/*************************************************************************** libproxychains.c - description ------------------- begin : Tue May 14 2002 copyright : netcreature (C) 2002 email : netcreature@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /* GPL */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #undef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core.h" #include "common.h" #define satosin(x) ((struct sockaddr_in *) &(x)) #define SOCKADDR(x) (satosin(x)->sin_addr.s_addr) #define SOCKADDR_2(x) (satosin(x)->sin_addr) #define SOCKPORT(x) (satosin(x)->sin_port) #define SOCKFAMILY(x) (satosin(x)->sin_family) #define MAX_CHAIN 512 close_t true_close; connect_t true_connect; gethostbyname_t true_gethostbyname; getaddrinfo_t true_getaddrinfo; freeaddrinfo_t true_freeaddrinfo; getnameinfo_t true_getnameinfo; gethostbyaddr_t true_gethostbyaddr; int tcp_read_time_out; int tcp_connect_time_out; chain_type proxychains_ct; proxy_data proxychains_pd[MAX_CHAIN]; unsigned int proxychains_proxy_count = 0; int proxychains_got_chain_data = 0; unsigned int proxychains_max_chain = 1; int proxychains_quiet_mode = 0; int proxychains_resolver = 0; localaddr_arg localnet_addr[MAX_LOCALNET]; size_t num_localnet_addr = 0; unsigned int remote_dns_subnet = 224; pthread_once_t init_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static int init_l = 0; static inline void get_chain_data(proxy_data * pd, unsigned int *proxy_count, chain_type * ct); static void* load_sym(char* symname, void* proxyfunc) { void *funcptr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, symname); if(!funcptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load symbol '%s' %s\n", symname, dlerror()); exit(1); } else { PDEBUG("loaded symbol '%s'" " real addr %p wrapped addr %p\n", symname, funcptr, proxyfunc); } if(funcptr == proxyfunc) { PDEBUG("circular reference detected, aborting!\n"); abort(); } return funcptr; } #define INIT() init_lib_wrapper(__FUNCTION__) #define SETUP_SYM(X) do { true_ ## X = load_sym( # X, X ); } while(0) #include "shm.h" #include "allocator_thread.h" #include "stringdump.h" static void do_init(void) { srand(time(NULL)); dumpstring_init(); // global string garbage can core_initialize(); at_init(); /* read the config file */ get_chain_data(proxychains_pd, &proxychains_proxy_count, &proxychains_ct); proxychains_write_log(LOG_PREFIX "DLL init\n"); SETUP_SYM(connect); SETUP_SYM(gethostbyname); SETUP_SYM(getaddrinfo); SETUP_SYM(freeaddrinfo); SETUP_SYM(gethostbyaddr); SETUP_SYM(getnameinfo); SETUP_SYM(close); init_l = 1; } #if 0 /* FIXME this is currently unused. * it is not strictly needed. * maybe let it be called by a gcc destructor, if that doesnt * have negative consequences (e.g. when a child calles exit) */ static void unload(void) { at_close(); core_unload(); } #endif static void init_lib_wrapper(const char* caller) { #ifndef DEBUG (void) caller; #endif if(!init_l) PDEBUG("%s called from %s\n", __FUNCTION__, caller); pthread_once(&init_once, do_init); } /* if we use gcc >= 3, we can instruct the dynamic loader * to call init_lib at link time. otherwise it gets loaded * lazily, which has the disadvantage that there's a potential * race condition if 2 threads call it before init_l is set * and PTHREAD support was disabled */ #if __GNUC__ > 2 __attribute__((constructor)) static void gcc_init(void) { INIT(); } #endif /* get configuration from config file */ static void get_chain_data(proxy_data * pd, unsigned int *proxy_count, chain_type * ct) { int count = 0, port_n = 0, list = 0; char buff[1024], type[1024], host[1024], user[1024]; char *env; char local_in_addr_port[32]; char local_in_addr[32], local_in_port[32], local_netmask[32]; FILE *file = NULL; if(proxychains_got_chain_data) return; //Some defaults tcp_read_time_out = 4 * 1000; tcp_connect_time_out = 10 * 1000; *ct = DYNAMIC_TYPE; env = get_config_path(getenv(PROXYCHAINS_CONF_FILE_ENV_VAR), buff, sizeof(buff)); file = fopen(env, "r"); env = getenv(PROXYCHAINS_QUIET_MODE_ENV_VAR); if(env && *env == '1') proxychains_quiet_mode = 1; while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), file)) { if(buff[0] != '\n' && buff[strspn(buff, " ")] != '#') { /* proxylist has to come last */ if(list) { if(count >= MAX_CHAIN) break; memset(&pd[count], 0, sizeof(proxy_data)); pd[count].ps = PLAY_STATE; port_n = 0; sscanf(buff, "%s %s %d %s %s", type, host, &port_n, pd[count].user, pd[count].pass); pd[count].ip.as_int = (uint32_t) inet_addr(host); pd[count].port = htons((unsigned short) port_n); if(!strcmp(type, "http")) { pd[count].pt = HTTP_TYPE; } else if(!strcmp(type, "socks4")) { pd[count].pt = SOCKS4_TYPE; } else if(!strcmp(type, "socks5")) { pd[count].pt = SOCKS5_TYPE; } else continue; if(pd[count].ip.as_int && port_n && pd[count].ip.as_int != (uint32_t) - 1) count++; } else { if(strstr(buff, "[ProxyList]")) { list = 1; } else if(strstr(buff, "random_chain")) { *ct = RANDOM_TYPE; } else if(strstr(buff, "strict_chain")) { *ct = STRICT_TYPE; } else if(strstr(buff, "dynamic_chain")) { *ct = DYNAMIC_TYPE; } else if(strstr(buff, "tcp_read_time_out")) { sscanf(buff, "%s %d", user, &tcp_read_time_out); } else if(strstr(buff, "tcp_connect_time_out")) { sscanf(buff, "%s %d", user, &tcp_connect_time_out); } else if(strstr(buff, "remote_dns_subnet")) { sscanf(buff, "%s %d", user, &remote_dns_subnet); if(remote_dns_subnet >= 256) { fprintf(stderr, "remote_dns_subnet: invalid value. requires a number between 0 and 255.\n"); exit(1); } } else if(strstr(buff, "localnet")) { if(sscanf(buff, "%s %21[^/]/%15s", user, local_in_addr_port, local_netmask) < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "localnet format error"); exit(1); } /* clean previously used buffer */ memset(local_in_port, 0, sizeof(local_in_port) / sizeof(local_in_port[0])); if(sscanf(local_in_addr_port, "%15[^:]:%5s", local_in_addr, local_in_port) < 2) { PDEBUG("added localnet: netaddr=%s, netmask=%s\n", local_in_addr, local_netmask); } else { PDEBUG("added localnet: netaddr=%s, port=%s, netmask=%s\n", local_in_addr, local_in_port, local_netmask); } if(num_localnet_addr < MAX_LOCALNET) { int error; error = inet_pton(AF_INET, local_in_addr, &localnet_addr[num_localnet_addr].in_addr); if(error <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "localnet address error\n"); exit(1); } error = inet_pton(AF_INET, local_netmask, &localnet_addr[num_localnet_addr].netmask); if(error <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "localnet netmask error\n"); exit(1); } if(local_in_port[0]) { localnet_addr[num_localnet_addr].port = (short) atoi(local_in_port); } else { localnet_addr[num_localnet_addr].port = 0; } ++num_localnet_addr; } else { fprintf(stderr, "# of localnet exceed %d.\n", MAX_LOCALNET); } } else if(strstr(buff, "chain_len")) { char *pc; int len; pc = strchr(buff, '='); len = atoi(++pc); proxychains_max_chain = (len ? len : 1); } else if(strstr(buff, "quiet_mode")) { proxychains_quiet_mode = 1; } else if(strstr(buff, "proxy_dns")) { proxychains_resolver = 1; } } } } fclose(file); *proxy_count = count; proxychains_got_chain_data = 1; } /******* HOOK FUNCTIONS *******/ int close(int fd) { /* prevent rude programs (like ssh) from closing our pipes */ if(fd != req_pipefd[0] && fd != req_pipefd[1] && fd != resp_pipefd[0] && fd != resp_pipefd[1]) { return true_close(fd); } errno = EINTR; return -1; } int connect(int sock, const struct sockaddr *addr, unsigned int len) { PFUNC(); int socktype = 0, flags = 0, ret = 0; socklen_t optlen = 0; ip_type dest_ip; #ifdef DEBUG char str[256]; #endif struct in_addr *p_addr_in; unsigned short port; size_t i; int remote_dns_connect = 0; INIT(); optlen = sizeof(socktype); getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &socktype, &optlen); if(!(SOCKFAMILY(*addr) == AF_INET && socktype == SOCK_STREAM)) return true_connect(sock, addr, len); p_addr_in = &((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_addr; port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)->sin_port); #ifdef DEBUG // PDEBUG("localnet: %s; ", inet_ntop(AF_INET,&in_addr_localnet, str, sizeof(str))); // PDEBUG("netmask: %s; " , inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in_addr_netmask, str, sizeof(str))); PDEBUG("target: %s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, p_addr_in, str, sizeof(str))); PDEBUG("port: %d\n", port); #endif // check if connect called from proxydns remote_dns_connect = (ntohl(p_addr_in->s_addr) >> 24 == remote_dns_subnet); for(i = 0; i < num_localnet_addr && !remote_dns_connect; i++) { if((localnet_addr[i].in_addr.s_addr & localnet_addr[i].netmask.s_addr) == (p_addr_in->s_addr & localnet_addr[i].netmask.s_addr)) { if(!localnet_addr[i].port || localnet_addr[i].port == port) { PDEBUG("accessing localnet using true_connect\n"); return true_connect(sock, addr, len); } } } flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0); if(flags & O_NONBLOCK) fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, !O_NONBLOCK); dest_ip.as_int = SOCKADDR(*addr); ret = connect_proxy_chain(sock, dest_ip, SOCKPORT(*addr), proxychains_pd, proxychains_proxy_count, proxychains_ct, proxychains_max_chain); fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, flags); if(ret != SUCCESS) errno = ECONNREFUSED; return ret; } static struct gethostbyname_data ghbndata; struct hostent *gethostbyname(const char *name) { INIT(); PDEBUG("gethostbyname: %s\n", name); if(proxychains_resolver) return proxy_gethostbyname(name, &ghbndata); else return true_gethostbyname(name); return NULL; } int getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res) { int ret = 0; INIT(); PDEBUG("getaddrinfo: %s %s\n", node ? node : "null", service ? service : "null"); if(proxychains_resolver) ret = proxy_getaddrinfo(node, service, hints, res); else ret = true_getaddrinfo(node, service, hints, res); return ret; } void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *res) { INIT(); PDEBUG("freeaddrinfo %p \n", res); if(!proxychains_resolver) true_freeaddrinfo(res); else proxy_freeaddrinfo(res); return; } int pc_getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen, char *host, socklen_t hostlen, char *serv, socklen_t servlen, int flags) { char ip_buf[16]; int ret = 0; INIT(); PFUNC(); if(!proxychains_resolver) { ret = true_getnameinfo(sa, salen, host, hostlen, serv, servlen, flags); } else { if(salen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) || SOCKFAMILY(*sa) != AF_INET) return EAI_FAMILY; if(hostlen) { pc_stringfromipv4((unsigned char*) &(SOCKADDR_2(*sa)), ip_buf); if(snprintf(host, hostlen, "%s", ip_buf) >= hostlen) return EAI_OVERFLOW; } if(servlen) { if(snprintf(serv, servlen, "%d", ntohs(SOCKPORT(*sa))) >= servlen) return EAI_OVERFLOW; } } return ret; } struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(const void *addr, socklen_t len, int type) { static char buf[16]; static char ipv4[4]; static char *list[2]; static char *aliases[1]; static struct hostent he; INIT(); PDEBUG("TODO: proper gethostbyaddr hook\n"); if(!proxychains_resolver) return true_gethostbyaddr(addr, len, type); else { PDEBUG("len %u\n", len); if(len != 4) return NULL; he.h_name = buf; memcpy(ipv4, addr, 4); list[0] = ipv4; list[1] = NULL; he.h_addr_list = list; he.h_addrtype = AF_INET; aliases[0] = NULL; he.h_aliases = aliases; he.h_length = 4; pc_stringfromipv4((unsigned char *) addr, buf); return &he; } return NULL; }