/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "tmux.h" static struct screen *window_client_init(struct window_mode_entry *, struct cmd_find_state *, struct args *); static void window_client_free(struct window_mode_entry *); static void window_client_resize(struct window_mode_entry *, u_int, u_int); static void window_client_update(struct window_mode_entry *); static void window_client_key(struct window_mode_entry *, struct client *, struct session *, struct winlink *, key_code, struct mouse_event *); #define WINDOW_CLIENT_DEFAULT_COMMAND "detach-client -t '%%'" #define WINDOW_CLIENT_DEFAULT_FORMAT \ "#{t/p:client_activity}: session #{session_name}" static const struct menu_item window_client_menu_items[] = { { "Detach", 'd', NULL }, { "Detach Tagged", 'D', NULL }, { "", KEYC_NONE, NULL }, { "Tag", 't', NULL }, { "Tag All", '\024', NULL }, { "Tag None", 'T', NULL }, { "", KEYC_NONE, NULL }, { "Cancel", 'q', NULL }, { NULL, KEYC_NONE, NULL } }; const struct window_mode window_client_mode = { .name = "client-mode", .default_format = WINDOW_CLIENT_DEFAULT_FORMAT, .init = window_client_init, .free = window_client_free, .resize = window_client_resize, .update = window_client_update, .key = window_client_key, }; enum window_client_sort_type { WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_NAME, WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_SIZE, WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_CREATION_TIME, WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_ACTIVITY_TIME, }; static const char *window_client_sort_list[] = { "name", "size", "creation", "activity" }; static struct mode_tree_sort_criteria *window_client_sort; struct window_client_itemdata { struct client *c; }; struct window_client_modedata { struct window_pane *wp; struct mode_tree_data *data; char *format; char *command; struct window_client_itemdata **item_list; u_int item_size; }; static struct window_client_itemdata * window_client_add_item(struct window_client_modedata *data) { struct window_client_itemdata *item; data->item_list = xreallocarray(data->item_list, data->item_size + 1, sizeof *data->item_list); item = data->item_list[data->item_size++] = xcalloc(1, sizeof *item); return (item); } static void window_client_free_item(struct window_client_itemdata *item) { server_client_unref(item->c); free(item); } static int window_client_cmp(const void *a0, const void *b0) { const struct window_client_itemdata *const *a = a0; const struct window_client_itemdata *const *b = b0; const struct window_client_itemdata *itema = *a; const struct window_client_itemdata *itemb = *b; struct client *ca = itema->c; struct client *cb = itemb->c; int result = 0; switch (window_client_sort->field) { case WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_SIZE: result = ca->tty.sx - cb->tty.sx; if (result == 0) result = ca->tty.sy - cb->tty.sy; break; case WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_CREATION_TIME: if (timercmp(&ca->creation_time, &cb->creation_time, >)) result = -1; else if (timercmp(&ca->creation_time, &cb->creation_time, <)) result = 1; break; case WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_ACTIVITY_TIME: if (timercmp(&ca->activity_time, &cb->activity_time, >)) result = -1; else if (timercmp(&ca->activity_time, &cb->activity_time, <)) result = 1; break; } /* Use WINDOW_CLIENT_BY_NAME as default order and tie breaker. */ if (result == 0) result = strcmp(ca->name, cb->name); if (window_client_sort->reversed) result = -result; return (result); } static void window_client_build(void *modedata, struct mode_tree_sort_criteria *sort_crit, __unused uint64_t *tag, const char *filter) { struct window_client_modedata *data = modedata; struct window_client_itemdata *item; u_int i; struct client *c; char *text, *cp; for (i = 0; i < data->item_size; i++) window_client_free_item(data->item_list[i]); free(data->item_list); data->item_list = NULL; data->item_size = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session == NULL || (c->flags & CLIENT_UNATTACHEDFLAGS)) continue; item = window_client_add_item(data); item->c = c; c->references++; } window_client_sort = sort_crit; qsort(data->item_list, data->item_size, sizeof *data->item_list, window_client_cmp); for (i = 0; i < data->item_size; i++) { item = data->item_list[i]; c = item->c; if (filter != NULL) { cp = format_single(NULL, filter, c, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!format_true(cp)) { free(cp); continue; } free(cp); } text = format_single(NULL, data->format, c, NULL, NULL, NULL); mode_tree_add(data->data, NULL, item, (uint64_t)c, c->name, text, -1); free(text); } } static void window_client_draw(__unused void *modedata, void *itemdata, struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int sx, u_int sy) { struct window_client_itemdata *item = itemdata; struct client *c = item->c; struct screen *s = ctx->s; struct window_pane *wp; u_int cx = s->cx, cy = s->cy, lines, at; if (c->session == NULL || (c->flags & CLIENT_UNATTACHEDFLAGS)) return; wp = c->session->curw->window->active; lines = status_line_size(c); if (lines >= sy) lines = 0; if (status_at_line(c) == 0) at = lines; else at = 0; screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy + at, 0); screen_write_preview(ctx, &wp->base, sx, sy - 2 - lines); if (at != 0) screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy + 2, 0); else screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy + sy - 1 - lines, 0); screen_write_hline(ctx, sx, 0, 0); if (at != 0) screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy, 0); else screen_write_cursormove(ctx, cx, cy + sy - lines, 0); screen_write_fast_copy(ctx, &c->status.screen, 0, 0, sx, lines); } static void window_client_menu(void *modedata, struct client *c, key_code key) { struct window_client_modedata *data = modedata; struct window_pane *wp = data->wp; struct window_mode_entry *wme; wme = TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes); if (wme == NULL || wme->data != modedata) return; window_client_key(wme, c, NULL, NULL, key, NULL); } static struct screen * window_client_init(struct window_mode_entry *wme, __unused struct cmd_find_state *fs, struct args *args) { struct window_pane *wp = wme->wp; struct window_client_modedata *data; struct screen *s; wme->data = data = xcalloc(1, sizeof *data); data->wp = wp; if (args == NULL || !args_has(args, 'F')) data->format = xstrdup(WINDOW_CLIENT_DEFAULT_FORMAT); else data->format = xstrdup(args_get(args, 'F')); if (args == NULL || args->argc == 0) data->command = xstrdup(WINDOW_CLIENT_DEFAULT_COMMAND); else data->command = xstrdup(args->argv[0]); data->data = mode_tree_start(wp, args, window_client_build, window_client_draw, NULL, window_client_menu, NULL, data, window_client_menu_items, window_client_sort_list, nitems(window_client_sort_list), &s); mode_tree_zoom(data->data, args); mode_tree_build(data->data); mode_tree_draw(data->data); return (s); } static void window_client_free(struct window_mode_entry *wme) { struct window_client_modedata *data = wme->data; u_int i; if (data == NULL) return; mode_tree_free(data->data); for (i = 0; i < data->item_size; i++) window_client_free_item(data->item_list[i]); free(data->item_list); free(data->format); free(data->command); free(data); } static void window_client_resize(struct window_mode_entry *wme, u_int sx, u_int sy) { struct window_client_modedata *data = wme->data; mode_tree_resize(data->data, sx, sy); } static void window_client_update(struct window_mode_entry *wme) { struct window_client_modedata *data = wme->data; mode_tree_build(data->data); mode_tree_draw(data->data); data->wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } static void window_client_do_detach(void *modedata, void *itemdata, __unused struct client *c, key_code key) { struct window_client_modedata *data = modedata; struct window_client_itemdata *item = itemdata; if (item == mode_tree_get_current(data->data)) mode_tree_down(data->data, 0); if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') server_client_detach(item->c, MSG_DETACH); else if (key == 'x' || key == 'X') server_client_detach(item->c, MSG_DETACHKILL); else if (key == 'z' || key == 'Z') server_client_suspend(item->c); } static void window_client_key(struct window_mode_entry *wme, struct client *c, __unused struct session *s, __unused struct winlink *wl, key_code key, struct mouse_event *m) { struct window_pane *wp = wme->wp; struct window_client_modedata *data = wme->data; struct mode_tree_data *mtd = data->data; struct window_client_itemdata *item; int finished; finished = mode_tree_key(mtd, c, &key, m, NULL, NULL); switch (key) { case 'd': case 'x': case 'z': item = mode_tree_get_current(mtd); window_client_do_detach(data, item, c, key); mode_tree_build(mtd); break; case 'D': case 'X': case 'Z': mode_tree_each_tagged(mtd, window_client_do_detach, c, key, 0); mode_tree_build(mtd); break; case '\r': item = mode_tree_get_current(mtd); mode_tree_run_command(c, NULL, data->command, item->c->ttyname); finished = 1; break; } if (finished || server_client_how_many() == 0) window_pane_reset_mode(wp); else { mode_tree_draw(mtd); wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } }