/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "tmux.h" static struct session *server_next_session(struct session *); static void server_destroy_session_group(struct session *); void server_redraw_client(struct client *c) { c->flags |= CLIENT_ALLREDRAWFLAGS; } void server_status_client(struct client *c) { c->flags |= CLIENT_REDRAWSTATUS; } void server_redraw_session(struct session *s) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session == s) server_redraw_client(c); } } void server_redraw_session_group(struct session *s) { struct session_group *sg; if ((sg = session_group_contains(s)) == NULL) server_redraw_session(s); else { TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &sg->sessions, gentry) server_redraw_session(s); } } void server_status_session(struct session *s) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session == s) server_status_client(c); } } void server_status_session_group(struct session *s) { struct session_group *sg; if ((sg = session_group_contains(s)) == NULL) server_status_session(s); else { TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &sg->sessions, gentry) server_status_session(s); } } void server_redraw_window(struct window *w) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session != NULL && c->session->curw->window == w) server_redraw_client(c); } } void server_redraw_window_borders(struct window *w) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session != NULL && c->session->curw->window == w) c->flags |= CLIENT_REDRAWBORDERS; } } void server_status_window(struct window *w) { struct session *s; /* * This is slightly different. We want to redraw the status line of any * clients containing this window rather than anywhere it is the * current window. */ RB_FOREACH(s, sessions, &sessions) { if (session_has(s, w)) server_status_session(s); } } void server_lock(void) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session != NULL) server_lock_client(c); } } void server_lock_session(struct session *s) { struct client *c; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session == s) server_lock_client(c); } } void server_lock_client(struct client *c) { const char *cmd; if (c->flags & CLIENT_CONTROL) return; if (c->flags & CLIENT_SUSPENDED) return; cmd = options_get_string(c->session->options, "lock-command"); if (*cmd == '\0' || strlen(cmd) + 1 > MAX_IMSGSIZE - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE) return; tty_stop_tty(&c->tty); tty_raw(&c->tty, tty_term_string(c->tty.term, TTYC_SMCUP)); tty_raw(&c->tty, tty_term_string(c->tty.term, TTYC_CLEAR)); tty_raw(&c->tty, tty_term_string(c->tty.term, TTYC_E3)); c->flags |= CLIENT_SUSPENDED; proc_send(c->peer, MSG_LOCK, -1, cmd, strlen(cmd) + 1); } void server_kill_pane(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w = wp->window; if (window_count_panes(w) == 1) { server_kill_window(w); recalculate_sizes(); } else { server_unzoom_window(w); layout_close_pane(wp); window_remove_pane(w, wp); server_redraw_window(w); } } void server_kill_window(struct window *w) { struct session *s, *next_s, *target_s; struct session_group *sg; struct winlink *wl; next_s = RB_MIN(sessions, &sessions); while (next_s != NULL) { s = next_s; next_s = RB_NEXT(sessions, &sessions, s); if (!session_has(s, w)) continue; server_unzoom_window(w); while ((wl = winlink_find_by_window(&s->windows, w)) != NULL) { if (session_detach(s, wl)) { server_destroy_session_group(s); break; } else server_redraw_session_group(s); } if (options_get_number(s->options, "renumber-windows")) { if ((sg = session_group_contains(s)) != NULL) { TAILQ_FOREACH(target_s, &sg->sessions, gentry) session_renumber_windows(target_s); } else session_renumber_windows(s); } } recalculate_sizes(); } int server_link_window(struct session *src, struct winlink *srcwl, struct session *dst, int dstidx, int killflag, int selectflag, char **cause) { struct winlink *dstwl; struct session_group *srcsg, *dstsg; srcsg = session_group_contains(src); dstsg = session_group_contains(dst); if (src != dst && srcsg != NULL && dstsg != NULL && srcsg == dstsg) { xasprintf(cause, "sessions are grouped"); return (-1); } dstwl = NULL; if (dstidx != -1) dstwl = winlink_find_by_index(&dst->windows, dstidx); if (dstwl != NULL) { if (dstwl->window == srcwl->window) { xasprintf(cause, "same index: %d", dstidx); return (-1); } if (killflag) { /* * Can't use session_detach as it will destroy session * if this makes it empty. */ notify_session_window("window-unlinked", dst, dstwl->window); dstwl->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; winlink_stack_remove(&dst->lastw, dstwl); winlink_remove(&dst->windows, dstwl); /* Force select/redraw if current. */ if (dstwl == dst->curw) { selectflag = 1; dst->curw = NULL; } } } if (dstidx == -1) dstidx = -1 - options_get_number(dst->options, "base-index"); dstwl = session_attach(dst, srcwl->window, dstidx, cause); if (dstwl == NULL) return (-1); if (selectflag) session_select(dst, dstwl->idx); server_redraw_session_group(dst); return (0); } void server_unlink_window(struct session *s, struct winlink *wl) { if (session_detach(s, wl)) server_destroy_session_group(s); else server_redraw_session_group(s); } void server_destroy_pane(struct window_pane *wp, int notify) { struct window *w = wp->window; struct screen_write_ctx ctx; struct grid_cell gc; time_t t; char tim[26]; if (wp->fd != -1) { #ifdef HAVE_UTEMPTER utempter_remove_record(wp->fd); #endif bufferevent_free(wp->event); wp->event = NULL; close(wp->fd); wp->fd = -1; } if (options_get_number(wp->options, "remain-on-exit")) { if (~wp->flags & PANE_STATUSREADY) return; if (wp->flags & PANE_STATUSDRAWN) return; wp->flags |= PANE_STATUSDRAWN; if (notify) notify_pane("pane-died", wp); screen_write_start(&ctx, wp, &wp->base); screen_write_scrollregion(&ctx, 0, screen_size_y(ctx.s) - 1); screen_write_cursormove(&ctx, 0, screen_size_y(ctx.s) - 1, 0); screen_write_linefeed(&ctx, 1, 8); memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc); time(&t); ctime_r(&t, tim); if (WIFEXITED(wp->status)) { screen_write_nputs(&ctx, -1, &gc, "Pane is dead (status %d, %s)", WEXITSTATUS(wp->status), tim); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(wp->status)) { screen_write_nputs(&ctx, -1, &gc, "Pane is dead (signal %d, %s)", WTERMSIG(wp->status), tim); } screen_write_stop(&ctx); wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; return; } if (notify) notify_pane("pane-exited", wp); server_unzoom_window(w); layout_close_pane(wp); window_remove_pane(w, wp); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&w->panes)) server_kill_window(w); else server_redraw_window(w); } static void server_destroy_session_group(struct session *s) { struct session_group *sg; struct session *s1; if ((sg = session_group_contains(s)) == NULL) server_destroy_session(s); else { TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(s, &sg->sessions, gentry, s1) { server_destroy_session(s); session_destroy(s, 1, __func__); } } } static struct session * server_next_session(struct session *s) { struct session *s_loop, *s_out; s_out = NULL; RB_FOREACH(s_loop, sessions, &sessions) { if (s_loop == s) continue; if (s_out == NULL || timercmp(&s_loop->activity_time, &s_out->activity_time, <)) s_out = s_loop; } return (s_out); } void server_destroy_session(struct session *s) { struct client *c; struct session *s_new; if (!options_get_number(s->options, "detach-on-destroy")) s_new = server_next_session(s); else s_new = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->session != s) continue; if (s_new == NULL) { c->session = NULL; c->flags |= CLIENT_EXIT; } else { c->last_session = NULL; c->session = s_new; server_client_set_key_table(c, NULL); tty_update_client_offset(c); status_timer_start(c); notify_client("client-session-changed", c); session_update_activity(s_new, NULL); gettimeofday(&s_new->last_attached_time, NULL); server_redraw_client(c); alerts_check_session(s_new); } } recalculate_sizes(); } void server_check_unattached(void) { struct session *s; /* * If any sessions are no longer attached and have destroy-unattached * set, collect them. */ RB_FOREACH(s, sessions, &sessions) { if (s->attached != 0) continue; if (options_get_number (s->options, "destroy-unattached")) session_destroy(s, 1, __func__); } } int server_set_stdin_callback(struct client *c, void (*cb)(struct client *, int, void *), void *cb_data, char **cause) { if (c == NULL || c->session != NULL) { *cause = xstrdup("no client with stdin"); return (-1); } if (c->flags & CLIENT_TERMINAL) { *cause = xstrdup("stdin is a tty"); return (-1); } if (c->stdin_callback != NULL) { *cause = xstrdup("stdin is in use"); return (-1); } c->stdin_callback_data = cb_data; c->stdin_callback = cb; c->references++; if (c->stdin_closed) c->stdin_callback(c, 1, c->stdin_callback_data); proc_send(c->peer, MSG_STDIN, -1, NULL, 0); return (0); } void server_unzoom_window(struct window *w) { if (window_unzoom(w) == 0) server_redraw_window(w); }