MiaoWoo aab94fe5ea feat: optimize framework
Signed-off-by: MiaoWoo <>
2020-05-12 14:22:31 +08:00

256 lines
8.3 KiB

import '@ccms/nashorn'
const URL = Java.type("");
const Files = Java.type("java.nio.file.Files");
const StandardCopyOption = Java.type("java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption");
const JavaString = Java.type("java.lang.String");
const SecureRandom = Java.type("");
const SSLContext = Java.type("");
const HttpsURLConnection = Java.type("");
const HostnameVerifier = Java.type("");
const X509TrustManager = Java.type("");
const SocketTimeoutException = Java.type('');
const Callable = Java.type('java.util.concurrent.Callable');
const Executors = Java.type('java.util.concurrent.Executors')
const UTF_8 = "UTF-8"
const TrustAnyHostnameVerifier = new HostnameVerifier({ verify: () => true });
const SSLSocketFactory = function initSSLSocketFactory() {
let sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(null, [new X509TrustManager({
getAcceptedIssuers: () => null,
checkClientTrusted: () => { },
checkServerTrusted: () => { }
})], new SecureRandom());
return sslContext.getSocketFactory();
interface Future<T> {
cancel(): boolean;
isCancelled(): boolean;
isDone(): boolean;
get(): T;
enum ReadyState {
UNSENT,//Client has been created. open() not called yet.
OPENED,//open() has been called.
HEADERS_RECEIVED,//send() has been called, and headers and status are available.
LOADING,//Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
DONE,//The operation is complete.
type RequestMethod =
| 'get' | 'GET'
| 'delete' | 'DELETE'
| 'head' | 'HEAD'
| 'options' | 'OPTIONS'
| 'post' | 'POST'
| 'put' | 'PUT'
| 'patch' | 'PATCH';
type ResponseType =
| 'arraybuffer'
| 'blob'
| 'document'
| 'json'
| 'text'
| 'stream';
type EventType =
| 'load'
| 'error'
| 'abort'
| 'progress'
| 'timeout'
| 'loadend'
| 'loadstart';
type HttpHeader = { [key: string]: string };
const executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
export class XMLHttpRequest {
private _timeout: number;
private _responseType: ResponseType = 'text';
private _withCredentials: boolean;
private _readyState: ReadyState = ReadyState.UNSENT;
private _method: RequestMethod;
private _url: string;
private _async: boolean;
private _mimeType: string;
private _requestHeaders: HttpHeader = {};
private _status: number = 0;
private _statusText: string = null;
private _response: any;
private _responseText: any;
private _responseURL: string;
private _responseHeaders: HttpHeader = {};
private _connection = null;
get timeout() {
return this._timeout;
set timeout(timeout: number) {
this._timeout = timeout
get readyState() {
return this._readyState;
set responseType(type: ResponseType) {
this._responseType = type;
get responseType() {
return this._responseType;
get status() {
return this._status;
get statusText() {
return this._statusText;
get response() {
return this._response || this.get();
get responseText() {
return this._responseText;
get responseXML() {
return this._response;
get responseURL() {
return this._responseURL;
public onload: () => void;
public onerror: (ex: Error) => void;
public onabort: () => void;
public onprogress: () => void;
public ontimeout: (ex: Error) => void;
public onloadend: () => void;
public onloadstart: () => void;
public onreadystatechange: () => void;
setRequestHeader(key: string, val: string) {
this._requestHeaders[key] = val;
getResponseHeader(key: string): string {
return this._responseHeaders[key];
getAllResponseHeaders(): any {
return this._responseHeaders;
addEventListener(event: EventType, callback: Function) {
this[`on${event.toLowerCase()}`] = callback;
overrideMimeType(mimeType: string) {
this._mimeType = mimeType;
open(method: RequestMethod, url: string, async: boolean = true, user?: string, password?: string) {
if (this._readyState !== ReadyState.UNSENT) { throw new Error(`Error Status ${this._readyState}!`) }
this._method = method;
this._url = url;
this._async = async;
this._connection = new URL(this._url).openConnection()
if (this._connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) {
send(body?: string | object): Future<string> {
for (const header in this._requestHeaders) {
this._connection.setRequestProperty(header, this._requestHeaders[header]);
if (this._readyState !== ReadyState.OPENED) { throw new Error(`Error Status ${this._readyState}!`) }
let future = executor.submit(new Callable({ call: () => this._send(body) }));
if (!this._async) { future.get() }
return future;
get() {
if (this._response === undefined) {
switch (this._responseType) {
case "json":
return this._response = JSON.parse(this._responseText);
case "text":
return this._response = this._responseText;
throw Error(`Unsupport ResponseType: ${this._responseType} !`)
return this._response;
abort() {
this.onabort && this.onabort();
private _send(body?: string | object) {
try {
this.onloadstart && this.onloadstart();
if (body) {
let bodyType =;
if (typeof body !== "string") { throw new Error(`body(${bodyType}) must be string!`) }
var out = this._connection.getOutputStream();
out.write(new JavaString(body).getBytes(UTF_8));
this._status = this._connection.getResponseCode();
this._statusText = this._connection.getResponseMessage();
if (this._status >= 0 && this._status < 300) {
this._responseText = this.readOutput(this._connection.getInputStream());
} else if (this._status >= 300 && this._status < 400) {
this._responseURL = this.getResponseHeader('Location');
} else {
this._responseText = this.readOutput(this._connection.getErrorStream());
this.onloadend && this.onloadend();
} catch (ex) {
if (ex instanceof SocketTimeoutException && this.ontimeout) {
return this.ontimeout(ex)
} else if (this.onerror) {
return this.onerror(ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
private setResponseHeaders(header: any) {
header.forEach((key: string | number, value: string | any[]) => {
this._responseHeaders[key] = value[value.length - 1]
private setReadyState(state: ReadyState) {
this._readyState = state;
this.onreadystatechange && this.onreadystatechange();
private readOutput(input: any) {
var tempFile = Files.createTempFile('xhr', '.response');
Files.copy(input, tempFile, StandardCopyOption['REPLACE_EXISTING']); tempFile.toFile().deleteOnExit();
return new JavaString(Files.readAllBytes(tempFile), 'UTF-8');