/* $Id: tmux.c,v 1.221 2010-10-24 19:54:41 nicm Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tmux.h" #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(__OpenBSD__) extern char *malloc_options; #endif struct options global_options; /* server options */ struct options global_s_options; /* session options */ struct options global_w_options; /* window options */ struct environ global_environ; struct event_base *ev_base; char *cfg_file; char *shell_cmd; int debug_level; time_t start_time; char socket_path[MAXPATHLEN]; int login_shell; char *environ_path; pid_t environ_pid; u_int environ_idx; __dead void usage(void); void parseenvironment(void); char *makesocketpath(const char *); #ifndef HAVE_PROGNAME char *__progname = (char *) "tmux"; #endif __dead void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-28lquv] [-c shell-command] [-f file] [-L socket-name]\n" " [-S socket-path] [command [flags]]\n", __progname); exit(1); } void logfile(const char *name) { char *path; log_close(); if (debug_level > 0) { xasprintf(&path, "tmux-%s-%ld.log", name, (long) getpid()); log_open_file(debug_level, path); xfree(path); } } const char * getshell(void) { struct passwd *pw; const char *shell; shell = getenv("SHELL"); if (checkshell(shell)) return (shell); pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw != NULL && checkshell(pw->pw_shell)) return (pw->pw_shell); return (_PATH_BSHELL); } int checkshell(const char *shell) { if (shell == NULL || *shell == '\0' || areshell(shell)) return (0); if (access(shell, X_OK) != 0) return (0); return (1); } int areshell(const char *shell) { const char *progname, *ptr; if ((ptr = strrchr(shell, '/')) != NULL) ptr++; else ptr = shell; progname = __progname; if (*progname == '-') progname++; if (strcmp(ptr, progname) == 0) return (1); return (0); } void parseenvironment(void) { char *env, *path_pid, *pid_idx, buf[256]; size_t len; const char *errstr; long long ll; environ_pid = -1; if ((env = getenv("TMUX")) == NULL) return; if ((path_pid = strchr(env, ',')) == NULL || path_pid == env) return; if ((pid_idx = strchr(path_pid + 1, ',')) == NULL) return; if ((pid_idx == path_pid + 1 || pid_idx[1] == '\0')) return; /* path */ len = path_pid - env; environ_path = xmalloc(len + 1); memcpy(environ_path, env, len); environ_path[len] = '\0'; /* pid */ len = pid_idx - path_pid - 1; if (len > (sizeof buf) - 1) return; memcpy(buf, path_pid + 1, len); buf[len] = '\0'; ll = strtonum(buf, 0, LONG_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) return; environ_pid = ll; /* idx */ ll = strtonum(pid_idx + 1, 0, UINT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) return; environ_idx = ll; } char * makesocketpath(const char *label) { char base[MAXPATHLEN], *path; struct stat sb; u_int uid; uid = getuid(); xsnprintf(base, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/tmux-%d", _PATH_TMP, uid); if (mkdir(base, S_IRWXU) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) return (NULL); if (lstat(base, &sb) != 0) return (NULL); if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { errno = ENOTDIR; return (NULL); } if (sb.st_uid != uid || (sb.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)) != 0) { errno = EACCES; return (NULL); } xasprintf(&path, "%s/%s", base, label); return (path); } __dead void shell_exec(const char *shell, const char *shellcmd) { const char *shellname, *ptr; char *argv0; int mode; ptr = strrchr(shell, '/'); if (ptr != NULL && *(ptr + 1) != '\0') shellname = ptr + 1; else shellname = shell; if (login_shell) xasprintf(&argv0, "-%s", shellname); else xasprintf(&argv0, "%s", shellname); setenv("SHELL", shell, 1); if ((mode = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL)) != -1) fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, mode & ~O_NONBLOCK); if ((mode = fcntl(STDOUT_FILENO, F_GETFL)) != -1) fcntl(STDOUT_FILENO, F_SETFL, mode & ~O_NONBLOCK); if ((mode = fcntl(STDERR_FILENO, F_GETFL)) != -1) fcntl(STDERR_FILENO, F_SETFL, mode & ~O_NONBLOCK); closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1); execl(shell, argv0, "-c", shellcmd, (char *) NULL); fatal("execl failed"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct passwd *pw; struct options *oo, *so, *wo; struct keylist *keylist; char *s, *path, *label, *home, **var; int opt, flags, quiet = 0; #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(__OpenBSD__) malloc_options = (char *) "AFGJPX"; #endif flags = 0; label = path = NULL; login_shell = (**argv == '-'); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "28c:df:lL:qS:uUv")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case '2': flags |= IDENTIFY_256COLOURS; flags &= ~IDENTIFY_88COLOURS; break; case '8': flags |= IDENTIFY_88COLOURS; flags &= ~IDENTIFY_256COLOURS; break; case 'c': if (shell_cmd != NULL) xfree(shell_cmd); shell_cmd = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'f': if (cfg_file != NULL) xfree(cfg_file); cfg_file = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'l': login_shell = 1; break; case 'L': if (label != NULL) xfree(label); label = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'S': if (path != NULL) xfree(path); path = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'u': flags |= IDENTIFY_UTF8; break; case 'v': debug_level++; break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (shell_cmd != NULL && argc != 0) usage(); log_open_tty(debug_level); if (!(flags & IDENTIFY_UTF8)) { /* * If the user has set whichever of LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG * exist (in that order) to contain UTF-8, it is a safe * assumption that either they are using a UTF-8 terminal, or * if not they know that output from UTF-8-capable programs may * be wrong. */ if ((s = getenv("LC_ALL")) == NULL) { if ((s = getenv("LC_CTYPE")) == NULL) s = getenv("LANG"); } if (s != NULL && (strcasestr(s, "UTF-8") != NULL || strcasestr(s, "UTF8") != NULL)) flags |= IDENTIFY_UTF8; } environ_init(&global_environ); for (var = environ; *var != NULL; var++) environ_put(&global_environ, *var); options_init(&global_options, NULL); oo = &global_options; options_set_number(oo, "quiet", quiet); options_set_number(oo, "escape-time", 500); options_set_number(oo, "exit-unattached", 0); options_init(&global_s_options, NULL); so = &global_s_options; options_set_number(so, "base-index", 0); options_set_number(so, "bell-action", BELL_ANY); options_set_number(so, "buffer-limit", 9); options_set_string(so, "default-command", "%s", ""); options_set_string(so, "default-path", "%s", ""); options_set_string(so, "default-shell", "%s", getshell()); options_set_string(so, "default-terminal", "screen"); options_set_number(so, "destroy-unattached", 0); options_set_number(so, "detach-on-destroy", 1); options_set_number(so, "display-panes-active-colour", 1); options_set_number(so, "display-panes-colour", 4); options_set_number(so, "display-panes-time", 1000); options_set_number(so, "display-time", 750); options_set_number(so, "history-limit", 2000); options_set_number(so, "lock-after-time", 0); options_set_string(so, "lock-command", "lock -np"); options_set_number(so, "lock-server", 1); options_set_number(so, "message-attr", 0); options_set_number(so, "message-bg", 3); options_set_number(so, "message-fg", 0); options_set_number(so, "message-limit", 20); options_set_number(so, "mouse-select-pane", 0); options_set_number(so, "pane-active-border-bg", 8); options_set_number(so, "pane-active-border-fg", 2); options_set_number(so, "pane-border-bg", 8); options_set_number(so, "pane-border-fg", 8); options_set_number(so, "repeat-time", 500); options_set_number(so, "set-remain-on-exit", 0); options_set_number(so, "set-titles", 0); options_set_string(so, "set-titles-string", "#S:#I:#W - \"#T\""); options_set_number(so, "status", 1); options_set_number(so, "status-attr", 0); options_set_number(so, "status-bg", 2); options_set_number(so, "status-fg", 0); options_set_number(so, "status-interval", 15); options_set_number(so, "status-justify", 0); options_set_number(so, "status-keys", MODEKEY_EMACS); options_set_string(so, "status-left", "[#S]"); options_set_number(so, "status-left-attr", 0); options_set_number(so, "status-left-bg", 8); options_set_number(so, "status-left-fg", 8); options_set_number(so, "status-left-length", 10); options_set_string(so, "status-right", "\"#22T\" %%H:%%M %%d-%%b-%%y"); options_set_number(so, "status-right-attr", 0); options_set_number(so, "status-right-bg", 8); options_set_number(so, "status-right-fg", 8); options_set_number(so, "status-right-length", 40); options_set_string(so, "terminal-overrides", "*88col*:colors=88,*256col*:colors=256"); options_set_string(so, "update-environment", "DISPLAY " "WINDOWID SSH_ASKPASS SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID SSH_CONNECTION"); options_set_number(so, "visual-activity", 0); options_set_number(so, "visual-bell", 0); options_set_number(so, "visual-content", 0); keylist = xmalloc(sizeof *keylist); ARRAY_INIT(keylist); ARRAY_ADD(keylist, '\002'); options_set_data(so, "prefix", keylist, xfree); options_init(&global_w_options, NULL); wo = &global_w_options; options_set_number(wo, "aggressive-resize", 0); options_set_number(wo, "alternate-screen", 1); options_set_number(wo, "automatic-rename", 1); options_set_number(wo, "clock-mode-colour", 4); options_set_number(wo, "clock-mode-style", 1); options_set_number(wo, "force-height", 0); options_set_number(wo, "force-width", 0); options_set_number(wo, "main-pane-height", 24); options_set_number(wo, "main-pane-width", 81); options_set_number(wo, "mode-attr", 0); options_set_number(wo, "mode-bg", 3); options_set_number(wo, "mode-fg", 0); options_set_number(wo, "mode-keys", MODEKEY_EMACS); options_set_number(wo, "mode-mouse", 0); options_set_number(wo, "monitor-activity", 0); options_set_string(wo, "monitor-content", "%s", ""); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-attr", 0); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-bg", 8); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-current-attr", 0); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-current-bg", 8); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-current-fg", 8); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-fg", 8); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-alert-attr", GRID_ATTR_REVERSE); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-alert-bg", 8); options_set_number(wo, "window-status-alert-fg", 8); options_set_string(wo, "window-status-format", "#I:#W#F"); options_set_string(wo, "window-status-current-format", "#I:#W#F"); options_set_string(wo, "word-separators", " -_@"); options_set_number(wo, "xterm-keys", 0); options_set_number(wo, "remain-on-exit", 0); options_set_number(wo, "synchronize-panes", 0); if (flags & IDENTIFY_UTF8) { options_set_number(so, "status-utf8", 1); options_set_number(wo, "utf8", 1); } else { options_set_number(so, "status-utf8", 0); options_set_number(wo, "utf8", 0); } /* Locate the configuration file. */ if (cfg_file == NULL) { home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL || *home == '\0') { pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw != NULL) home = pw->pw_dir; } xasprintf(&cfg_file, "%s/%s", home, DEFAULT_CFG); if (access(cfg_file, R_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) { xfree(cfg_file); cfg_file = NULL; } } /* * Figure out the socket path. If specified on the command-line with -S * or -L, use it, otherwise try $TMUX or assume -L default. */ parseenvironment(); if (path == NULL) { /* If no -L, use the environment. */ if (label == NULL) { if (environ_path != NULL) path = xstrdup(environ_path); else label = xstrdup("default"); } /* -L or default set. */ if (label != NULL) { if ((path = makesocketpath(label)) == NULL) { log_warn("can't create socket"); exit(1); } } } if (label != NULL) xfree(label); if (realpath(path, socket_path) == NULL) strlcpy(socket_path, path, sizeof socket_path); xfree(path); #ifdef HAVE_SETPROCTITLE /* Set process title. */ setproctitle("%s (%s)", __progname, socket_path); #endif /* Pass control to the client. */ #ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_KQUEUE if (setenv("EVENT_NOKQUEUE", "1", 1) != 0) fatal("setenv failed"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_POLL if (setenv("EVENT_NOPOLL", "1", 1) != 0) fatal("setenv failed"); #endif ev_base = event_init(); #ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_KQUEUE unsetenv("EVENT_NOKQUEUE"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_POLL unsetenv("EVENT_NOPOLL"); #endif exit(client_main(argc, argv, flags)); }