- command bits and pieces: * allow multiple targets: fnmatch for -t/-c, for example detach all clients with -t* * add -c for new-session like new-window * ' and " should be parsed the same (eg "\e" vs '\e') in config and command prompt * last-pane across sessions * list-keys should quote output so that bindings can just be used in config file as-is - make command sequences more usable * don't require space after ; * options for error handling: && and ||? - options bits and pieces: * set-remain-on-exit is a complete hack * way to set socket path from config file - format improvements: * option to quote format (#{q:session_name}) * formats need conditions for >0 (for #P) * some way to pad # stuff with spaces * formats to show if a window is linked into multiple sessions, into multiple attached sessions, and is the active window in multiple attached sessions? - choose mode improvements: * choose-pane command (augment choose-tree to do this?) * choose-mode and copy-mode are very similar, make choose-mode a subset? * flag to choose-* for sort order * choose mode would be better per client than per window? * two choices (first one then second, for swap-pane and join-pane) * choose modes should ditch the key bindings and just have fixed keys, and be more customized to their purpose (d to delete a buffer for choose-buffer, a preview of buffer contents, etc) - improve monitor-*: * straighten out rules for multiple clients * think about what happens across sessions * monitor changes within a region * perhaps monitor /all/ panes in the window not just one - improve mouse support: * bind commands to mouse in different areas? * commands executed when clicking on a pattern (URL) - hooks! - warts on current naming: * display-time but message-fg/bg/attr * list-* vs show-* * split-window -> split-pane? - better UTF-8 support: * message display * prompt input * searching in copy mode - copy/paste improvements: * incremental searching * paste w/o trailing whitespace * command to toggle selection not to move it in copy-mode * regex searching * copy-pipe should have -x as well - layout stuff * way to tag a layout as a number/name * maybe keep last layout + size around and if size reverts just put it back * revamp layouts: they are too complicated, should be more closely integrated, should support hints, layout sets should just be a special case of custom layouts, and we should support panes that are not attached to a cell at all. this could be the time to introduce panelink to replace layout_cell * way to set hints/limits about pane size for resizing * panning over window (window larger than visible) * a mode where one application can cross two panes (ie x|y, width = COLUMNS/2 but height = ROWS * 2) * general key to space cells out evenly (horiz or vert) within their parent cell (could replace even-vert/even-horiz layouts) * separate active panes for different clients - terminfo bits * use a better termcap internally instead of screen, perhaps xterm * use screen-256color when started on 256 colour terminal? - code cleanup * instead of separate window and session options, just one master options list with each option having a type (window or session), then options on window, on session, and global. for window options we look window->session->global, and for session we look session->global * the way pane, window, session destroy is handled is too complicated and the distinction between session.c, window.c and server-fn.c functions is not clear. could we just have kill_pane(), kill_window(), unlink_window(), kill_session() that fix up all data structures (flagging sessions as dead) and return a value to say whether clients need to be checked for dead sessions? sort of like session_detach now but more so. or some other scheme to make it simpler and clearer? also would be nice to remove/rename server-fn.c * more readable way to work out the various things commands need to know about the client, notably: - is this the config file? (cmdq->c == NULL) - is this a command client? (cmdq->c != NULL && cmdq->c->session == NULL) - is this a control client? - can i do stdin or stdout to this client? or even guarantee that cmdq->c != NULL and provide a better way to tell when in the config file - then we use cmdq->c if we need a client w/o a session else cmd_current_client * optimize pane redraws, 20120318184853.GK10965@yelena.nicm.ath.cx - miscellaneous * way to keep a job running just read its last line of output for #() * link panes into multiple windows * live update: server started with -U connects to server, requests sessions and windows, receives file descriptors * there are inconsistencies in what we get from old shell and what comes from config for new sessions and windows. likewise, panes and jobs and run-shell and lock command all start with slightly different environments * multiline status line? * customizable command aliases * automatic pane logging * BCE? We are halfway there (output side is done for pane backgrounds), just need to change how screen/grid handles erase * copy mode key bindings should just be a standard key table, using something like "copy-mode start-selection"; it could use command-prompt for search, goto, etc: bind -Temacs command-prompt -p'Search Up: ' 'copy-mode search-up %%' it'd need a separate lookup, because modes are per-pane, perhaps a table() cb to give the table name ("vi" or "emacs"). anything in the table fires the command, anything not in the table is injected as a key