/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "tmux.h" static struct screen_write_citem *screen_write_collect_trim( struct screen_write_ctx *, u_int, u_int, u_int, int *); static void screen_write_collect_clear(struct screen_write_ctx *, u_int, u_int); static void screen_write_collect_scroll(struct screen_write_ctx *, u_int); static void screen_write_collect_flush(struct screen_write_ctx *, int, const char *); static int screen_write_overwrite(struct screen_write_ctx *, struct grid_cell *, u_int); static const struct grid_cell *screen_write_combine(struct screen_write_ctx *, const struct utf8_data *, u_int *); struct screen_write_citem { u_int x; int wrapped; enum { TEXT, CLEAR } type; u_int used; u_int bg; struct grid_cell gc; TAILQ_ENTRY(screen_write_citem) entry; }; struct screen_write_cline { char *data; TAILQ_HEAD(, screen_write_citem) items; }; TAILQ_HEAD(, screen_write_citem) screen_write_citem_freelist = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(screen_write_citem_freelist); static struct screen_write_citem * screen_write_get_citem(void) { struct screen_write_citem *ci; ci = TAILQ_FIRST(&screen_write_citem_freelist); if (ci != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&screen_write_citem_freelist, ci, entry); memset(ci, 0, sizeof *ci); return (ci); } return (xcalloc(1, sizeof *ci)); } static void screen_write_free_citem(struct screen_write_citem *ci) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&screen_write_citem_freelist, ci, entry); } static void screen_write_offset_timer(__unused int fd, __unused short events, void *data) { struct window *w = data; tty_update_window_offset(w); } /* Set cursor position. */ static void screen_write_set_cursor(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int cx, int cy) { struct window_pane *wp = ctx->wp; struct window *w; struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct timeval tv = { .tv_usec = 10000 }; if (cx != -1 && (u_int)cx == s->cx && cy != -1 && (u_int)cy == s->cy) return; if (cx != -1) { if ((u_int)cx > screen_size_x(s)) /* allow last column */ cx = screen_size_x(s) - 1; s->cx = cx; } if (cy != -1) { if ((u_int)cy > screen_size_y(s) - 1) cy = screen_size_y(s) - 1; s->cy = cy; } if (wp == NULL) return; w = wp->window; if (!event_initialized(&w->offset_timer)) evtimer_set(&w->offset_timer, screen_write_offset_timer, w); if (!evtimer_pending(&w->offset_timer, NULL)) evtimer_add(&w->offset_timer, &tv); } /* Do a full redraw. */ static void screen_write_redraw_cb(const struct tty_ctx *ttyctx) { struct window_pane *wp = ttyctx->arg; if (wp != NULL) wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } /* Update context for client. */ static int screen_write_set_client_cb(struct tty_ctx *ttyctx, struct client *c) { struct window_pane *wp = ttyctx->arg; if (c->session->curw->window != wp->window) return (0); if (wp->layout_cell == NULL) return (0); if (wp->flags & (PANE_REDRAW|PANE_DROP)) return (-1); if (c->flags & CLIENT_REDRAWPANES) { /* * Redraw is already deferred to redraw another pane - redraw * this one also when that happens. */ log_debug("%s: adding %%%u to deferred redraw", __func__, wp->id); wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; return (-1); } ttyctx->bigger = tty_window_offset(&c->tty, &ttyctx->wox, &ttyctx->woy, &ttyctx->wsx, &ttyctx->wsy); ttyctx->xoff = ttyctx->rxoff = wp->xoff; ttyctx->yoff = ttyctx->ryoff = wp->yoff; if (status_at_line(c) == 0) ttyctx->yoff += status_line_size(c); return (1); } /* Set up context for TTY command. */ static void screen_write_initctx(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct tty_ctx *ttyctx, int sync) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; memset(ttyctx, 0, sizeof *ttyctx); ttyctx->s = s; ttyctx->sx = screen_size_x(s); ttyctx->sy = screen_size_y(s); ttyctx->ocx = s->cx; ttyctx->ocy = s->cy; ttyctx->orlower = s->rlower; ttyctx->orupper = s->rupper; memcpy(&ttyctx->defaults, &grid_default_cell, sizeof ttyctx->defaults); if (ctx->init_ctx_cb != NULL) { ctx->init_ctx_cb(ctx, ttyctx); if (ttyctx->palette != NULL) { if (ttyctx->defaults.fg == 8) ttyctx->defaults.fg = ttyctx->palette->fg; if (ttyctx->defaults.bg == 8) ttyctx->defaults.bg = ttyctx->palette->bg; } } else { ttyctx->redraw_cb = screen_write_redraw_cb; if (ctx->wp != NULL) { tty_default_colours(&ttyctx->defaults, ctx->wp); ttyctx->palette = &ctx->wp->palette; ttyctx->set_client_cb = screen_write_set_client_cb; ttyctx->arg = ctx->wp; } } if (~ctx->flags & SCREEN_WRITE_SYNC) { /* * For the active pane or for an overlay (no pane), we want to * only use synchronized updates if requested (commands that * move the cursor); for other panes, always use it, since the * cursor will have to move. */ if (ctx->wp != NULL) { if (ctx->wp != ctx->wp->window->active) ttyctx->num = 1; else ttyctx->num = sync; } else ttyctx->num = 0x10|sync; tty_write(tty_cmd_syncstart, ttyctx); ctx->flags |= SCREEN_WRITE_SYNC; } } /* Make write list. */ void screen_write_make_list(struct screen *s) { u_int y; s->write_list = xcalloc(screen_size_y(s), sizeof *s->write_list); for (y = 0; y < screen_size_y(s); y++) TAILQ_INIT(&s->write_list[y].items); } /* Free write list. */ void screen_write_free_list(struct screen *s) { u_int y; for (y = 0; y < screen_size_y(s); y++) free(s->write_list[y].data); free(s->write_list); } /* Set up for writing. */ static void screen_write_init(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *s) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx); ctx->s = s; if (ctx->s->write_list == NULL) screen_write_make_list(ctx->s); ctx->item = screen_write_get_citem(); ctx->scrolled = 0; ctx->bg = 8; } /* Initialize writing with a pane. */ void screen_write_start_pane(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct window_pane *wp, struct screen *s) { if (s == NULL) s = wp->screen; screen_write_init(ctx, s); ctx->wp = wp; if (log_get_level() != 0) { log_debug("%s: size %ux%u, pane %%%u (at %u,%u)", __func__, screen_size_x(ctx->s), screen_size_y(ctx->s), wp->id, wp->xoff, wp->yoff); } } /* Initialize writing with a callback. */ void screen_write_start_callback(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *s, screen_write_init_ctx_cb cb, void *arg) { screen_write_init(ctx, s); ctx->init_ctx_cb = cb; ctx->arg = arg; if (log_get_level() != 0) { log_debug("%s: size %ux%u, with callback", __func__, screen_size_x(ctx->s), screen_size_y(ctx->s)); } } /* Initialize writing. */ void screen_write_start(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *s) { screen_write_init(ctx, s); if (log_get_level() != 0) { log_debug("%s: size %ux%u, no pane", __func__, screen_size_x(ctx->s), screen_size_y(ctx->s)); } } /* Finish writing. */ void screen_write_stop(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { screen_write_collect_end(ctx); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_write_free_citem(ctx->item); } /* Reset screen state. */ void screen_write_reset(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; screen_reset_tabs(s); screen_write_scrollregion(ctx, 0, screen_size_y(s) - 1); s->mode = MODE_CURSOR | MODE_WRAP; screen_write_clearscreen(ctx, 8); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, 0); } /* Write character. */ void screen_write_putc(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, const struct grid_cell *gcp, u_char ch) { struct grid_cell gc; memcpy(&gc, gcp, sizeof gc); utf8_set(&gc.data, ch); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); } /* Calculate string length. */ size_t screen_write_strlen(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *msg; struct utf8_data ud; u_char *ptr; size_t left, size = 0; enum utf8_state more; va_start(ap, fmt); xvasprintf(&msg, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); ptr = msg; while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr > 0x7f && utf8_open(&ud, *ptr) == UTF8_MORE) { ptr++; left = strlen(ptr); if (left < (size_t)ud.size - 1) break; while ((more = utf8_append(&ud, *ptr)) == UTF8_MORE) ptr++; ptr++; if (more == UTF8_DONE) size += ud.width; } else { if (*ptr > 0x1f && *ptr < 0x7f) size++; ptr++; } } free(msg); return (size); } /* Write string wrapped over lines. */ int screen_write_text(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int cx, u_int width, u_int lines, int more, const struct grid_cell *gcp, const char *fmt, ...) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; va_list ap; char *tmp; u_int cy = s->cy, i, end, next, idx = 0, at, left; struct utf8_data *text; struct grid_cell gc; memcpy(&gc, gcp, sizeof gc); va_start(ap, fmt); xvasprintf(&tmp, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); text = utf8_fromcstr(tmp); free(tmp); left = (cx + width) - s->cx; for (;;) { /* Find the end of what can fit on the line. */ at = 0; for (end = idx; text[end].size != 0; end++) { if (text[end].size == 1 && text[end].data[0] == '\n') break; if (at + text[end].width > left) break; at += text[end].width; } /* * If we're on a space, that's the end. If not, walk back to * try and find one. */ if (text[end].size == 0) next = end; else if (text[end].size == 1 && text[end].data[0] == '\n') next = end + 1; else if (text[end].size == 1 && text[end].data[0] == ' ') next = end + 1; else { for (i = end; i > idx; i--) { if (text[i].size == 1 && text[i].data[0] == ' ') break; } if (i != idx) { next = i + 1; end = i; } else next = end; } /* Print the line. */ for (i = idx; i < end; i++) { utf8_copy(&gc.data, &text[i]); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); } /* If at the bottom, stop. */ idx = next; if (s->cy == cy + lines - 1 || text[idx].size == 0) break; screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, s->cy + 1, 0); left = width; } /* * Fail if on the last line and there is more to come or at the end, or * if the text was not entirely consumed. */ if ((s->cy == cy + lines - 1 && (!more || s->cx == cx + width)) || text[idx].size != 0) { free(text); return (0); } free(text); /* * If no more to come, move to the next line. Otherwise, leave on * the same line (except if at the end). */ if (!more || s->cx == cx + width) screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, s->cy + 1, 0); return (1); } /* Write simple string (no maximum length). */ void screen_write_puts(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, const struct grid_cell *gcp, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); screen_write_vnputs(ctx, -1, gcp, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* Write string with length limit (-1 for unlimited). */ void screen_write_nputs(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, ssize_t maxlen, const struct grid_cell *gcp, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); screen_write_vnputs(ctx, maxlen, gcp, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void screen_write_vnputs(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, ssize_t maxlen, const struct grid_cell *gcp, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { struct grid_cell gc; struct utf8_data *ud = &gc.data; char *msg; u_char *ptr; size_t left, size = 0; enum utf8_state more; memcpy(&gc, gcp, sizeof gc); xvasprintf(&msg, fmt, ap); ptr = msg; while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr > 0x7f && utf8_open(ud, *ptr) == UTF8_MORE) { ptr++; left = strlen(ptr); if (left < (size_t)ud->size - 1) break; while ((more = utf8_append(ud, *ptr)) == UTF8_MORE) ptr++; ptr++; if (more != UTF8_DONE) continue; if (maxlen > 0 && size + ud->width > (size_t)maxlen) { while (size < (size_t)maxlen) { screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, ' '); size++; } break; } size += ud->width; screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); } else { if (maxlen > 0 && size + 1 > (size_t)maxlen) break; if (*ptr == '\001') gc.attr ^= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; else if (*ptr == '\n') { screen_write_linefeed(ctx, 0, 8); screen_write_carriagereturn(ctx); } else if (*ptr > 0x1f && *ptr < 0x7f) { size++; screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, *ptr); } ptr++; } } free(msg); } /* * Copy from another screen but without the selection stuff. Assumes the target * region is already big enough. */ void screen_write_fast_copy(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *src, u_int px, u_int py, u_int nx, u_int ny) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = src->grid; struct grid_cell gc; u_int xx, yy, cx, cy; if (nx == 0 || ny == 0) return; cy = s->cy; for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) { if (yy >= gd->hsize + gd->sy) break; cx = s->cx; for (xx = px; xx < px + nx; xx++) { if (xx >= grid_get_line(gd, yy)->cellsize) break; grid_get_cell(gd, xx, yy, &gc); if (xx + gc.data.width > px + nx) break; grid_view_set_cell(ctx->s->grid, cx, cy, &gc); cx++; } cy++; } } /* Draw a horizontal line on screen. */ void screen_write_hline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx, int left, int right) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_cell gc; u_int cx, cy, i; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc); gc.attr |= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, left ? 't' : 'q'); for (i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, 'q'); screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, right ? 'u' : 'q'); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Draw a vertical line on screen. */ void screen_write_vline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int ny, int top, int bottom) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_cell gc; u_int cx, cy, i; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc); gc.attr |= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, top ? 'w' : 'x'); for (i = 1; i < ny - 1; i++) { screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy + i); screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, 'x'); } screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy + ny - 1); screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, bottom ? 'v' : 'x'); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Draw a menu on screen. */ void screen_write_menu(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct menu *menu, int choice, const struct grid_cell *choice_gc) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_cell default_gc; const struct grid_cell *gc = &default_gc; u_int cx, cy, i, j; const char *name; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; memcpy(&default_gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof default_gc); screen_write_box(ctx, menu->width + 4, menu->count + 2, BOX_LINES_DEFAULT, &default_gc, menu->title); for (i = 0; i < menu->count; i++) { name = menu->items[i].name; if (name == NULL) { screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy + 1 + i, 0); screen_write_hline(ctx, menu->width + 4, 1, 1); } else { if (choice >= 0 && i == (u_int)choice && *name != '-') gc = choice_gc; screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx + 2, cy + 1 + i, 0); for (j = 0; j < menu->width; j++) screen_write_putc(ctx, gc, ' '); screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx + 2, cy + 1 + i, 0); if (*name == '-') { name++; default_gc.attr |= GRID_ATTR_DIM; format_draw(ctx, gc, menu->width, name, NULL, 0); default_gc.attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_DIM; } else format_draw(ctx, gc, menu->width, name, NULL, gc == choice_gc); gc = &default_gc; } } screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } static void screen_write_box_border_set(enum box_lines box_lines, int cell_type, struct grid_cell *gc) { switch (box_lines) { case BOX_LINES_NONE: break; case BOX_LINES_DOUBLE: gc->attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_copy(&gc->data, tty_acs_double_borders(cell_type)); break; case BOX_LINES_HEAVY: gc->attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_copy(&gc->data, tty_acs_heavy_borders(cell_type)); break; case BOX_LINES_ROUNDED: gc->attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_copy(&gc->data, tty_acs_rounded_borders(cell_type)); break; case BOX_LINES_SIMPLE: gc->attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_set(&gc->data, SIMPLE_BORDERS[cell_type]); break; case BOX_LINES_PADDED: gc->attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_set(&gc->data, PADDED_BORDERS[cell_type]); break; case BOX_LINES_SINGLE: case BOX_LINES_DEFAULT: gc->attr |= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; utf8_set(&gc->data, CELL_BORDERS[cell_type]); break; } } /* Draw a box on screen. */ void screen_write_box(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx, u_int ny, enum box_lines lines, const struct grid_cell *gcp, const char *title) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_cell gc; u_int cx, cy, i; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; if (gcp != NULL) memcpy(&gc, gcp, sizeof gc); else memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc); gc.attr |= GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; gc.flags |= GRID_FLAG_NOPALETTE; /* Draw top border */ screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_TOPLEFT, &gc); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_LEFTRIGHT, &gc); for (i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_TOPRIGHT, &gc); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); /* Draw bottom border */ screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy + ny - 1); screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_BOTTOMLEFT, &gc); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_LEFTRIGHT, &gc); for (i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_BOTTOMRIGHT, &gc); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); /* Draw sides */ screen_write_box_border_set(lines, CELL_TOPBOTTOM, &gc); for (i = 1; i < ny - 1; i++) { /* left side */ screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy + i); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); /* right side */ screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx + nx - 1, cy + i); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); } if (title != NULL) { gc.attr &= ~GRID_ATTR_CHARSET; screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx + 2, cy, 0); format_draw(ctx, &gc, nx - 4, title, NULL, 0); } screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* * Write a preview version of a window. Assumes target area is big enough and * already cleared. */ void screen_write_preview(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *src, u_int nx, u_int ny) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_cell gc; u_int cx, cy, px, py; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; /* * If the cursor is on, pick the area around the cursor, otherwise use * the top left. */ if (src->mode & MODE_CURSOR) { px = src->cx; if (px < nx / 3) px = 0; else px = px - nx / 3; if (px + nx > screen_size_x(src)) { if (nx > screen_size_x(src)) px = 0; else px = screen_size_x(src) - nx; } py = src->cy; if (py < ny / 3) py = 0; else py = py - ny / 3; if (py + ny > screen_size_y(src)) { if (ny > screen_size_y(src)) py = 0; else py = screen_size_y(src) - ny; } } else { px = 0; py = 0; } screen_write_fast_copy(ctx, src, px, src->grid->hsize + py, nx, ny); if (src->mode & MODE_CURSOR) { grid_view_get_cell(src->grid, src->cx, src->cy, &gc); gc.attr |= GRID_ATTR_REVERSE; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx + (src->cx - px), cy + (src->cy - py)); screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc); } } /* Set a mode. */ void screen_write_mode_set(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int mode) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; s->mode |= mode; if (log_get_level() != 0) log_debug("%s: %s", __func__, screen_mode_to_string(mode)); } /* Clear a mode. */ void screen_write_mode_clear(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int mode) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; s->mode &= ~mode; if (log_get_level() != 0) log_debug("%s: %s", __func__, screen_mode_to_string(mode)); } /* Cursor up by ny. */ void screen_write_cursorup(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int ny) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy; if (ny == 0) ny = 1; if (cy < s->rupper) { /* Above region. */ if (ny > cy) ny = cy; } else { /* Below region. */ if (ny > cy - s->rupper) ny = cy - s->rupper; } if (cx == screen_size_x(s)) cx--; cy -= ny; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Cursor down by ny. */ void screen_write_cursordown(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int ny) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy; if (ny == 0) ny = 1; if (cy > s->rlower) { /* Below region. */ if (ny > screen_size_y(s) - 1 - cy) ny = screen_size_y(s) - 1 - cy; } else { /* Above region. */ if (ny > s->rlower - cy) ny = s->rlower - cy; } if (cx == screen_size_x(s)) cx--; else if (ny == 0) return; cy += ny; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Cursor right by nx. */ void screen_write_cursorright(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy; if (nx == 0) nx = 1; if (nx > screen_size_x(s) - 1 - cx) nx = screen_size_x(s) - 1 - cx; if (nx == 0) return; cx += nx; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Cursor left by nx. */ void screen_write_cursorleft(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy; if (nx == 0) nx = 1; if (nx > cx) nx = cx; if (nx == 0) return; cx -= nx; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* Backspace; cursor left unless at start of wrapped line when can move up. */ void screen_write_backspace(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_line *gl; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy; if (cx == 0) { if (cy == 0) return; gl = grid_get_line(s->grid, s->grid->hsize + cy - 1); if (gl->flags & GRID_LINE_WRAPPED) { cy--; cx = screen_size_x(s) - 1; } } else cx--; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy); } /* VT100 alignment test. */ void screen_write_alignmenttest(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; struct grid_cell gc; u_int xx, yy; memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc); utf8_set(&gc.data, 'E'); for (yy = 0; yy < screen_size_y(s); yy++) { for (xx = 0; xx < screen_size_x(s); xx++) grid_view_set_cell(s->grid, xx, yy, &gc); } screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, 0); s->rupper = 0; s->rlower = screen_size_y(s) - 1; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, 0, screen_size_y(s) - 1); tty_write(tty_cmd_alignmenttest, &ttyctx); } /* Insert nx characters. */ void screen_write_insertcharacter(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (nx == 0) nx = 1; if (nx > screen_size_x(s) - s->cx) nx = screen_size_x(s) - s->cx; if (nx == 0) return; if (s->cx > screen_size_x(s) - 1) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.bg = bg; grid_view_insert_cells(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, nx, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = nx; tty_write(tty_cmd_insertcharacter, &ttyctx); } /* Delete nx characters. */ void screen_write_deletecharacter(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (nx == 0) nx = 1; if (nx > screen_size_x(s) - s->cx) nx = screen_size_x(s) - s->cx; if (nx == 0) return; if (s->cx > screen_size_x(s) - 1) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.bg = bg; grid_view_delete_cells(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, nx, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = nx; tty_write(tty_cmd_deletecharacter, &ttyctx); } /* Clear nx characters. */ void screen_write_clearcharacter(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int nx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (nx == 0) nx = 1; if (nx > screen_size_x(s) - s->cx) nx = screen_size_x(s) - s->cx; if (nx == 0) return; if (s->cx > screen_size_x(s) - 1) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.bg = bg; grid_view_clear(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, nx, 1, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = nx; tty_write(tty_cmd_clearcharacter, &ttyctx); } /* Insert ny lines. */ void screen_write_insertline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int ny, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (ny == 0) ny = 1; if (s->cy < s->rupper || s->cy > s->rlower) { if (ny > screen_size_y(s) - s->cy) ny = screen_size_y(s) - s->cy; if (ny == 0) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; grid_view_insert_lines(gd, s->cy, ny, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = ny; tty_write(tty_cmd_insertline, &ttyctx); return; } if (ny > s->rlower + 1 - s->cy) ny = s->rlower + 1 - s->cy; if (ny == 0) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; if (s->cy < s->rupper || s->cy > s->rlower) grid_view_insert_lines(gd, s->cy, ny, bg); else grid_view_insert_lines_region(gd, s->rlower, s->cy, ny, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = ny; tty_write(tty_cmd_insertline, &ttyctx); } /* Delete ny lines. */ void screen_write_deleteline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int ny, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (ny == 0) ny = 1; if (s->cy < s->rupper || s->cy > s->rlower) { if (ny > screen_size_y(s) - s->cy) ny = screen_size_y(s) - s->cy; if (ny == 0) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; grid_view_delete_lines(gd, s->cy, ny, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = ny; tty_write(tty_cmd_deleteline, &ttyctx); return; } if (ny > s->rlower + 1 - s->cy) ny = s->rlower + 1 - s->cy; if (ny == 0) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; if (s->cy < s->rupper || s->cy > s->rlower) grid_view_delete_lines(gd, s->cy, ny, bg); else grid_view_delete_lines_region(gd, s->rlower, s->cy, ny, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = ny; tty_write(tty_cmd_deleteline, &ttyctx); } /* Clear line at cursor. */ void screen_write_clearline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_line *gl; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s); struct screen_write_citem *ci = ctx->item; gl = grid_get_line(s->grid, s->grid->hsize + s->cy); if (gl->cellsize == 0 && COLOUR_DEFAULT(bg)) return; grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, s->cy, sx, 1, bg); screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, s->cy, 1); ci->x = 0; ci->used = sx; ci->type = CLEAR; ci->bg = bg; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].items, ci, entry); ctx->item = screen_write_get_citem(); } /* Clear to end of line from cursor. */ void screen_write_clearendofline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid_line *gl; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s); struct screen_write_citem *ci = ctx->item, *before; if (s->cx == 0) { screen_write_clearline(ctx, bg); return; } gl = grid_get_line(s->grid, s->grid->hsize + s->cy); if (s->cx > sx - 1 || (s->cx >= gl->cellsize && COLOUR_DEFAULT(bg))) return; grid_view_clear(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, sx - s->cx, 1, bg); before = screen_write_collect_trim(ctx, s->cy, s->cx, sx - s->cx, NULL); ci->x = s->cx; ci->used = sx - s->cx; ci->type = CLEAR; ci->bg = bg; if (before == NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].items, ci, entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(before, ci, entry); ctx->item = screen_write_get_citem(); } /* Clear to start of line from cursor. */ void screen_write_clearstartofline(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s); struct screen_write_citem *ci = ctx->item, *before; if (s->cx >= sx - 1) { screen_write_clearline(ctx, bg); return; } if (s->cx > sx - 1) grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, s->cy, sx, 1, bg); else grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, s->cy, s->cx + 1, 1, bg); before = screen_write_collect_trim(ctx, s->cy, 0, s->cx + 1, NULL); ci->x = 0; ci->used = s->cx + 1; ci->type = CLEAR; ci->bg = bg; if (before == NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].items, ci, entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(before, ci, entry); ctx->item = screen_write_get_citem(); } /* Move cursor to px,py. */ void screen_write_cursormove(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int px, int py, int origin) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; if (origin && py != -1 && (s->mode & MODE_ORIGIN)) { if ((u_int)py > s->rlower - s->rupper) py = s->rlower; else py += s->rupper; } if (px != -1 && (u_int)px > screen_size_x(s) - 1) px = screen_size_x(s) - 1; if (py != -1 && (u_int)py > screen_size_y(s) - 1) py = screen_size_y(s) - 1; log_debug("%s: from %u,%u to %u,%u", __func__, s->cx, s->cy, px, py); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, px, py); } /* Reverse index (up with scroll). */ void screen_write_reverseindex(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (s->cy == s->rupper) { grid_view_scroll_region_down(s->grid, s->rupper, s->rlower, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; tty_write(tty_cmd_reverseindex, &ttyctx); } else if (s->cy > 0) screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, -1, s->cy - 1); } /* Set scroll region. */ void screen_write_scrollregion(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int rupper, u_int rlower) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; if (rupper > screen_size_y(s) - 1) rupper = screen_size_y(s) - 1; if (rlower > screen_size_y(s) - 1) rlower = screen_size_y(s) - 1; if (rupper >= rlower) /* cannot be one line */ return; screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); /* Cursor moves to top-left. */ screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, 0); s->rupper = rupper; s->rlower = rlower; } /* Line feed. */ void screen_write_linefeed(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int wrapped, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct grid_line *gl; gl = grid_get_line(gd, gd->hsize + s->cy); if (wrapped) gl->flags |= GRID_LINE_WRAPPED; log_debug("%s: at %u,%u (region %u-%u)", __func__, s->cx, s->cy, s->rupper, s->rlower); if (bg != ctx->bg) { screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 1, __func__); ctx->bg = bg; } if (s->cy == s->rlower) { grid_view_scroll_region_up(gd, s->rupper, s->rlower, bg); screen_write_collect_scroll(ctx, bg); ctx->scrolled++; } else if (s->cy < screen_size_y(s) - 1) screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, -1, s->cy + 1); } /* Scroll up. */ void screen_write_scrollup(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int lines, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; u_int i; if (lines == 0) lines = 1; else if (lines > s->rlower - s->rupper + 1) lines = s->rlower - s->rupper + 1; if (bg != ctx->bg) { screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 1, __func__); ctx->bg = bg; } for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { grid_view_scroll_region_up(gd, s->rupper, s->rlower, bg); screen_write_collect_scroll(ctx, bg); } ctx->scrolled += lines; } /* Scroll down. */ void screen_write_scrolldown(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int lines, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; u_int i; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; if (lines == 0) lines = 1; else if (lines > s->rlower - s->rupper + 1) lines = s->rlower - s->rupper + 1; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) grid_view_scroll_region_down(gd, s->rupper, s->rlower, bg); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = lines; tty_write(tty_cmd_scrolldown, &ttyctx); } /* Carriage return (cursor to start of line). */ void screen_write_carriagereturn(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, -1); } /* Clear to end of screen from cursor. */ void screen_write_clearendofscreen(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s), sy = screen_size_y(s); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; /* Scroll into history if it is enabled and clearing entire screen. */ if (s->cx == 0 && s->cy == 0 && (gd->flags & GRID_HISTORY)) grid_view_clear_history(gd, bg); else { if (s->cx <= sx - 1) grid_view_clear(gd, s->cx, s->cy, sx - s->cx, 1, bg); grid_view_clear(gd, 0, s->cy + 1, sx, sy - (s->cy + 1), bg); } screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, s->cy + 1, sy - (s->cy + 1)); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); tty_write(tty_cmd_clearendofscreen, &ttyctx); } /* Clear to start of screen. */ void screen_write_clearstartofscreen(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; if (s->cy > 0) grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, 0, sx, s->cy, bg); if (s->cx > sx - 1) grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, s->cy, sx, 1, bg); else grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, s->cy, s->cx + 1, 1, bg); screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, 0, s->cy); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); tty_write(tty_cmd_clearstartofscreen, &ttyctx); } /* Clear entire screen. */ void screen_write_clearscreen(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s), sy = screen_size_y(s); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = bg; /* Scroll into history if it is enabled. */ if (s->grid->flags & GRID_HISTORY) grid_view_clear_history(s->grid, bg); else grid_view_clear(s->grid, 0, 0, sx, sy, bg); screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, 0, sy); tty_write(tty_cmd_clearscreen, &ttyctx); } /* Clear entire history. */ void screen_write_clearhistory(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { grid_clear_history(ctx->s->grid); } /* Force a full redraw. */ void screen_write_fullredraw(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { struct tty_ctx ttyctx; screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.redraw_cb(&ttyctx); } /* Trim collected items. */ static struct screen_write_citem * screen_write_collect_trim(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int y, u_int x, u_int used, int *wrapped) { struct screen_write_cline *cl = &ctx->s->write_list[y]; struct screen_write_citem *ci, *ci2, *tmp, *before = NULL; u_int sx = x, ex = x + used - 1; u_int csx, cex; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&cl->items)) return (NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ci, &cl->items, entry, tmp) { csx = ci->x; cex = ci->x + ci->used - 1; /* Item is entirely before. */ if (cex < sx) { log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u before %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); continue; } /* Item is entirely after. */ if (csx > ex) { log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u after %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); before = ci; break; } /* Item is entirely inside. */ if (csx >= sx && cex <= ex) { log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u inside %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); TAILQ_REMOVE(&cl->items, ci, entry); screen_write_free_citem(ci); if (csx == 0 && ci->wrapped && wrapped != NULL) *wrapped = 1; continue; } /* Item under the start. */ if (csx < sx && cex >= sx && cex <= ex) { log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u start %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); ci->used = sx - csx; log_debug("%s: %p now %u-%u", __func__, ci, ci->x, ci->x + ci->used + 1); continue; } /* Item covers the end. */ if (cex > ex && csx >= sx && csx <= ex) { log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u end %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); ci->x = ex + 1; ci->used = cex - ex; log_debug("%s: %p now %u-%u", __func__, ci, ci->x, ci->x + ci->used + 1); before = ci; break; } /* Item must cover both sides. */ log_debug("%s: %p %u-%u under %u-%u", __func__, ci, csx, cex, sx, ex); ci2 = screen_write_get_citem(); ci2->type = ci->type; ci2->bg = ci->bg; memcpy(&ci2->gc, &ci->gc, sizeof ci2->gc); TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&cl->items, ci, ci2, entry); ci->used = sx - csx; ci2->x = ex + 1; ci2->used = cex - ex; log_debug("%s: %p now %u-%u (%p) and %u-%u (%p)", __func__, ci, ci->x, ci->x + ci->used - 1, ci, ci2->x, ci2->x + ci2->used - 1, ci2); before = ci2; break; } return (before); } /* Clear collected lines. */ static void screen_write_collect_clear(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int y, u_int n) { struct screen_write_cline *cl; u_int i; for (i = y; i < y + n; i++) { cl = &ctx->s->write_list[i]; TAILQ_CONCAT(&screen_write_citem_freelist, &cl->items, entry); } } /* Scroll collected lines up. */ static void screen_write_collect_scroll(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int bg) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct screen_write_cline *cl; u_int y; char *saved; struct screen_write_citem *ci; log_debug("%s: at %u,%u (region %u-%u)", __func__, s->cx, s->cy, s->rupper, s->rlower); screen_write_collect_clear(ctx, s->rupper, 1); saved = ctx->s->write_list[s->rupper].data; for (y = s->rupper; y < s->rlower; y++) { cl = &ctx->s->write_list[y + 1]; TAILQ_CONCAT(&ctx->s->write_list[y].items, &cl->items, entry); ctx->s->write_list[y].data = cl->data; } ctx->s->write_list[s->rlower].data = saved; ci = screen_write_get_citem(); ci->x = 0; ci->used = screen_size_x(s); ci->type = CLEAR; ci->bg = bg; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ctx->s->write_list[s->rlower].items, ci, entry); } /* Flush collected lines. */ static void screen_write_collect_flush(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, int scroll_only, const char *from) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct screen_write_citem *ci, *tmp; struct screen_write_cline *cl; u_int y, cx, cy, last, items = 0; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; if (ctx->scrolled != 0) { log_debug("%s: scrolled %u (region %u-%u)", __func__, ctx->scrolled, s->rupper, s->rlower); if (ctx->scrolled > s->rlower - s->rupper + 1) ctx->scrolled = s->rlower - s->rupper + 1; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.num = ctx->scrolled; ttyctx.bg = ctx->bg; tty_write(tty_cmd_scrollup, &ttyctx); } ctx->scrolled = 0; ctx->bg = 8; if (scroll_only) return; cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; for (y = 0; y < screen_size_y(s); y++) { cl = &ctx->s->write_list[y]; last = UINT_MAX; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ci, &cl->items, entry, tmp) { if (last != UINT_MAX && ci->x <= last) { fatalx("collect list not in order: %u <= %u", ci->x, last); } screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, ci->x, y); if (ci->type == CLEAR) { screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.bg = ci->bg; ttyctx.num = ci->used; tty_write(tty_cmd_clearcharacter, &ttyctx); } else { screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.cell = &ci->gc; ttyctx.wrapped = ci->wrapped; ttyctx.ptr = cl->data + ci->x; ttyctx.num = ci->used; tty_write(tty_cmd_cells, &ttyctx); } items++; TAILQ_REMOVE(&cl->items, ci, entry); screen_write_free_citem(ci); last = ci->x; } } s->cx = cx; s->cy = cy; log_debug("%s: flushed %u items (%s)", __func__, items, from); } /* Finish and store collected cells. */ void screen_write_collect_end(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct screen_write_citem *ci = ctx->item, *before; struct screen_write_cline *cl = &s->write_list[s->cy]; struct grid_cell gc; u_int xx; int wrapped = ci->wrapped; if (ci->used == 0) return; before = screen_write_collect_trim(ctx, s->cy, s->cx, ci->used, &wrapped); ci->x = s->cx; ci->wrapped = wrapped; if (before == NULL) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&cl->items, ci, entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(before, ci, entry); ctx->item = screen_write_get_citem(); log_debug("%s: %u %.*s (at %u,%u)", __func__, ci->used, (int)ci->used, cl->data + ci->x, s->cx, s->cy); if (s->cx != 0) { for (xx = s->cx; xx > 0; xx--) { grid_view_get_cell(s->grid, xx, s->cy, &gc); if (~gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) break; grid_view_set_cell(s->grid, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); } if (gc.data.width > 1) { grid_view_set_cell(s->grid, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); } } grid_view_set_cells(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, &ci->gc, cl->data + ci->x, ci->used); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, s->cx + ci->used, -1); for (xx = s->cx; xx < screen_size_x(s); xx++) { grid_view_get_cell(s->grid, xx, s->cy, &gc); if (~gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) break; grid_view_set_cell(s->grid, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); } } /* Write cell data, collecting if necessary. */ void screen_write_collect_add(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, const struct grid_cell *gc) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct screen_write_citem *ci; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s); int collect; /* * Don't need to check that the attributes and whatnot are still the * same - input_parse will end the collection when anything that isn't * a plain character is encountered. */ collect = 1; if (gc->data.width != 1 || gc->data.size != 1 || *gc->data.data >= 0x7f) collect = 0; else if (gc->attr & GRID_ATTR_CHARSET) collect = 0; else if (~s->mode & MODE_WRAP) collect = 0; else if (s->mode & MODE_INSERT) collect = 0; else if (s->sel != NULL) collect = 0; if (!collect) { screen_write_collect_end(ctx); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_write_cell(ctx, gc); return; } if (s->cx > sx - 1 || ctx->item->used > sx - 1 - s->cx) screen_write_collect_end(ctx); ci = ctx->item; /* may have changed */ if (s->cx > sx - 1) { log_debug("%s: wrapped at %u,%u", __func__, s->cx, s->cy); ci->wrapped = 1; screen_write_linefeed(ctx, 1, 8); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, -1); } if (ci->used == 0) memcpy(&ci->gc, gc, sizeof ci->gc); if (ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].data == NULL) ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].data = xmalloc(screen_size_x(ctx->s)); ctx->s->write_list[s->cy].data[s->cx + ci->used++] = gc->data.data[0]; } /* Write cell data. */ void screen_write_cell(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, const struct grid_cell *gc) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; const struct utf8_data *ud = &gc->data; const struct utf8_data zwj = { "\342\200\215", 0, 3, 0 }; struct grid_line *gl; struct grid_cell_entry *gce; struct grid_cell tmp_gc, now_gc; struct tty_ctx ttyctx; u_int sx = screen_size_x(s), sy = screen_size_y(s); u_int width = gc->data.width, xx, last, cx, cy; int selected, skip = 1; /* Ignore padding cells. */ if (gc->flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) return; /* * If this is a zero width joiner, set the flag so the next character * will be treated as zero width and appended. Note that we assume a * ZWJ will not change the width - the width of the first character is * used. */ if (ud->size == 3 && memcmp(ud->data, "\342\200\215", 3) == 0) { log_debug("zero width joiner at %u,%u", s->cx, s->cy); ctx->flags |= SCREEN_WRITE_ZWJ; return; } /* * If the width is zero, combine onto the previous character. We always * combine with the cell to the left of the cursor position. In theory, * the application could have moved the cursor somewhere else, but if * they are silly enough to do that, who cares? */ if (ctx->flags & SCREEN_WRITE_ZWJ) { screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_write_combine(ctx, &zwj, &xx); } if (width == 0 || (ctx->flags & SCREEN_WRITE_ZWJ)) { ctx->flags &= ~SCREEN_WRITE_ZWJ; screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); if ((gc = screen_write_combine(ctx, ud, &xx)) != NULL) { cx = s->cx; cy = s->cy; screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, xx, s->cy); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.cell = gc; tty_write(tty_cmd_cell, &ttyctx); s->cx = cx; s->cy = cy; } return; } /* Flush any existing scrolling. */ screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 1, __func__); /* If this character doesn't fit, ignore it. */ if ((~s->mode & MODE_WRAP) && width > 1 && (width > sx || (s->cx != sx && s->cx > sx - width))) return; /* If in insert mode, make space for the cells. */ if (s->mode & MODE_INSERT) { grid_view_insert_cells(s->grid, s->cx, s->cy, width, 8); skip = 0; } /* Check this will fit on the current line and wrap if not. */ if ((s->mode & MODE_WRAP) && s->cx > sx - width) { log_debug("%s: wrapped at %u,%u", __func__, s->cx, s->cy); screen_write_linefeed(ctx, 1, 8); screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, 0, -1); screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 1, __func__); } /* Sanity check cursor position. */ if (s->cx > sx - width || s->cy > sy - 1) return; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); /* Handle overwriting of UTF-8 characters. */ gl = grid_get_line(s->grid, s->grid->hsize + s->cy); if (gl->flags & GRID_LINE_EXTENDED) { grid_view_get_cell(gd, s->cx, s->cy, &now_gc); if (screen_write_overwrite(ctx, &now_gc, width)) skip = 0; } /* * If the new character is UTF-8 wide, fill in padding cells. Have * already ensured there is enough room. */ for (xx = s->cx + 1; xx < s->cx + width; xx++) { log_debug("%s: new padding at %u,%u", __func__, xx, s->cy); grid_view_set_padding(gd, xx, s->cy); skip = 0; } /* If no change, do not draw. */ if (skip) { if (s->cx >= gl->cellsize) skip = grid_cells_equal(gc, &grid_default_cell); else { gce = &gl->celldata[s->cx]; if (gce->flags & GRID_FLAG_EXTENDED) skip = 0; else if (gc->flags != gce->flags) skip = 0; else if (gc->attr != gce->data.attr) skip = 0; else if (gc->fg != gce->data.fg) skip = 0; else if (gc->bg != gce->data.bg) skip = 0; else if (gc->data.width != 1) skip = 0; else if (gc->data.size != 1) skip = 0; else if (gce->data.data != gc->data.data[0]) skip = 0; } } /* Update the selected flag and set the cell. */ selected = screen_check_selection(s, s->cx, s->cy); if (selected && (~gc->flags & GRID_FLAG_SELECTED)) { memcpy(&tmp_gc, gc, sizeof tmp_gc); tmp_gc.flags |= GRID_FLAG_SELECTED; grid_view_set_cell(gd, s->cx, s->cy, &tmp_gc); } else if (!selected && (gc->flags & GRID_FLAG_SELECTED)) { memcpy(&tmp_gc, gc, sizeof tmp_gc); tmp_gc.flags &= ~GRID_FLAG_SELECTED; grid_view_set_cell(gd, s->cx, s->cy, &tmp_gc); } else if (!skip) grid_view_set_cell(gd, s->cx, s->cy, gc); if (selected) skip = 0; /* * Move the cursor. If not wrapping, stick at the last character and * replace it. */ last = !(s->mode & MODE_WRAP); if (s->cx <= sx - last - width) screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, s->cx + width, -1); else screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, sx - last, -1); /* Create space for character in insert mode. */ if (s->mode & MODE_INSERT) { screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); ttyctx.num = width; tty_write(tty_cmd_insertcharacter, &ttyctx); } /* Write to the screen. */ if (!skip) { if (selected) { screen_select_cell(s, &tmp_gc, gc); ttyctx.cell = &tmp_gc; } else ttyctx.cell = gc; tty_write(tty_cmd_cell, &ttyctx); } } /* Combine a UTF-8 zero-width character onto the previous. */ static const struct grid_cell * screen_write_combine(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, const struct utf8_data *ud, u_int *xx) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; static struct grid_cell gc; u_int n; /* Can't combine if at 0. */ if (s->cx == 0) return (NULL); /* Empty data is out. */ if (ud->size == 0) fatalx("UTF-8 data empty"); /* Retrieve the previous cell. */ for (n = 1; n <= s->cx; n++) { grid_view_get_cell(gd, s->cx - n, s->cy, &gc); if (~gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) break; } if (n > s->cx) return (NULL); *xx = s->cx - n; /* Check there is enough space. */ if (gc.data.size + ud->size > sizeof gc.data.data) return (NULL); log_debug("%s: %.*s onto %.*s at %u,%u", __func__, (int)ud->size, ud->data, (int)gc.data.size, gc.data.data, *xx, s->cy); /* Append the data. */ memcpy(gc.data.data + gc.data.size, ud->data, ud->size); gc.data.size += ud->size; /* Set the new cell. */ grid_view_set_cell(gd, *xx, s->cy, &gc); return (&gc); } /* * UTF-8 wide characters are a bit of an annoyance. They take up more than one * cell on the screen, so following cells must not be drawn by marking them as * padding. * * So far, so good. The problem is, when overwriting a padding cell, or a UTF-8 * character, it is necessary to also overwrite any other cells which covered * by the same character. */ static int screen_write_overwrite(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct grid_cell *gc, u_int width) { struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct grid *gd = s->grid; struct grid_cell tmp_gc; u_int xx; int done = 0; if (gc->flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) { /* * A padding cell, so clear any following and leading padding * cells back to the character. Don't overwrite the current * cell as that happens later anyway. */ xx = s->cx + 1; while (--xx > 0) { grid_view_get_cell(gd, xx, s->cy, &tmp_gc); if (~tmp_gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) break; log_debug("%s: padding at %u,%u", __func__, xx, s->cy); grid_view_set_cell(gd, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); } /* Overwrite the character at the start of this padding. */ log_debug("%s: character at %u,%u", __func__, xx, s->cy); grid_view_set_cell(gd, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); done = 1; } /* * Overwrite any padding cells that belong to any UTF-8 characters * we'll be overwriting with the current character. */ if (width != 1 || gc->data.width != 1 || gc->flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) { xx = s->cx + width - 1; while (++xx < screen_size_x(s)) { grid_view_get_cell(gd, xx, s->cy, &tmp_gc); if (~tmp_gc.flags & GRID_FLAG_PADDING) break; log_debug("%s: overwrite at %u,%u", __func__, xx, s->cy); grid_view_set_cell(gd, xx, s->cy, &grid_default_cell); done = 1; } } return (done); } /* Set external clipboard. */ void screen_write_setselection(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_char *str, u_int len) { struct tty_ctx ttyctx; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.ptr = str; ttyctx.num = len; tty_write(tty_cmd_setselection, &ttyctx); } /* Write unmodified string. */ void screen_write_rawstring(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_char *str, u_int len) { struct tty_ctx ttyctx; screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 0); ttyctx.ptr = str; ttyctx.num = len; tty_write(tty_cmd_rawstring, &ttyctx); } /* Turn alternate screen on. */ void screen_write_alternateon(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct grid_cell *gc, int cursor) { struct tty_ctx ttyctx; struct window_pane *wp = ctx->wp; if (wp != NULL && !options_get_number(wp->options, "alternate-screen")) return; screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_alternate_on(ctx->s, gc, cursor); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.redraw_cb(&ttyctx); } /* Turn alternate screen off. */ void screen_write_alternateoff(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct grid_cell *gc, int cursor) { struct tty_ctx ttyctx; struct window_pane *wp = ctx->wp; if (wp != NULL && !options_get_number(wp->options, "alternate-screen")) return; screen_write_collect_flush(ctx, 0, __func__); screen_alternate_off(ctx->s, gc, cursor); screen_write_initctx(ctx, &ttyctx, 1); ttyctx.redraw_cb(&ttyctx); }