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declare namespace org {
namespace bukkit {
class DyeColor {
public static WHITE: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static ORANGE: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static MAGENTA: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static LIGHT_BLUE: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static YELLOW: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static LIME: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static PINK: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static GRAY: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static LIGHT_GRAY: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static CYAN: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static PURPLE: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static BLUE: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static BROWN: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static GREEN: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static RED: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static BLACK: org.bukkit.DyeColor;
public static values(): org.bukkit.DyeColor[];
public static valueOf(name: string): org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Gets the associated wool data value representing this color.
public getWoolData(): number;
* Gets the associated dye data value representing this color.
public getDyeData(): number;
* Gets the color that this dye represents.
public getColor(): org.bukkit.Color;
* Gets the firework color that this dye represents.
public getFireworkColor(): org.bukkit.Color;
* Gets the DyeColor with the given wool data value.
public static getByWoolData(data: number): org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Gets the DyeColor with the given dye data value.
public static getByDyeData(data: number): org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Gets the DyeColor with the given color value.
public static getByColor(color: org.bukkit.Color): org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Gets the DyeColor with the given firework color value.
public static getByFireworkColor(color: org.bukkit.Color): org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Gets the DyeColor for the given name, possibly doing legacy transformations.
public static legacyValueOf(name: string): org.bukkit.DyeColor;