/* $Id: tty.c,v 1.8 2007-12-03 10:47:27 nicm Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TTYDEFCHARS /* glibc requires unistd.h before termios.h for TTYDEFCHARS. */ #include #include #include "tmux.h" void tty_fill_acs(struct tty *); u_char tty_get_acs(struct tty *, u_char); void tty_raw(struct tty *, const char *); void tty_puts(struct tty *, const char *); void tty_putc(struct tty *, char); void tty_attributes(struct tty *, u_char, u_char); char tty_translate(char); void tty_init(struct tty *tty, char *path, char *term) { tty->path = xstrdup(path); tty->term = xstrdup(term); } int tty_open(struct tty *tty, char **cause) { struct termios tio; int error, what; tty->fd = open(tty->path, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); if (tty->fd == -1) { xasprintf(cause, "%s: %s", tty->path, strerror(errno)); return (-1); } if (tty->term == NULL) tty->term = xstrdup("unknown"); if (setupterm(tty->term, tty->fd, &error) != OK) { switch (error) { case 0: xasprintf(cause, "can't use hardcopy terminal"); break; case 1: xasprintf(cause, "missing or unsuitable terminal"); break; case 2: xasprintf(cause, "can't find terminfo database"); break; default: xasprintf(cause, "unknown error"); break; } return (-1); } tty->termp = cur_term; tty->in = buffer_create(BUFSIZ); tty->out = buffer_create(BUFSIZ); tty->attr = SCREEN_DEFATTR; tty->colr = SCREEN_DEFCOLR; tty_keys_init(tty); tty_fill_acs(tty); if (tcgetattr(tty->fd, &tty->tio) != 0) fatal("tcgetattr failed"); memset(&tio, 0, sizeof tio); tio.c_iflag = TTYDEF_IFLAG & ~(IXON|IXOFF|ICRNL|INLCR); tio.c_oflag = TTYDEF_OFLAG & ~(OPOST|ONLCR|OCRNL|ONLRET); tio.c_lflag = TTYDEF_LFLAG & ~(IEXTEN|ICANON|ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOKE|ECHOCTL|ISIG); tio.c_cflag = TTYDEF_CFLAG; memcpy(&tio.c_cc, ttydefchars, sizeof tio.c_cc); cfsetspeed(&tio, TTYDEF_SPEED); if (tcsetattr(tty->fd, TCSANOW, &tio) != 0) fatal("tcsetattr failed"); what = 0; if (ioctl(tty->fd, TIOCFLUSH, &what) != 0) fatal("ioctl(TIOCFLUSH)"); if (enter_ca_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_ca_mode); if (keypad_xmit != NULL) tty_puts(tty, keypad_xmit); if (ena_acs != NULL) tty_puts(tty, ena_acs); tty_puts(tty, clear_screen); return (0); } void tty_close(struct tty *tty) { struct winsize ws; if (ioctl(tty->fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) fatal("ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ)"); if (tcsetattr(tty->fd, TCSANOW, &tty->tio) != 0) fatal("tcsetattr failed"); if (change_scroll_region != NULL) tty_raw(tty, tparm(change_scroll_region, 0, ws.ws_row - 1)); if (keypad_local != NULL) tty_raw(tty, keypad_local); if (exit_ca_mode != NULL) tty_raw(tty, exit_ca_mode); tty_raw(tty, clear_screen); if (cursor_normal != NULL) tty_raw(tty, cursor_normal); if (exit_attribute_mode != NULL) tty_raw(tty, exit_attribute_mode); del_curterm(tty->termp); tty_keys_free(tty); close(tty->fd); tty->fd = -1; buffer_destroy(tty->in); buffer_destroy(tty->out); } void tty_free(struct tty *tty) { if (tty->fd != -1) tty_close(tty); if (tty->path != NULL) { xfree(tty->path); tty->path = NULL; } if (tty->term != NULL) { xfree(tty->term); tty->term = NULL; } } void tty_fill_acs(struct tty *tty) { char *ptr; memset(tty->acs, 0, sizeof tty->acs); if (acs_chars == NULL || (strlen(acs_chars) % 2) != 0) return; for (ptr = acs_chars; *ptr != '\0'; ptr += 2) tty->acs[(u_char) ptr[0]] = ptr[1]; } u_char tty_get_acs(struct tty *tty, u_char ch) { if (tty->acs[ch] != '\0') return (tty->acs[ch]); return (ch); } void tty_raw(struct tty *tty, const char *s) { write(tty->fd, s, strlen(s)); } void tty_puts(struct tty *tty, const char *s) { buffer_write(tty->out, s, strlen(s)); } void tty_putc(struct tty *tty, char ch) { if (tty->attr & ATTR_CHARSET) ch = tty_get_acs(tty, ch); buffer_write8(tty->out, ch); } void tty_vwrite(struct tty *tty, int cmd, va_list ap) { char ch; u_int ua, ub; set_curterm(tty->termp); switch (cmd) { case TTY_CHARACTER: ch = va_arg(ap, int); switch (ch) { case '\n': /* LF */ tty_puts(tty, cursor_down); break; case '\r': /* CR */ tty_puts(tty, carriage_return); break; case '\007': /* BEL */ if (bell != NULL) tty_puts(tty, bell); break; case '\010': /* BS */ tty_puts(tty, cursor_left); break; default: tty_putc(tty, ch); break; } break; case TTY_CURSORUP: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_up_cursor, ua)); break; case TTY_CURSORDOWN: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_down_cursor, ua)); break; case TTY_CURSORRIGHT: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_right_cursor, ua)); break; case TTY_CURSORLEFT: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_left_cursor, ua)); break; case TTY_CURSORMOVE: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); ub = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(cursor_address, ua, ub)); break; case TTY_CLEARENDOFLINE: tty_puts(tty, clr_eol); break; case TTY_CLEARSTARTOFLINE: tty_puts(tty, clr_bol); break; case TTY_CLEARLINE: tty_puts(tty, clr_eol); /* XXX */ break; case TTY_INSERTLINE: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); if (parm_insert_line != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_insert_line, ua)); else { while (ua-- > 0) tty_puts(tty, insert_line); } break; case TTY_DELETELINE: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); if (parm_delete_line != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_delete_line, ua)); else { while (ua-- > 0) tty_puts(tty, delete_line); } break; case TTY_INSERTCHARACTER: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); if (parm_ich != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_ich, ua)); else if (insert_character != NULL) { while (ua-- > 0) tty_puts(tty, insert_character); } else if (enter_insert_mode != NULL) { tty_puts(tty, enter_insert_mode); while (ua-- > 0) tty_putc(tty, ' '); tty_puts(tty, exit_insert_mode); } break; case TTY_DELETECHARACTER: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); if (parm_dch != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(parm_dch, ua)); else { while (ua-- > 0) tty_puts(tty, delete_character); } break; case TTY_CURSORON: if (cursor_normal != NULL) tty_puts(tty, cursor_normal); break; case TTY_CURSOROFF: if (cursor_invisible != NULL) tty_puts(tty, cursor_invisible); break; case TTY_REVERSEINDEX: tty_puts(tty, scroll_reverse); break; case TTY_SCROLLREGION: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); ub = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_puts(tty, tparm(change_scroll_region, ua, ub)); break; case TTY_INSERTON: if (enter_insert_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_insert_mode); break; case TTY_INSERTOFF: if (exit_insert_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, exit_insert_mode); break; #if 0 case TTY_KCURSOROFF: t = tigetstr("CE"); if (t != (char *) 0 && t != (char *) -1) tty_puts(tty, t); break; case TTY_KCURSORON: t = tigetstr("CS"); if (t != (char *) 0 && t != (char *) -1) tty_puts(tty, t); break; case TTY_KKEYPADOFF: if (keypad_local != NULL) tty_puts(tty, keypad_local); break; case TTY_KKEYPADON: if (keypad_xmit != NULL) tty_puts(tty, keypad_xmit); break; #endif case TTY_MOUSEOFF: if (key_mouse != NULL) tty_puts(tty, "\e[?1000l"); break; case TTY_MOUSEON: if (key_mouse != NULL) tty_puts(tty, "\e[?1000h"); break; case TTY_TITLE: break; case TTY_ATTRIBUTES: ua = va_arg(ap, u_int); ub = va_arg(ap, u_int); tty_attributes(tty, ua, ub); break; } } void tty_attributes(struct tty *tty, u_char attr, u_char colr) { u_char fg, bg; if (attr == tty->attr && colr == tty->colr) return; /* If any bits are being cleared, reset everything. */ if (tty->attr & ~attr) { if ((tty->attr & ATTR_CHARSET) && exit_alt_charset_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, exit_alt_charset_mode); tty_puts(tty, exit_attribute_mode); tty->colr = 0x88; tty->attr = 0; } /* Filter out bits already set. */ attr &= ~tty->attr; tty->attr |= attr; if ((attr & ATTR_BRIGHT) && enter_bold_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_bold_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_DIM) && enter_dim_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_dim_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_ITALICS) && enter_standout_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_standout_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_UNDERSCORE) && enter_underline_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_underline_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_BLINK) && enter_blink_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_blink_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_REVERSE) && enter_reverse_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_reverse_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_HIDDEN) && enter_secure_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_secure_mode); if ((attr & ATTR_CHARSET) && enter_alt_charset_mode != NULL) tty_puts(tty, enter_alt_charset_mode); fg = (colr >> 4) & 0xf; if (fg != ((tty->colr >> 4) & 0xf)) { if (tigetflag("AX") == TRUE) { if (fg == 7) fg = 8; } else { if (fg == 8) fg = 7; } if (fg == 8) tty_puts(tty, "\e[39m"); else if (set_a_foreground != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(set_a_foreground, fg)); } bg = colr & 0xf; if (bg != (tty->colr & 0xf)) { if (tigetflag("AX") == TRUE) { if (bg == 0) bg = 8; } else { if (bg == 8) bg = 0; } if (bg == 8) tty_puts(tty, "\e[49m"); else if (set_a_background != NULL) tty_puts(tty, tparm(set_a_background, bg)); } tty->colr = colr; }