Preserve search string when entering prompt again.

nicm 2017-05-30 08:13:48 +00:00
parent 64552ae304
commit bd39fcbeea
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ key_bindings_init(void)
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-k send -X copy-end-of-line",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-n send -X cursor-down",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-p send -X cursor-up",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-r command-prompt -ip'search up' 'send -X search-backward-incremental \"%%%\"'",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-s command-prompt -ip'search down' 'send -X search-forward-incremental \"%%%\"'",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-r command-prompt -ip'search up' -I'#{pane_search_string}' 'send -X search-backward-incremental \"%%%\"'",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-s command-prompt -ip'search down' -I'#{pane_search_string}' 'send -X search-forward-incremental \"%%%\"'",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-v send -X page-down",
"bind -Tcopy-mode C-w send -X copy-selection-and-cancel",
"bind -Tcopy-mode Escape send -X cancel",