#include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PAGE_SIZE #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #endif #include "shm.h" #include "debug.h" #if 0 #include #include #include /* allocates shared memory which can be accessed from the parent and its childs */ void *shm_realloc(void* old, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) { //PFUNC(); void *nu = mmap(NULL, new_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); if(old) { if(!nu) return NULL; assert(new_size >= old_size); memcpy(nu, old, old_size); munmap(old, old_size); } return nu; } #endif void stringpool_init(struct stringpool* sp) { PFUNC(); memset(sp, 0, sizeof *sp); } char* stringpool_add(struct stringpool *sp, char* s, size_t len) { //PFUNC(); if(len > sp->alloced - sp->used) { size_t newsz = sp->used + len; size_t inc = PAGE_SIZE - (newsz % PAGE_SIZE); newsz += (inc == PAGE_SIZE) ? 0 : inc; void* p = realloc(sp->start, newsz); if(p) { sp->start = p; sp->alloced = newsz; } else return 0; } char* ret = sp->start + sp->used; memcpy(ret, s, len); sp->used += len; return ret; }