
817 lines
22 KiB

import eio from "../"
import { Socket, SocketOptions } from "./socket"
import * as parser from "../"
import { Decoder, Encoder, Packet } from "../"
import { on } from "./on"
import * as Backoff from "backo2"
import {
} from "./typed-events"
const debug = require("../debug")("")
interface EngineOptions {
* The host that we're connecting to. Set from the URI passed when connecting
host: string
* The hostname for our connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting
hostname: string
* If this is a secure connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting
secure: boolean
* The port for our connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting
port: string
* Any query parameters in our uri. Set from the URI passed when connecting
query: { [key: string]: string }
* `http.Agent` to use, defaults to `false` (NodeJS only)
agent: string | boolean
* Whether the client should try to upgrade the transport from
* long-polling to something better.
* @default true
upgrade: boolean
* Forces JSONP for polling transport.
forceJSONP: boolean
* Determines whether to use JSONP when necessary for polling. If
* disabled (by settings to false) an error will be emitted (saying
* "No transports available") if no other transports are available.
* If another transport is available for opening a connection (e.g.
* WebSocket) that transport will be used instead.
* @default true
jsonp: boolean
* Forces base 64 encoding for polling transport even when XHR2
* responseType is available and WebSocket even if the used standard
* supports binary.
forceBase64: boolean
* Enables XDomainRequest for IE8 to avoid loading bar flashing with
* click sound. default to `false` because XDomainRequest has a flaw
* of not sending cookie.
* @default false
enablesXDR: boolean
* The param name to use as our timestamp key
* @default 't'
timestampParam: string
* Whether to add the timestamp with each transport request. Note: this
* is ignored if the browser is IE or Android, in which case requests
* are always stamped
* @default false
timestampRequests: boolean
* A list of transports to try (in order). always attempts to
* connect directly with the first one, provided the feature detection test
* for it passes.
* @default ['polling','websocket']
transports: string[]
* The port the policy server listens on
* @default 843
policyPost: number
* If true and if the previous websocket connection to the server succeeded,
* the connection attempt will bypass the normal upgrade process and will
* initially try websocket. A connection attempt following a transport error
* will use the normal upgrade process. It is recommended you turn this on
* only when using SSL/TLS connections, or if you know that your network does
* not block websockets.
* @default false
rememberUpgrade: boolean
* Are we only interested in transports that support binary?
onlyBinaryUpgrades: boolean
* Timeout for xhr-polling requests in milliseconds (0) (only for polling transport)
requestTimeout: number
* Transport options for Node.js client (headers etc)
transportOptions: Object
* (SSL) Certificate, Private key and CA certificates to use for SSL.
* Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify
* certificate information.
pfx: string
* (SSL) Private key to use for SSL. Can be used in Node.js client
* environment to manually specify certificate information.
key: string
* (SSL) A string or passphrase for the private key or pfx. Can be
* used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate
* information.
passphrase: string
* (SSL) Public x509 certificate to use. Can be used in Node.js client
* environment to manually specify certificate information.
cert: string
* (SSL) An authority certificate or array of authority certificates to
* check the remote host against.. Can be used in Node.js client
* environment to manually specify certificate information.
ca: string | string[]
* (SSL) A string describing the ciphers to use or exclude. Consult the
* [cipher format list]
* ( for
* details on the format.. Can be used in Node.js client environment to
* manually specify certificate information.
ciphers: string
* (SSL) If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of
* supplied CAs. An 'error' event is emitted if verification fails.
* Verification happens at the connection level, before the HTTP request
* is sent. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify
* certificate information.
rejectUnauthorized: boolean
* Headers that will be passed for each request to the server (via xhr-polling and via websockets).
* These values then can be used during handshake or for special proxies.
extraHeaders?: { [header: string]: string }
* Whether to include credentials (cookies, authorization headers, TLS
* client certificates, etc.) with cross-origin XHR polling requests
* @default false
withCredentials: boolean
* Whether to automatically close the connection whenever the beforeunload event is received.
* @default true
closeOnBeforeunload: boolean
export interface ManagerOptions extends EngineOptions {
* Should we force a new Manager for this connection?
* @default false
forceNew: boolean
* Should we multiplex our connection (reuse existing Manager) ?
* @default true
multiplex: boolean
* The path to get our client file from, in the case of the server
* serving it
* @default '/'
path: string
* Should we allow reconnections?
* @default true
reconnection: boolean
* How many reconnection attempts should we try?
* @default Infinity
reconnectionAttempts: number
* The time delay in milliseconds between reconnection attempts
* @default 1000
reconnectionDelay: number
* The max time delay in milliseconds between reconnection attempts
* @default 5000
reconnectionDelayMax: number
* Used in the exponential backoff jitter when reconnecting
* @default 0.5
randomizationFactor: number
* The timeout in milliseconds for our connection attempt
* @default 20000
timeout: number
* Should we automatically connect?
* @default true
autoConnect: boolean
* weather we should unref the reconnect timer when it is
* create automatically
* @default false
autoUnref: boolean
* the parser to use. Defaults to an instance of the Parser that ships with
parser: any
interface ManagerReservedEvents {
open: () => void
error: (err: Error) => void
ping: () => void
packet: (packet: Packet) => void
close: (reason: string) => void
reconnect_failed: () => void
reconnect_attempt: (attempt: number) => void
reconnect_error: (err: Error) => void
reconnect: (attempt: number) => void
export class Manager<
ListenEvents extends EventsMap = DefaultEventsMap,
EmitEvents extends EventsMap = ListenEvents
> extends StrictEventEmitter<{}, {}, ManagerReservedEvents> {
* The Engine.IO client instance
* @public
public engine: any
* @private
_autoConnect: boolean
* @private
_readyState: "opening" | "open" | "closed"
* @private
_reconnecting: boolean
private readonly uri: string
public opts: Partial<ManagerOptions>
private nsps: Record<string, Socket> = {};
private subs: Array<ReturnType<typeof on>> = [];
private backoff: Backoff
private _reconnection: boolean
private _reconnectionAttempts: number
private _reconnectionDelay: number
private _randomizationFactor: number
private _reconnectionDelayMax: number
private _timeout: any
private encoder: Encoder
private decoder: Decoder
private skipReconnect: boolean
* `Manager` constructor.
* @param uri - engine instance or engine uri/opts
* @param opts - options
* @public
constructor(opts: Partial<ManagerOptions>)
constructor(uri?: string, opts?: Partial<ManagerOptions>)
uri?: string | Partial<ManagerOptions>,
opts?: Partial<ManagerOptions>
uri?: string | Partial<ManagerOptions>,
opts?: Partial<ManagerOptions>
) {
if (uri && "object" === typeof uri) {
opts = uri
uri = undefined
opts = opts || {}
opts.path = opts.path || "/"
this.opts = opts
this.reconnection(opts.reconnection !== false)
this.reconnectionAttempts(opts.reconnectionAttempts || Infinity)
this.reconnectionDelay(opts.reconnectionDelay || 1000)
this.reconnectionDelayMax(opts.reconnectionDelayMax || 5000)
this.randomizationFactor(opts.randomizationFactor ?? 0.5)
this.backoff = new Backoff({
min: this.reconnectionDelay(),
max: this.reconnectionDelayMax(),
jitter: this.randomizationFactor(),
this.timeout(null == opts.timeout ? 20000 : opts.timeout)
this._readyState = "closed"
this.uri = uri as string
const _parser = opts.parser || parser
this.encoder = new _parser.Encoder()
this.decoder = new _parser.Decoder()
this._autoConnect = opts.autoConnect !== false
if (this._autoConnect)
* Sets the `reconnection` config.
* @param {Boolean} v - true/false if it should automatically reconnect
* @return {Manager} self or value
* @public
public reconnection(v: boolean): this
public reconnection(): boolean
public reconnection(v?: boolean): this | boolean
public reconnection(v?: boolean): this | boolean {
if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnection
this._reconnection = !!v
return this
* Sets the reconnection attempts config.
* @param {Number} v - max reconnection attempts before giving up
* @return {Manager} self or value
* @public
public reconnectionAttempts(v: number): this
public reconnectionAttempts(): number
public reconnectionAttempts(v?: number): this | number
public reconnectionAttempts(v?: number): this | number {
if (v === undefined) return this._reconnectionAttempts
this._reconnectionAttempts = v
return this
* Sets the delay between reconnections.
* @param {Number} v - delay
* @return {Manager} self or value
* @public
public reconnectionDelay(v: number): this
public reconnectionDelay(): number
public reconnectionDelay(v?: number): this | number
public reconnectionDelay(v?: number): this | number {
if (v === undefined) return this._reconnectionDelay
this._reconnectionDelay = v
return this
* Sets the randomization factor
* @param v - the randomization factor
* @return self or value
* @public
public randomizationFactor(v: number): this
public randomizationFactor(): number
public randomizationFactor(v?: number): this | number
public randomizationFactor(v?: number): this | number {
if (v === undefined) return this._randomizationFactor
this._randomizationFactor = v
return this
* Sets the maximum delay between reconnections.
* @param v - delay
* @return self or value
* @public
public reconnectionDelayMax(v: number): this
public reconnectionDelayMax(): number
public reconnectionDelayMax(v?: number): this | number
public reconnectionDelayMax(v?: number): this | number {
if (v === undefined) return this._reconnectionDelayMax
this._reconnectionDelayMax = v
return this
* Sets the connection timeout. `false` to disable
* @param v - connection timeout
* @return self or value
* @public
public timeout(v: number | boolean): this
public timeout(): number | boolean
public timeout(v?: number | boolean): this | number | boolean
public timeout(v?: number | boolean): this | number | boolean {
if (!arguments.length) return this._timeout
this._timeout = v
return this
* Starts trying to reconnect if reconnection is enabled and we have not
* started reconnecting yet
* @private
private maybeReconnectOnOpen() {
// Only try to reconnect if it's the first time we're connecting
if (
!this._reconnecting &&
this._reconnection &&
this.backoff.attempts === 0
) {
// keeps reconnection from firing twice for the same reconnection loop
* Sets the current transport `socket`.
* @param {Function} fn - optional, callback
* @return self
* @public
public open(fn?: (err?: Error) => void): this {
debug("readyState %s", this._readyState)
if (~this._readyState.indexOf("open")) return this
debug("opening %s", this.uri)
// @ts-ignore
this.engine = eio(this.uri, this.opts)
const socket = this.engine
const self = this
this._readyState = "opening"
this.skipReconnect = false
// emit `open`
const openSubDestroy = on(socket, "open", function () {
fn && fn()
// emit `error`
const errorSub = on(socket, "error", (err) => {
self._readyState = "closed"
this.emitReserved("error", err)
if (fn) {
} else {
// Only do this if there is no fn to handle the error
if (false !== this._timeout) {
const timeout = this._timeout
debug("connect attempt will timeout after %d", timeout)
if (timeout === 0) {
openSubDestroy() // prevents a race condition with the 'open' event
// set timer
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
debug("connect attempt timed out after %d", timeout)
socket.emit("error", new Error("timeout"))
}, timeout)
if (this.opts.autoUnref) {
this.subs.push(function subDestroy(): void {
return this
* Alias for open()
* @return self
* @public
public connect(fn?: (err?: Error) => void): this {
* Called upon transport open.
* @private
private onopen(): void {
// clear old subs
// mark as open
this._readyState = "open"
// add new subs
const socket = this.engine
on(socket, "ping", this.onping.bind(this)),
on(socket, "data", this.ondata.bind(this)),
on(socket, "error", this.onerror.bind(this)),
on(socket, "close", this.onclose.bind(this)),
on(this.decoder, "decoded", this.ondecoded.bind(this))
* Called upon a ping.
* @private
private onping(): void {
* Called with data.
* @private
private ondata(data): void {
* Called when parser fully decodes a packet.
* @private
private ondecoded(packet): void {
this.emitReserved("packet", packet)
* Called upon socket error.
* @private
private onerror(err): void {
debug("error", err)
this.emitReserved("error", err)
* Creates a new socket for the given `nsp`.
* @return {Socket}
* @public
public socket(nsp: string, opts?: Partial<SocketOptions>): Socket {
let socket = this.nsps[nsp]
if (!socket) {
socket = new Socket(this, nsp, opts)
this.nsps[nsp] = socket
return socket
* Called upon a socket close.
* @param socket
* @private
_destroy(socket: Socket): void {
const nsps = Object.keys(this.nsps)
for (const nsp of nsps) {
const socket = this.nsps[nsp]
if ( {
debug("socket %s is still active, skipping close", nsp)
* Writes a packet.
* @param packet
* @private
_packet(packet: Partial<Packet & { query: string; options: any }>): void {
debug("writing packet %j", packet)
const encodedPackets = this.encoder.encode(packet as Packet)
for (let i = 0; i < encodedPackets.length; i++) {
this.engine.write(encodedPackets[i], packet.options)
* Clean up transport subscriptions and packet buffer.
* @private
private cleanup(): void {
this.subs.forEach((subDestroy) => subDestroy())
this.subs.length = 0
* Close the current socket.
* @private
_close(): void {
this.skipReconnect = true
this._reconnecting = false
if ("opening" === this._readyState) {
// `onclose` will not fire because
// an open event never happened
this._readyState = "closed"
if (this.engine) this.engine.close()
* Alias for close()
* @private
private disconnect(): void {
return this._close()
* Called upon engine close.
* @private
private onclose(reason: string): void {
this._readyState = "closed"
this.emitReserved("close", reason)
if (this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect) {
* Attempt a reconnection.
* @private
private reconnect(): this | void {
if (this._reconnecting || this.skipReconnect) return this
const self = this
if (this.backoff.attempts >= this._reconnectionAttempts) {
debug("reconnect failed")
this._reconnecting = false
} else {
const delay = this.backoff.duration()
debug("will wait %dms before reconnect attempt", delay)
this._reconnecting = true
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
if (self.skipReconnect) return
debug("attempting reconnect")
this.emitReserved("reconnect_attempt", self.backoff.attempts)
// check again for the case socket closed in above events
if (self.skipReconnect) return => {
if (err) {
debug("reconnect attempt error")
self._reconnecting = false
this.emitReserved("reconnect_error", err)
} else {
debug("reconnect success")
}, delay)
if (this.opts.autoUnref) {
this.subs.push(function subDestroy() {
* Called upon successful reconnect.
* @private
private onreconnect(): void {
const attempt = this.backoff.attempts
this._reconnecting = false
this.emitReserved("reconnect", attempt)