/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tmux.h" /* * Each window is attached to a number of panes, each of which is a pty. This * file contains code to handle them. * * A pane has two buffers attached, these are filled and emptied by the main * server poll loop. Output data is received from pty's in screen format, * translated and returned as a series of escape sequences and strings via * input_parse (in input.c). Input data is received as key codes and written * directly via input_key. * * Each pane also has a "virtual" screen (screen.c) which contains the current * state and is redisplayed when the window is reattached to a client. * * Windows are stored directly on a global array and wrapped in any number of * winlink structs to be linked onto local session RB trees. A reference count * is maintained and a window removed from the global list and destroyed when * it reaches zero. */ /* Global window list. */ struct windows windows; /* Global panes tree. */ struct window_pane_tree all_window_panes; static u_int next_window_pane_id; static u_int next_window_id; static u_int next_active_point; /* List of window modes. */ const struct window_mode *all_window_modes[] = { &window_buffer_mode, &window_client_mode, &window_clock_mode, &window_copy_mode, &window_tree_mode, &window_view_mode, NULL }; struct window_pane_input_data { struct cmdq_item *item; u_int wp; }; static struct window_pane *window_pane_create(struct window *, u_int, u_int, u_int); static void window_pane_destroy(struct window_pane *); RB_GENERATE(windows, window, entry, window_cmp); RB_GENERATE(winlinks, winlink, entry, winlink_cmp); RB_GENERATE(window_pane_tree, window_pane, tree_entry, window_pane_cmp); int window_cmp(struct window *w1, struct window *w2) { return (w1->id - w2->id); } int winlink_cmp(struct winlink *wl1, struct winlink *wl2) { return (wl1->idx - wl2->idx); } int window_pane_cmp(struct window_pane *wp1, struct window_pane *wp2) { return (wp1->id - wp2->id); } struct winlink * winlink_find_by_window(struct winlinks *wwl, struct window *w) { struct winlink *wl; RB_FOREACH(wl, winlinks, wwl) { if (wl->window == w) return (wl); } return (NULL); } struct winlink * winlink_find_by_index(struct winlinks *wwl, int idx) { struct winlink wl; if (idx < 0) fatalx("bad index"); wl.idx = idx; return (RB_FIND(winlinks, wwl, &wl)); } struct winlink * winlink_find_by_window_id(struct winlinks *wwl, u_int id) { struct winlink *wl; RB_FOREACH(wl, winlinks, wwl) { if (wl->window->id == id) return (wl); } return (NULL); } static int winlink_next_index(struct winlinks *wwl, int idx) { int i; i = idx; do { if (winlink_find_by_index(wwl, i) == NULL) return (i); if (i == INT_MAX) i = 0; else i++; } while (i != idx); return (-1); } u_int winlink_count(struct winlinks *wwl) { struct winlink *wl; u_int n; n = 0; RB_FOREACH(wl, winlinks, wwl) n++; return (n); } struct winlink * winlink_add(struct winlinks *wwl, int idx) { struct winlink *wl; if (idx < 0) { if ((idx = winlink_next_index(wwl, -idx - 1)) == -1) return (NULL); } else if (winlink_find_by_index(wwl, idx) != NULL) return (NULL); wl = xcalloc(1, sizeof *wl); wl->idx = idx; RB_INSERT(winlinks, wwl, wl); return (wl); } void winlink_set_window(struct winlink *wl, struct window *w) { if (wl->window != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&wl->window->winlinks, wl, wentry); window_remove_ref(wl->window, __func__); } TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&w->winlinks, wl, wentry); wl->window = w; window_add_ref(w, __func__); } void winlink_remove(struct winlinks *wwl, struct winlink *wl) { struct window *w = wl->window; if (w != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&w->winlinks, wl, wentry); window_remove_ref(w, __func__); } RB_REMOVE(winlinks, wwl, wl); free(wl); } struct winlink * winlink_next(struct winlink *wl) { return (RB_NEXT(winlinks, wwl, wl)); } struct winlink * winlink_previous(struct winlink *wl) { return (RB_PREV(winlinks, wwl, wl)); } struct winlink * winlink_next_by_number(struct winlink *wl, struct session *s, int n) { for (; n > 0; n--) { if ((wl = RB_NEXT(winlinks, wwl, wl)) == NULL) wl = RB_MIN(winlinks, &s->windows); } return (wl); } struct winlink * winlink_previous_by_number(struct winlink *wl, struct session *s, int n) { for (; n > 0; n--) { if ((wl = RB_PREV(winlinks, wwl, wl)) == NULL) wl = RB_MAX(winlinks, &s->windows); } return (wl); } void winlink_stack_push(struct winlink_stack *stack, struct winlink *wl) { if (wl == NULL) return; winlink_stack_remove(stack, wl); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(stack, wl, sentry); } void winlink_stack_remove(struct winlink_stack *stack, struct winlink *wl) { struct winlink *wl2; if (wl == NULL) return; TAILQ_FOREACH(wl2, stack, sentry) { if (wl2 == wl) { TAILQ_REMOVE(stack, wl, sentry); return; } } } struct window * window_find_by_id_str(const char *s) { const char *errstr; u_int id; if (*s != '@') return (NULL); id = strtonum(s + 1, 0, UINT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) return (NULL); return (window_find_by_id(id)); } struct window * window_find_by_id(u_int id) { struct window w; w.id = id; return (RB_FIND(windows, &windows, &w)); } void window_update_activity(struct window *w) { gettimeofday(&w->activity_time, NULL); alerts_queue(w, WINDOW_ACTIVITY); } struct window * window_create(u_int sx, u_int sy, u_int xpixel, u_int ypixel) { struct window *w; if (xpixel == 0) xpixel = DEFAULT_XPIXEL; if (ypixel == 0) ypixel = DEFAULT_YPIXEL; w = xcalloc(1, sizeof *w); w->name = xstrdup(""); w->flags = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&w->panes); w->active = NULL; w->lastlayout = -1; w->layout_root = NULL; w->sx = sx; w->sy = sy; w->xpixel = xpixel; w->ypixel = ypixel; w->options = options_create(global_w_options); w->references = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&w->winlinks); w->id = next_window_id++; RB_INSERT(windows, &windows, w); window_update_activity(w); return (w); } static void window_destroy(struct window *w) { log_debug("window @%u destroyed (%d references)", w->id, w->references); RB_REMOVE(windows, &windows, w); if (w->layout_root != NULL) layout_free_cell(w->layout_root); if (w->saved_layout_root != NULL) layout_free_cell(w->saved_layout_root); free(w->old_layout); window_destroy_panes(w); if (event_initialized(&w->name_event)) evtimer_del(&w->name_event); if (event_initialized(&w->alerts_timer)) evtimer_del(&w->alerts_timer); if (event_initialized(&w->offset_timer)) event_del(&w->offset_timer); options_free(w->options); free(w->name); free(w); } int window_pane_destroy_ready(struct window_pane *wp) { int n; if (wp->pipe_fd != -1) { if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(wp->pipe_event->output) != 0) return (0); if (ioctl(wp->fd, FIONREAD, &n) != -1 && n > 0) return (0); } if (~wp->flags & PANE_EXITED) return (0); return (1); } void window_add_ref(struct window *w, const char *from) { w->references++; log_debug("%s: @%u %s, now %d", __func__, w->id, from, w->references); } void window_remove_ref(struct window *w, const char *from) { w->references--; log_debug("%s: @%u %s, now %d", __func__, w->id, from, w->references); if (w->references == 0) window_destroy(w); } void window_set_name(struct window *w, const char *new_name) { free(w->name); utf8_stravis(&w->name, new_name, VIS_OCTAL|VIS_CSTYLE|VIS_TAB|VIS_NL); notify_window("window-renamed", w); } void window_resize(struct window *w, u_int sx, u_int sy, int xpixel, int ypixel) { if (xpixel == 0) xpixel = DEFAULT_XPIXEL; if (ypixel == 0) ypixel = DEFAULT_YPIXEL; log_debug("%s: @%u resize %ux%u (%ux%u)", __func__, w->id, sx, sy, xpixel == -1 ? w->xpixel : (u_int)xpixel, ypixel == -1 ? w->ypixel : (u_int)ypixel); w->sx = sx; w->sy = sy; if (xpixel != -1) w->xpixel = xpixel; if (ypixel != -1) w->ypixel = ypixel; } void window_pane_send_resize(struct window_pane *wp, int yadjust) { struct window *w = wp->window; struct winsize ws; if (wp->fd == -1) return; memset(&ws, 0, sizeof ws); ws.ws_col = wp->sx; ws.ws_row = wp->sy + yadjust; ws.ws_xpixel = w->xpixel * ws.ws_col; ws.ws_ypixel = w->ypixel * ws.ws_row; if (ioctl(wp->fd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws) == -1) #ifdef __sun /* * Some versions of Solaris apparently can return an error when * resizing; don't know why this happens, can't reproduce on * other platforms and ignoring it doesn't seem to cause any * issues. */ if (errno != EINVAL && errno != ENXIO) #endif fatal("ioctl failed"); } int window_has_pane(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp) { struct window_pane *wp1; TAILQ_FOREACH(wp1, &w->panes, entry) { if (wp1 == wp) return (1); } return (0); } int window_set_active_pane(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp, int notify) { log_debug("%s: pane %%%u", __func__, wp->id); if (wp == w->active) return (0); w->last = w->active; w->active = wp; w->active->active_point = next_active_point++; w->active->flags |= PANE_CHANGED; tty_update_window_offset(w); if (notify) notify_window("window-pane-changed", w); return (1); } void window_redraw_active_switch(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp) { struct grid_cell *gc1, *gc2; int c1, c2; if (wp == w->active) return; for (;;) { /* * If the active and inactive styles or palettes are different, * need to redraw the panes. */ gc1 = &wp->cached_gc; gc2 = &wp->cached_active_gc; if (!grid_cells_look_equal(gc1, gc2)) wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; else { c1 = window_pane_get_palette(wp, gc1->fg); c2 = window_pane_get_palette(wp, gc2->fg); if (c1 != c2) wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; else { c1 = window_pane_get_palette(wp, gc1->bg); c2 = window_pane_get_palette(wp, gc2->bg); if (c1 != c2) wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } } if (wp == w->active) break; wp = w->active; } } struct window_pane * window_get_active_at(struct window *w, u_int x, u_int y) { struct window_pane *wp; TAILQ_FOREACH(wp, &w->panes, entry) { if (!window_pane_visible(wp)) continue; if (x < wp->xoff || x > wp->xoff + wp->sx) continue; if (y < wp->yoff || y > wp->yoff + wp->sy) continue; return (wp); } return (NULL); } struct window_pane * window_find_string(struct window *w, const char *s) { u_int x, y, top = 0, bottom = w->sy - 1; int status; x = w->sx / 2; y = w->sy / 2; status = options_get_number(w->options, "pane-border-status"); if (status == PANE_STATUS_TOP) top++; else if (status == PANE_STATUS_BOTTOM) bottom--; if (strcasecmp(s, "top") == 0) y = top; else if (strcasecmp(s, "bottom") == 0) y = bottom; else if (strcasecmp(s, "left") == 0) x = 0; else if (strcasecmp(s, "right") == 0) x = w->sx - 1; else if (strcasecmp(s, "top-left") == 0) { x = 0; y = top; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "top-right") == 0) { x = w->sx - 1; y = top; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "bottom-left") == 0) { x = 0; y = bottom; } else if (strcasecmp(s, "bottom-right") == 0) { x = w->sx - 1; y = bottom; } else return (NULL); return (window_get_active_at(w, x, y)); } int window_zoom(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w = wp->window; struct window_pane *wp1; if (w->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED) return (-1); if (window_count_panes(w) == 1) return (-1); if (w->active != wp) window_set_active_pane(w, wp, 1); TAILQ_FOREACH(wp1, &w->panes, entry) { wp1->saved_layout_cell = wp1->layout_cell; wp1->layout_cell = NULL; } w->saved_layout_root = w->layout_root; layout_init(w, wp); w->flags |= WINDOW_ZOOMED; notify_window("window-layout-changed", w); return (0); } int window_unzoom(struct window *w) { struct window_pane *wp; if (!(w->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED)) return (-1); w->flags &= ~WINDOW_ZOOMED; layout_free(w); w->layout_root = w->saved_layout_root; w->saved_layout_root = NULL; TAILQ_FOREACH(wp, &w->panes, entry) { wp->layout_cell = wp->saved_layout_cell; wp->saved_layout_cell = NULL; } layout_fix_panes(w); notify_window("window-layout-changed", w); return (0); } int window_push_zoom(struct window *w, int flag) { log_debug("%s: @%u %d", __func__, w->id, flag && (w->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED)); if (flag && (w->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED)) w->flags |= WINDOW_WASZOOMED; else w->flags &= ~WINDOW_WASZOOMED; return (window_unzoom(w) == 0); } int window_pop_zoom(struct window *w) { log_debug("%s: @%u %d", __func__, w->id, !!(w->flags & WINDOW_WASZOOMED)); if (w->flags & WINDOW_WASZOOMED) return (window_zoom(w->active) == 0); return (0); } struct window_pane * window_add_pane(struct window *w, struct window_pane *other, u_int hlimit, int flags) { struct window_pane *wp; if (other == NULL) other = w->active; wp = window_pane_create(w, w->sx, w->sy, hlimit); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&w->panes)) { log_debug("%s: @%u at start", __func__, w->id); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&w->panes, wp, entry); } else if (flags & SPAWN_BEFORE) { log_debug("%s: @%u before %%%u", __func__, w->id, wp->id); if (flags & SPAWN_FULLSIZE) TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&w->panes, wp, entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(other, wp, entry); } else { log_debug("%s: @%u after %%%u", __func__, w->id, wp->id); if (flags & SPAWN_FULLSIZE) TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&w->panes, wp, entry); else TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&w->panes, other, wp, entry); } return (wp); } void window_lost_pane(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp) { log_debug("%s: @%u pane %%%u", __func__, w->id, wp->id); if (wp == marked_pane.wp) server_clear_marked(); if (wp == w->active) { w->active = w->last; w->last = NULL; if (w->active == NULL) { w->active = TAILQ_PREV(wp, window_panes, entry); if (w->active == NULL) w->active = TAILQ_NEXT(wp, entry); } if (w->active != NULL) { w->active->flags |= PANE_CHANGED; notify_window("window-pane-changed", w); } } else if (wp == w->last) w->last = NULL; } void window_remove_pane(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp) { window_lost_pane(w, wp); TAILQ_REMOVE(&w->panes, wp, entry); window_pane_destroy(wp); } struct window_pane * window_pane_at_index(struct window *w, u_int idx) { struct window_pane *wp; u_int n; n = options_get_number(w->options, "pane-base-index"); TAILQ_FOREACH(wp, &w->panes, entry) { if (n == idx) return (wp); n++; } return (NULL); } struct window_pane * window_pane_next_by_number(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp, u_int n) { for (; n > 0; n--) { if ((wp = TAILQ_NEXT(wp, entry)) == NULL) wp = TAILQ_FIRST(&w->panes); } return (wp); } struct window_pane * window_pane_previous_by_number(struct window *w, struct window_pane *wp, u_int n) { for (; n > 0; n--) { if ((wp = TAILQ_PREV(wp, window_panes, entry)) == NULL) wp = TAILQ_LAST(&w->panes, window_panes); } return (wp); } int window_pane_index(struct window_pane *wp, u_int *i) { struct window_pane *wq; struct window *w = wp->window; *i = options_get_number(w->options, "pane-base-index"); TAILQ_FOREACH(wq, &w->panes, entry) { if (wp == wq) { return (0); } (*i)++; } return (-1); } u_int window_count_panes(struct window *w) { struct window_pane *wp; u_int n; n = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(wp, &w->panes, entry) n++; return (n); } void window_destroy_panes(struct window *w) { struct window_pane *wp; while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&w->panes)) { wp = TAILQ_FIRST(&w->panes); TAILQ_REMOVE(&w->panes, wp, entry); window_pane_destroy(wp); } } const char * window_printable_flags(struct winlink *wl) { struct session *s = wl->session; static char flags[32]; int pos; pos = 0; if (wl->flags & WINLINK_ACTIVITY) flags[pos++] = '#'; if (wl->flags & WINLINK_BELL) flags[pos++] = '!'; if (wl->flags & WINLINK_SILENCE) flags[pos++] = '~'; if (wl == s->curw) flags[pos++] = '*'; if (wl == TAILQ_FIRST(&s->lastw)) flags[pos++] = '-'; if (server_check_marked() && wl == marked_pane.wl) flags[pos++] = 'M'; if (wl->window->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED) flags[pos++] = 'Z'; flags[pos] = '\0'; return (flags); } struct window_pane * window_pane_find_by_id_str(const char *s) { const char *errstr; u_int id; if (*s != '%') return (NULL); id = strtonum(s + 1, 0, UINT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) return (NULL); return (window_pane_find_by_id(id)); } struct window_pane * window_pane_find_by_id(u_int id) { struct window_pane wp; wp.id = id; return (RB_FIND(window_pane_tree, &all_window_panes, &wp)); } static struct window_pane * window_pane_create(struct window *w, u_int sx, u_int sy, u_int hlimit) { struct window_pane *wp; char host[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1]; wp = xcalloc(1, sizeof *wp); wp->window = w; wp->options = options_create(w->options); wp->flags = PANE_STYLECHANGED; wp->id = next_window_pane_id++; RB_INSERT(window_pane_tree, &all_window_panes, wp); wp->argc = 0; wp->argv = NULL; wp->shell = NULL; wp->cwd = NULL; wp->fd = -1; wp->event = NULL; wp->fg = 8; wp->bg = 8; TAILQ_INIT(&wp->modes); wp->layout_cell = NULL; wp->xoff = 0; wp->yoff = 0; wp->sx = wp->osx = sx; wp->sy = wp->osx = sy; wp->pipe_fd = -1; wp->pipe_off = 0; wp->pipe_event = NULL; screen_init(&wp->base, sx, sy, hlimit); wp->screen = &wp->base; screen_init(&wp->status_screen, 1, 1, 0); if (gethostname(host, sizeof host) == 0) screen_set_title(&wp->base, host); return (wp); } static void window_pane_destroy(struct window_pane *wp) { window_pane_reset_mode_all(wp); free(wp->searchstr); if (wp->fd != -1) { #ifdef HAVE_UTEMPTER utempter_remove_record(wp->fd); #endif bufferevent_free(wp->event); close(wp->fd); } if (wp->ictx != NULL) input_free(wp->ictx); screen_free(&wp->status_screen); screen_free(&wp->base); if (wp->pipe_fd != -1) { bufferevent_free(wp->pipe_event); close(wp->pipe_fd); } if (event_initialized(&wp->resize_timer)) event_del(&wp->resize_timer); RB_REMOVE(window_pane_tree, &all_window_panes, wp); options_free(wp->options); free((void *)wp->cwd); free(wp->shell); cmd_free_argv(wp->argc, wp->argv); free(wp->palette); free(wp); } static void window_pane_read_callback(__unused struct bufferevent *bufev, void *data) { struct window_pane *wp = data; struct evbuffer *evb = wp->event->input; size_t size = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evb); char *new_data; size_t new_size; new_size = size - wp->pipe_off; if (wp->pipe_fd != -1 && new_size > 0) { new_data = EVBUFFER_DATA(evb) + wp->pipe_off; bufferevent_write(wp->pipe_event, new_data, new_size); } log_debug("%%%u has %zu bytes", wp->id, size); input_parse_pane(wp); wp->pipe_off = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evb); } static void window_pane_error_callback(__unused struct bufferevent *bufev, __unused short what, void *data) { struct window_pane *wp = data; log_debug("%%%u error", wp->id); wp->flags |= PANE_EXITED; if (window_pane_destroy_ready(wp)) server_destroy_pane(wp, 1); } void window_pane_set_event(struct window_pane *wp) { setblocking(wp->fd, 0); wp->event = bufferevent_new(wp->fd, window_pane_read_callback, NULL, window_pane_error_callback, wp); wp->ictx = input_init(wp, wp->event); bufferevent_setwatermark(wp->event, EV_READ, 0, READ_SIZE); bufferevent_enable(wp->event, EV_READ|EV_WRITE); } void window_pane_resize(struct window_pane *wp, u_int sx, u_int sy) { struct window_mode_entry *wme; if (sx == wp->sx && sy == wp->sy) return; wp->sx = sx; wp->sy = sy; log_debug("%s: %%%u resize %ux%u", __func__, wp->id, sx, sy); screen_resize(&wp->base, sx, sy, wp->base.saved_grid == NULL); wme = TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes); if (wme != NULL && wme->mode->resize != NULL) wme->mode->resize(wme, sx, sy); wp->flags |= (PANE_RESIZE|PANE_RESIZED); } void window_pane_alternate_on(struct window_pane *wp, struct grid_cell *gc, int cursor) { if (!options_get_number(wp->options, "alternate-screen")) return; screen_alternate_on(&wp->base, gc, cursor); wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } void window_pane_alternate_off(struct window_pane *wp, struct grid_cell *gc, int cursor) { if (!options_get_number(wp->options, "alternate-screen")) return; screen_alternate_off(&wp->base, gc, cursor); wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } void window_pane_set_palette(struct window_pane *wp, u_int n, int colour) { if (n > 0xff) return; if (wp->palette == NULL) wp->palette = xcalloc(0x100, sizeof *wp->palette); wp->palette[n] = colour; wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } void window_pane_unset_palette(struct window_pane *wp, u_int n) { if (n > 0xff || wp->palette == NULL) return; wp->palette[n] = 0; wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } void window_pane_reset_palette(struct window_pane *wp) { if (wp->palette == NULL) return; free(wp->palette); wp->palette = NULL; wp->flags |= PANE_REDRAW; } int window_pane_get_palette(struct window_pane *wp, int c) { int new; if (wp == NULL || wp->palette == NULL) return (-1); new = -1; if (c < 8) new = wp->palette[c]; else if (c >= 90 && c <= 97) new = wp->palette[8 + c - 90]; else if (c & COLOUR_FLAG_256) new = wp->palette[c & ~COLOUR_FLAG_256]; if (new == 0) return (-1); return (new); } int window_pane_set_mode(struct window_pane *wp, struct window_pane *swp, const struct window_mode *mode, struct cmd_find_state *fs, struct args *args) { struct window_mode_entry *wme; if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&wp->modes) && TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes)->mode == mode) return (1); TAILQ_FOREACH(wme, &wp->modes, entry) { if (wme->mode == mode) break; } if (wme != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&wp->modes, wme, entry); TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&wp->modes, wme, entry); } else { wme = xcalloc(1, sizeof *wme); wme->wp = wp; wme->swp = swp; wme->mode = mode; wme->prefix = 1; TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&wp->modes, wme, entry); wme->screen = wme->mode->init(wme, fs, args); } wp->screen = wme->screen; wp->flags |= (PANE_REDRAW|PANE_CHANGED); server_status_window(wp->window); notify_pane("pane-mode-changed", wp); return (0); } void window_pane_reset_mode(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window_mode_entry *wme, *next; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&wp->modes)) return; wme = TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes); TAILQ_REMOVE(&wp->modes, wme, entry); wme->mode->free(wme); free(wme); next = TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes); if (next == NULL) { log_debug("%s: no next mode", __func__); wp->screen = &wp->base; } else { log_debug("%s: next mode is %s", __func__, next->mode->name); wp->screen = next->screen; if (next->mode->resize != NULL) next->mode->resize(next, wp->sx, wp->sy); } wp->flags |= (PANE_REDRAW|PANE_CHANGED); server_status_window(wp->window); notify_pane("pane-mode-changed", wp); } void window_pane_reset_mode_all(struct window_pane *wp) { while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&wp->modes)) window_pane_reset_mode(wp); } int window_pane_key(struct window_pane *wp, struct client *c, struct session *s, struct winlink *wl, key_code key, struct mouse_event *m) { struct window_mode_entry *wme; struct window_pane *wp2; if (KEYC_IS_MOUSE(key) && m == NULL) return (-1); wme = TAILQ_FIRST(&wp->modes); if (wme != NULL) { if (wme->mode->key != NULL && c != NULL) wme->mode->key(wme, c, s, wl, (key & ~KEYC_XTERM), m); return (0); } if (wp->fd == -1 || wp->flags & PANE_INPUTOFF) return (0); if (input_key_pane(wp, key, m) != 0) return (-1); if (KEYC_IS_MOUSE(key)) return (0); if (options_get_number(wp->window->options, "synchronize-panes")) { TAILQ_FOREACH(wp2, &wp->window->panes, entry) { if (wp2 != wp && TAILQ_EMPTY(&wp2->modes) && wp2->fd != -1 && (~wp2->flags & PANE_INPUTOFF) && window_pane_visible(wp2)) input_key_pane(wp2, key, NULL); } } return (0); } int window_pane_visible(struct window_pane *wp) { if (~wp->window->flags & WINDOW_ZOOMED) return (1); return (wp == wp->window->active); } u_int window_pane_search(struct window_pane *wp, const char *term, int regex, int ignore) { struct screen *s = &wp->base; regex_t r; char *new = NULL, *line; u_int i; int flags = 0, found; size_t n; if (!regex) { if (ignore) flags |= FNM_CASEFOLD; xasprintf(&new, "*%s*", term); } else { if (ignore) flags |= REG_ICASE; if (regcomp(&r, term, flags|REG_EXTENDED) != 0) return (0); } for (i = 0; i < screen_size_y(s); i++) { line = grid_view_string_cells(s->grid, 0, i, screen_size_x(s)); for (n = strlen(line); n > 0; n--) { if (!isspace((u_char)line[n - 1])) break; line[n - 1] = '\0'; } log_debug("%s: %s", __func__, line); if (!regex) found = (fnmatch(new, line, flags) == 0); else found = (regexec(&r, line, 0, NULL, 0) == 0); free(line); if (found) break; } if (!regex) free(new); else regfree(&r); if (i == screen_size_y(s)) return (0); return (i + 1); } /* Get MRU pane from a list. */ static struct window_pane * window_pane_choose_best(struct window_pane **list, u_int size) { struct window_pane *next, *best; u_int i; if (size == 0) return (NULL); best = list[0]; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) { next = list[i]; if (next->active_point > best->active_point) best = next; } return (best); } /* * Find the pane directly above another. We build a list of those adjacent to * top edge and then choose the best. */ struct window_pane * window_pane_find_up(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w; struct window_pane *next, *best, **list; u_int edge, left, right, end, size; int status, found; if (wp == NULL) return (NULL); w = wp->window; status = options_get_number(w->options, "pane-border-status"); list = NULL; size = 0; edge = wp->yoff; if (status == PANE_STATUS_TOP) { if (edge == 1) edge = w->sy + 1; } else if (status == PANE_STATUS_BOTTOM) { if (edge == 0) edge = w->sy; } else { if (edge == 0) edge = w->sy + 1; } left = wp->xoff; right = wp->xoff + wp->sx; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &w->panes, entry) { if (next == wp) continue; if (next->yoff + next->sy + 1 != edge) continue; end = next->xoff + next->sx - 1; found = 0; if (next->xoff < left && end > right) found = 1; else if (next->xoff >= left && next->xoff <= right) found = 1; else if (end >= left && end <= right) found = 1; if (!found) continue; list = xreallocarray(list, size + 1, sizeof *list); list[size++] = next; } best = window_pane_choose_best(list, size); free(list); return (best); } /* Find the pane directly below another. */ struct window_pane * window_pane_find_down(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w; struct window_pane *next, *best, **list; u_int edge, left, right, end, size; int status, found; if (wp == NULL) return (NULL); w = wp->window; status = options_get_number(w->options, "pane-border-status"); list = NULL; size = 0; edge = wp->yoff + wp->sy + 1; if (status == PANE_STATUS_TOP) { if (edge >= w->sy) edge = 1; } else if (status == PANE_STATUS_BOTTOM) { if (edge >= w->sy - 1) edge = 0; } else { if (edge >= w->sy) edge = 0; } left = wp->xoff; right = wp->xoff + wp->sx; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &w->panes, entry) { if (next == wp) continue; if (next->yoff != edge) continue; end = next->xoff + next->sx - 1; found = 0; if (next->xoff < left && end > right) found = 1; else if (next->xoff >= left && next->xoff <= right) found = 1; else if (end >= left && end <= right) found = 1; if (!found) continue; list = xreallocarray(list, size + 1, sizeof *list); list[size++] = next; } best = window_pane_choose_best(list, size); free(list); return (best); } /* Find the pane directly to the left of another. */ struct window_pane * window_pane_find_left(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w; struct window_pane *next, *best, **list; u_int edge, top, bottom, end, size; int found; if (wp == NULL) return (NULL); w = wp->window; list = NULL; size = 0; edge = wp->xoff; if (edge == 0) edge = w->sx + 1; top = wp->yoff; bottom = wp->yoff + wp->sy; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &w->panes, entry) { if (next == wp) continue; if (next->xoff + next->sx + 1 != edge) continue; end = next->yoff + next->sy - 1; found = 0; if (next->yoff < top && end > bottom) found = 1; else if (next->yoff >= top && next->yoff <= bottom) found = 1; else if (end >= top && end <= bottom) found = 1; if (!found) continue; list = xreallocarray(list, size + 1, sizeof *list); list[size++] = next; } best = window_pane_choose_best(list, size); free(list); return (best); } /* Find the pane directly to the right of another. */ struct window_pane * window_pane_find_right(struct window_pane *wp) { struct window *w; struct window_pane *next, *best, **list; u_int edge, top, bottom, end, size; int found; if (wp == NULL) return (NULL); w = wp->window; list = NULL; size = 0; edge = wp->xoff + wp->sx + 1; if (edge >= w->sx) edge = 0; top = wp->yoff; bottom = wp->yoff + wp->sy; TAILQ_FOREACH(next, &w->panes, entry) { if (next == wp) continue; if (next->xoff != edge) continue; end = next->yoff + next->sy - 1; found = 0; if (next->yoff < top && end > bottom) found = 1; else if (next->yoff >= top && next->yoff <= bottom) found = 1; else if (end >= top && end <= bottom) found = 1; if (!found) continue; list = xreallocarray(list, size + 1, sizeof *list); list[size++] = next; } best = window_pane_choose_best(list, size); free(list); return (best); } /* Clear alert flags for a winlink */ void winlink_clear_flags(struct winlink *wl) { struct winlink *loop; wl->window->flags &= ~WINDOW_ALERTFLAGS; TAILQ_FOREACH(loop, &wl->window->winlinks, wentry) { if ((loop->flags & WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS) != 0) { loop->flags &= ~WINLINK_ALERTFLAGS; server_status_session(loop->session); } } } /* Shuffle window indexes up. */ int winlink_shuffle_up(struct session *s, struct winlink *wl) { int idx, last; if (wl == NULL) return (-1); idx = wl->idx + 1; /* Find the next free index. */ for (last = idx; last < INT_MAX; last++) { if (winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, last) == NULL) break; } if (last == INT_MAX) return (-1); /* Move everything from last - 1 to idx up a bit. */ for (; last > idx; last--) { wl = winlink_find_by_index(&s->windows, last - 1); server_link_window(s, wl, s, last, 0, 0, NULL); server_unlink_window(s, wl); } return (idx); } static void window_pane_input_callback(struct client *c, __unused const char *path, int error, int closed, struct evbuffer *buffer, void *data) { struct window_pane_input_data *cdata = data; struct window_pane *wp; u_char *buf = EVBUFFER_DATA(buffer); size_t len = EVBUFFER_LENGTH(buffer); wp = window_pane_find_by_id(cdata->wp); if (wp == NULL || closed || error != 0 || c->flags & CLIENT_DEAD) { if (wp == NULL) c->flags |= CLIENT_EXIT; evbuffer_drain(buffer, len); cmdq_continue(cdata->item); server_client_unref(c); free(cdata); return; } input_parse_buffer(wp, buf, len); evbuffer_drain(buffer, len); } int window_pane_start_input(struct window_pane *wp, struct cmdq_item *item, char **cause) { struct client *c = cmdq_get_client(item); struct window_pane_input_data *cdata; if (~wp->flags & PANE_EMPTY) { *cause = xstrdup("pane is not empty"); return (-1); } cdata = xmalloc(sizeof *cdata); cdata->item = item; cdata->wp = wp->id; c->references++; file_read(c, "-", window_pane_input_callback, cdata); return (0); }