/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "tmux.h" static int file_next_stream = 3; RB_GENERATE(client_files, client_file, entry, file_cmp); static char * file_get_path(struct client *c, const char *file) { char *path; if (*file == '/') path = xstrdup(file); else xasprintf(&path, "%s/%s", server_client_get_cwd(c, NULL), file); return (path); } int file_cmp(struct client_file *cf1, struct client_file *cf2) { if (cf1->stream < cf2->stream) return (-1); if (cf1->stream > cf2->stream) return (1); return (0); } struct client_file * file_create(struct client *c, int stream, client_file_cb cb, void *cbdata) { struct client_file *cf; cf = xcalloc(1, sizeof *cf); cf->c = c; cf->references = 1; cf->stream = stream; cf->buffer = evbuffer_new(); if (cf->buffer == NULL) fatalx("out of memory"); cf->cb = cb; cf->data = cbdata; if (cf->c != NULL) { RB_INSERT(client_files, &cf->c->files, cf); cf->c->references++; } return (cf); } void file_free(struct client_file *cf) { if (--cf->references != 0) return; evbuffer_free(cf->buffer); free(cf->path); if (cf->c != NULL) { RB_REMOVE(client_files, &cf->c->files, cf); server_client_unref(cf->c); } free(cf); } static void file_fire_done_cb(__unused int fd, __unused short events, void *arg) { struct client_file *cf = arg; struct client *c = cf->c; if (cf->cb != NULL && (c == NULL || (~c->flags & CLIENT_DEAD))) cf->cb(c, cf->path, cf->error, 1, cf->buffer, cf->data); file_free(cf); } void file_fire_done(struct client_file *cf) { event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, file_fire_done_cb, cf, NULL); } void file_fire_read(struct client_file *cf) { struct client *c = cf->c; if (cf->cb != NULL) cf->cb(c, cf->path, cf->error, 0, cf->buffer, cf->data); } int file_can_print(struct client *c) { if (c == NULL) return (0); if (c->session != NULL && (~c->flags & CLIENT_CONTROL)) return (0); return (1); } void file_print(struct client *c, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); file_vprint(c, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void file_vprint(struct client *c, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { struct client_file find, *cf; struct msg_write_open msg; if (!file_can_print(c)) return; find.stream = 1; if ((cf = RB_FIND(client_files, &c->files, &find)) == NULL) { cf = file_create(c, 1, NULL, NULL); cf->path = xstrdup("-"); evbuffer_add_vprintf(cf->buffer, fmt, ap); msg.stream = 1; msg.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; msg.flags = 0; proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE_OPEN, -1, &msg, sizeof msg); } else { evbuffer_add_vprintf(cf->buffer, fmt, ap); file_push(cf); } } void file_print_buffer(struct client *c, void *data, size_t size) { struct client_file find, *cf; struct msg_write_open msg; if (!file_can_print(c)) return; find.stream = 1; if ((cf = RB_FIND(client_files, &c->files, &find)) == NULL) { cf = file_create(c, 1, NULL, NULL); cf->path = xstrdup("-"); evbuffer_add(cf->buffer, data, size); msg.stream = 1; msg.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; msg.flags = 0; proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE_OPEN, -1, &msg, sizeof msg); } else { evbuffer_add(cf->buffer, data, size); file_push(cf); } } void file_error(struct client *c, const char *fmt, ...) { struct client_file find, *cf; struct msg_write_open msg; va_list ap; if (!file_can_print(c)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); find.stream = 2; if ((cf = RB_FIND(client_files, &c->files, &find)) == NULL) { cf = file_create(c, 2, NULL, NULL); cf->path = xstrdup("-"); evbuffer_add_vprintf(cf->buffer, fmt, ap); msg.stream = 2; msg.fd = STDERR_FILENO; msg.flags = 0; proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE_OPEN, -1, &msg, sizeof msg); } else { evbuffer_add_vprintf(cf->buffer, fmt, ap); file_push(cf); } va_end(ap); } void file_write(struct client *c, const char *path, int flags, const void *bdata, size_t bsize, client_file_cb cb, void *cbdata) { struct client_file *cf; FILE *f; struct msg_write_open *msg; size_t msglen; int fd = -1; const char *mode; if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) { cf = file_create(c, file_next_stream++, cb, cbdata); cf->path = xstrdup("-"); fd = STDOUT_FILENO; if (c == NULL || c->flags & CLIENT_ATTACHED) { cf->error = EBADF; goto done; } goto skip; } cf = file_create(c, file_next_stream++, cb, cbdata); cf->path = file_get_path(c, path); if (c == NULL || c->flags & CLIENT_ATTACHED) { if (flags & O_APPEND) mode = "ab"; else mode = "wb"; f = fopen(cf->path, mode); if (f == NULL) { cf->error = errno; goto done; } if (fwrite(bdata, 1, bsize, f) != bsize) { fclose(f); cf->error = EIO; goto done; } fclose(f); goto done; } skip: evbuffer_add(cf->buffer, bdata, bsize); msglen = strlen(cf->path) + 1 + sizeof *msg; if (msglen > MAX_IMSGSIZE - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE) { cf->error = E2BIG; goto done; } msg = xmalloc(msglen); msg->stream = cf->stream; msg->fd = fd; msg->flags = flags; memcpy(msg + 1, cf->path, msglen - sizeof *msg); if (proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE_OPEN, -1, msg, msglen) != 0) { free(msg); cf->error = EINVAL; goto done; } free(msg); return; done: file_fire_done(cf); } void file_read(struct client *c, const char *path, client_file_cb cb, void *cbdata) { struct client_file *cf; FILE *f; struct msg_read_open *msg; size_t msglen, size; int fd = -1; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) { cf = file_create(c, file_next_stream++, cb, cbdata); cf->path = xstrdup("-"); fd = STDIN_FILENO; if (c == NULL || c->flags & CLIENT_ATTACHED) { cf->error = EBADF; goto done; } goto skip; } cf = file_create(c, file_next_stream++, cb, cbdata); cf->path = file_get_path(c, path); if (c == NULL || c->flags & CLIENT_ATTACHED) { f = fopen(cf->path, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { cf->error = errno; goto done; } for (;;) { size = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, f); if (evbuffer_add(cf->buffer, buffer, size) != 0) { cf->error = ENOMEM; goto done; } if (size != sizeof buffer) break; } if (ferror(f)) { cf->error = EIO; goto done; } fclose(f); goto done; } skip: msglen = strlen(cf->path) + 1 + sizeof *msg; if (msglen > MAX_IMSGSIZE - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE) { cf->error = E2BIG; goto done; } msg = xmalloc(msglen); msg->stream = cf->stream; msg->fd = fd; memcpy(msg + 1, cf->path, msglen - sizeof *msg); if (proc_send(c->peer, MSG_READ_OPEN, -1, msg, msglen) != 0) { free(msg); cf->error = EINVAL; goto done; } free(msg); return; done: file_fire_done(cf); } static void file_push_cb(__unused int fd, __unused short events, void *arg) { struct client_file *cf = arg; struct client *c = cf->c; if (~c->flags & CLIENT_DEAD) file_push(cf); file_free(cf); } void file_push(struct client_file *cf) { struct client *c = cf->c; struct msg_write_data *msg; size_t msglen, sent, left; struct msg_write_close close; msg = xmalloc(sizeof *msg); left = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(cf->buffer); while (left != 0) { sent = left; if (sent > MAX_IMSGSIZE - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof *msg) sent = MAX_IMSGSIZE - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof *msg; msglen = (sizeof *msg) + sent; msg = xrealloc(msg, msglen); msg->stream = cf->stream; memcpy(msg + 1, EVBUFFER_DATA(cf->buffer), sent); if (proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE, -1, msg, msglen) != 0) break; evbuffer_drain(cf->buffer, sent); left = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(cf->buffer); log_debug("%s: file %d sent %zu, left %zu", c->name, cf->stream, sent, left); } if (left != 0) { cf->references++; event_once(-1, EV_TIMEOUT, file_push_cb, cf, NULL); } else if (cf->stream > 2) { close.stream = cf->stream; proc_send(c->peer, MSG_WRITE_CLOSE, -1, &close, sizeof close); file_fire_done(cf); } free(msg); }