/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "tmux.h" /* * Set up the environment and create a new window and pane or a new pane. * * We need to set up the following items: * * - history limit, comes from the session; * * - base index, comes from the session; * * - current working directory, may be specified - if it isn't it comes from * either the client or the session; * * - PATH variable, comes from the client if any, otherwise from the session * environment; * * - shell, comes from default-shell; * * - termios, comes from the session; * * - remaining environment, comes from the session. */ static void spawn_log(const char *from, struct spawn_context *sc) { struct session *s = sc->s; struct winlink *wl = sc->wl; struct window_pane *wp0 = sc->wp0; const char *name = cmdq_get_name(sc->item); char tmp[128]; log_debug("%s: %s, flags=%#x", from, name, sc->flags); if (wl != NULL && wp0 != NULL) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "wl=%d wp0=%%%u", wl->idx, wp0->id); else if (wl != NULL) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "wl=%d wp0=none", wl->idx); else if (wp0 != NULL) xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "wl=none wp0=%%%u", wp0->id); else xsnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "wl=none wp0=none"); log_debug("%s: s=$%u %s idx=%d", from, s->id, tmp, sc->idx); log_debug("%s: name=%s", from, sc->name == NULL ? "none" : sc->name); } struct winlink * spawn_window(struct spawn_context *sc, char **cause) { struct cmdq_item *item = sc->item; struct client *c = cmdq_get_client(item); struct session *s = sc->s; struct window *w; struct window_pane *wp; struct winlink *wl; int idx = sc->idx; u_int sx, sy, xpixel, ypixel; spawn_log(__func__, sc); /* * If the window already exists, we are respawning, so destroy all the * panes except one. */ if (sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { w = sc->wl->window; if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_KILL) { TAILQ_FOREACH(wp, &w->panes, entry) { if (wp->fd != -1) break; } if (wp != NULL) { xasprintf(cause, "window %s:%d still active", s->name, sc->wl->idx); return (NULL); } } sc->wp0 = TAILQ_FIRST(&w->panes); TAILQ_REMOVE(&w->panes, sc->wp0, entry); layout_free(w); window_destroy_panes(w); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&w->panes, sc->wp0, entry); window_pane_resize(sc->wp0, w->sx, w->sy); layout_init(w, sc->wp0); window_set_active_pane(w, sc->wp0, 0); } /* * Otherwise we have no window so we will need to create one. First * check if the given index already exists and destroy it if so. */ if ((~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) && idx != -1) { wl = winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, idx); if (wl != NULL && (~sc->flags & SPAWN_KILL)) { xasprintf(cause, "index %d in use", idx); return (NULL); } if (wl != NULL) { /* * Can't use session_detach as it will destroy session * if this makes it empty. */ wl->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; notify_session_window("window-unlinked", s, wl->window); winlink_stack_remove(&s->lastw, wl); winlink_remove(&s->windows, wl); if (s->curw == wl) { s->curw = NULL; sc->flags &= ~SPAWN_DETACHED; } } } /* Then create a window if needed. */ if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { if (idx == -1) idx = -1 - options_get_number(s->options, "base-index"); if ((sc->wl = winlink_add(&s->windows, idx)) == NULL) { xasprintf(cause, "couldn't add window %d", idx); return (NULL); } default_window_size(sc->tc, s, NULL, &sx, &sy, &xpixel, &ypixel, -1); if ((w = window_create(sx, sy, xpixel, ypixel)) == NULL) { winlink_remove(&s->windows, sc->wl); xasprintf(cause, "couldn't create window %d", idx); return (NULL); } if (s->curw == NULL) s->curw = sc->wl; sc->wl->session = s; w->latest = sc->tc; winlink_set_window(sc->wl, w); } else w = NULL; sc->flags |= SPAWN_NONOTIFY; /* Spawn the pane. */ wp = spawn_pane(sc, cause); if (wp == NULL) { if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) winlink_remove(&s->windows, sc->wl); return (NULL); } /* Set the name of the new window. */ if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { if (sc->name != NULL) { w->name = format_single(item, sc->name, c, s, NULL, NULL); options_set_number(w->options, "automatic-rename", 0); } else w->name = default_window_name(w); } /* Switch to the new window if required. */ if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_DETACHED) session_select(s, sc->wl->idx); /* Fire notification if new window. */ if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) notify_session_window("window-linked", s, w); session_group_synchronize_from(s); return (sc->wl); } struct window_pane * spawn_pane(struct spawn_context *sc, char **cause) { struct cmdq_item *item = sc->item; struct cmd_find_state *target = cmdq_get_target(item); struct client *c = cmdq_get_client(item); struct session *s = sc->s; struct window *w = sc->wl->window; struct window_pane *new_wp; struct environ *child; struct environ_entry *ee; char **argv, *cp, **argvp, *argv0, *cwd; const char *cmd, *tmp; int argc; u_int idx; struct termios now; u_int hlimit; struct winsize ws; sigset_t set, oldset; key_code key; spawn_log(__func__, sc); /* * Work out the current working directory. If respawning, use * the pane's stored one unless specified. */ if (sc->cwd != NULL) cwd = format_single(item, sc->cwd, c, target->s, NULL, NULL); else if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) cwd = xstrdup(server_client_get_cwd(c, target->s)); else cwd = NULL; /* * If we are respawning then get rid of the old process. Otherwise * either create a new cell or assign to the one we are given. */ hlimit = options_get_number(s->options, "history-limit"); if (sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { if (sc->wp0->fd != -1 && (~sc->flags & SPAWN_KILL)) { window_pane_index(sc->wp0, &idx); xasprintf(cause, "pane %s:%d.%u still active", s->name, sc->wl->idx, idx); free(cwd); return (NULL); } if (sc->wp0->fd != -1) { bufferevent_free(sc->wp0->event); close(sc->wp0->fd); } window_pane_reset_mode_all(sc->wp0); screen_reinit(&sc->wp0->base); input_free(sc->wp0->ictx); sc->wp0->ictx = NULL; new_wp = sc->wp0; new_wp->flags &= ~(PANE_STATUSREADY|PANE_STATUSDRAWN); } else if (sc->lc == NULL) { new_wp = window_add_pane(w, NULL, hlimit, sc->flags); layout_init(w, new_wp); } else { new_wp = window_add_pane(w, sc->wp0, hlimit, sc->flags); if (sc->flags & SPAWN_ZOOM) layout_assign_pane(sc->lc, new_wp, 1); else layout_assign_pane(sc->lc, new_wp, 0); } /* * Now we have a pane with nothing running in it ready for the new * process. Work out the command and arguments and store the working * directory. */ if (sc->argc == 0 && (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN)) { cmd = options_get_string(s->options, "default-command"); if (cmd != NULL && *cmd != '\0') { argc = 1; argv = (char **)&cmd; } else { argc = 0; argv = NULL; } } else { argc = sc->argc; argv = sc->argv; } if (cwd != NULL) { free(new_wp->cwd); new_wp->cwd = cwd; } /* * Replace the stored arguments if there are new ones. If not, the * existing ones will be used (they will only exist for respawn). */ if (argc > 0) { cmd_free_argv(new_wp->argc, new_wp->argv); new_wp->argc = argc; new_wp->argv = cmd_copy_argv(argc, argv); } /* Create an environment for this pane. */ child = environ_for_session(s, 0); if (sc->environ != NULL) environ_copy(sc->environ, child); environ_set(child, "TMUX_PANE", 0, "%%%u", new_wp->id); /* * Then the PATH environment variable. The session one is replaced from * the client if there is one because otherwise running "tmux new * myprogram" wouldn't work if myprogram isn't in the session's path. */ if (c != NULL && c->session == NULL) { /* only unattached clients */ ee = environ_find(c->environ, "PATH"); if (ee != NULL) environ_set(child, "PATH", 0, "%s", ee->value); } if (environ_find(child, "PATH") == NULL) environ_set(child, "PATH", 0, "%s", _PATH_DEFPATH); /* Then the shell. If respawning, use the old one. */ if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { tmp = options_get_string(s->options, "default-shell"); if (!checkshell(tmp)) tmp = _PATH_BSHELL; free(new_wp->shell); new_wp->shell = xstrdup(tmp); } environ_set(child, "SHELL", 0, "%s", new_wp->shell); /* Log the arguments we are going to use. */ log_debug("%s: shell=%s", __func__, new_wp->shell); if (new_wp->argc != 0) { cp = cmd_stringify_argv(new_wp->argc, new_wp->argv); log_debug("%s: cmd=%s", __func__, cp); free(cp); } if (cwd != NULL) log_debug("%s: cwd=%s", __func__, cwd); cmd_log_argv(new_wp->argc, new_wp->argv, "%s", __func__); environ_log(child, "%s: environment ", __func__); /* Initialize the window size. */ memset(&ws, 0, sizeof ws); ws.ws_col = screen_size_x(&new_wp->base); ws.ws_row = screen_size_y(&new_wp->base); ws.ws_xpixel = w->xpixel * ws.ws_col; ws.ws_ypixel = w->ypixel * ws.ws_row; /* Block signals until fork has completed. */ sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oldset); /* If the command is empty, don't fork a child process. */ if (sc->flags & SPAWN_EMPTY) { new_wp->flags |= PANE_EMPTY; new_wp->base.mode &= ~MODE_CURSOR; new_wp->base.mode |= MODE_CRLF; goto complete; } /* Fork the new process. */ new_wp->pid = fdforkpty(ptm_fd, &new_wp->fd, new_wp->tty, NULL, &ws); if (new_wp->pid == -1) { xasprintf(cause, "fork failed: %s", strerror(errno)); new_wp->fd = -1; if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) { server_client_remove_pane(new_wp); layout_close_pane(new_wp); window_remove_pane(w, new_wp); } sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); environ_free(child); return (NULL); } /* In the parent process, everything is done now. */ if (new_wp->pid != 0) goto complete; /* * Child process. Change to the working directory or home if that * fails. */ if (chdir(new_wp->cwd) != 0 && ((tmp = find_home()) == NULL || chdir(tmp) != 0) && chdir("/") != 0) fatal("chdir failed"); /* * Update terminal escape characters from the session if available and * force VERASE to tmux's backspace. */ if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &now) != 0) _exit(1); if (s->tio != NULL) memcpy(now.c_cc, s->tio->c_cc, sizeof now.c_cc); key = options_get_number(global_options, "backspace"); if (key >= 0x7f) now.c_cc[VERASE] = '\177'; else now.c_cc[VERASE] = key; #ifdef IUTF8 now.c_iflag |= IUTF8; #endif if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &now) != 0) _exit(1); /* Clean up file descriptors and signals and update the environment. */ closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1); proc_clear_signals(server_proc, 1); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); log_close(); environ_push(child); /* * If given multiple arguments, use execvp(). Copy the arguments to * ensure they end in a NULL. */ if (new_wp->argc != 0 && new_wp->argc != 1) { argvp = cmd_copy_argv(new_wp->argc, new_wp->argv); execvp(argvp[0], argvp); _exit(1); } /* * If one argument, pass it to $SHELL -c. Otherwise create a login * shell. */ cp = strrchr(new_wp->shell, '/'); if (new_wp->argc == 1) { tmp = new_wp->argv[0]; if (cp != NULL && cp[1] != '\0') xasprintf(&argv0, "%s", cp + 1); else xasprintf(&argv0, "%s", new_wp->shell); execl(new_wp->shell, argv0, "-c", tmp, (char *)NULL); _exit(1); } if (cp != NULL && cp[1] != '\0') xasprintf(&argv0, "-%s", cp + 1); else xasprintf(&argv0, "-%s", new_wp->shell); execl(new_wp->shell, argv0, (char *)NULL); _exit(1); complete: #ifdef HAVE_UTEMPTER if (~new_wp->flags & PANE_EMPTY) { xasprintf(&cp, "tmux(%lu).%%%u", (long)getpid(), new_wp->id); utempter_add_record(new_wp->fd, cp); kill(getpid(), SIGCHLD); free(cp); } #endif new_wp->flags &= ~PANE_EXITED; sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); window_pane_set_event(new_wp); environ_free(child); if (sc->flags & SPAWN_RESPAWN) return (new_wp); if ((~sc->flags & SPAWN_DETACHED) || w->active == NULL) { if (sc->flags & SPAWN_NONOTIFY) window_set_active_pane(w, new_wp, 0); else window_set_active_pane(w, new_wp, 1); } if (~sc->flags & SPAWN_NONOTIFY) notify_window("window-layout-changed", w); return (new_wp); }