Welcome to tmux! tmux is a "terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. tmux is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU screen. This release runs on OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux and OS X and may still run on Solaris and AIX (although they haven't been tested in a while). It is usable, although there remain a number of missing features and some remaining bugs are expected. Since the 1.2 release that tmux depends on libevent. Download the stable version from: http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ tmux consists of a server part and multiple clients. The server is created when required and runs continuously unless killed by the user. Clients access the server through a socket in /tmp. Multiple sessions may be created on a single server and attached to a number of clients. Each session may then have a number of windows and windows may be linked to a number of sessions. Commands are available to create, rename and destroy windows and sessions; to attach and detach sessions from client terminals; to set configuration options; to split windows into several simultaneously displayed panes; and to bind and unbind command keys (invoked preceded by a prefix key, by default ctrl-b). Please see the tmux(1) man page for further information. The following is a summary of major features implemented in this version: - Basic multiplexing, window switching, attaching and detaching. - Window listing and renaming. - Key binding. - Handling of client terminal resize. - Terminal emulation sufficient to handle most curses applications. - A optional status line (enabled by default). - Window history and copy and paste. - Support for VT100 line drawing characters. - A large command set. - Vertical window splitting and layout. - Automatic server locking on inactivity by running an external command. - A configuration file. - UTF-8 support. A more extensive, but rough, todo list is included in the TODO file. tmux also depends on several features of the client terminal (TERM), if these are missing it may refuse to run, or not behave correctly. tmux supports UTF-8. To use it, the utf8 option must be set on each window; this may be turned on for all windows by setting it as a global option, see tmux(1) and the FAQ file. As of 0.9, tmux attempts to autodetect a UTF-8 capable terminal by checking the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables. list-clients may be used to check if this is detected correctly; if not, the -u command-line flag may be specified. A Vim syntax file is available in the examples directory. To install it: - Drop the file in the syntax directory in your runtimepath (such as ~/.vim/syntax/tmux.vim). - Make the filetype recognisable by adding the following to filetype.vim in your runtimepath (~/.vim/filetype.vim): augroup filetypedetect au BufNewFile,BufRead .tmux.conf*,tmux.conf* setf tmux augroup END - Switch on syntax highlighting by adding "syntax enable" to your vimrc file. For debugging, running tmux with -v or -vv will generate server and client log files in the current directory. tmux mailing lists are available; visit: https://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=200378 Bug reports, feature suggestions and especially code contributions are most welcome. Please send by email to: nicm@users.sf.net This file and the CHANGES, FAQ and TODO files are licensed under the ISC license. Files under examples/ remain copyright their authors unless otherwise stated in the file but permission has been received to distribute them with tmux. All other files have a license and copyright notice at their start. Please contact me with any queries. -- Nicholas Marriott <nicm@users.sf.net> $Id: NOTES,v 1.53 2010-03-10 15:18:11 tcunha Exp $