/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <fnmatch.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "tmux.h" extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_attach_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_bind_key_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_break_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_capture_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_choose_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_choose_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_choose_tree_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_clear_history_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_clear_prompt_history_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_clock_mode_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_command_prompt_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_confirm_before_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_copy_mode_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_customize_mode_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_delete_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_detach_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_display_menu_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_display_message_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_display_popup_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_display_panes_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_down_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_find_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_has_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_if_shell_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_join_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_kill_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_kill_server_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_kill_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_kill_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_last_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_last_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_link_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_buffers_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_clients_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_commands_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_keys_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_panes_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_sessions_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_list_windows_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_load_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_lock_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_lock_server_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_lock_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_move_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_move_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_new_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_new_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_next_layout_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_next_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_paste_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_pipe_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_previous_layout_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_previous_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_refresh_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_rename_session_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_rename_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_resize_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_resize_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_respawn_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_respawn_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_rotate_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_run_shell_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_save_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_select_layout_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_select_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_select_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_send_keys_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_send_prefix_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_set_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_set_environment_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_set_hook_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_set_option_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_set_window_option_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_buffer_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_environment_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_hooks_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_messages_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_options_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_prompt_history_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_show_window_options_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_source_file_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_split_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_start_server_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_suspend_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_swap_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_swap_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_switch_client_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_unbind_key_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_unlink_window_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_up_pane_entry; extern const struct cmd_entry cmd_wait_for_entry; const struct cmd_entry *cmd_table[] = { &cmd_attach_session_entry, &cmd_bind_key_entry, &cmd_break_pane_entry, &cmd_capture_pane_entry, &cmd_choose_buffer_entry, &cmd_choose_client_entry, &cmd_choose_tree_entry, &cmd_clear_history_entry, &cmd_clear_prompt_history_entry, &cmd_clock_mode_entry, &cmd_command_prompt_entry, &cmd_confirm_before_entry, &cmd_copy_mode_entry, &cmd_customize_mode_entry, &cmd_delete_buffer_entry, &cmd_detach_client_entry, &cmd_display_menu_entry, &cmd_display_message_entry, &cmd_display_popup_entry, &cmd_display_panes_entry, &cmd_find_window_entry, &cmd_has_session_entry, &cmd_if_shell_entry, &cmd_join_pane_entry, &cmd_kill_pane_entry, &cmd_kill_server_entry, &cmd_kill_session_entry, &cmd_kill_window_entry, &cmd_last_pane_entry, &cmd_last_window_entry, &cmd_link_window_entry, &cmd_list_buffers_entry, &cmd_list_clients_entry, &cmd_list_commands_entry, &cmd_list_keys_entry, &cmd_list_panes_entry, &cmd_list_sessions_entry, &cmd_list_windows_entry, &cmd_load_buffer_entry, &cmd_lock_client_entry, &cmd_lock_server_entry, &cmd_lock_session_entry, &cmd_move_pane_entry, &cmd_move_window_entry, &cmd_new_session_entry, &cmd_new_window_entry, &cmd_next_layout_entry, &cmd_next_window_entry, &cmd_paste_buffer_entry, &cmd_pipe_pane_entry, &cmd_previous_layout_entry, &cmd_previous_window_entry, &cmd_refresh_client_entry, &cmd_rename_session_entry, &cmd_rename_window_entry, &cmd_resize_pane_entry, &cmd_resize_window_entry, &cmd_respawn_pane_entry, &cmd_respawn_window_entry, &cmd_rotate_window_entry, &cmd_run_shell_entry, &cmd_save_buffer_entry, &cmd_select_layout_entry, &cmd_select_pane_entry, &cmd_select_window_entry, &cmd_send_keys_entry, &cmd_send_prefix_entry, &cmd_set_buffer_entry, &cmd_set_environment_entry, &cmd_set_hook_entry, &cmd_set_option_entry, &cmd_set_window_option_entry, &cmd_show_buffer_entry, &cmd_show_environment_entry, &cmd_show_hooks_entry, &cmd_show_messages_entry, &cmd_show_options_entry, &cmd_show_prompt_history_entry, &cmd_show_window_options_entry, &cmd_source_file_entry, &cmd_split_window_entry, &cmd_start_server_entry, &cmd_suspend_client_entry, &cmd_swap_pane_entry, &cmd_swap_window_entry, &cmd_switch_client_entry, &cmd_unbind_key_entry, &cmd_unlink_window_entry, &cmd_wait_for_entry, NULL }; /* Instance of a command. */ struct cmd { const struct cmd_entry *entry; struct args *args; u_int group; char *file; u_int line; TAILQ_ENTRY(cmd) qentry; }; TAILQ_HEAD(cmds, cmd); /* Next group number for new command list. */ static u_int cmd_list_next_group = 1; /* Log an argument vector. */ void printflike(3, 4) cmd_log_argv(int argc, char **argv, const char *fmt, ...) { char *prefix; va_list ap; int i; va_start(ap, fmt); xvasprintf(&prefix, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) log_debug("%s: argv[%d]=%s", prefix, i, argv[i]); free(prefix); } /* Prepend to an argument vector. */ void cmd_prepend_argv(int *argc, char ***argv, const char *arg) { char **new_argv; int i; new_argv = xreallocarray(NULL, (*argc) + 1, sizeof *new_argv); new_argv[0] = xstrdup(arg); for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++) new_argv[1 + i] = (*argv)[i]; free(*argv); *argv = new_argv; (*argc)++; } /* Append to an argument vector. */ void cmd_append_argv(int *argc, char ***argv, const char *arg) { *argv = xreallocarray(*argv, (*argc) + 1, sizeof **argv); (*argv)[(*argc)++] = xstrdup(arg); } /* Pack an argument vector up into a buffer. */ int cmd_pack_argv(int argc, char **argv, char *buf, size_t len) { size_t arglen; int i; if (argc == 0) return (0); cmd_log_argv(argc, argv, "%s", __func__); *buf = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strlcpy(buf, argv[i], len) >= len) return (-1); arglen = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; buf += arglen; len -= arglen; } return (0); } /* Unpack an argument vector from a packed buffer. */ int cmd_unpack_argv(char *buf, size_t len, int argc, char ***argv) { int i; size_t arglen; if (argc == 0) return (0); *argv = xcalloc(argc, sizeof **argv); buf[len - 1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (len == 0) { cmd_free_argv(argc, *argv); return (-1); } arglen = strlen(buf) + 1; (*argv)[i] = xstrdup(buf); buf += arglen; len -= arglen; } cmd_log_argv(argc, *argv, "%s", __func__); return (0); } /* Copy an argument vector, ensuring it is terminated by NULL. */ char ** cmd_copy_argv(int argc, char **argv) { char **new_argv; int i; if (argc == 0) return (NULL); new_argv = xcalloc(argc + 1, sizeof *new_argv); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] != NULL) new_argv[i] = xstrdup(argv[i]); } return (new_argv); } /* Free an argument vector. */ void cmd_free_argv(int argc, char **argv) { int i; if (argc == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) free(argv[i]); free(argv); } /* Convert argument vector to a string. */ char * cmd_stringify_argv(int argc, char **argv) { char *buf = NULL, *s; size_t len = 0; int i; if (argc == 0) return (xstrdup("")); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { s = args_escape(argv[i]); log_debug("%s: %u %s = %s", __func__, i, argv[i], s); len += strlen(s) + 1; buf = xrealloc(buf, len); if (i == 0) *buf = '\0'; else strlcat(buf, " ", len); strlcat(buf, s, len); free(s); } return (buf); } /* Get entry for command. */ const struct cmd_entry * cmd_get_entry(struct cmd *cmd) { return (cmd->entry); } /* Get arguments for command. */ struct args * cmd_get_args(struct cmd *cmd) { return (cmd->args); } /* Get group for command. */ u_int cmd_get_group(struct cmd *cmd) { return (cmd->group); } /* Get file and line for command. */ void cmd_get_source(struct cmd *cmd, const char **file, u_int *line) { if (file != NULL) *file = cmd->file; if (line != NULL) *line = cmd->line; } /* Look for an alias for a command. */ char * cmd_get_alias(const char *name) { struct options_entry *o; struct options_array_item *a; union options_value *ov; size_t wanted, n; const char *equals; o = options_get_only(global_options, "command-alias"); if (o == NULL) return (NULL); wanted = strlen(name); a = options_array_first(o); while (a != NULL) { ov = options_array_item_value(a); equals = strchr(ov->string, '='); if (equals != NULL) { n = equals - ov->string; if (n == wanted && strncmp(name, ov->string, n) == 0) return (xstrdup(equals + 1)); } a = options_array_next(a); } return (NULL); } /* Look up a command entry by name. */ static const struct cmd_entry * cmd_find(const char *name, char **cause) { const struct cmd_entry **loop, *entry, *found = NULL; int ambiguous; char s[8192]; ambiguous = 0; for (loop = cmd_table; *loop != NULL; loop++) { entry = *loop; if (entry->alias != NULL && strcmp(entry->alias, name) == 0) { ambiguous = 0; found = entry; break; } if (strncmp(entry->name, name, strlen(name)) != 0) continue; if (found != NULL) ambiguous = 1; found = entry; if (strcmp(entry->name, name) == 0) break; } if (ambiguous) goto ambiguous; if (found == NULL) { xasprintf(cause, "unknown command: %s", name); return (NULL); } return (found); ambiguous: *s = '\0'; for (loop = cmd_table; *loop != NULL; loop++) { entry = *loop; if (strncmp(entry->name, name, strlen(name)) != 0) continue; if (strlcat(s, entry->name, sizeof s) >= sizeof s) break; if (strlcat(s, ", ", sizeof s) >= sizeof s) break; } s[strlen(s) - 2] = '\0'; xasprintf(cause, "ambiguous command: %s, could be: %s", name, s); return (NULL); } /* Parse a single command from an argument vector. */ struct cmd * cmd_parse(struct args_value *values, u_int count, const char *file, u_int line, char **cause) { const struct cmd_entry *entry; struct cmd *cmd; struct args *args; char *error = NULL; if (count == 0 || values[0].type != ARGS_STRING) { xasprintf(cause, "no command"); return (NULL); } entry = cmd_find(values[0].string, cause); if (entry == NULL) return (NULL); args = args_parse(&entry->args, values, count, &error); if (args == NULL && error == NULL) { xasprintf(cause, "usage: %s %s", entry->name, entry->usage); return (NULL); } if (args == NULL) { xasprintf(cause, "command %s: %s", entry->name, error); free(error); return (NULL); } cmd = xcalloc(1, sizeof *cmd); cmd->entry = entry; cmd->args = args; if (file != NULL) cmd->file = xstrdup(file); cmd->line = line; return (cmd); } /* Free a command. */ void cmd_free(struct cmd *cmd) { free(cmd->file); args_free(cmd->args); free(cmd); } /* Copy a command. */ struct cmd * cmd_copy(struct cmd *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { struct cmd *new_cmd; new_cmd = xcalloc(1, sizeof *new_cmd); new_cmd->entry = cmd->entry; new_cmd->args = args_copy(cmd->args, argc, argv); if (cmd->file != NULL) new_cmd->file = xstrdup(cmd->file); new_cmd->line = cmd->line; return (new_cmd); } /* Get a command as a string. */ char * cmd_print(struct cmd *cmd) { char *out, *s; s = args_print(cmd->args); if (*s != '\0') xasprintf(&out, "%s %s", cmd->entry->name, s); else out = xstrdup(cmd->entry->name); free(s); return (out); } /* Create a new command list. */ struct cmd_list * cmd_list_new(void) { struct cmd_list *cmdlist; cmdlist = xcalloc(1, sizeof *cmdlist); cmdlist->references = 1; cmdlist->group = cmd_list_next_group++; cmdlist->list = xcalloc(1, sizeof *cmdlist->list); TAILQ_INIT(cmdlist->list); return (cmdlist); } /* Append a command to a command list. */ void cmd_list_append(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, struct cmd *cmd) { cmd->group = cmdlist->group; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(cmdlist->list, cmd, qentry); } /* Append all commands from one list to another. */ void cmd_list_append_all(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, struct cmd_list *from) { struct cmd *cmd; TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, from->list, qentry) cmd->group = cmdlist->group; TAILQ_CONCAT(cmdlist->list, from->list, qentry); } /* Move all commands from one command list to another. */ void cmd_list_move(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, struct cmd_list *from) { TAILQ_CONCAT(cmdlist->list, from->list, qentry); cmdlist->group = cmd_list_next_group++; } /* Free a command list. */ void cmd_list_free(struct cmd_list *cmdlist) { struct cmd *cmd, *cmd1; if (--cmdlist->references != 0) return; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(cmd, cmdlist->list, qentry, cmd1) { TAILQ_REMOVE(cmdlist->list, cmd, qentry); cmd_free(cmd); } free(cmdlist->list); free(cmdlist); } /* Copy a command list, expanding %s in arguments. */ struct cmd_list * cmd_list_copy(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, int argc, char **argv) { struct cmd *cmd; struct cmd_list *new_cmdlist; struct cmd *new_cmd; u_int group = cmdlist->group; char *s; s = cmd_list_print(cmdlist, 0); log_debug("%s: %s", __func__, s); free(s); new_cmdlist = cmd_list_new(); TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, cmdlist->list, qentry) { if (cmd->group != group) { new_cmdlist->group = cmd_list_next_group++; group = cmd->group; } new_cmd = cmd_copy(cmd, argc, argv); cmd_list_append(new_cmdlist, new_cmd); } s = cmd_list_print(new_cmdlist, 0); log_debug("%s: %s", __func__, s); free(s); return (new_cmdlist); } /* Get a command list as a string. */ char * cmd_list_print(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, int escaped) { struct cmd *cmd, *next; char *buf, *this; size_t len; len = 1; buf = xcalloc(1, len); TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, cmdlist->list, qentry) { this = cmd_print(cmd); len += strlen(this) + 6; buf = xrealloc(buf, len); strlcat(buf, this, len); next = TAILQ_NEXT(cmd, qentry); if (next != NULL) { if (cmd->group != next->group) { if (escaped) strlcat(buf, " \\;\\; ", len); else strlcat(buf, " ;; ", len); } else { if (escaped) strlcat(buf, " \\; ", len); else strlcat(buf, " ; ", len); } } free(this); } return (buf); } /* Get first command in list. */ struct cmd * cmd_list_first(struct cmd_list *cmdlist) { return (TAILQ_FIRST(cmdlist->list)); } /* Get next command in list. */ struct cmd * cmd_list_next(struct cmd *cmd) { return (TAILQ_NEXT(cmd, qentry)); } /* Do all of the commands in this command list have this flag? */ int cmd_list_all_have(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, int flag) { struct cmd *cmd; TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, cmdlist->list, qentry) { if (~cmd->entry->flags & flag) return (0); } return (1); } /* Do any of the commands in this command list have this flag? */ int cmd_list_any_have(struct cmd_list *cmdlist, int flag) { struct cmd *cmd; TAILQ_FOREACH(cmd, cmdlist->list, qentry) { if (cmd->entry->flags & flag) return (1); } return (0); } /* Adjust current mouse position for a pane. */ int cmd_mouse_at(struct window_pane *wp, struct mouse_event *m, u_int *xp, u_int *yp, int last) { u_int x, y; if (last) { x = m->lx + m->ox; y = m->ly + m->oy; } else { x = m->x + m->ox; y = m->y + m->oy; } log_debug("%s: x=%u, y=%u%s", __func__, x, y, last ? " (last)" : ""); if (m->statusat == 0 && y >= m->statuslines) y -= m->statuslines; if (x < wp->xoff || x >= wp->xoff + wp->sx) return (-1); if (y < wp->yoff || y >= wp->yoff + wp->sy) return (-1); if (xp != NULL) *xp = x - wp->xoff; if (yp != NULL) *yp = y - wp->yoff; return (0); } /* Get current mouse window if any. */ struct winlink * cmd_mouse_window(struct mouse_event *m, struct session **sp) { struct session *s; struct window *w; struct winlink *wl; if (!m->valid) return (NULL); if (m->s == -1 || (s = session_find_by_id(m->s)) == NULL) return (NULL); if (m->w == -1) wl = s->curw; else { if ((w = window_find_by_id(m->w)) == NULL) return (NULL); wl = winlink_find_by_window(&s->windows, w); } if (sp != NULL) *sp = s; return (wl); } /* Get current mouse pane if any. */ struct window_pane * cmd_mouse_pane(struct mouse_event *m, struct session **sp, struct winlink **wlp) { struct winlink *wl; struct window_pane *wp; if ((wl = cmd_mouse_window(m, sp)) == NULL) return (NULL); if ((wp = window_pane_find_by_id(m->wp)) == NULL) return (NULL); if (!window_has_pane(wl->window, wp)) return (NULL); if (wlp != NULL) *wlp = wl; return (wp); } /* Replace the first %% or %idx in template by s. */ char * cmd_template_replace(const char *template, const char *s, int idx) { char ch, *buf; const char *ptr, *cp, quote[] = "\"\\$;~"; int replaced, quoted; size_t len; if (strchr(template, '%') == NULL) return (xstrdup(template)); buf = xmalloc(1); *buf = '\0'; len = 0; replaced = 0; ptr = template; while (*ptr != '\0') { switch (ch = *ptr++) { case '%': if (*ptr < '1' || *ptr > '9' || *ptr - '0' != idx) { if (*ptr != '%' || replaced) break; replaced = 1; } ptr++; quoted = (*ptr == '%'); if (quoted) ptr++; buf = xrealloc(buf, len + (strlen(s) * 3) + 1); for (cp = s; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { if (quoted && strchr(quote, *cp) != NULL) buf[len++] = '\\'; buf[len++] = *cp; } buf[len] = '\0'; continue; } buf = xrealloc(buf, len + 2); buf[len++] = ch; buf[len] = '\0'; } return (buf); }