/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marriott@gmail.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "tmux.h" #define DEFAULT_SESSION_MENU \ " 'Next' 'n' {switch-client -n}" \ " 'Previous' 'p' {switch-client -p}" \ " ''" \ " 'Renumber' 'N' {move-window -r}" \ " 'Rename' 'n' {command-prompt -I \"#S\" \"rename-session -- '%%'\"}" \ " ''" \ " 'New Session' 's' {new-session}" \ " 'New Window' 'w' {new-window}" #define DEFAULT_WINDOW_MENU \ " '#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Left' 'l' {swap-window -t:-1}" \ " '#{?#{>:#{session_windows},1},,-}Swap Right' 'r' {swap-window -t:+1}" \ " '#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked' 's' {swap-window}" \ " ''" \ " 'Kill' 'X' {kill-window}" \ " 'Respawn' 'R' {respawn-window -k}" \ " '#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}' 'm' {select-pane -m}" \ " 'Rename' 'n' {command-prompt -FI \"#W\" \"rename-window -t#{window_id} -- '%%'\"}" \ " ''" \ " 'New After' 'w' {new-window -a}" \ " 'New At End' 'W' {new-window}" #define DEFAULT_PANE_MENU \ " '#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Top,}' '<' {send -X history-top}" \ " '#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},Go To Bottom,}' '>' {send -X history-bottom}" \ " ''" \ " '#{?mouse_word,Search For #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}' 'C-r' {if -F '#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},0,1}' 'copy-mode -t='; send -Xt= search-backward \"#{q:mouse_word}\"}" \ " '#{?mouse_word,Type #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}' 'C-y' {copy-mode -q; send-keys -l -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"}" \ " '#{?mouse_word,Copy #[underscore]#{=/9/...:mouse_word},}' 'c' {copy-mode -q; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_word}\"}" \ " '#{?mouse_line,Copy Line,}' 'l' {copy-mode -q; set-buffer -- \"#{q:mouse_line}\"}" \ " ''" \ " 'Horizontal Split' 'h' {split-window -h}" \ " 'Vertical Split' 'v' {split-window -v}" \ " ''" \ " '#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Up' 'u' {swap-pane -U}" \ " '#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}Swap Down' 'd' {swap-pane -D}" \ " '#{?pane_marked_set,,-}Swap Marked' 's' {swap-pane}" \ " ''" \ " 'Kill' 'X' {kill-pane}" \ " 'Respawn' 'R' {respawn-pane -k}" \ " '#{?pane_marked,Unmark,Mark}' 'm' {select-pane -m}" \ " '#{?#{>:#{window_panes},1},,-}#{?window_zoomed_flag,Unzoom,Zoom}' 'z' {resize-pane -Z}" static int key_bindings_cmp(struct key_binding *, struct key_binding *); RB_GENERATE_STATIC(key_bindings, key_binding, entry, key_bindings_cmp); static int key_table_cmp(struct key_table *, struct key_table *); RB_GENERATE_STATIC(key_tables, key_table, entry, key_table_cmp); static struct key_tables key_tables = RB_INITIALIZER(&key_tables); static int key_table_cmp(struct key_table *table1, struct key_table *table2) { return (strcmp(table1->name, table2->name)); } static int key_bindings_cmp(struct key_binding *bd1, struct key_binding *bd2) { if (bd1->key < bd2->key) return (-1); if (bd1->key > bd2->key) return (1); return (0); } static void key_bindings_free(struct key_binding *bd) { cmd_list_free(bd->cmdlist); free((void *)bd->note); free(bd); } struct key_table * key_bindings_get_table(const char *name, int create) { struct key_table table_find, *table; table_find.name = name; table = RB_FIND(key_tables, &key_tables, &table_find); if (table != NULL || !create) return (table); table = xmalloc(sizeof *table); table->name = xstrdup(name); RB_INIT(&table->key_bindings); RB_INIT(&table->default_key_bindings); table->references = 1; /* one reference in key_tables */ RB_INSERT(key_tables, &key_tables, table); return (table); } struct key_table * key_bindings_first_table(void) { return (RB_MIN(key_tables, &key_tables)); } struct key_table * key_bindings_next_table(struct key_table *table) { return (RB_NEXT(key_tables, &key_tables, table)); } void key_bindings_unref_table(struct key_table *table) { struct key_binding *bd; struct key_binding *bd1; if (--table->references != 0) return; RB_FOREACH_SAFE(bd, key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd1) { RB_REMOVE(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd); key_bindings_free(bd); } RB_FOREACH_SAFE(bd, key_bindings, &table->default_key_bindings, bd1) { RB_REMOVE(key_bindings, &table->default_key_bindings, bd); key_bindings_free(bd); } free((void *)table->name); free(table); } struct key_binding * key_bindings_get(struct key_table *table, key_code key) { struct key_binding bd; bd.key = key; return (RB_FIND(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, &bd)); } struct key_binding * key_bindings_get_default(struct key_table *table, key_code key) { struct key_binding bd; bd.key = key; return (RB_FIND(key_bindings, &table->default_key_bindings, &bd)); } struct key_binding * key_bindings_first(struct key_table *table) { return (RB_MIN(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings)); } struct key_binding * key_bindings_next(__unused struct key_table *table, struct key_binding *bd) { return (RB_NEXT(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd)); } void key_bindings_add(const char *name, key_code key, const char *note, int repeat, struct cmd_list *cmdlist) { struct key_table *table; struct key_binding *bd; table = key_bindings_get_table(name, 1); bd = key_bindings_get(table, key & ~KEYC_MASK_FLAGS); if (cmdlist == NULL) { if (bd != NULL) { free((void *)bd->note); if (note != NULL) bd->note = xstrdup(note); else bd->note = NULL; } return; } if (bd != NULL) { RB_REMOVE(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd); key_bindings_free(bd); } bd = xcalloc(1, sizeof *bd); bd->key = (key & ~KEYC_MASK_FLAGS); if (note != NULL) bd->note = xstrdup(note); RB_INSERT(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd); if (repeat) bd->flags |= KEY_BINDING_REPEAT; bd->cmdlist = cmdlist; log_debug("%s: %#llx %s = %s", __func__, bd->key, key_string_lookup_key(bd->key, 1), cmd_list_print(bd->cmdlist, 0)); } void key_bindings_remove(const char *name, key_code key) { struct key_table *table; struct key_binding *bd; table = key_bindings_get_table(name, 0); if (table == NULL) return; bd = key_bindings_get(table, key & ~KEYC_MASK_FLAGS); if (bd == NULL) return; log_debug("%s: %#llx %s", __func__, bd->key, key_string_lookup_key(bd->key, 1)); RB_REMOVE(key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd); key_bindings_free(bd); if (RB_EMPTY(&table->key_bindings) && RB_EMPTY(&table->default_key_bindings)) { RB_REMOVE(key_tables, &key_tables, table); key_bindings_unref_table(table); } } void key_bindings_reset(const char *name, key_code key) { struct key_table *table; struct key_binding *bd, *dd; table = key_bindings_get_table(name, 0); if (table == NULL) return; bd = key_bindings_get(table, key & ~KEYC_MASK_FLAGS); if (bd == NULL) return; dd = key_bindings_get_default(table, bd->key); if (dd == NULL) { key_bindings_remove(name, bd->key); return; } cmd_list_free(bd->cmdlist); bd->cmdlist = dd->cmdlist; bd->cmdlist->references++; free((void *)bd->note); if (dd->note != NULL) bd->note = xstrdup(dd->note); else bd->note = NULL; bd->flags = dd->flags; } void key_bindings_remove_table(const char *name) { struct key_table *table; struct client *c; table = key_bindings_get_table(name, 0); if (table != NULL) { RB_REMOVE(key_tables, &key_tables, table); key_bindings_unref_table(table); } TAILQ_FOREACH(c, &clients, entry) { if (c->keytable == table) server_client_set_key_table(c, NULL); } } void key_bindings_reset_table(const char *name) { struct key_table *table; struct key_binding *bd, *bd1; table = key_bindings_get_table(name, 0); if (table == NULL) return; if (RB_EMPTY(&table->default_key_bindings)) { key_bindings_remove_table(name); return; } RB_FOREACH_SAFE(bd, key_bindings, &table->key_bindings, bd1) key_bindings_reset(name, bd->key); } static enum cmd_retval key_bindings_init_done(__unused struct cmdq_item *item, __unused void *data) { struct key_table *table; struct key_binding *bd, *new_bd; RB_FOREACH(table, key_tables, &key_tables) { RB_FOREACH(bd, key_bindings, &table->key_bindings) { new_bd = xcalloc(1, sizeof *bd); new_bd->key = bd->key; if (bd->note != NULL) new_bd->note = xstrdup(bd->note); new_bd->flags = bd->flags; new_bd->cmdlist = bd->cmdlist; new_bd->cmdlist->references++; RB_INSERT(key_bindings, &table->default_key_bindings, new_bd); } } return (CMD_RETURN_NORMAL); } void key_bindings_init(void) { static const char *defaults[] = { /* Prefix keys. */ "bind -N 'Send the prefix key' C-b send-prefix", "bind -N 'Rotate through the panes' C-o rotate-window", "bind -N 'Suspend the current client' C-z suspend-client", "bind -N 'Select next layout' Space next-layout", "bind -N 'Break pane to a new window' ! break-pane", "bind -N 'Split window vertically' '\"' split-window", "bind -N 'List all paste buffers' '#' list-buffers", "bind -N 'Rename current session' '$' command-prompt -I'#S' \"rename-session -- '%%'\"", "bind -N 'Split window horizontally' % split-window -h", "bind -N 'Kill current window' & confirm-before -p\"kill-window #W? (y/n)\" kill-window", "bind -N 'Prompt for window index to select' \"'\" command-prompt -T window-target -pindex \"select-window -t ':%%'\"", "bind -N 'Switch to previous client' ( switch-client -p", "bind -N 'Switch to next client' ) switch-client -n", "bind -N 'Rename current window' , command-prompt -I'#W' \"rename-window -- '%%'\"", "bind -N 'Delete the most recent paste buffer' - delete-buffer", "bind -N 'Move the current window' . command-prompt -T target \"move-window -t '%%'\"", "bind -N 'Describe key binding' '/' command-prompt -kpkey 'list-keys -1N \"%%%\"'", "bind -N 'Select window 0' 0 select-window -t:=0", "bind -N 'Select window 1' 1 select-window -t:=1", "bind -N 'Select window 2' 2 select-window -t:=2", "bind -N 'Select window 3' 3 select-window -t:=3", "bind -N 'Select window 4' 4 select-window -t:=4", "bind -N 'Select window 5' 5 select-window -t:=5", "bind -N 'Select window 6' 6 select-window -t:=6", "bind -N 'Select window 7' 7 select-window -t:=7", "bind -N 'Select window 8' 8 select-window -t:=8", "bind -N 'Select window 9' 9 select-window -t:=9", "bind -N 'Prompt for a command' : command-prompt", "bind -N 'Move to the previously active pane' \\; last-pane", "bind -N 'Choose a paste buffer from a list' = choose-buffer -Z", "bind -N 'List key bindings' ? list-keys -N", "bind -N 'Choose a client from a list' D choose-client -Z", "bind -N 'Spread panes out evenly' E select-layout -E", "bind -N 'Switch to the last client' L switch-client -l", "bind -N 'Clear the marked pane' M select-pane -M", "bind -N 'Enter copy mode' [ copy-mode", "bind -N 'Paste the most recent paste buffer' ] paste-buffer -p", "bind -N 'Create a new window' c new-window", "bind -N 'Detach the current client' d detach-client", "bind -N 'Search for a pane' f command-prompt \"find-window -Z -- '%%'\"", "bind -N 'Display window information' i display-message", "bind -N 'Select the previously current window' l last-window", "bind -N 'Toggle the marked pane' m select-pane -m", "bind -N 'Select the next window' n next-window", "bind -N 'Select the next pane' o select-pane -t:.+", "bind -N 'Customize options' C customize-mode -Z", "bind -N 'Select the previous window' p previous-window", "bind -N 'Display pane numbers' q display-panes", "bind -N 'Redraw the current client' r refresh-client", "bind -N 'Choose a session from a list' s choose-tree -Zs", "bind -N 'Show a clock' t clock-mode", "bind -N 'Choose a window from a list' w choose-tree -Zw", "bind -N 'Kill the active pane' x confirm-before -p\"kill-pane #P? (y/n)\" kill-pane", "bind -N 'Zoom the active pane' z resize-pane -Z", "bind -N 'Swap the active pane with the pane above' '{' swap-pane -U", "bind -N 'Swap the active pane with the pane below' '}' swap-pane -D", "bind -N 'Show messages' '~' show-messages", "bind -N 'Enter copy mode and scroll up' PPage copy-mode -u", "bind -N 'Select the pane above the active pane' -r Up select-pane -U", "bind -N 'Select the pane below the active pane' -r Down select-pane -D", "bind -N 'Select the pane to the left of the active pane' -r Left select-pane -L", "bind -N 'Select the pane to the right of the active pane' -r Right select-pane -R", "bind -N 'Set the even-horizontal layout' M-1 select-layout even-horizontal", "bind -N 'Set the even-vertical layout' M-2 select-layout even-vertical", "bind -N 'Set the main-horizontal layout' M-3 select-layout main-horizontal", "bind -N 'Set the main-vertical layout' M-4 select-layout main-vertical", "bind -N 'Select the tiled layout' M-5 select-layout tiled", "bind -N 'Select the next window with an alert' M-n next-window -a", "bind -N 'Rotate through the panes in reverse' M-o rotate-window -D", "bind -N 'Select the previous window with an alert' M-p previous-window -a", "bind -N 'Move the visible part of the window up' -r S-Up refresh-client -U 10", "bind -N 'Move the visible part of the window down' -r S-Down refresh-client -D 10", "bind -N 'Move the visible part of the window left' -r S-Left refresh-client -L 10", "bind -N 'Move the visible part of the window right' -r S-Right refresh-client -R 10", "bind -N 'Reset so the visible part of the window follows the cursor' -r DC refresh-client -c", "bind -N 'Resize the pane up by 5' -r M-Up resize-pane -U 5", "bind -N 'Resize the pane down by 5' -r M-Down resize-pane -D 5", "bind -N 'Resize the pane left by 5' -r M-Left resize-pane -L 5", "bind -N 'Resize the pane right by 5' -r M-Right resize-pane -R 5", "bind -N 'Resize the pane up' -r C-Up resize-pane -U", "bind -N 'Resize the pane down' -r C-Down resize-pane -D", "bind -N 'Resize the pane left' -r C-Left resize-pane -L", "bind -N 'Resize the pane right' -r C-Right resize-pane -R", /* Menu keys */ "bind < display-menu -xW -yW -T '#[align=centre]#{window_index}:#{window_name}' " DEFAULT_WINDOW_MENU, "bind > display-menu -xP -yP -T '#[align=centre]#{pane_index} (#{pane_id})' " DEFAULT_PANE_MENU, /* Mouse button 1 down on pane. */ "bind -n MouseDown1Pane select-pane -t=\\; send -M", /* Mouse button 1 drag on pane. */ "bind -n MouseDrag1Pane if -F '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}' { send -M } { copy-mode -M }", /* Mouse wheel up on pane. */ "bind -n WheelUpPane if -F '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}' { send -M } { copy-mode -e }", /* Mouse button 2 down on pane. */ "bind -n MouseDown2Pane select-pane -t=\\; if -F '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}' { send -M } { paste -p }", /* Mouse button 1 double click on pane. */ "bind -n DoubleClick1Pane select-pane -t=\\; if -F '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}' { send -M } { copy-mode -H; send -X select-word; run -d0.3; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel }", /* Mouse button 1 triple click on pane. */ "bind -n TripleClick1Pane select-pane -t=\\; if -F '#{||:#{pane_in_mode},#{mouse_any_flag}}' { send -M } { copy-mode -H; send -X select-line; run -d0.3; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel }", /* Mouse button 1 drag on border. */ "bind -n MouseDrag1Border resize-pane -M", /* Mouse button 1 down on status line. */ "bind -n MouseDown1Status select-window -t=", /* Mouse wheel down on status line. */ "bind -n WheelDownStatus next-window", /* Mouse wheel up on status line. */ "bind -n WheelUpStatus previous-window", /* Mouse button 3 down on status left. */ "bind -n MouseDown3StatusLeft display-menu -t= -xM -yW -T '#[align=centre]#{session_name}' " DEFAULT_SESSION_MENU, /* Mouse button 3 down on status line. */ "bind -n MouseDown3Status display-menu -t= -xW -yW -T '#[align=centre]#{window_index}:#{window_name}' " DEFAULT_WINDOW_MENU, /* Mouse button 3 down on pane. */ "bind -n MouseDown3Pane if -Ft= '#{||:#{mouse_any_flag},#{&&:#{pane_in_mode},#{?#{m/r:(copy|view)-mode,#{pane_mode}},0,1}}}' { select-pane -t=; send -M } { display-menu -t= -xM -yM -T '#[align=centre]#{pane_index} (#{pane_id})' " DEFAULT_PANE_MENU " }", "bind -n M-MouseDown3Pane display-menu -t= -xM -yM -T '#[align=centre]#{pane_index} (#{pane_id})' " DEFAULT_PANE_MENU, /* Copy mode (emacs) keys. */ "bind -Tcopy-mode C-Space send -X begin-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-a send -X start-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-c send -X cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-e send -X end-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-f send -X cursor-right", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-b send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-g send -X clear-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-k send -X copy-pipe-end-of-line-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-n send -X cursor-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-p send -X cursor-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-r command-prompt -T search -ip'(search up)' -I'#{pane_search_string}' 'send -X search-backward-incremental \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-s command-prompt -T search -ip'(search down)' -I'#{pane_search_string}' 'send -X search-forward-incremental \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-v send -X page-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-w send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode Escape send -X cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode Space send -X page-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode , send -X jump-reverse", "bind -Tcopy-mode \\; send -X jump-again", "bind -Tcopy-mode F command-prompt -1p'(jump backward)' 'send -X jump-backward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode N send -X search-reverse", "bind -Tcopy-mode R send -X rectangle-toggle", "bind -Tcopy-mode T command-prompt -1p'(jump to backward)' 'send -X jump-to-backward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode X send -X set-mark", "bind -Tcopy-mode f command-prompt -1p'(jump forward)' 'send -X jump-forward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode g command-prompt -p'(goto line)' 'send -X goto-line \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode n send -X search-again", "bind -Tcopy-mode q send -X cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode r send -X refresh-from-pane", "bind -Tcopy-mode t command-prompt -1p'(jump to forward)' 'send -X jump-to-forward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode Home send -X start-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode End send -X end-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode MouseDown1Pane select-pane", "bind -Tcopy-mode MouseDrag1Pane select-pane\\; send -X begin-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode MouseDragEnd1Pane send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode WheelUpPane select-pane\\; send -N5 -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode WheelDownPane select-pane\\; send -N5 -X scroll-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode DoubleClick1Pane select-pane\\; send -X select-word\\; run -d0.3\\; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode TripleClick1Pane select-pane\\; send -X select-line\\; run -d0.3\\; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode NPage send -X page-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode PPage send -X page-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode Up send -X cursor-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode Down send -X cursor-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode Left send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode Right send -X cursor-right", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-1 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I1 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-2 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I2 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-3 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I3 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-4 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I4 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-5 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I5 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-6 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I6 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-7 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I7 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-8 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I8 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-9 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I9 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-< send -X history-top", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-> send -X history-bottom", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-R send -X top-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-b send -X previous-word", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-M-b send -X previous-matching-bracket", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-f send -X next-word-end", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-M-f send -X next-matching-bracket", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-m send -X back-to-indentation", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-r send -X middle-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-v send -X page-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-w send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-x send -X jump-to-mark", "bind -Tcopy-mode 'M-{' send -X previous-paragraph", "bind -Tcopy-mode 'M-}' send -X next-paragraph", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-Up send -X halfpage-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode M-Down send -X halfpage-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-Up send -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode C-Down send -X scroll-down", /* Copy mode (vi) keys. */ "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi '#' send -FX search-backward '#{copy_cursor_word}'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi * send -FX search-forward '#{copy_cursor_word}'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-c send -X cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-d send -X halfpage-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-e send -X scroll-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-b send -X page-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-f send -X page-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-h send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-j send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Enter send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-u send -X halfpage-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-v send -X rectangle-toggle", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-y send -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Escape send -X clear-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Space send -X begin-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi '$' send -X end-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi , send -X jump-reverse", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi / command-prompt -T search -p'(search down)' 'send -X search-forward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 0 send -X start-of-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 1 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I1 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 2 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I2 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 3 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I3 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 4 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I4 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 5 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I5 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 6 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I6 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 7 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I7 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 8 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I8 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi 9 command-prompt -Np'(repeat)' -I9 'send -N \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi : command-prompt -p'(goto line)' 'send -X goto-line \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi \\; send -X jump-again", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi ? command-prompt -T search -p'(search up)' 'send -X search-backward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi A send -X append-selection-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi B send -X previous-space", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi D send -X copy-pipe-end-of-line-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi E send -X next-space-end", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi F command-prompt -1p'(jump backward)' 'send -X jump-backward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi G send -X history-bottom", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi H send -X top-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi J send -X scroll-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi K send -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi L send -X bottom-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi M send -X middle-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi N send -X search-reverse", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi T command-prompt -1p'(jump to backward)' 'send -X jump-to-backward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi V send -X select-line", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi W send -X next-space", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi X send -X set-mark", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi ^ send -X back-to-indentation", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi b send -X previous-word", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi e send -X next-word-end", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi f command-prompt -1p'(jump forward)' 'send -X jump-forward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi g send -X history-top", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi h send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi j send -X cursor-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi k send -X cursor-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi l send -X cursor-right", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi n send -X search-again", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi o send -X other-end", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi q send -X cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi r send -X refresh-from-pane", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi t command-prompt -1p'(jump to forward)' 'send -X jump-to-forward \"%%%\"'", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi v send -X rectangle-toggle", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi w send -X next-word", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi '{' send -X previous-paragraph", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi '}' send -X next-paragraph", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi % send -X next-matching-bracket", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi MouseDown1Pane select-pane", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi MouseDrag1Pane select-pane\\; send -X begin-selection", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi MouseDragEnd1Pane send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi WheelUpPane select-pane\\; send -N5 -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi WheelDownPane select-pane\\; send -N5 -X scroll-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi DoubleClick1Pane select-pane\\; send -X select-word\\; run -d0.3\\; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi TripleClick1Pane select-pane\\; send -X select-line\\; run -d0.3\\; send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi BSpace send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi NPage send -X page-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi PPage send -X page-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Up send -X cursor-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Down send -X cursor-down", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Left send -X cursor-left", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi Right send -X cursor-right", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi M-x send -X jump-to-mark", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-Up send -X scroll-up", "bind -Tcopy-mode-vi C-Down send -X scroll-down", }; u_int i; struct cmd_parse_result *pr; for (i = 0; i < nitems(defaults); i++) { pr = cmd_parse_from_string(defaults[i], NULL); if (pr->status != CMD_PARSE_SUCCESS) fatalx("bad default key: %s", defaults[i]); cmdq_append(NULL, cmdq_get_command(pr->cmdlist, NULL)); cmd_list_free(pr->cmdlist); } cmdq_append(NULL, cmdq_get_callback(key_bindings_init_done, NULL)); } static enum cmd_retval key_bindings_read_only(struct cmdq_item *item, __unused void *data) { cmdq_error(item, "client is read-only"); return (CMD_RETURN_ERROR); } struct cmdq_item * key_bindings_dispatch(struct key_binding *bd, struct cmdq_item *item, struct client *c, struct key_event *event, struct cmd_find_state *fs) { struct cmdq_item *new_item; struct cmdq_state *new_state; int readonly, flags = 0; if (c == NULL || (~c->flags & CLIENT_READONLY)) readonly = 1; else readonly = cmd_list_all_have(bd->cmdlist, CMD_READONLY); if (!readonly) new_item = cmdq_get_callback(key_bindings_read_only, NULL); else { if (bd->flags & KEY_BINDING_REPEAT) flags |= CMDQ_STATE_REPEAT; new_state = cmdq_new_state(fs, event, flags); new_item = cmdq_get_command(bd->cmdlist, new_state); cmdq_free_state(new_state); } if (item != NULL) new_item = cmdq_insert_after(item, new_item); else new_item = cmdq_append(c, new_item); return (new_item); }