
207 lines
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declare namespace org {
namespace spongepowered {
namespace api {
// @ts-ignore
interface GameRegistry {
* Attempts to retrieve the specific type of {@link CatalogType} based on
* the string id given.
* <p>Some types may not be available for various reasons including but not
* restricted to: mods adding custom types, plugins providing custom types,
* game version changes.</p>
// @ts-ignore
getType(typeClass: any, id: string): any;
* Gets a collection of all available found specific types of
* {@link CatalogType} requested.
* <p>The presented {@link CatalogType}s may not exist in default catalogs
* due to various reasons including but not restricted to: mods, plugins,
* game changes.</p>
// @ts-ignore
getAllOf(typeClass: any): any[] /*java.util.Collection*/;
* Gets a collection of all available found specific types of
* {@link CatalogType} requested.
// @ts-ignore
getAllFor(pluginId: string, typeClass: any): any[] /*java.util.Collection*/;
* Gets all {@link CatalogType} for Minecraft as a base mod. Note that
* some {@link CatalogType}s are not originally from the game itself, and
* may be provided by Sponge.
// @ts-ignore
getAllForMinecraft(typeClass: any): any[] /*java.util.Collection*/;
* Gets all {@link CatalogType} for Sponge as a base mod. Note that
* some {@link CatalogType}s are not originally from the game itself, and
* may be provided by Sponge.
// @ts-ignore
getAllForSponge(typeClass: any): any[] /*java.util.Collection*/;
* Registers the {@link CatalogRegistryModule} for dummy registration and
* handling.
* <p>By default, the only supported modules that can be registered are
* dependent that plugins are not attempting to register new modules for
* API-provided {@link CatalogType}s.</p>
// @ts-ignore
registerModule(catalogClass: any, registryModule: org.spongepowered.api.registry.CatalogRegistryModule): org.spongepowered.api.GameRegistry;
* Registers the desired {@link RegistryModule}.
// @ts-ignore
registerModule(module: org.spongepowered.api.registry.RegistryModule): org.spongepowered.api.GameRegistry;
* Registers a {@link Supplier} for creating the desired {@link ResettableBuilder}.
// @ts-ignore
registerBuilderSupplier(builderClass: any, supplier: any): org.spongepowered.api.GameRegistry;
* Gets a builder of the desired class type, examples may include:
* {@link org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack.Builder}, etc.
// @ts-ignore
createBuilder(builderClass: any): org.spongepowered.api.util.ResettableBuilder;
* Registers a new {@link CatalogType} instance if registration for that
* type is supported.
* <p>Note that this is intended only for registering new instances of
* already existing CatalogTypes, not for registering entirely new
* CatalogType classes.</p>
// @ts-ignore
register(type: any, obj: org.spongepowered.api.CatalogType): org.spongepowered.api.CatalogType;
* Gets a {@link Collection} of the default GameRules.
// @ts-ignore
getDefaultGameRules(): any[] /*java.util.Collection*/;
* Gets the {@link Statistic} for the given {@link StatisticType} and
* {@link EntityType}. If the statistic group is not a valid
* {@link EntityStatistic} group then {@link Optional#empty()} will be
* returned.
// @ts-ignore
getEntityStatistic(statType: org.spongepowered.api.statistic.StatisticType, entityType: org.spongepowered.api.entity.EntityType): any;
* Gets the {@link Statistic} for the given {@link StatisticType} and
* {@link ItemType}. If the statistic group is not a valid
* {@link ItemStatistic} group then {@link Optional#empty()} will be
* returned.
// @ts-ignore
getItemStatistic(statType: org.spongepowered.api.statistic.StatisticType, itemType: org.spongepowered.api.item.ItemType): any;
* Gets the {@link Statistic} for the given {@link StatisticType} and
* {@link BlockType}. If the statistic group is not a valid
* {@link BlockStatistic} group then {@link Optional#empty()} will be
* returned.
// @ts-ignore
getBlockStatistic(statType: org.spongepowered.api.statistic.StatisticType, blockType: org.spongepowered.api.block.BlockType): any;
* Gets the {@link Rotation} with the provided degrees.
// @ts-ignore
getRotationFromDegree(degrees: number): any;
* Loads a {@link Favicon} from the specified encoded string. The format of
* the input depends on the implementation.
// @ts-ignore
loadFavicon(raw: string):;
* Loads a favicon from a specified {@link Path}.
// @ts-ignore
loadFavicon(path: any):;
* Loads a favicon from a specified {@link URL}.
// @ts-ignore
loadFavicon(url: any):;
* Loads a favicon from a specified {@link InputStream}.
// @ts-ignore
loadFavicon(input: any):;
* Loads a favicon from a specified {@link BufferedImage}.
// @ts-ignore
loadFavicon(image: any):;
* Retrieves the crafting RecipeRegistry for this GameRegistry.
// @ts-ignore
getCraftingRecipeRegistry(): org.spongepowered.api.item.recipe.crafting.CraftingRecipeRegistry;
* Retrieves the smelting RecipeRegistry for this GameRegistry.
// @ts-ignore
getSmeltingRecipeRegistry(): org.spongepowered.api.item.recipe.smelting.SmeltingRecipeRegistry;
* Gets a {@link ResourcePack} that's already been created by its ID.
// @ts-ignore
getResourcePackById(id: string): any;
* Gets a {@link DisplaySlot} which displays only for teams with the
* provided color.
// @ts-ignore
getDisplaySlotForColor(color: org.spongepowered.api.text.format.TextColor): any;
* Registers a new {@link AbstractAITask} with an {@link Agent} as the
* owner. The complete id will be in the format of
* <code>{@link PluginContainer#getId()}:id</code>.
// @ts-ignore
registerAITaskType(plugin: any, id: string, name: string, aiClass: any):;
* Gets the {@link ExtentBufferFactory} for creating buffers
* to store extent data.
// @ts-ignore
* Gets the {@link ValueFactory} for creating values.
// @ts-ignore
* Gets the {@link VillagerRegistry} for the register mappings of
* {@link Career}s to {@link TradeOfferGenerator}s based on a level.
// @ts-ignore
getVillagerRegistry(): org.spongepowered.api.item.merchant.VillagerRegistry;
* Gets the internal {@link TextSerializerFactory}.
// @ts-ignore
getTextSerializerFactory(): org.spongepowered.api.text.serializer.TextSerializerFactory;
* Gets the internal {@link SelectorFactory}.
// @ts-ignore
getSelectorFactory(): org.spongepowered.api.text.selector.SelectorFactory;
* Gets a locale for the specified locale code, e.g. {@code en_US}.
// @ts-ignore
getLocale(locale: string): any;
* Gets the {@link Translation} with the provided ID.
// @ts-ignore
getTranslationById(id: string): any;