy(gce, &grid_default_entry, sizeof *gce); if (bg & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB) { gc = grid_extended_cell(gl, gce, &grid_default_cell); gc->bg = bg; } else { if (bg & COLOUR_FLAG_256) gce->flags |= GRID_FLAG_BG256; gce->data.bg = bg; } } /* Check grid y position. */ static int grid_check_y(struct grid *gd, const char* from, u_int py) { if (py >= gd->hsize + gd->sy) { log_debug("%s: y out of range: %u", from, py); return (-1); } return (0); } /* Compare grid cells. Return 1 if equal, 0 if not. */ int grid_cells_equal(const struct grid_cell *gca, const struct grid_cell *gcb) { if (gca->fg != gcb->fg || gca->bg != gcb->bg) return (0); if (gca->attr != gcb->attr || gca->flags != gcb->flags) return (0); if (gca->data.width != gcb->data.width) return (0); if (gca->data.size != gcb->data.size) return (0); return (memcmp(gca->data.data, gcb->data.data, gca->data.size) == 0); } /* Free one line. */ static void grid_free_line(struct grid *gd, u_int py) { free(gd->linedata[py].celldata); gd->linedata[py].celldata = NULL; free(gd->linedata[py].extddata); gd->linedata[py].extddata = NULL; } /* Free several lines. */ static void grid_free_lines(struct grid *gd, u_int py, u_int ny) { u_int yy; for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) grid_free_line(gd, yy); } /* Create a new grid. */ struct grid * grid_create(u_int sx, u_int sy, u_int hlimit) { struct grid *gd; gd = xmalloc(sizeof *gd); gd->sx = sx; gd->sy = sy; gd->flags = GRID_HISTORY; gd->hscrolled = 0; gd->hsize = 0; gd->hlimit = hlimit; if (gd->sy != 0) gd->linedata = xcalloc(gd->sy, sizeof *gd->linedata); else gd->linedata = NULL; return (gd); } /* Destroy grid. */ void grid_destroy(struct grid *gd) { grid_free_lines(gd, 0, gd->hsize + gd->sy); free(gd->linedata); free(gd); } /* Compare grids. */ int grid_compare(struct grid *ga, struct grid *gb) { struct grid_line *gla, *glb; struct grid_cell gca, gcb; u_int xx, yy; if (ga->sx != gb->sx || ga->sy != gb->sy) return (1); for (yy = 0; yy < ga->sy; yy++) { gla = &ga->linedata[yy]; glb = &gb->linedata[yy]; if (gla->cellsize != glb->cellsize) return (1); for (xx = 0; xx < gla->cellsize; xx++) { grid_get_cell(ga, xx, yy, &gca); grid_get_cell(gb, xx, yy, &gcb); if (!grid_cells_equal(&gca, &gcb)) return (1); } } return (0); } /* * Collect lines from the history if at the limit. Free the top (oldest) 10% * and shift up. */ void grid_collect_history(struct grid *gd) { u_int ny; if (gd->hsize == 0 || gd->hsize < gd->hlimit) return; ny = gd->hlimit / 10; if (ny < 1) ny = 1; if (ny > gd->hsize) ny = gd->hsize; /* * Free the lines from 0 to ny then move the remaining lines over * them. */ grid_free_lines(gd, 0, ny); memmove(&gd->linedata[0], &gd->linedata[ny], (gd->hsize + gd->sy - ny) * (sizeof *gd->linedata)); gd->hsize -= ny; if (gd->hscrolled > gd->hsize) gd->hscrolled = gd->hsize; } /* * Scroll the entire visible screen, moving one line into the history. Just * allocate a new line at the bottom and move the history size indicator. */ void grid_scroll_history(struct grid *gd, u_int bg) { u_int yy; yy = gd->hsize + gd->sy; gd->linedata = xreallocarray(gd->linedata, yy + 1, sizeof *gd->linedata); grid_empty_line(gd, yy, bg); gd->hscrolled++; grid_compact_line(&gd->linedata[gd->hsize]); gd->hsize++; } /* Clear the history. */ void grid_clear_history(struct grid *gd) { grid_free_lines(gd, 0, gd->hsize); memmove(&gd->linedata[0], &gd->linedata[gd->hsize], gd->sy * (sizeof *gd->linedata)); gd->hscrolled = 0; gd->hsize = 0; gd->linedata = xreallocarray(gd->linedata, gd->sy, sizeof *gd->linedata); } /* Scroll a region up, moving the top line into the history. */ void grid_scroll_history_region(struct grid *gd, u_int upper, u_int lower, u_int bg) { struct grid_line *gl_history, *gl_upper; u_int yy; /* Create a space for a new line. */ yy = gd->hsize + gd->sy; gd->linedata = xreallocarray(gd->linedata, yy + 1, sizeof *gd->linedata); /* Move the entire screen down to free a space for this line. */ gl_history = &gd->linedata[gd->hsize]; memmove(gl_history + 1, gl_history, gd->sy * sizeof *gl_history); /* Adjust the region and find its start and end. */ upper++; gl_upper = &gd->linedata[upper]; lower++; /* Move the line into the history. */ memcpy(gl_history, gl_upper, sizeof *gl_history); /* Then move the region up and clear the bottom line. */ memmove(gl_upper, gl_upper + 1, (lower - upper) * sizeof *gl_upper); grid_empty_line(gd, lower, bg); /* Move the history offset down over the line. */ gd->hscrolled++; gd->hsize++; } /* Expand line to fit to cell. */ static void grid_expand_line(struct grid *gd, u_int py, u_int sx, u_int bg) { struct grid_line *gl; u_int xx; gl = &gd->linedata[py]; if (sx <= gl->cellsize) return; if (sx < gd->sx / 4) sx = gd->sx / 4; else if (sx < gd->sx / 2) sx = gd->sx / 2; else sx = gd->sx; gl->celldata = xreallocarray(gl->celldata, sx, sizeof *gl->celldata); for (xx = gl->cellsize; xx < sx; xx++) grid_clear_cell(gd, xx, py, bg); gl->cellsize = sx; } /* Empty a line and set background colour if needed. */ static void grid_empty_line(struct grid *gd, u_int py, u_int bg) { memset(&gd->linedata[py], 0, sizeof gd->linedata[py]); if (bg != 8) grid_expand_line(gd, py, gd->sx, bg); } /* Peek at grid line. */ const struct grid_line * grid_peek_line(struct grid *gd, u_int py) { if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return (NULL); return (&gd->linedata[py]); } /* Get cell from line. */ static void grid_get_cell1(struct grid_line *gl, u_int px, struct grid_cell *gc) { struct grid_cell_entry *gce = &gl->celldata[px]; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) { if (gce->offset >= gl->extdsize) memcpy(gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof *gc); else memcpy(gc, &gl->extddata[gce->offset], sizeof *gc); return; } gc->flags = gce->flags & ~(GRID_FLAG_FG256|GRID_FLAG_BG256); gc->attr = gce->data.attr; gc->fg = gce->data.fg; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_FG256) gc->fg |= COLOUR_FLAG_256; gc->bg = gce->data.bg; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_BG256) gc->bg |= COLOUR_FLAG_256; utf8_set(&gc->data, gce->data.data); } /* Get cell for reading. */ void grid_get_cell(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, struct grid_cell *gc) { if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0 || px >= gd->linedata[py].cellsize) { memcpy(gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof *gc); return; } return (grid_get_cell1(&gd->linedata[py], px, gc)); } /* Set cell at relative position. */ void grid_set_cell(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, const struct grid_cell *gc) { struct grid_line *gl; struct grid_cell_entry *gce; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; grid_expand_line(gd, py, px + 1, 8); gl = &gd->linedata[py]; if (px + 1 > gl->cellused) gl->cellused = px + 1; gce = &gl->celldata[px]; if (grid_need_extended_cell(gce, gc)) grid_extended_cell(gl, gce, gc); else grid_store_cell(gce, gc, gc->data.data[0]); } /* Set cells at relative position. */ void grid_set_cells(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, const struct grid_cell *gc, const char *s, size_t slen) { struct grid_line *gl; struct grid_cell_entry *gce; struct grid_cell *gcp; u_int i; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; grid_expand_line(gd, py, px + slen, 8); gl = &gd->linedata[py]; if (px + slen > gl->cellused) gl->cellused = px + slen; for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) { gce = &gl->celldata[px + i]; if (grid_need_extended_cell(gce, gc)) { gcp = grid_extended_cell(gl, gce, gc); utf8_set(&gcp->data, s[i]); } else grid_store_cell(gce, gc, s[i]); } } /* Clear area. */ void grid_clear(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, u_int nx, u_int ny, u_int bg) { u_int xx, yy; if (nx == 0 || ny == 0) return; if (px == 0 && nx == gd->sx) { grid_clear_lines(gd, py, ny, bg); return; } if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py + ny - 1) != 0) return; for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) { if (px + nx >= gd->sx && px < gd->linedata[yy].cellused) gd->linedata[yy].cellused = px; if (px > gd->linedata[yy].cellsize && bg == 8) continue; if (px + nx >= gd->linedata[yy].cellsize && bg == 8) { gd->linedata[yy].cellsize = px; continue; } grid_expand_line(gd, yy, px + nx, 8); /* default bg first */ for (xx = px; xx < px + nx; xx++) grid_clear_cell(gd, xx, yy, bg); } } /* Clear lines. This just frees and truncates the lines. */ void grid_clear_lines(struct grid *gd, u_int py, u_int ny, u_int bg) { u_int yy; if (ny == 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py + ny - 1) != 0) return; for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) { grid_free_line(gd, yy); grid_empty_line(gd, yy, bg); } } /* Move a group of lines. */ void grid_move_lines(struct grid *gd, u_int dy, u_int py, u_int ny, u_int bg) { u_int yy; if (ny == 0 || py == dy) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py + ny - 1) != 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, dy) != 0) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, dy + ny - 1) != 0) return; /* Free any lines which are being replaced. */ for (yy = dy; yy < dy + ny; yy++) { if (yy >= py && yy < py + ny) continue; grid_free_line(gd, yy); } memmove(&gd->linedata[dy], &gd->linedata[py], ny * (sizeof *gd->linedata)); /* * Wipe any lines that have been moved (without freeing them - they are * still present). */ for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) { if (yy < dy || yy >= dy + ny) grid_empty_line(gd, yy, bg); } } /* Move a group of cells. */ void grid_move_cells(struct grid *gd, u_int dx, u_int px, u_int py, u_int nx, u_int bg) { struct grid_line *gl; u_int xx; if (nx == 0 || px == dx) return; if (grid_check_y(gd, __func__, py) != 0) return; gl = &gd->linedata[py]; grid_expand_line(gd, py, px + nx, 8); grid_expand_line(gd, py, dx + nx, 8); memmove(&gl->celldata[dx], &gl->celldata[px], nx * sizeof *gl->celldata); if (dx + nx > gl->cellused) gl->cellused = dx + nx; /* Wipe any cells that have been moved. */ for (xx = px; xx < px + nx; xx++) { if (xx >= dx && xx < dx + nx) continue; grid_clear_cell(gd, xx, py, bg); } } /* Get ANSI foreground sequence. */ static size_t grid_string_cells_fg(const struct grid_cell *gc, int *values) { size_t n; u_char r, g, b; n = 0; if (gc->fg & COLOUR_FLAG_256) { values[n++] = 38; values[n++] = 5; values[n++] = gc->fg & 0xff; } else if (gc->fg & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB) { values[n++] = 38; values[n++] = 2; colour_split_rgb(gc->fg, &r, &g, &b); values[n++] = r; values[n++] = g; values[n++] = b; } else { switch (gc->fg) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: values[n++] = gc->fg + 30; break; case 8: values[n++] = 39; break; case 90: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 94: case 95: case 96: case 97: values[n++] = gc->fg; break; } } return (n); } /* Get ANSI background sequence. */ static size_t grid_string_cells_bg(const struct grid_cell *gc, int *values) { size_t n; u_char r, g, b; n = 0; if (gc->bg & COLOUR_FLAG_256) { values[n++] = 48; values[n++] = 5; values[n++] = gc->bg & 0xff; } else if (gc->bg & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB) { values[n++] = 48; values[n++] = 2; colour_split_rgb(gc->bg, &r, &g, &b); values[n++] = r; values[n++] = g; values[n++] = b; } else { switch (gc->bg) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: values[n++] = gc->bg + 40; break; case 8: values[n++] = 49; break; case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: case 106: case 107: values[n++] = gc->bg - 10; break; } } return (n); } /* * Returns ANSI code to set particular attributes (colour, bold and so on) * given a current state. */ static void grid_string_cells_code(const struct grid_cell *lastgc, const struct grid_cell *gc, char *buf, size_t len, int escape_c0) { int oldc[64], newc[64], s[128]; size_t noldc, nnewc, n, i; u_int attr = gc->attr, lastattr = lastgc->attr; char tmp[64]; struct { u_int mask; u_int code; } attrs[] = { { GRID_ATTR_BRIGHT, 1 }, { GRID_ATTR_DIM, 2 }, { GRID_ATTR_ITALICS, 3 }, { GRID_ATTR_UNDERSCORE, 4 }, { GRID_ATTR_BLINK, 5 }, { GRID_ATTR_REVERSE, 7 }, { GRID_ATTR_HIDDEN, 8 }, { GRID_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH, 9 } }; n = 0; /* If any attribute is removed, begin with 0. */ for (i = 0; i < nitems(attrs); i++) { if (!(attr & attrs[i].mask) && (lastattr & attrs[i].mask)) { s[n++] = 0; lastattr &= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; break; } } /* For each attribute that is newly set, add its code. */ for (i = 0; i < nitems(attrs); i++) { if ((attr & attrs[i].mask) && !(lastattr & attrs[i].mask)) s[n++] = attrs[i].code; } /* Write the attributes. */ *buf = '\0'; if (n > 0) { if (escape_c0) strlcat(buf, "\\033[", len); else strlcat(buf, "\033[", len); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i + 1 < n) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d;", s[i]); else xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d", s[i]); strlcat(buf, tmp, len); } strlcat(buf, "m", len); } /* If the foreground colour changed, write its parameters. */ nnewc = grid_string_cells_fg(gc, newc); noldc = grid_string_cells_fg(lastgc, oldc); if (nnewc != noldc || memcmp(newc, oldc, nnewc * sizeof newc[0]) != 0 || (n != 0 && s[0] == 0)) { if (escape_c0) strlcat(buf, "\\033[", len); else strlcat(buf, "\033[", len); for (i = 0; i < nnewc; i++) { if (i + 1 < nnewc) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d;", newc[i]); else xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d", newc[i]); strlcat(buf, tmp, len); } strlcat(buf, "m", len); } /* If the background colour changed, append its parameters. */ nnewc = grid_string_cells_bg(gc, newc); noldc = grid_string_cells_bg(lastgc, oldc); if (nnewc != noldc || memcmp(newc, oldc, nnewc * sizeof newc[0]) != 0 || (n != 0 && s[0] == 0)) { if (escape_c0) strlcat(buf, "\\033[", len); else strlcat(buf, "\033[", len); for (i = 0; i < nnewc; i++) { if (i + 1 < nnewc) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d;", newc[i]); else xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d", newc[i]); strlcat(buf, tmp, len); } strlcat(buf, "m", len); } /* Append shift in/shift out if needed. */ if ((attr & GRID_ATTR_CHARSET) && !(lastattr & GRID_ATTR_CHARSET)) { if (escape_c0) strlcat(buf, "\\016", len); /* SO */ else strlcat(buf, "\016", len); /* SO */ } if (!(attr & GRID_ATTR_CHARSET) && (lastattr & GRID_ATTR_CHARSET)) { if (escape_c0) strlcat(buf, "\\017", len); /* SI */ else strlcat(buf, "\017", len); /* SI */ } } /* Convert cells into a string. */ char * grid_string_cells(struct grid *gd, u_int px, u_int py, u_int nx, struct grid_cell **lastgc, int with_codes, int escape_c0, int trim) { struct grid_cell gc; static struct grid_cell lastgc1; const char *data; char *buf, code[128]; size_t len, off, size, codelen; u_int xx; const struct grid_line *gl; if (lastgc != NULL && *lastgc == NULL) { memcpy(&lastgc1, &grid_default_cell, sizeof lastgc1); *lastgc = &lastgc1; } len = 128; buf = xmalloc(len); off = 0; gl = grid_peek_line(gd, py); for (xx = px; xx < px + nx; xx++) { if (gl == NULL || xx >= gl->cellsize) break; grid_get_cell(gd, xx, py, &gc); if (gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) continue; if (with_codes) { grid_string_cells_code(*lastgc, &gc, code, sizeof code, escape_c0); codelen = strlen(code); memcpy(*lastgc, &gc, sizeof **lastgc); } else codelen = 0; data = gc.data.data; size = gc.data.size; if (escape_c0 && size == 1 && *data == '\\') { data = "\\\\"; size = 2; } while (len < off + size + codelen + 1) { buf = xreallocarray(buf, 2, len); len *= 2; } if (codelen != 0) { memcpy(buf + off, code, codelen); off += codelen; } memcpy(buf + off, data, size); off += size; } if (trim) { while (off > 0 && buf[off - 1] == ' ') off--; } buf[off] = '\0'; return (buf); } /* * Duplicate a set of lines between two grids. Both source and destination * should be big enough. */ void grid_duplicate_lines(struct grid *dst, u_int dy, struct grid *src, u_int sy, u_int ny) { struct grid_line *dstl, *srcl; u_int yy; if (dy + ny > dst->hsize + dst->sy) ny = dst->hsize + dst->sy - dy; if (sy + ny > src->hsize + src->sy) ny = src->hsize + src->sy - sy; grid_free_lines(dst, dy, ny); for (yy = 0; yy < ny; yy++) { srcl = &src->linedata[sy]; dstl = &dst->linedata[dy]; memcpy(dstl, srcl, sizeof *dstl); if (srcl->cellsize != 0) { dstl->celldata = xreallocarray(NULL, srcl->cellsize, sizeof *dstl->celldata); memcpy(dstl->celldata, srcl->celldata, srcl->cellsize * sizeof *dstl->celldata); } else dstl->celldata = NULL; if (srcl->extdsize != 0) { dstl->extdsize = srcl->extdsize; dstl->extddata = xreallocarray(NULL, dstl->extdsize, sizeof *dstl->extddata); memcpy(dstl->extddata, srcl->extddata, dstl->extdsize * sizeof *dstl->extddata); } sy++; dy++; } } /* Mark line as dead. */ static void grid_reflow_dead(struct grid_line *gl) { memset(gl, 0, sizeof *gl); gl->flags = GRID_LINE_DEAD; } /* Add lines, return the first new one. */ static struct grid_line * grid_reflow_add(struct grid *gd, u_int n) { struct grid_line *gl; u_int sy = gd->sy + n; gd->linedata = xreallocarray(gd->linedata, sy, sizeof *gd->linedata); gl = &gd->linedata[gd->sy]; memset(gl, 0, n * (sizeof *gl)); gd->sy = sy; return (gl); } /* Move a line across. */ static struct grid_line * grid_reflow_move(struct grid *gd, struct grid_line *from) { struct grid_line *to; to = grid_reflow_add(gd, 1); memcpy(to, from, sizeof *to); grid_reflow_dead(from); return (to); } /* Join line below onto this one. */ static void grid_reflow_join(struct grid *target, struct grid *gd, u_int sx, u_int yy, u_int width, u_int *cy, int already) { struct grid_line *gl, *from; struct grid_cell gc; u_int lines, want, left, i, to, line; u_int at; int wrapped = 1; /* * Add a new target line. */ if (!already) { to = target->sy; gl = grid_reflow_move(target, &gd->linedata[yy]); } else { to = target->sy - 1; gl = &target->linedata[to]; } at = gl->cellused; /* * Loop until no more to consume or the target line is full. */ lines = 0; for (;;) { /* * If this is now the last line, there is nothing more to be * done. */ if (yy + lines == gd->hsize + gd->sy) break; line = yy + 1 + lines; /* If the next line is empty, skip it. */ if (~gd->linedata[line].flags & GRID_LINE_WRAPPED) wrapped = 0; if (gd->linedata[line].cellused == 0) { if (!wrapped) break; continue; } /* * Is the destination line now full? Copy the first character * separately because we need to leave "from" set to the last * line if this line is full. */ grid_get_cell1(&gd->linedata[line], 0, &gc); if (width + gc.data.width > sx) break; width += gc.data.width; grid_set_cell(target, at, to, &gc); at++; /* Join as much more as possible onto the current line. */ from = &gd->linedata[line]; for (want = 1; want < from->cellused; want++) { grid_get_cell1(from, want, &gc); if (width + gc.data.width > sx) break; width += gc.data.width; grid_set_cell(target, at, to, &gc); at++; } lines++; /* * If this line wasn't wrapped or we didn't consume the entire * line, don't try to join any further lines. */ if (!wrapped || want != from->cellused || width == sx) break; } if (lines == 0) return; /* * If we didn't consume the entire final line, then remove what we did * consume. If we consumed the entire line and it wasn't wrapped, * remove the wrap flag from this line. */ left = from->cellused - want; if (left != 0) { grid_move_cells(gd, 0, want, yy + lines, left, 8); from->cellsize = from->cellused = left; lines--; } else if (!wrapped) gl->flags &= ~GRID_LINE_WRAPPED; /* Remove the lines that were completely consumed. */ for (i = yy + 1; i < yy + 1 + lines; i++) { free(gd->linedata[i].celldata); free(gd->linedata[i].extddata); grid_reflow_dead(&gd->linedata[i]); } /* Adjust cursor and scroll positions. */ if (*cy > to + lines) *cy -= lines; else if (*cy > to) *cy = to; if (gd->hscrolled > to + lines) gd->hscrolled -= lines; else if (gd->hscrolled > to) gd->hscrolled = to; } /* Split this line into several new ones */ static void grid_reflow_split(struct grid *target, struct grid *gd, u_int sx, u_int yy, u_int at, u_int *cy) { struct grid_line *gl = &gd->linedata[yy], *first; struct grid_cell gc; u_int line, lines, width, i, xx; u_int used = gl->cellused; int flags = gl->flags; /* How many lines do we need to insert? We know we need at least two. */ if (~gl->flags & GRID_LINE_EXTENDED) lines = 1 + (gl->cellused - 1) / sx; else { lines = 2; width = 0; for (i = at; i < used; i++) { grid_get_cell1(gl, i, &gc); if (width + gc.data.width > sx) { lines++; width = 0; } width += gc.data.width; } } /* Insert new lines. */ line = target->sy + 1; first = grid_reflow_add(target, lines); /* Copy sections from the original line. */ width = 0; xx = 0; for (i = at; i < used; i++) { grid_get_cell1(gl, i, &gc); if (width + gc.data.width > sx) { target->linedata[line].flags |= GRID_LINE_WRAPPED; line++; width = 0; xx = 0; } width += gc.data.width; grid_set_cell(target, xx, line, &gc); xx++; } if (flags & GRID_LINE_WRAPPED) target->linedata[line].flags |= GRID_LINE_WRAPPED; /* Move the remainder of the original line. */ gl->cellsize = gl->cellused = at; gl->flags |= GRID_LINE_WRAPPED; memcpy(first, gl, sizeof *first); grid_reflow_dead(gl); /* Adjust the cursor and scroll positions. */ if (yy <= *cy) (*cy) += lines - 1; if (yy <= gd->hscrolled) gd->hscrolled += lines - 1; /* * If the original line had the wrapped flag and there is still space * in the last new line, try to join with the next lines. */ if (width < sx && (flags & GRID_LINE_WRAPPED)) grid_reflow_join(target, gd, sx, yy, width, cy, 1); } /* Reflow lines on grid to new width. */ void grid_reflow(struct grid *gd, u_int sx, u_int *cursor) { struct grid *target; struct grid_line *gl; struct grid_cell gc; u_int yy, cy, width, i, at, first; struct timeval start, tv; gettimeofday(&start, NULL); log_debug("%s: %u lines, new width %u", __func__, gd->hsize + gd->sy, sx); cy = gd->hsize + (*cursor); /* * Create a destination grid. This is just used as a container for the * line data and may not be fully valid. */ target = grid_create(gd->sx, 0, 0); /* * Loop over each source line. */ for (yy = 0; yy < gd->hsize + gd->sy; yy++) { gl = &gd->linedata[yy]; if (gl->flags & GRID_LINE_DEAD) continue; /* * Work out the width of this line. first is the width of the * first character, at is the point at which the available * width is hit, and width is the full line width. */ first = at = width = 0; if (~gl->flags & GRID_LINE_EXTENDED) { first = 1; width = gl->cellused; if (width > sx) at = sx; else at = width; } else { for (i = 0; i < gl->cellused; i++) { grid_get_cell1(gl, i, &gc); if (i == 0) first = gc.data.width; if (at == 0 && width + gc.data.width > sx) at = i; width += gc.data.width; } } /* * If the line is exactly right or the first character is wider * than the targe width, just move it across unchanged. */ if (width == sx || first > sx) { grid_reflow_move(target, gl); continue; } /* * If the line is too big, it needs to be split, whether or not * it was previously wrapped. */ if (width > sx) { grid_reflow_split(target, gd, sx, yy, at, &cy); continue; } /* * If the line was previously wrapped, join as much as possible * of the next line. */ if (gl->flags & GRID_LINE_WRAPPED) grid_reflow_join(target, gd, sx, yy, width, &cy, 0); else grid_reflow_move(target, gl); } /* * Replace the old grid with the new. */ if (target->sy < gd->sy) grid_reflow_add(target, gd->sy - target->sy); gd->hsize = target->sy - gd->sy; free(gd->linedata); gd->linedata = target->linedata; free(target); /* * Update scrolled and cursor positions. */ if (gd->hscrolled > gd->hsize) gd->hscrolled = gd->hsize; if (cy < gd->hsize) *cursor = 0; else *cursor = cy - gd->hsize; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timersub(&tv, &start, &tv); log_debug("%s: now %u lines (in %llu.%06u seconds)", __func__, gd->hsize + gd->sy, (unsigned long long)tv.tv_sec, (u_int)tv.tv_usec); }