/* $Id: window.c,v 1.55 2009-01-11 23:31:46 nicm Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NO_PATHS_H #include #endif #ifdef USE_LIBUTIL_H #include #else #ifdef USE_PTY_H #include #else #ifndef NO_FORKPTY #include #endif #endif #endif #include "tmux.h" /* * Each window is attached to one or two panes, each of which is a pty. This * file contains code to handle them. * * A pane has two buffers attached, these are filled and emptied by the main * server poll loop. Output data is received from pty's in screen format, * translated and returned as a series of escape sequences and strings via * input_parse (in input.c). Input data is received as key codes and written * directly via input_key. * * Each pane also has a "virtual" screen (screen.c) which contains the current * state and is redisplayed when the window is reattached to a client. * * Windows are stored directly on a global array and wrapped in any number of * winlink structs to be linked onto local session RB trees. A reference count * is maintained and a window removed from the global list and destroyed when * it reaches zero. */ /* Global window list. */ struct windows windows; RB_GENERATE(winlinks, winlink, entry, winlink_cmp); int winlink_cmp(struct winlink *wl1, struct winlink *wl2) { return (wl1->idx - wl2->idx); } struct winlink * winlink_find_by_index(struct winlinks *wwl, int idx) { struct winlink wl; if (idx < 0) fatalx("bad index"); wl.idx = idx; return (RB_FIND(winlinks, wwl, &wl)); } int winlink_next_index(struct winlinks *wwl) { u_int i; for (i = 0; i < INT_MAX; i++) { if (winlink_find_by_index(wwl, i) == NULL) return (i); } fatalx("no free indexes"); } u_int winlink_count(struct winlinks *wwl) { struct winlink *wl; u_int n; n = 0; RB_FOREACH(wl, winlinks, wwl) n++; return (n); } struct winlink * winlink_add(struct winlinks *wwl, struct window *w, int idx) { struct winlink *wl; if (idx == -1) idx = winlink_next_index(wwl); else if (winlink_find_by_index(wwl, idx) != NULL) return (NULL); if (idx < 0) fatalx("bad index"); wl = xcalloc(1, sizeof *wl); wl->idx = idx; wl->window = w; RB_INSERT(winlinks, wwl, wl); w->references++; return (wl); } void winlink_remove(struct winlinks *wwl, struct winlink *wl) { struct window *w = wl->window; RB_REMOVE(winlinks, wwl, wl); xfree(wl); if (w->references == 0) fatal("bad reference count"); w->references--; if (w->references == 0) window_destroy(w); } struct winlink * winlink_next(unused struct winlinks *wwl, struct winlink *wl) { return (RB_NEXT(winlinks, wwl, wl)); } struct winlink * winlink_previous(unused struct winlinks *wwl, struct winlink *wl) { #ifdef RB_PREV return (RB_PREV(winlinks, wwl, wl)); #else struct winlink *wk; int idx = wl->idx; wk = NULL; wl = RB_MIN(winlinks, wwl); while (wl != NULL && wl->idx < idx) { wk = wl; wl = RB_NEXT(winlinks, wwl, wl); } if (wl == NULL) return (NULL); return (wk); #endif } void winlink_stack_push(struct winlink_stack *stack, struct winlink *wl) { if (wl == NULL) return; winlink_stack_remove(stack, wl); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(stack, wl, sentry); } void winlink_stack_remove(struct winlink_stack *stack, struct winlink *wl) { struct winlink *wl2; if (wl == NULL) return; SLIST_FOREACH(wl2, stack, sentry) { if (wl2 == wl) { SLIST_REMOVE(stack, wl, winlink, sentry); return; } } } struct window * window_create(const char *name, const char *cmd, const char *cwd, const char **envp, u_int sx, u_int sy, u_int hlimit) { struct window *w; char *ptr, *copy; w = xmalloc(sizeof *w); w->flags = 0; w->panes[0] = window_pane_create(w, sx, sy, hlimit); w->panes[1] = NULL; w->sx = sx; w->sy = sy; w->active = w->panes[0]; options_init(&w->options, &global_window_options); if (name == NULL) { /* XXX */ if (strncmp(cmd, "exec ", (sizeof "exec ") - 1) == 0) copy = xstrdup(cmd + (sizeof "exec ") - 1); else copy = xstrdup(cmd); if ((ptr = strchr(copy, ' ')) != NULL) { if (ptr != copy && ptr[-1] != '\\') *ptr = '\0'; else { while ((ptr = strchr(ptr + 1, ' ')) != NULL) { if (ptr[-1] != '\\') { *ptr = '\0'; break; } } } } w->name = xstrdup(xbasename(copy)); xfree(copy); } else w->name = xstrdup(name); ARRAY_ADD(&windows, w); w->references = 0; if (window_pane_spawn(w->active, cmd, cwd, envp) != 0) { window_destroy(w); return (NULL); } return (w); } void window_destroy(struct window *w) { u_int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(&windows); i++) { if (ARRAY_ITEM(&windows, i) == w) break; } ARRAY_REMOVE(&windows, i); options_free(&w->options); window_pane_destroy(w->panes[0]); if (w->panes[1] != NULL) window_pane_destroy(w->panes[1]); xfree(w->name); xfree(w); } int window_resize(struct window *w, u_int sx, u_int sy) { if (w->panes[1] != NULL) { window_pane_resize(w->panes[0], sx, sy / 2 - 1); window_pane_resize(w->panes[1], sx, sy - (sy / 2)); } else window_pane_resize(w->panes[0], sx, sy); w->sx = sx; w->sy = sy; return (0); } int window_remove_pane(struct window *w, int pane) { if (w->panes[1] != NULL) { window_pane_destroy(w->panes[pane]); w->panes[pane] = NULL; if (pane == 0) { w->panes[0] = w->panes[1]; w->panes[1] = NULL; } window_resize(w, w->sx, w->sy); w->active = w->panes[0]; return (0); } return (1); } struct window_pane * window_pane_create(struct window *w, u_int sx, u_int sy, u_int hlimit) { struct window_pane *wp; wp = xmalloc(sizeof *wp); wp->window = w; wp->cmd = NULL; wp->cwd = NULL; wp->fd = -1; wp->in = buffer_create(BUFSIZ); wp->out = buffer_create(BUFSIZ); wp->mode = NULL; screen_init(&wp->base, sx, sy, hlimit); wp->screen = &wp->base; input_init(wp); return (wp); } void window_pane_destroy(struct window_pane *wp) { if (wp->fd != -1) close(wp->fd); input_free(wp); window_pane_reset_mode(wp); screen_free(&wp->base); buffer_destroy(wp->in); buffer_destroy(wp->out); if (wp->cwd != NULL) xfree(wp->cwd); if (wp->cmd != NULL) xfree(wp->cmd); xfree(wp); } int window_pane_spawn(struct window_pane *wp, const char *cmd, const char *cwd, const char **envp) { struct winsize ws; int mode; const char **envq; if (wp->fd != -1) close(wp->fd); if (cmd != NULL) { if (wp->cmd != NULL) xfree(wp->cmd); wp->cmd = xstrdup(cmd); } if (cwd != NULL) { if (wp->cwd != NULL) xfree(wp->cwd); wp->cwd = xstrdup(cwd); } memset(&ws, 0, sizeof ws); ws.ws_col = screen_size_x(&wp->base); ws.ws_row = screen_size_y(&wp->base); switch (forkpty(&wp->fd, NULL, NULL, &ws)) { case -1: return (1); case 0: if (chdir(wp->cwd) != 0) chdir("/"); for (envq = envp; *envq != NULL; envq++) { if (putenv(*envq) != 0) fatal("putenv failed"); } sigreset(); log_close(); execl(_PATH_BSHELL, "sh", "-c", wp->cmd, (char *) NULL); fatal("execl failed"); } if ((mode = fcntl(wp->fd, F_GETFL)) == -1) fatal("fcntl failed"); if (fcntl(wp->fd, F_SETFL, mode|O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal("fcntl failed"); if (fcntl(wp->fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == -1) fatal("fcntl failed"); return (0); } int window_pane_resize(struct window_pane *wp, u_int sx, u_int sy) { struct winsize ws; if (sx == screen_size_x(&wp->base) && sy == screen_size_y(&wp->base)) return (-1); memset(&ws, 0, sizeof ws); ws.ws_col = sx; ws.ws_row = sy; screen_resize(&wp->base, sx, sy); if (wp->mode != NULL) wp->mode->resize(wp, sx, sy); if (wp->fd != -1 && ioctl(wp->fd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws) == -1) fatal("ioctl failed"); return (0); } int window_pane_set_mode(struct window_pane *wp, const struct window_mode *mode) { struct screen *s; if (wp->mode != NULL || wp->mode == mode) return (1); wp->mode = mode; if ((s = wp->mode->init(wp)) != NULL) wp->screen = s; server_redraw_window(wp->window); return (0); } void window_pane_reset_mode(struct window_pane *wp) { if (wp->mode == NULL) return; wp->mode->free(wp); wp->mode = NULL; wp->screen = &wp->base; server_redraw_window(wp->window); } void window_pane_parse(struct window_pane *wp) { input_parse(wp); } void window_pane_key(struct window_pane *wp, struct client *c, int key) { if (wp->mode != NULL) wp->mode->key(wp, c, key); else input_key(wp, key); }